King James Bible
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fruit of knowledge of the fruit ADAM AND EVE DID EAT
Thank you.
Part 3
So allow me to ask some specific questions, if I may.
Where in the Bible do you find the instruction that we are not to go beyond the a LITERAL account to find the underlying Gospel message?
Where do you find the scriptural instruction not to look for the Gospel message in the very LITERAL ceremonial Laws that the the Nation of Israel was commanded to obey?
Where do you find the scriptural instruction not to look for the Gospel message in the very LITERAL account of the Book of Ruth or Ester or Job
Where do you find the scriptural instruction not to look for the Gospel message in the very LITERAL accounts of the raising of Lazarus from the dead and the other miracles that Jesus performed?
Where do you find the scriptural instruction not to look for the Gospel message in the very LITERAL account of 1 Kings 18?
If this is to be our Hermeneutic, we need to have a scriptural basis, don't you think?
..When Jesus said my words are spirit and life implies the carnal man cannot receive it...He can only receive the letter a killer a literal meaning which is death as Most All of Churchanity is dead.....They delight in dollars and materialistic things....Simply b/c they are carnally minded....And the spiritual things are foolishness to the carnally minded....1 st Cor.2:14....For the carnal man receives not the things of the spirit for they are foolishness....But how many Churches are teaching we must take the bible literal....They don't realize that Jesus says my words are spirit and life....Satan is now standing in the holy places when you think the bible is all literal....And Jesus says to run to the mountains when you see this great abomination of desolation standing in the holy places..But God is gonna pour out of his spirit on all flesh...amen GB.
Please pray for parents to get off their devices as well and interact with the kids. Lord give them the strength To limit device time or better yet, get rid of it.
God bless you!
Part 2
To continue a bit.
The historical-grammatical view is why some believe that the Old Testament is primarily for the Jews and the
New Testament is primarily for us today. So we should pay more attention to the New Testament than the Old. That is not taught in the Bible.
Also the Red Letter additions of the Bible are implying that the words the Jesus spoke are somehow more important, more the word of God, than the rest of the Bible. Nothing could be further from the truth.
And that God has a special salvation plan for the nation of Israel, for those of Jewish descent, than for other nationalities. That is not taught in the Bible.
The Bible alone and in its entirety is the word of God and is for us today.
What you expressed is pretty much what I expected. And I disagree with much of what you said as I'm sure you have gathered from my posts on the subject.
I do not find any declaration in scripture that supports the historical-grammatical hermeneutic. Although this is the approach that the New Testament churches have used for most of the Church Age as I understand.
This approach tries to determine what was in the mind of Paul or Luke or Isaiah or Jonah and what they were trying to express to their specific audience and culture. It unfortunately pushes to the side the fact that the Bible has ONE AUTHOR and that is God Himself. That Christ IS the WORD OF GOD. Every word and phrase in the Bible, in the original autographs, was chosen specifically by God Himself; not by the human scribe. And our goal is to discover what God Himself is teaching us; not Paul or Jeremiah or Luke. And we can and should be looking for how God used a word or a phrase in, for example, Jeremiah to understand a passage in Romans.
It also does not recognize that Christ spoke in parables and that WITHOUT A PARABLE SPOKE HE NOT. And this is not limited to those passages where He specifically declares that a passage is a parable. And that God speaks in parables to both REVEAL and HIDE truth. See the passages I have quoted previously.
So ultimately this is why God commands us to "compare scripture with scripture" to understand what God is teaching in a particular passage. And this includes both the IMMEDIATE context and the context of the ENTIRE Bible.
The Bible ALONE and it's ENTIRETY is the WORD OF GOD.
Even the Revelation 14:14-16 passage you quoted, referring to the harvest being the Church; if this is the Rapture, why then did the Church have to experience the previous judgements of God (in Revelation 6:1-17: Seal Judgements; Revelation 8:1-9:21: Trumpet Judgements). These can't be the ordinary, everyday turmoils that Earth's inhabitants face, but specific Judgements from God and then the sickle is struck for the harvesting (& of course, some are cast into the winepress of God's Wrath).
So brother, I don't want to continually rehash the earlier passages we've written about, as clearly we read these prophetical messages differently. My understanding is that the Great Tribulation of seven years (the last week seen in Daniel's prophecy), which includes God's Wrath in its various phases & intensities, will come after the Church is removed; even as promised to the Philadelphian Church in Revelation 3:10.
