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Psalms is the words of Christ: 2 Samuel 23:1-2
Psalms 82:6 I (Christ) have SAID, Ye are gods, the children of the most high.
Jesus himself QUOTED his OWN prophecy.
John 10:35 If HE (the spirit of prophecy) CALLED them (the children of resurrection) gods, unto whom the WORD OF GOD CAME, and the scripture CAN NOT be BROKEN.
Jesus is telling the Pharisees, they read and study the scriptures, but have no knowledge of their TRUE MEANING, very little has changed TODAY.
John 1:5 And the light shineth into darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.
You say Psalms 82:6 means gods of this world, antichrist, sons of predition
Let's see what happens to this scripture when we apply it to mean as you define it.
I (Christ) have SAID, ye are gods (antichrist, sons of perdition, Satan, gods of this world), THE CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH.
Let's apply your definition to some other scriptures.
Deuteronomy 10:7 For the Lord your God is a God of gods (sons of perdition, gods of this world, antichrist)
Joshua 22:22 The Lord God of gods (gods of this world, sons of perdition, antichrist), the Lord God of gods ...
I hope you rethink what you are saying about GOD'S WORDS.
Could it possibly be your not rightly dividing God's Word, maybe Paul was talking about something completely opposite to what Christ was Prophesying.
My rebuttal is ALSO in LOVE.
Does the church you attend preach the KINGDOM of God, or is it like most churches and preaches heaven and hell?
God Bless YOU!
Here's an article by Chuck Missler on Dispensationalism.
Without attaching the name Dispensationalism there's no doubt of its truths disclosed in the Bible.
Part 1.
It is possible that you are a dispensationalist and don't know it. If you're like me, I've been taught the essentials of dispensationalism all my life without knowing exactly what the term itself meant. Hopefully, by the end of this discussion you will have a better understanding of dispensationalism, and you may be able to determine if you are a dispensationalist.
What is a Dispensation?
The central idea of the word dispensation is that of managing or administering the affairs of a household.1 A dispensation is NOT a time period. If things stayed the same and never changed, it would never have been associated with a time period. However, since throughout time, circumstances have changed, and therefore, God's instructions have changed, so then a particular dispensation becomes associated with a particular period of time.
The number of dispensations and how they are divided up varies, but a common division is as follows:
1. The dispensation of Innocence. A dispensation that was in effect from the creation to the Fall.
2. The dispensation of Conscience. A dispensation that was in effect from the Fall until Noah.
3. The dispensation of Civil Government. A dispensation that was in effect from Noah until Abraham.
4. The dispensation of Promise or Patriarchal Rule. A dispensation that was in effect from Abraham until the giving of the Law.
5. The dispensation of the Mosaic Law. A dispensation that was in effect from the giving of the Law until the 1st Coming of Christ.
6. The dispensation of Grace. A dispensation that was in effect from the 1st Coming of Christ to the 2nd Coming of Christ.
7. The dispensation of the Millennium. A dispensation that will be in effect from the 2nd Coming of Christ until the beginning of the Eternal Order at the end of the 1,000 years.
See Part 2.
and can not be found mentioned or taught in Scripture. It is a theological system that emerged in the 1800's not 2000 years ago, so to learn more about it, one does not go to Scripture to learn of it, but to reputable sources online or in the library. I would suggest reading, like I did, from those who adhere to dispensationalism and support it using Scriptural references to check out and also those who refute it, using Scriptural references to do so. This will give it a fair hearing on one's part so that a person can not only learn one side, but have a more comprehensive view based on critical reasoning and facts.
Chris, blessings to you. I hope you have a very good vacation. I just picked my son up from the airport today returning from Singapore and Saudi Arabia trip. And he did admit to my husband that he is a Muslim. I had read more on this and it seems every site I went to speaks that a muslim woman cannot marry a non-muslim, but a muslim man can marry a non-muslim. So, perhaps that is why he 'converted' in order to marry her. So, now I know better how to pray for him. I don't think he would of told us this if we did not ask, but I had read also that only Muslims can enter the city of Mecca. So, I kind of thought that he had bent to the rules of Islam to marry Elfe. Thanks for your prayers. Please continue to pray for each of them. Good news is that her visa is finally passed the first step of processing (13 months since she returned) and has three more steps to go to be able to return here with a green card. We will be happy when she is finally here for 10 years with this card. More opportunity to build relationship and influence her for Christ.
