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I completely agree with what you are saying about addressing the person by name at the beginning of their post. There are many of us who always do so (you always do), and then there are some who very rarely mention the person by name who they are speaking to which causes us to try and figure it out.
I just read through this entire thread ,and as you say, it can be confusing trying to figure out who is talking to who. But to be fair, Mel8 is not the only one in this thread that never once used any person's name at the beginning of their post. If I may ask, how did you know that Mel8's characterization was referring to Adam if Mel8 didn't mention Adam by name?
Again, I agree with you that it is much easier following along in some of these threads when we address the person we are speaking to by their username. So yes, your reminder is appreciated, but maybe that reminder should be to everyone in this thread.
Why do you assume the ones teaching on this forum; and those teaching, refute the doctrine of the church, are in error, and not the church being in error.
That's a stretch:
Isaiah 6:8 And I (Christ, he is the WORD(s) that are written) heard the voice of the LORD (my Father) saying, Whom shall I (the Father) SEND? and who will go for us? Then said I (Christ), here am I, SEND ME.
Isaiah 6:9 And he (the father) said, Go (Christ), and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, BUT UNDERSTAND NOT, and see ye indeed, and PERCEIVE.
Matthew 13:13 Therefore I speak to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they UNDERSTAND.
Most in the church will tell you the WORD is not a parable, nor believe it is a parable, so why do you think their doctrines are correct, when they don't believe the WORDS OF GOD.
God sent Jesus to be the saviour of the world, and his RESURRECTION saved the world, the church doesn't believe this, you have said yourself most go to hell,:there is going to be a kingdom, back on this earth, when God raises the UNBELIEVERS (even Satan believes there is a God, he just doesn't believe the WORDS of GOD) back to their flesh, and they will bow and confess GOD'S WORDS ARE TRUTH.
You don't believe you fall into this pigeon hole, because you believe the DOCTRINES of man instead of God's words, Revelation SAYS: Satan who deceives the WHOLE WORLD; this includes his church, you don't believe the church is deceive, can you point to the time God caused you to SEE this deception. Until you AGREE with God, that you and I and everyone one else has been deceive, and ASK God to open your eyes and HIM CAUSE you to see, you will be among those spoken of in John:
John 9:41 Jesus is saying unto YOU: If you were blind you would have NO SIN: but now you say I SEE (you day, I haven't been deceived) therefore YOUR SIN REMAINETH.
This is written in LOVE:
God bless YOU!
When I reply to someone I press on the reply icon in that individual's post. Perhaps this is an incorrect procedure? Nevertheless, is it not obvious when I begin my reply "Hi Adam", that I'm primarily responding to "Adam" and of course to anyone else who has the free will to read it? As I review this thread, I don't see any of my replies addressed to "Alex". Nor did I intend to. Again, it would be helpful, as I AND GiGi have friendly suggested, to address specifically who one is primarily responding to, so that there is no confusion.
Also, please consider your recent reply to me. You said, "And yes, when someone signs their name at the bottom that has the word God in it as if they might be associating themselves with God or claim they are a deity, that seems very risky and worth mentioning." Personally I don't see this to be true. When I say "GOD IS", I have no intention of MEANING "from me, God". How absurd. By the way, in this thread alone you twice ended with "God bless' and once with "God be with you". I don't perceive this at all meaning that you are insinuating you are God or a god of some sort. But it seems as though you do. You may want to reconsider.
It is the Holy SPIRIT that perceives my heart and motives. That's all I need to be concerned with; not anyone else's. It is not MY function to judge the hearts of others. I will never find freedom in that. If I imprison the Christ in anyone, I do so to myself,and would be my own jailer. Who is Christ, except God's Son as He created Him. And what are you, except the Christ in you. Nothing else. What a release and joy it is to see ONLY the Christ in YOU; and even Hitler, Mao, and Stalin. You can appreciate the Sonship only as One, because God is One. This is the Vision of Christ.
God bless you
God be with you
A lot of things the Word of God teaches, is refuted by the church, what do you think the woman that rides the beast with the mind of a whore means.
That why one has to study and let the Spirit teach.
Ezekiel 14:9 And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have DECEIVED that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and DESTROY HIM (the carnal mind, which is deceived) from among the the midst of my people.
WE are a NEW CREATION, LIFE by the SPIRIT, Spirit (LIFE) cannot be destroyed or die, only the CARNAL MIND can; and MUST, to be DESTROYED.
God Bless YOU!
YHWH is the name expressed to Moses when he (Moses) met with God in the burning bush. ( Exodus 3) YHWH means the ever-existing one who is eternal and has life within Himself. This tells us that YHWH has always existed. This name tells us that He is God for all time and eternity. This name, YHWH, expresses a truth about God. He has revealed many other names in the Bible that express other truths about Himself, such as El Shaddai, Adonai, Elohim. You can look up "the names of God in the Bible to get a list and also what they mean.
