All Discussion PAGE 543

  • OSADIAYE IDADA PETER - 2 years ago
    1.i want the present of god in my family and my house hold

    2.i want god to bluid my home and fimily

    3.i need god's power
  • David0920 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Mr. Spencer,

    You mention "Hermeneutics". That is that key. The churches pretty much without exception and throughout the Bew Testament period have used the historical-grammatical method of interpreting scripture.

    The historical-grammatical method of interpretation employed by the churches seeks to discover the writer's intended meaning, and thus fails to recognize that God is the author and that we are to compare spiritual things with spiritual to discover the underlying gospel message.

    Moreover, the method of Bible interpretation employed by the churches fails to recognize that as we approach the end of the world, where we are today, God is unsealing truths that have been kept sealed until the time of the end ( Daniel 12:9-10). This is spoken of in the Bible as a vision that will speak at the end and not lie.

    And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

    And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Habakkuk 2:2-3

    Christ spoke in parables and without a parable spoke he not. That includes the language used by God in the Bible to convey actual historical events and prophecy.
  • Mel8 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Oh Amen to you ! I've been reading through so many ism's they drive me crazy ! Calvanism dispensationalism here ism's there ism's every where an ism ! I don't know about any of them I just read the Bible . That's tough enough for me to get my head around some times without adding ism's into the mix ! Is it neglectful of me not to want to know anything about them ( ism's ) and to just want to read my Bible ? That's the greatest thing to me as it makes me feel closer to God and there's no better feeling than that .
  • David0920 - In Reply on Matthew 18 - 2 years ago
    A More correct translation of Matt 18:18 , I understand, is this...

    Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth SHALL HAVING BEEN bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth SHALL HAVING BEEN loosed in heaven.

    The action originates with God; not the church. God is not subject to our actions. We are subject to His.
  • Danny Solero on Psalms 103 - 2 years ago
    Thank you lord Jesus
  • Fredscanlan - 2 years ago
    Is your church celebrating lent ? Or are you having an Ash wednesday? If not why.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Part 2.

    When answering or friendly debating a doctrine scripture should be used to edify and build up and teach and show but what authority you present your argument.

    Let's use your reply to me for an example.

    You stated; "Perhaps the Prince is the antichrist or perhaps it was Titus in 70A.D". (Concerning Daniel 9:24-27).

    I replied with what I thought was much detail in my view with scripture. (Not to say that it is right)

    Your reply to that was.

    "S. Spencer, I reread Daniel 9 and I just do not concur that the 70th week has not been fulfilled yet. I think all 70 weeks we fulfilled int he time of Jesus and the fall of Jerusalem. After sincere study of dispensationalism, I am do not adhere to the dispensational viewpoint on the 70 weeks nor to the way they approach Scripture and especially prophecy.

    But we each can have our view on this and be at peace as it is not a salvific matter.

    Thank you for responding.

    You joined the thread, labelled and rejected the viewpoint and provided no scripture and offered no alternative viewpoint.

    Then went on another thread and offered no scripture.

    You give us your study and research of what you believe the early church taught but not a breakdown of your own work in the scripture.

    There is nothing wrong with checking to see what the history of the church thought on doctrine. but as you said they had the bible just like us.

    And I say they searched those scriptures and presented their arguments using them.

    I hope this doesn't come off offensive.

    God bless you.
  • Rick Colombe - 2 years ago
    Buckmaster? What is that supposed to be saying?
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Gigi.

    I've been reading your resent posts and replies, on the rapture topic and maybe this got away from you. Let's start with your reply to me on the 70th week of Daniel.

    After sincere study of dispensationalism, I am do not adhere to the dispensational viewpoint on the 70 weeks "NOR TO THE WAY THEY APPROACH SCRIPTURE" and especially prophecy.

    (You do realize that's probably 90 percent of your colleagues on this site, right?) Most who have supported you even though what you have described is a hermeneutics difference. So, there is probably a lot we disagree on that they have chosen to be silent on.

    Then you go on another thread and say "There is long-standing consistent teachings across the church age that should also be examined before one takes the teaching of another. The witness of those in the church past are just as valid as any teachings of any person today. Those from the past had the Bible, just like us, to check their thinking against the revealed Word.

    (I agree with you when you said: "The witness of those in the church past are just as valid as any teachings of any person today. Those from the past had the Bible, just like us, to check their thinking against the revealed Word". However, in this area of eschatology they were as diverse as we are today. By the time we get to the reformation they done a great job on justification by faith, but they didn't correct the Amillennial eschatology that was still under the influences of Origen and Augustine.