I am not trying to beat up on you or anything, but i think we need to be intellectually honest here. I do not believe that anyone not exposed to dispensational theory would ever draw those beliefs out of serious study of the word. Darby was very deceived and even told one of his close friend concerning this new teaching he discovered
"he encouraged his friend to be discreet and publicly vague about this 'new wine tasting" (as he called his new truths), stating it would not be well to have it so clear."
Now why would he say that? Unless he knew teaching it plainly would lead to it being openly refuted and not accepted by true Christians and called heresy. This quote was from You Tube: Against Dispensationalism: Exposing the Found John Nelson Darby. By Jeff Swayze.
My point is that anyone who holds dispensational views were somehow taught them by someone else and that anyone who comes to realize this should admit that they are using presuppositions to interpret Scripture. So therefore, perhaps such a person should really do some research on this movement and its tenets to see if one should continue adhering to its teachings. And yes, one would have to research online for this or at the library, it is new
Last post.
'ye are gods". Your interpretation and Nocal's are wrongly dividing the word of truth and the belief you both ascribe to is heresy and evilly false.
Ruby, are you willing to believe what God says that He alone is god and there will be no gods created after Him? If you will not, then you are a deceiver and a false teacher.
And, as a reminder, I will wait for your answer on whether you are Earl Bowman or not.
Please know I write all of this in love, love for you, but more so, love for the truth of God in His Word an for the Love of God.
I have answered to your post using Scripture, as you asked. Please do not respond with a hyper allegorically Scripture twisting response. Just deal with the Scriptures as written without embellishing or inserting your thoughts within the Scripture to make it seem like the verse is actually saying what you are adding. That is deceptive and dangerous to those who may be led away into your error.
We see this in Revelation 12:11 which reads "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony;
Through Christ's shed blood on the cross, He purchased us, and died for our sins. We are now the overcomers because Christ overcame Satan at the cross.
That's why John says in 1 John 4:4 that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world, and that we have already overcome the spirit of antichrist.
So they overcame him, in the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony. And they loved not their lives unto death.
I think that's interesting. How far along do I love my life? Well, I'm willing to give it up right up to death. I mean, that might be a little too far.
In the book of Acts, as Paul was traveling towards Jerusalem, there were different prophecies given along the way that if Paul was going to go to Jerusalem, he was going to be persecuted and taken captive there.
And so the prophecies didn't say don't go. The prophecies just said you're going to face trouble. You're going to be imprisoned. You're going to be chained.
Because of those prophecies, the Christians tried to stop him from going. But Paul says to them "I don't count my life dear to myself. God has told me to go. If that's what awaits me, so be it!"
I think it is interesting that he says I don't count my life dear to myself. But that's the way we have a tendency to interpret some things that happen to us. That's because we love our lives too much.
Just think if someone came knocking on your door and asked are you a believer in Christ, and you said yes, and they said come on out here, you're next to be put to death. They do not love their lives unto death.
Hope this helps!
Part 2..that they are not gods at all. Acts 19:26 says also that the gods of pagans are not gods at all.
So, Ruby, just because people and idols are called gods in the Bible does not indicate that they truly are.
Isaiah 44:6, 8 and 43:10 say that YHWH alone is God, there is no other, and, that He knows no other god but Himself, neither was there any god formed before Him, nor will there be any god formed after Him. So, gods cannot be created. This is plain by these verses.
Ruby are you willing to attest to the truth of these words or not? If you say, yes there are other gods beside YHWH then you are speaking untruth against the Most High God.
Gettig back to John 10 where the Pharisees and priests accused Jesus of blasphemy because He claimed to be God by sayig He was the Son of God.
Jesus cites Psalm 82:7 as an attack against these religious leaders who, like the judges in Psalm 82:7, thought that they were gods before the people because of their position of authority. He was rebuking them His response is a retort. he was very angry at them. He was attesting to the fact that the judges spoken of in Psalm 82:7 were evil and corrupt, though the were termed as 'gods' (leaders. judges standing in for God) Can one who is evil be a god?
Jesus was pointing out the ludicrousness of the religious leaders who believed that since Psalm 82:7 calls the judges 'gods' then they must truly be gods, because the Scripture cannot be broken. They refused to submit to the whole counsel of Scriptures to admit that there truly is only one God, no others.
They did not want to admit that Jesus was the Son of God (which is an expression of Deity) but instead accused Him of blasphemy for making Himself to be God. They were blinded, as Jesus said many times, from seeing and believing the truth of Whom Jesus truly was.
I and Chris have addressed this Scripture on several occasions before using Scripture and Scriptural context to explain what Jesus was meaning when ....