Like Jesus, we should be in harmony with God desiring that His will be done in our lives.
Dear Heavenly Father, we pray to You in the name of Jesus and ask that You cause Cindy's biopsy comes back as normal without any cancer cells or abnormalities. We ask that you give Cindy a calm spirit and ease of mind, knowing that You know all things and are sovereign. Amen.
Cindy, I had a breast biopsy in January. It came back normal. So, I can understand your concern. Get back to us on the results, please.
I was wondering who you are addressing in your post. It is confusing. If you state in your salutation whom you are speaking to, that would be very helpful to those reading and who are involved in the thread you are posting to. Just a friendly reminder.
What you are saying about opposing ideas as one being real and the other not is very similar to Gnostic thought. Perhaps you might read about this and see if you indeed align with their ideas that spirit is real (and good) and matter/flesh is not real or good.
Gnosticism has been refuted and rejected within the church since the days of the apostles.
I wish to defend Adam from your assessment of him. He is passionate about the truth, that is not an aggressive trait. He is willing to defend the truth firmly, that is what Paul did in his letters and conversations with others. Adam is discerning about error. That is a good thing. He is courageous enough to speak plainly to the error he reads on this forum. That is an admirable trait.
There are many on this forum that believe we should all just get along. But that is only if we are in harmony with the word of God. I understand that some may be disturbed and offended by those of us who speak in an outright manner. But please remember tat there are those of us who are disturbed and offended by the promulgation of error and the dishonoring of God in these errors just as much as those who are upset by forthright refutation of error.
Mel8, it is good to be kind and loving to brothers and sisters in Christ on this forum. But that does not mean that refuting error is unkind or unloving to others here. Adam consistently represents Bible teachings in a truthful way. We all can learn much from him. This is a forum for discussion of Scriptural topics. One cannot expect that everyone will simply be milk-toast and tolerant of views that contradict Scriptural truth in order to be non-offensive. I hope you can understand this point of view as I do understand yours.
And yes, when someone signs their name at the bottom that has the word God in it as if they might be associating themselves with God or claim they are a deity, that seems very risky and worth mentioning. God knows your heart and motives. Have a nice day.
The creation in the first chapters of Genesis is both an act at that time and a prophecy of a second creation at Christ resurrection.
God MADE man from dust, breathed life into him and man became a living BODY, with a carnal mind.
Romans 8:20 For the creature was MADE subject to vanity, NOT WILLINGLY .....
When Christ was RESURRECTED, we became a NEW CREATION.
In Adam the LIFE was in the BLOOD, that life can DIE by the spilling of the BLOOD.
In Christ; LIFE is in the SPIRIT, it's IMMORTAL, spirit can't die.
Psalms 104:30 Thou sendest forth thy SPIRIT, they are CREATED: and thou renewest the face of the earth.
Christ is also called ADAM.
1 Corinthians 15:45 ...The first man Adam was made a living BODY; the last (man) Adam was made a quicking SPIRIT.
Genesis 5:2 Male and Female CREATED he them; and blessed them, and callled THEIR NAME ADAM (Christ), in the day they were CREATED (I am the resurrection; THE NEW CREATION, the exactness of Christ).
We are BAPTISED in HIS NAME, the new creation.
Jeremiah 7:11 In MY HOUSE, which is called by MY NAME ....
Hebrews 3: Christ as a son over HIS OWN HOUSE, whose HOUSE WE ARE ....
Ephesians .....ONE BODY ......ONE SPIRIT ......
Ephesians 4:4 ..... ONE GOD .... Father of ALL ....above ALL .....through ALL ....and IN YOU ALL .....
God Bless YOU!
Is it not obvious I did choose to address your response to me? My post began with "Hi Adam." I always begin my replies by addressing the name of the person I'm intending the response towards. It appears you said, "Hello, I see you (me, I think) chose not to respond to my post to you," Only an hour after your response to me! I do have other obligations other than responding and commenting on this site. I'm sure you understand.
Additionally, I have no idea what you are saying about calling myself "one name" and then signing off having the name of "God" in it. If someone ends their post with "blessings" or "peace", etc., do you take it as "that" being their name? I'm baffled. Does ending my posts with "GOD IS" offend you? I prefer to think it doesn't, but I'm not sure. Just to be sure you don't think I use a different call name other than "One eighty", I promise in the presence of the Holy Spirit, I don't. I won't, unless I inform others I have changed the name.
Respectfully, I would ask others on this site that we would always address others by their call name when REPLYING so as not to cause confusion as to whom they are specifically speaking to. For example, I'm not sure who Mel8 was specifically addressing her comments/replies on this particular thread.
You said,"I (meaning you) didn't follow much of what you (I) wrote." and, "You (I) said let's return to your post, but you responded to someone else." Adam, I clearly addressed it to you, "Adam". I'm sorry you didn't follow it, yet I agreed with your assessment of opposites with gladness.