    You have often said you studied the dispensational viewpoint along with other doctrines by way of who, what and how the earlier church viewed it. But Dear Gigi that's not the same as studying scripture.

    Here's the danger in that. We can get bogged down in studying doctrine or rather others doctrine and neglect studying scripture and only have a shell of understanding.

    Therefore, we misapply scripture to fit the doctrine.

    Running out of space.
  • Alex1900 - 2 years ago
    Good morning....Let me talk about that New Creature for just a Min...Which is the H.G. that is new to us but old to God...Mat.13 :52...Jesus said they shall bring forth things out of their treasure new and old....Which is our new innerman the H.G. as that which is born of the spirit is spirit...Our new hearts and new spirit....That New Creature...The H.G....Nothing availeth anything in Christ Jesus but a New Creature....not circumcision nor uncircumcision....only a New Creature which is the H.G. the Child of Promise...The Regeneration and multiplication of Christ Jesus is us via his precious seed the words of that New Covenant...I will know them all impling a baby Christ the H.G. The Child of PROMISE...And the only Elect....We the Church answers to the Elect lady but the H.G. is the absolute Christ the Elect Son....The bride is a joint heir with Christ the bridegroom....The Elect son who is heir to everything the father has....All that the father has is mine and all mine is thine....Simply b/c they are the Elect Couple to inherit the Kingdom...But unless you receive the Kingdom as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in...This New covenant is a birthing Covenant....Thats y he has to know us....We marry our son which has been born to us the H.G... Isaiah 62:5...Thats y Isaiah is saying as a young man marries a virgin so shall thy SONS MARRY THEE...As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride so shall thy God rejoice over thee....Our son is the H.G the son of man...The regeneration of Christ Jesus in us via his seed his words...Our sons is the H.G. That has been born in us, that New Creature.

    Psalms 62:5....Kiss the son lest he be angry with thee which is our husband...Our new innerman ...the H.G...The gift of God...The elect Son...ok mi voy....We the Church are tHE ELECT LADY....John said he saw the new Jerualem coming down from heaven as a bride adorned for her husband... Rev 21:2
  • James - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Maybe God does not want to see you struggle, Maybe God wants you to take advantage of this grace of low level work and give your self fully to the church and learn how to act on your divine purpose of being a help meat for a man and creating holy soldiers for Gods kingdom.

    Shall not God reward your faith and understanding. Instead of getting 20 dollars an hour and a small apartment and an hour after work to watch Netflix before you go to bed

    Shall you not attain eternal rewards. Shall you not receive the love of man, the love of children, the freedom of a holy woman, a house worth my working hours and may months of a small apartment, your husbands money, rest, peace, and much more

    Do not fight your situation, be of service to the people at your situation, humble your self, for they have even given you a place to sleep is a blessing in it self. You get to start at the middle of the alphabet in stead of at A. Serve your family and practice for your husband, serve your family and practice humbling thy self, so that your future union will last forever, practice knowing God, and living a holy life now

    That you may have faith that God will guide you to where you need to be and if he says now I want you to make 5 dollars an hour and marry this man that you shall not question it one second because you know God is faithful

    may God bless you, my sister. That you may be perfect and entire wanting nothing. Letting God aboud you and during while you wait for that aboundment that you only worry about perfecting your holy life. Amen
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You're spot on with your comment, Rick. A believer can have no part in anything of Masonry. They reject the Jesus of the Bible & construct their own that will be acceptable to all faiths. A friend who was a Mason for many years, left it completely when he turned to the Lord for salvation - masonry is totally incompatible and totally in opposition to the faith of Christ.
  • Chris - In Reply on Joel 3 - 2 years ago
    Apparently, in the Old English era (approx 7th Century AD till the 12th Century), the word used for 'vat' was 'fat' (also spelled 'faet', with the a and e conjoined). Then in the Middle English era (from the 12th Century till the 16th Century), it was changed to 'vat', but it seems that the KJV translators (in the 1600s) preferred to use the Old English (maybe they were in a transitional period where other spellings were interchangeable & accepted, or if those from a certain part of England still maintained the old spelling, thereby using the old spelling). In any case, even in the later KJV printings, that word was not updated (though my 1978 edition shows 'vats'), which is very interesting.
  • Mel8 - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Hello Margaret . I'm sorry that no one else has replied to you , I hope you don't mind getting stuck with me . I wish I could take away from you whatever it is that is distressing you but I can't . There have been times in my life when I have been very distressed and there was no one around for me to talk to or offer any help . I'm glad you came on here and I hope that reading this site has been of some help to you as it has been to me . Do you have a Bible that you can read ? I hope so . In the Bible there's a man who had many troubles in his life and every time he did , he turned to God . He also wrote about his experiences in the book of Psalms , it's a great place to go if you need a reminder of how much God loves you and is willing to help you if you call out to him in prayer . How about we say a prayer together now ?

