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I listened to Pastor Raul Ries
Autobiography on YouTube.
Awesome testimony.
I do recall mentioning Raul Ries a few years ago. His testimony is very powerful. He grew up a violent person involved in gangs. Later in life he ended up getting married and having children but he was an abusive husband.
His wife was a church goer and a believer and tried desperately to get him to go to church with her, but he refused. One day he came home to find his wife and child gone with a note saying that she couldn't take the abuse any longer.
He went out to search for her, but with no luck. He was devastated. He went back home and started to destroy the house and got a shotgun and was going to kill himself.
With the butt of the gun, he went to smash the tv but ended up hitting the power button, and guess what came on? Pastor Greg Laurie! So that must have been the last thing his wife was watching before she left.
Well, he sat there listening for a bit and Greg's message must have been powerful because Raul fell to his knees, wept, and called out and received Christ right there and then.
His wife came back, I'm assuming to pack, and he told her that he had received Christ. She was hesitant to believe him at first, and rightly so!
He went on to start his own ministry which has become successful and has grown over the years. His dad was a full blown non-believer, wanting nothing to do with the Lord.
For many years Raul tried to get his dad to come listen to him in his church, but his dad refused. This sort of broke Raul's heart.
Years went by, and at the end of on of his sermons, he gave an alter call. There was a long line of folks coming forward and unbeknownst to Raul, His dad was in that line.
He didn't even know his dad was there and this was the first time after many years that his dad showed up. I read all this in one of his books titled "Fury to Freedom."
Brother, if you get a chance to find this book at a Christian bookstore, or perhaps online, you won't be disappointed.
God Bless!!!
Jimbob, I am sure there will be more opportunities to reiterate the teachings of Scripture on the second coming of Jesus in the future because the teaching on the pre-trib rapture is a recurring "pet" topic of discussion on this forum. We should be all be prayerful about what we say and bring to this forum as well as our motivations. We wish to be obedient to the lead of the Holy Spirit in all of our conversations here, but that does not mean we should not bring forth strong objections to ideas that contradict what is plainly stated in Scripture.
Have a good evening. I am going to lay low tonight since it is Friday. Not sure what hubby has planned, but looking forward to the weekend with him.
Read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-11, Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13.
When a new name comes up on the screen many will think that it is a new person rather than one who has been on this board for some time, like you. It is fine with me if you change your name, and it was easy to see that Nacol1900 was you because you sort of have a signature spiel that you give with most of your posts, which uniquely identifies you.
I hope you are doing well today. Today has turned out to be a pleasant day with sunshine now and just above 50 degrees. Spring will be here very soon and then it is time for gardening again! Yeah!
Hope to talk with you soon.
God bless you.
I've listened to all three of those as well.
I think you referred me to Raul Ries concerning a great testimony I'm not mistaken.
God bless you.
Thank you for your prayers.
That's what you already stated.
Again I disagree with no further response.
God bless
I never honestly read the reply and not going to. I only read the first sentence of this post and immediately lost interest. I didn't go no further.
I was thinking it may have been something about salvation.
I m sorry I have read very little of your replies since your initial post unless it was directly to me.
Nothing recently.
After you said you don't won't to talk about salvation I decided to agree to disagree and I hope you can respect that.
God bless.
Verse 2 discusses the gates which would protect the outskirts of the city and also the Temple.
We see the east gate mentioned in Ezekiel 44:2 where Christ will return in the future. That history is intersting as to how it was shut in and kept from intrusion in the past during the Middle Ages. (see history of Saladin).
The city of God will be where Christ rules in the Millennium and then in all eternity the Heavenly Jerusalem will come down to earth at that location. (v. 3).
Verses 4 through 6 are indicative of Christ as well; as it is mentioned that a number of nations will recognize the importance of the birth of this unnamed famous person there. Verse 5 indicates further that he will "establish her" which again indicates the future reign there. Verse 6 seems to indicate God's role call; or perhaps the Book of Life or those physically dwelling in Israel in the Millennium (commentaries debate this). It is interesting that Christ is also counted as everyone else in that number.
The last verse of course could refer to literal springs or it could be figurative. Such verses as Ezekiel 47 show a literal fulfillment. We see the praise of God of music which again would be a future event so that it finally can fulfill the prophecy of being a place of prayer for all nations ( Isaiah 56:7 quoted in Mark and Matthew's gospels).
Yes, Paul said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. That is why I said that when our physical body dies, our spirit departs to go be with the Lord. That's what it means to be absent from the body. It is our spirit that will be absent.
Now, the body we now live in is a corruptible body. One day when Christ comes, He will raise our body as an incorruptible body, a perfect body incapable of sin, sickness or death. It is then that our spirit will reunite with our new glorified raised body.
1 Corinthians 15:53 says "For this corruptible must put on incorruption." Why? Because we cannot get into the kingdom of heaven with flesh and blood. This mortal, which means death, must put on immortality.
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. ( 1 Corinthians 15:54) That is from Isaiah 25:8.
I hope this answers your question?
Blessings to you in Christ Jesus!
You are correct that God is Spirit from all eternity. Yet, the names such as Mary, John, Jesus, etc. are used for body identification. Jesus the BODY was not God, because God is not a body. I realize it's difficult to reason that Jesus the body is not the Christ. Jesus that appeared as a body, was fully aware His reality was Spirit, being completely aligned and in harmony with the Mind of God. Christ Mind, not body, is Mind of God extended to His perfect creation in creation. Without some human body to relate to which took on the Christ Mind, we would have no way to relate to God. Jesus, the body who appeared had as his mind the Christ Mind He was created with. Thus, the mind of Jesus has nothing in it that does not come from God; the difference between us now is that He has nothing else - we do. And that nothing else is all beliefs that God is not only Love, but He is also the God of fear. Love and fear are opposing thoughts and ideas. They can only exist in a confused mind, bent on duality.
The bible says that there is no fear in Love and that perfect Love casts out fear. Because fear has to do with punishment. Thus, by this passage's own definition, punishment is not from Love, i.e. God. It comes from a mind that has made fear for itself, and we will believe in what we made. Perfect Love casts out fear. If fear exists, then there is not Perfect Love. But, only Perfect Love exists. If there is fear, it produces a state that does not exist.
Being born again, of course is not a physical rebirth. It pertains to the Mind of God reminding us of the Christ Mind or the Spirit as we were created by Spirit, and accepting only this as our truth. The word "again" in born again reveals we are spirit and we must be born again of that awareness of our original identity. We must AGAIN arrive to this knowledge. Jesus is higher because without Him the distance between God and man would be to great for us to encompass. You, GiGi are a holy creation.
When we die, it is said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. If we are already in heaven and dwelling with
the Lord, what is the purpose of our fleshly bodies being raptured later on. Do we need the old bodies for the new heaven and
earth. Thank you for any answer.
Didn't you say you do not care to discuss Salvation?
I believe in the pre-trib rapture but I hope He tarrys so many more can hear this msg like the one you just gave!!
God bless.
The nation of Israel From Abraham to the cross, stood in a very particular situation as the custodians of the gospel. Just like the churches and congregations during the New Testament upnuntil the beginning of the great tribulation have been the custodians of the gospel.
We are living in a time, I believe, when the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.
Thank you for the reply. I will consider what you have said to me.
Please reflect on 1 Chronicles 4:9-10.