I'm not sure what your belief system is but I don't believe in your religion and there are dangerous mormon-esque things being shared along with new-age things that are not from the Bible that are just untrue. I hope everyone can be in deep in humble prayer over this that we may know the truth. When people get stuck in a desired dogma then try to fill in the gaps with select scripture rather than first just reading the scripture and discerning what it means, it can lead to error. I don't even know what your last comment was regarding, but just know you dodged my previous questions so there's not much else to discuss. Being in God's family is not the same as being God himself. It's shocking what I see on here. Some are dangerously close to committing blasphemy claiming they're the same as God while also marginalizing God. Have you prayed about this and humbly asked God if directly if what you say is true or not?
It looks like the thread you addressed me on has been closed t further comment. So, I will respond with a new thread.
I am happy to bring Scriptures to this conversation. But before I do, please answer me yes or no: Are you Earl Bowman?
If you do not answer this question of mine with a yes or a no, then I will know that you are a deceiver.
As to your inquiry about Psalm 82:1-6 and Jesus' usage of this Psalm in John 10:35. The context of this verse in psalms is a reference to the judges of Israel that were appointed to make judgements for the people when they had a legal matter to bring forward to resolve.
God, in this Psalm is rebuking these judges (and any leader) because they judged sinfully. They favored those who oppressed and did wickedly and would not defend or uphold the cause of the widows, orphans, and poor, but instead made judgments against these who needed right judgements and mercy. God does not speak of them favorably in this psalm.
It does say that "ye are gods" and the meaning of this is not that they are truly gods, but those who sit in the place of the only true God when they pass their judgments. Therefore, the only True God expects them to judge with justice and righteouosness, but they did not. They judged sinfully, therefore, this iniquity proves that they are not truly gods.
The Bible speaks of gods as referring to those that pagans worship. Are these gods truly gods since Scripture calls them such?
Exodus 12:12 says that God will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. Are these gods real or idols/false gods?
Exodus 23:13 God says to not invoke the names of their (Israelites) other gods. Were these other gods truly gods or were they false gods/idols?
Joshua 24:14 God instructs Joshua to tell the Israelites to throw away the gods of their fathers. Were these gods truly gods or were they false gods/idols?
I could list many more Scriptures where God speaks of other gods, but it is clear they are not gods. Jer. 2:11 ...
Also, if you are not Alex, please say so. Refusing to address this yes or no is deceptive. If you are not Alex, then say so. Then we can know that you truly are a new poster we have just recently met.
You may consider getting massage therapy for your neck pain. Sometimes it is covered under insurance. It helped me. Also, regularly doing range of motion exercises with your neck. Applying heat and cold packs alternately. Ask your doctor if muscle relaxers might help or maybe a nerve calming medication that will block the pain signals. These have all helped me. I had several years of neck pain, but all of these thins combined helped to finally get everything calmed down. It comes back every so often, but not to the point I had before where I would cry in pain. I am sorry you are feeling s much pain.
I will certainly continue to pray for your healing, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Check back with me and update me so I can be reminded to continue to lift you up in pray, even asking for prayer repeatedly for as long as it is hurting you. This way, we will continue to be persistent in prayer for you.
Thank you for your reply. I appreciate that you have expressed your views so plainly. I do think you are sincere and open to hear ideas.
I will just leave you with these verses:
If you will, could you show me from a direct quote from Scripture that Jesus was only a Spirit when He was born of Mary. And where it says that He arose in Sprit and not a bodily resurrection?
Where does it say in Scripture that God only created that which is spiritual and that anything material or physical or of flesh is not made by God or not reality?
Point me to the Scripture that says that God can only create what He Himself is-Spirit?
Consider these Scripture truths:
Genesis 1 tells us that God created the heavens and the earth and all that dwells in both heaven and earth. It says that God saw all that He had made and said that it was very good. So the physical world is just as real as the spiritual world.
Colossians 1:15-16 says "For by Him (Jesus Christ) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones,, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him."
We do not see spiritual beings, but physical things are visible to us.
And also these:
1 John 3:2-3
"And every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God; and this is the spirit of the antichrist whereof ye have heard that it should come; even now already is it in the world."
2 John 7, 9-10
"For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deciever and an antichrist.
Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into y9our house, neither bid him God speed"
Your have the spirit of antichrist by your own words.