    Dear Heavenly Father , thankyou for this lovely day and thankyou for bringing me to it . Great God Almighty I know you know me better than I know myself and I know that you are always with me . You can see all my trials and tribulations and you know how much I am hurting right now . Please if it is your will , ease these burdens from my shoulders . Please lift me out of the mire and plant me some where safe . Please refresh me with your love your mercy and your blessings and please , keep tight hold of my hand as I walk through this life and keep me close to you always . I ask these things through the name of Jesus Christ the Righteous , Your precious Son and my sinless Redeemer . Amen .
  • Marcia Spence on Matthew 18 - 2 years ago
    Please explain Matthew 18:18

    Truly I say to you, Whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
  • David - 2 years ago
    please remember me and my family in your prayers
  • Tupperdan - In Reply on Revelation 19 - 2 years ago
    Thanks for taking the time to respond in great detail. God is dealing with me. I've come to realize that sometimes I question things that don't need to be questioned. But on the other hand He tells us in (Mathew 24:4) to Watch out that no one's deceives you. So I know this trait I have of questioning someones statements is good. But I also must realize if I'm wrong I must quickly come to God for repentance.I'm saved by Gods love and grace for His creation.

    Have a great weekend God Bless
  • AGBAH JOHN - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me and my family for God to intervene and break every generational courses , delay, stagnation and for his (God) protection over our Lives.

    Please I need your prayers
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Page 2.

    Apart from the discussion we've been having on the difference between the Tribulation & the Great Tribulation, I share this other aspect of the suddenness of Jesus' Return, of which no man knoweth the day nor the hour. If I concede to a post-trib Rapture, then I would have to cross the hurdle of perpetual preparedness. It seems much more likely that death would first overtake me rather than the coming of Jesus for His own, if I go by the biblical events revealing the course of events leading to Jesus' Coming. True, all this will certainly catch the unbelieving world by surprise & suffering for them under God's Hand is certain, but if believers are to be here during anti-Christ's rule & suffer under him (for say three & half years), where then is the suddenness or imminency of Jesus' Return, for which the early Church was told to be watchful for? Jimbob, if you also believe in the imminent return of Jesus as I do, then His Coming must be any time before any of those events, or else, there's no imminency or preparedness, maybe just a waiting & counting down of days till our sufferings are over. I think if the early Church were so instructed & so expecting, then we should be also & not lose heart & say 'the Lord delays His Coming to an expected time'.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Page 1.