If some of my points SEEMED inaccurate to you or lacked clarity in my intent or point, perhaps it's because you're in denial of the obviousness in what I stated. I'll try again: God is Life. This is true. Thus, it is false He is death. Death MUST result from "satan", who is false. Both cannot be an effect of both sources. Nether SOURCE can have ANYTHING in common. Can I be clearer?
Remember Rev 21 Every sinner will have to go thru the lake of fire...Thats everybody....None righteous no not one....But that lake of fire is his wrath but also his love....Whom the LORD loveth he Chastens....Which is his baptism of the H.G. AND FIRE JUDGEMENT....Even in the natural we chastise our kids b/c we love them....If ye be without chastisment then are ye bastards and not sons....We cannot do away with his wrath simply b/c its his love...Thats y he wants to pour out of his spirit on ALL FLESH...Its his judgement but also his love.
Isaiah 12 :1...Thou was angry with me ( his wrath ) but now i am comforted....H.G. BAPTISM OF FIRE...Which is that lake of fire his baptism of the H.G etc....His wrath is his love....As our God is a consuming fire...He is that lake of fire...Thats y REV. 20:15 is saying if any man was not found written in the book of life....That book that he wrote with his own blood at calvary....He was cast into the lake of fire ...I love it...As our God is a consuming fire....ty Jesus...Thats y Jesus was saying i come to bring fire on the earth...The lake of fire is God...The 2 nd death....John said when i saw him i fell at his feet as dead
Thats y he said every sinner will have their part in the lake of fire...Its simply his wrath that results in the baptism in the lake and fire Which is his love for humanity....Whom the lord loveth he chastens.... Hebrews 12 :6
It wd make God a hypocrite if he applied the curse and the stain of adam to everyman no exceptions, mind you....But not apply the blood and blessing of that 2 nd adam Christ Jesus to everyman...No exceptions....Thats y he wants to pour out of his spirit on ALL FLESH...Which is indicative of all... everybody....Thats y Jesus is saying if i be lifted i will draw all men unto me...N.C. IS ALL INCLUSIVE.
and God Bless all involved
I can give you an answer to one. His likeness is the person we will come to and become as we walk with Jesus Christ. His parable is like Sanctification. We therefore have a body in (God's image) Jesus Christ as a model on earth on holiness, Because He was pure from the beginning.
And we live in the realm of the Holy Spirit where nothing should be secret or hidden. Everything is obvious for all those who see it. Some people never see it, unfortunately. And those who do not accept Him will see it in the end, but the question then is: Did they accept it and it was too late. We have a dark world and a Light world. We must choose sides in the living. After that, it's too late.
We must leave this entirely to God the Father Himself and His counsel. We cannot and must not judge anyone in this life. Let the Lord's will be done on Earth, Amen.
Romans 10 chapter. Take care, and stay strong in Gods word.
Thinking these thoughts that sometimes come because we live in the last times.
Dear God, Father in Heaven, You who know about all things small and great. You who do not change. Earlier in the same chapter 10, we can read about Paul's concern that Israel cannot yet see Jesus. . Some can now Amen Hallelujah we got to experience Him. We thank You God for all that You have given us, also the important one the Holy Spirit who has deposited in our hearts. Amen! We pray that we may still be living Christians, so that those outside may be converted from darkness to light. May Your Light shine in us Lord Jesus Christ in Your name we pray, Amen. By the will of God the Father, Amen
Stay strong in the word of God, remember me in your pray, love u in Christ.
Again It is Written also that JESUS was made in the Perfect Likeness of GOD THE FATHER EL not the lowercase elohim from Genesis 1 could this mean that cain was lucifers son annd the comingling was eve with lucifer=The tree of good and evil? could the names of the 1st 2 children being Twins from different fathers givve us a clue of what this world is? cain and abel cainabel cannibalistic system of the flesh Lucifer was told that he his seed would eat of the dust- we are made from the dust of the Earth anagram of Heart where the TRUTH DWELLS Genesis 1 and the spirit of Darkness hovered over the waters(translation=semen urine water) of the deep the womans birth canal has a ring of fire the matrix and the waters so in these end days the earth seems to be in birthing pains the ring of fire is active the matrix is being exposed this is not our REALM the reasons for these Questions and Points made are for further knowledge about the calling up harpazo happening in revelation 18 The white or the PALE GREEN HORSE Has been released and has gone out to conquer and conquering with a bow not a bow from a bow and arrow set but a bow of fabric to tie the DNA together while the person isnt SAVED giving Lucifer ownership of that person. The patents say anybody with mRNA in them is owned by the patent holder pfizer whivh is 500 dont know the name of the street-5000 in strongs is the number of the ANTICHRIST in luke 10:18 english JESUS/YESHUA says behold i saw satan fall like BARAQ from the=O Heavens=BAMAHS did YESHUA tell us satans name back then? Looking forward to any thoughts on this.