King James Bible
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Most think it implies one being condemned to hell.
Matthew 7:13 Enter ye in at the straight gate ....
Most all agree we are commanded to ENTER by the way of Christ, the straight GATE being Christ.
Mathew 7:13 .....for wide is the gate .....
This wide gate would also be Christ.
Matthew 7:13 .....and broad is THE WAY ....
John 14:6 ....I am THE WAY ....
Is not this all referring to Christ.
Matthew 7:13 Enter ye in at the straight gate, for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to DESTRUCTION, and many there be which go in thereat.
Is this not saying that WE (the deceived, Revelation 12:9) MUST enter the gate and have our carnal mind DESTROYED.
Matthew 7:14 (we have to be destroyed) Because narrow is the gate, and narrow is the way, that leadeth unto (immortal) LIFE, and FEW be that find it (because they never have their carnal minds DESTROYED)
Do lies and deception not have to be destroyed to find LIFE?
The wages of sin (lies and deception) is death.
1 John 3:8 ...for this purpose was the Son of God manifest, that he might DESTROY the WORK'S (lies and deception) of the devil.
God Bless YOU!
I suppose your referring to:
Revelation 16:12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates, and the water thereof was dried up, that THE WAY of the of the kings of the east might be prepared.
Revelation is very, very symbolic, so we have to try to understand what the symbols represent, in their relation to the kingdom of God, YOU becoming the image of Christ, ONE with the WORD.
Angels are messengers send by the spirit of God, so this angel is pouring out God's message on the Euphrates.
The Euphrates (symbolic) is a river, a river is water, and another scripture in Revelation says:
Revelation 17:15 ....the waters which thou sawest, where the whore sits, are peoples and multitudes, and nations and tongues ......ALL mankind, unfaithful to there creator ..... from lack of KNOWLEDGE ......
All God's words are for each person in this sea of humanity, so when God's message (the spirit of truth and life) is poured out on YOU, YOU began to come to TRUTH and become a faithful wife, TRUTH in you, instead a wife of another, LIES and DECEPTION in you.
THE WAY (Christ is truth, life, and the way) of the KINGS (Christ is King of Kings) is prepared ....and when Christ has FINISHED HIS WORK IN YOU, there will be:
Revelation 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth (a faithful wife; baptised in truth and life) ...and there was no more sea ....peoples, nations, tongues: WHORES; Christ WORDS have OVERCOME lies and deception.
God Bless YOU!
And remember legion who had all the devils...But Jesus saved him anyway....Then he wanted to be desciple...ok gbu
thanks heavenly father in Christ Jesus Amen.
Thanks so much
Colleen Leuschner
"Apply not The Word of God like the salve of salvation, but the Armor of Righteousness.
For salve's treat wound's and Armor prevents them."
I've seen too many "believers" treat their belief like a religious first aid kit, applying it only as needed for their life's issues. If they only knew how to dawn their armor.
Regarding Psalm 84, I think there is no question that this is talking about Salvation itself. We must remember that Christ spoke in parables and without a parable spoke He not. And since Christ is the very Word of God we can expect these parables to exist in every part of the Bible teaching some aspect of the Gospel. That is certainly the case in Psalm 84. Every verse is dripping with with a salvation message and the blessedness of being in the eternal kingdom of God made up of all True Believers and Christ Himself.
Remembering once again the rebellion in Numbers 16; there is a pretty clear indication in verse 10 of the event as it is stated that being a doorkeeper in God's house than to "dwell in the tents of wickedness." This should help us keep in mind situations such as that of Sodom and Gomorrah as well where Lot escaped "as through the flames" ( Gen. 11:27; 1 Cor. 3:15).
We are given future promises as well. Men will come to worship every year in Jerusalem ( Zech. 14:16) or else face punishment. (verses 5-8). We even see provision for birds who will apparently nest there (verse 3) Verse 6 shows how there will be ample water in the area at that time as well. The verse of the anointed in verse 9 surely refers to Christ; although David will once again rule as well as ourselves as "kings and priests" ( Hosea 3:5; Rev. 5:10).
Verse 12 shows a very important principle of trust and blessedness associated with it. If we desire a blessing we must live according to His righteousness and be obedient in service out of love ( John 14:15).
I am a brand new Christian. I grew up in a house of faith but spent a lot of my life distanced from the lord. As an adult I can now see the forest for the trees in life and I've realized the importance of having Jesus and our Lord in my life permanently.
Please forgive me if my question seems ignorant, I am honestly just searching for answers here.
What I would like to know, is why are there books that have been removed from the Bible? Why did someone else get to decide what parts of the holy book that I get to read? Wouldn't tampering with the lord word be blasphemy?
As far as I can tell, the 1611 KJ version is the Bible with the least amount of editing that I can purchase. Is there another version I haven't heard of?
Thank you in advance and God Bless!
I need a Powerful prayer ARMYs of God to Stood up in GAP for me ,to Break the STRONGHOLD of Lack of Money.To COMBAT the ROOTS of POVERTY in my Career & Livelihood. To Attract Favor with the SWORD of The SPIRIT with the Word of God { Psalms 118:25 Save now, I beseech thee, O LORD: O LORD, I beseech thee, send now prosperity.}
In the Mighty Name of LoRd JeSuS cHrIsT.
Thanks for your help and prayers.
...And this is the reason that Jeremiah saw ALL men in travail and birth pains Jeremiah 30:6...Everybody is gonna be bornagain in the end....27 times the prophets saw this world in travail and birth pains....Thus the whole creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God....The Children of Promise... the remnant of his Israel of God...The babes and sucklings that are gonna be born to humanity via his precious seed ...Simply b/c that GREAT PROMISE was that Christ wd be multiplied as the stars of Heaven...This New Covenant is All inclusive...Thats y John saw a number that no man cd number standing b/f the throne of God...clothed with white raiment...They were all washed in the blood of the lamb....
......When he fed the multitudes he didn't cull not 1 single one of them...he fed them all with a childs lunch the Child being symblolic of the H.G....The manchild that is gona rule ALL NATIONS with his rod of iron....Not only did Moses rule all Israel but he fed all Israel with his glorious Rod...We gotta keep in mind that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us...Thats indicative of everybody... Romans 10:20 And i was found of them that sought me NOT and made manifest unto them that asked NOT after me...Thats indicative of everybody...If i be lifted up I will draw all men unto me...The lords arm is not too short to save ALL