    Thanks again Jimbob. If I might take our discussion to anothe level. One great fact of the Church's Rapture, is not only its imminency but its suddenness. In the NT, the command was for readiness ( Matthew 25:13 (10 virgins); Luke 12:40; Philippians 4:5; 1 Thessalonians 5:6; Titus 2:13), for Christ's coming. The early Church was expecting it & proclaiming it, but the scoffers, then & now have proved themselves right ( 2 Peter 3:3,4) - Jesus hadn't come, nor has history ever recorded such a 'parousia' ever taking place. But the Church still continues to wait, knowing that God's Word is True & that God's Time is never man's concept of time ( 2 Peter 3:8). Therefore the question: why should we await for the any-moment return of Jesus, if that return could be quite easily plotted by the 'falling away', the appearance of the anti-Christ, even the beginning of the Great Tribulation (of God's Wrath which you believe only includes those catastrophic events of Matthew 24:29; Revelation chapter 16)?
  • WILLIAM on 2 Corinthians 5 - 2 years ago
    It's well of a true x-tian to portray the nature of Christ Jesus as good followers till the end time.
  • Papawj55 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you all for taking the time to help me. I think I'm getting past the "impossible" because of all your comments. I hope to meet all of you in heaven some day!
  • Anonymous - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my daughter Stephannie to overcome her addiction and mental illness. Please pray for her depression loneliness emptiness fears and isolation. Please pray for her safety protection health happiness relationships finances and salvation. Please pray God will restore her life her relationship with her son and her beautiful smile. Please pray God will send her a godly husband and friends that lift her up out of depression and loneliness. Please pray she will allow the Holy Spirit to guide her in life and stop her reckless behavior and that she will distance herself from all temptation and people using or selling drugs. Please pray she will have a personal relationship with God and except Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Please pray God will use her life as a testimonial to His love mercy grace and power. Please pray for her finances to be steady and her to help others in need. Please pray she is humble but confident with self worth. Please pray she will not envy others or worship things of this world. Thank you and God bless you.
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 19 - 2 years ago
    I read Richard Priday's post quite simply as 'angels are not to be worshipped'; this he stated at the first. And he goes on to state that God, in the past, has used angels to carry out His requirements. We see this at Mt. Sinai, at Sodom, at Jacob's encounter with the Angel, in the Revelation given to John, & other places. Richard of course, mentioned these theophanies (an appearance of God, or a perceived appearance of God, to man); Genesis 32:24-30 being a good example of this, when Jacob exclaimed, "I have seen God face to face". Of course, it was God's Angel that Jacob saw & wrestled with, but his encounter with this Being & the blessing he received (which may have been extensive & with accompanying Glory), brought him as close to God on Earth as humanly possible. That of course was in the OT days. Those "in Christ" now, have God, by His Holy Spirit, residing in our being 24/7.

    And Richard's last sentence, "Such things would not be done by saints of God with created beings", I read it as a summary of his belief that such encounters, as we read in the Bible, can only be had with God & His angelic messengers, not with sinful man. So the belief is still strong: angels are not to be worshipped, but when God sent His angelic messenges, due reverence must be given to God alone, receiving the message or act from His angel as it were from God Himself. I hope I remained true to Richard's comment & this has helped you to come to grips with it.
  • Adam - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus 20:13

    1 Corinthians 6:9-11

    Hello, God hates sin, but loves people despite them often choosing to sin. We need Jesus. That is the only way to salvation. But there's a trick satan has done to convince people that their sin is their identity. And if their identity, how dare anyone question it, right? When people like a certain sin, some assume that's "who they are" they are "born to do it" so how dare anyone judge them? That's one of the biggest lies. The biggest question is who do you want to follow: God or satan. If satan you can't go to heaven. Whose morals will you follow: God's or the world's? Which is most important social acceptance on this temporary earth or to please God?

    I don't think anyone is born with a proclivity to do any sin. Babies are not interested in the sick things some adults choose to do. They definitely aren't born to do that. It's all learned and often groomed by parents and others. Lately, we've seen the goal posts continue to move to now include pedophilia and it is absolutely disgusting seeing people trying to push this evil. The "news" is trying to convince others that they're "born that way" to do that to kids. It's satanic to try to normalize the harming of children like we're seeing. Never thought I'd be seeing what I'm seeing. End times must be near. The world is very dark and evil and they hide all the harm they are causing others.
  • Ruby Lea Read - 2 years ago
    ISRAEL under the Old Covenant was also THE CHURCH

    Acts 7:35 This Mosses whom they refused, Saying, who made thee a ruler and a judge? the SAME did God SEND to be a ruler and a deliverer BY THE HAND OF THE ANGEL which appeared to him in the bush.

    Acts 7:37 This is THAT MOSSES, which said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God RAISE UP unto you of you BRETHREN; like unto me; him shall you hear.

    Acts 7:38 This is HE, that was IN THE CHURCH in the wilderness WITH THE ANGEL which spoke to him in the Mount Sina......

    God Bless You!
  • Jesse - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago

    I would say that God hates homosexuality but loves the homosexual, if that makes sense.

    In God's eyes, homosexuality is considered a sinful lifestyle, but for the person involved in this lifestyle, God loves them enough to give them the opportunity to repent and turn away from it.
  • GIGI - In Reply on Psalms 113 - 2 years ago
    Hi Veronica,

    You will find that verse in Psalm 118:24
  • Shell-y - 2 years ago
    Where and who wrote this apocrypha books? How do we know these books are inspired by The Most High? Thank You
  • Mel8 - 2 years ago
    Prayers please for my cousin Carl . That he might be honest with himself about his addiction and seek help , help from his God and his family .

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