The anti-Christ (at least at the beginning of his reign of terror to his opponents), & the beginning of God's Judgements ( Revelation 6,8,9), assure our hearts that the Rapture of the Church can happen suddenly, without any signs to prepare for that day. The call is for our expectant joyous living & readiness now, as even the early Church was to urged to expect ( Philippians 4:5; 1 Thessalonians 5:6; Titus 2:13; James 5:8; Revelation 1:3) - not for our awakening when things begin to get very difficult in the course of the final seven years. The call was always for believers' readiness - we couldn't be in such a state if we know that much more needs to happen before the Lord's Coming/Rapture of the Church - death might overtake most of us before then.
2- pray for a new and better job for my friend saviour
3- pray for the financial growth of my family
4- pray for a better Nigeria
I heard about the turmoil concerning the elections. I pray that God will intervene and help your country to bring about just government actions and peace among the peoples.
4 altogether. What people groups came from the Three Sons: shem, Ham, and Japheth.
Why are there 7 churches to represent three children, and father being the fourth.
We are 3/7?
what are are the people groups today that represent those children such as Germans French etc.
Thanks. But I realize that not every Mom breastfeeds their babies. So, I want to make it clear that I am not judging anyone for
choices in this area. That said, I do think that "natural' (as to cooperating with the nature God gave us) is usually better that
substituting something artificial or man-made in something as important as feeding our new babies. I just think that, as I look
at the bodies of women, some things are easy to discern as to what was God's intent in shaping us the way we are. I am just
one who wish to honor the way God made me and respect the process of childbirth and baby care as using my uterus and
breasts the way God has designed. Because I thought this way, I studied up on it before I even became pregnant with my first
baby. Funny, I even was a support person for my friend who had her first baby before me by a few years. We have been friends
for over 40 years.
Yet, each couple need to choose what God is leading them to do in this area. For me, the benefits to baby and to mom in
breastfeeding are so worth having. But most of all, we need to honor God with our bodies, respecting the way He designed our
bodies to work and endeavoring to live our lives in such a way to bring him glory. For many women, it is in breastfeeding. For
others it is not because their circumstances were very different than mine. I will always speak out for the value of breastfeeding,
but I will always be respectful towards each person's decision in this situation.
But the information of how Mom's fed their babies in ancient times and in many cultures untouched by modern society is
reliable. The sending of formula to third world countries for brand new moms have contributed to malnutrition in so many
babies and mom's. It would be better to send nutritious food for women throughout their pregnancies and the years they
breastfeed as it would reduce malnutrition in such communities in a much bigger way.
I always took those Scriptures as our Lord telling us about His second (and only) coming a the end of history. when read what Paul explains in 1Cor. 15 and 2 Thess. 2 also speaking of the return of Christ at the end of history (the Day of the Lord. In reading these Scriptures from my teens and up to now, I have thought this. I was brought up in a church that did not speak much about end times. Only saying that Jesus will come again and He will judge the living and the dead; resurrect all people; bring the believers to heaven for eternity. And, yes, this is an eschatological viewpoint, but not an indepth one compared to those who have ascribed to an amillennial, preterist, premillennial, or dispensational mindset. I did not even know that these categories existed for most of my life.
So, I can say that my engagement with the Scriptures mentioned were much more uninfluenced by preconceptions of any of the eschatological viewpoints. I would have never understood any of these Scriptures referring to a secret Pre-trib, mid-trib, or post-trib rapture event separate and before the visible second coming of Jesus. But that does not mean that my view is unwaveringly true. It just means that I was approaching Scripture asking the Holy Sprit to help me understand.
It has only been recently that I have inspected the various eschatological viewpoints. I cannot say at this time that I am 100% behind any of them in all of their teachings. But at least I know that my understanding of these Scriptures were not because I was taught any particular eschatological approach.
Even so, we all should be humble and willing to consider what others have to say on this topic since it has not happened yet. I appreciate this conversation between you and Chris. It has been respectful and I sense that each of you sincerely wished to explore this topic between yourselves and present one's own viewpoint as clearly as one is able to do.
I agree with you. The Scripture that pre-trib rapture proponents us to "prove" this theory are really the revelation of the full second (and only) coming of Jesus Christ to "harvest" the saints and to bring in the time of God's wrath upon the unrighteous.
Dispensationalists look to Scripture with a pre-conceived lens of the tenets of dispensationalism. When one interprets Scripture within a particular "ideology grid" then the Scripture cited seem to prove the preconceptions. That can happen to those of us who are not dispensationalist, too.
It is very difficult to not bring preconceptions to the Scriptures. it takes a prayerful heart and mind to humbly seek God's truth.
For me, for 65 years as a Christian, I have not been exposed to the various eschatology views that Christians hold. I have not studied them until very recently due to being exposed to them on this forum. so, I cannot say that I had a set view. But from the time I was old enough and mature enough to read the Bible with understanding, I have always taken Jesus words in matt. 24 & 25 and Luke 17 as
I've searched scripture but haven't found answers to this situation