As for the reason for me using the word vulture instead of eagle, you are correct in saying that the KJV says eagle. Many other English translations use the word vulture which would be a better translation and make more sense. We are told that they will come and eat the flesh of the dead carcasses. Eagles kill their prey. They do not feed on dead carcasses. Vultures feed on dead flesh. Revelation 19:21 says fowls. The Textus Receptus used the word ORNEA which translates to birds. So, this does not tell us whether it is an eagle or a vulture. However, vulture would seem correct.
Now when I look at Luke 17:37 in the Greek Interlinear Bible, the word used which you properly gave is G105 (AETOI). However, the Greek Interlinear says vulture, not eagle. And the word body in the same verse (SOMA) could mean either a living body, or a dead body or corpse. So, in Luke 17:37, it would make more sense that it is talking about dead carcasses that the vulture will come and feast on.
I do agree that the church is the body of Christ, but we are not the body that these birds will be feasting on. That's why I say that this "body" that is taken is one who is taken into judgment, into that great battle that will take place when Christ comes back. And those ones who are taken will all be killed, and the vultures will come and feed on their carcasses.
And yes, I agree that the church will be at the marriage supper in heaven while the wrath of God is being poured out on the earth. And I also would agree that once the tribulation period has ended, we (the church) come back with Christ at His second coming. I guess I should try and get over my fear of riding horses!
Blessings to you!!!
Hello Jimbob,
To answer your first question, I have gone back and read through Matthew Chapter 24 beginning with Verse 1. The first thing I am looking for is who Jesus is speaking to. It tells us in Verse 1 that Jesus was in the process of leaving the temple grounds when the disciples (Peter, James, John, & Andrew) came to Him to show Him the buildings of the temple. Jesus gives them the prophecy concerning the destruction of the temple that happened in 70 AD.
In Verse 3, these same four disciples probed Jesus with three questions: When shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
Now from this point in Verse 3 on to the end of Chapter 24, Jesus gives these four disciples the answers to their three questions. I am trying to find reference to the church with what Jesus is saying, mainly in response to your question on who the ones taken are referring to, but I just cannot see this as being the church.
Jesus begins answering their three questions in Verse 4. He begins by talking about the pains of birth ( Matthew 24:4-14), and then Matthew 24:15 is the pivotal point. Jesus is talking to Jews who are familiar with their Old Testament scriptures in Daniel ( Daniel 9:27, 11:31, 12:11). And then we see the perils of tribulation ( Matthew 24:16-28). And the finally, the promise of Jesus' coming in Matthew 24:29-31.
As you probably already have figured out by now, I believe the church is gone already, so no, I do not see Matthew 24:40-41 talking about church members being taken, nor do I see those two verses referring to the rapture of the church. I believe the ones taken are taken into judgment. They are taken to fight against Christ when He returns at His second coming. My reason for believing this comes from Joel 3:1-2, and Zechariah 14:2. From what I see, it is God who gathers these people (the ones taken) into the Valley of Megiddo to face judgement.
Hi GiGi,
There is an obvious common thread in "new age" thinking: that the body is of utmost importance. This is obvious of the world in general. Yet it is unambiguous to me that the body plays a big part in orthodox Christian circles. Therefore it is obvious that new age and Christian thinking have a lot in common. I've respectfully made it clear over the months that bodies are not my reality and that spirit IS. I put No faith in the body. It is not life. You may want to consider refraining from associating me with that label without first associating it with yours and many churches' system of thought.
You are also referring to my thought system as dualistic, which I find a bit comical, because I believe I'm the only one on this site that believes opposites cannot coexist in reality, including the Mind Of God. Opposites entail the belief in TWO, i.e. dual, dualistic, duality, separated, split, opposing. I've clearly expressed that opposing, dualistic thoughts are not in the Mind of God and He does not change His Mind back and forth between opposites. His thinking is always certain, and therefore dependable. How else could we come to know Him if it wasn't? In this way God is ONE Minded. Yet your words and the words constantly splattered on this site obviously reflect a dual minded God. Again, whether or not you agree with me or not on issues, please consider using the dualism label on yourself and others before claiming it for me.
Please take this as a suggestion out my respect for you and others reading and commenting. Please know there is no anger or negative emotions in the above words. You and others have the perfect right and free will to continue to use these labels as you see fit, as I realize anything you say to me and others is out of love and concern.
God Is
Peace be with you.
pg. 1
The thread I commented on yesterday won't allow more comments due to the thread being a month old, although it doesn't appear to me to be that old. No big deal.
Hi Adam. Rest easy, my intent is not to provoke. I believe my comments and questions to be sincere and reasonable. Also, I will never deny Jesus was murdered in the form of crucifixion.
Hi Ruby Lea Read,
In answer to your first question: No, Christ is not a "BODY of Flesh and Bone." Christ is God's Holy Son as He created him, and Spirit gives birth to spirit. And we are the Christ in us. If Christ was a body, His flesh and bones wouldn't fit well in our body. The Body of Christ should not be considered as anything physical. God is Spirit, therefore, the Christ in us is spiritual. And this "in us" is not our body, including the brain because the brain is part of the physical. The Father, Son (Christ), and Holy Spirit, being One, are in our mind. The body of Jesus should not be taken as something in our mind, but instead His spirit. The flesh profiteth NOTHING.
I attest to your choice of using the word "appear" on numerous occasions. Please consider that reality is changeless; it is this that which makes it real and keeps it separate from all APPEARANCES. Reality cannot change. All appearances can change because they ARE appearances, and cannot have the changelessness reality entails. In the synoptics, Jesus APPEARED unto Mary. The appearance of the body of Jesus appeared as flesh and bones, yet His reality was spirit. Reality and appearances can only exist in a confused mind, but not in reality. The same principle applies to all opposites, i.e. light and darkness, everything and nothing. Be thankful this is true, or the Mind of God would not be Pure and Holy if opposition (opposites) existed in His Mind. God is not dual minded, which brings me to GiGi.
Hi GiGi,
to be continued
The KINGDOM of God is not a religion, it's not a place called heaven, it is a PERSON, and that person is CHRIST,
And that person is going to CAUSES all creation to COME TO TRUTH what HIS resurrection did for them.
All creation; at some point, will bow before Christ, and CONFESS his WORDS are TRUE, that everyone was made in the IMAGE of Christ BY HIS RESURRECTION.
1 Corinthians 15:28 ...and GOD will be ALL IN ALL.
When 1 Corinthians 15:28 --- has COME TO PASS ----the KINGDOM will be a FAMILY OF gods ---- whither you believe it of NOT
God will do to all creation what he did to PAUL, NO ONE can stand in the LIGHT when it is shined on them, they will fall to their knees and CONFESS: what will you have me do LORD.
Matthew 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth VIOLENCE, and the VIOLENT take it (the KINGDOM) by FORCE.
There is a time coming when the screws on the wine press will be screwed tighter and tighter, and God's WORDS WILL; WILL BE DONE on earth as it is in heaven.
God Bless YOU!
Some people are claiming all kinds of anti-Biblical things by cherry picking some verses they like, ignoring others, and then building a false religion around one verse. For example the metaphor about being children and gods. The children part is less popular, but they like the gods one, then expand and use that premise to glue other misinterpreted pieces of scripture together to make a nice fake religion that is exactly what satan wants. He wants people to be deceived and think they can be like god. That's the same way Adam and Eve were deceived in the original sin.
It's shocking what I read sometimes how people's ears are so easily tickled by the lies, and the truth just isn't as welcomed. 2 Timothy 4:3-4. These are dangerous times in the world and Christians are under attack and they don't even realize it. Some have turned from Jesus and are not longer telling the truth, but deceiving on behalf of satan. The clever trick this time is cherry picking metaphors vs what is literal- taking scripture out of context and twisting it until you get the desired outcome. Shame on anyone doing this. May the Holy Spirit convict anyone deceiving others in this way.
Ya gotta realize all this is a war raging with in us....The wheat and the Tares are sown with in us....Yes the wheat is the kingdom but the wheat is under seige to the Tares till the Tares are gathered and burned.
Its Kingdom against Kingdom....The Wheat are against the Tares....But we have to keep in mind Isaiah 3:7....I will not be healer in that day....Thats when the wheat and the Tares are at war....There is no bread in my house....The Churches have fallen away to money and materialistic things....Jesus is in Prison spiritually the Tares ...Satans seed...Thats y we must endure to the end.....Its a time of the great falling away....Its the Tares that are trying to restrain the Kingdom from coming.... Rev 12 :5.....Remember the dragon is trying to kill the woman and her Child....And the dragon is satans seed...The Tares...The marriage supper of the lamb is when our old adamic nature is consumed by his lake of fire....As our God is a consuming fire...Which is when we are baptised with his H.G. and fire thats y Jesus said he was gona bring FIRE on all the world....I come to bring fire on the EARTH....TY Jesus thats what we need....His H.G and fire baptism...
What do you believe the KINGDOM of God is, and how do you have a part in that that kingdom, and what is your part in that kingdom?