All Discussion PAGE 545

  • GIGI - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello, S.Spencer,

    I was not saying that Jesse's information about the 7 steps of a Jewish wedding was inaccurate. I believe it is accurate. My reason for saying to be cautious is that of using something extra-biblical to illustrate of interpret Scripture. Some outside information can be good for illustrating a Scripture message, whether anecdotes or information. Other outside information must be wrestled into the Scripture to make the illustration or interpretation "fit together" with the Scripture. I do not think that Jesse's information about the 7 steps is off base at all. I was just pointing out that caution should be used whenever we use extra-biblical information or anecdotes to discuss, illustrate, or interpret Scriptures because the extra-biblical information or anecdote is non Scripture.
  • Ingrid Smith - 2 years ago
    Pray for Ingrid Smith to gain opportunities to open up for her to leave Florida for good. Where ever she goes out of Florida, may she find better paying job for $20.00 and more. She has college degree and a certificate. She is hoping to leave this year, 2023. When she eventually leaves Florida, she does not experience homelessness and she will always have a roof over her head and money to pay her bills and everyday living expenses. My living situation is abusive. I need divine intervention. Please pray for a financial blessing to come my way in 2023.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago

    That is a good question. This is given to us in the creation account ( Genesis 1:1-5). In Verse 2, the earth was still in darkness, no light, no Sun, and no day yet. In Genesis 1:3, God said, Let there be light: and there was light. It's not until Verse 5 that God called the light day, after the creation of light.

    I know this is just a short generic answer, but I hope it answers your question.
  • Mel8 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Your reply to me was fine and I'm no way offended be assured . Typing to strangers on a web site is not the best way to communicate but your prayer was lovely and thankyou for it .
  • M on Acts 19 - 2 years ago
    Not one person in the entire book of Acts were baptized in the titles, Father, Son & Holy Ghost.

    For myself, once I was re-baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, I wanted so much more of God. I did not receive the Holy Ghost {w/ the utterance} right away, not until almost 3 years later.

    I have a friend that is filled w/ the Holy Ghost w/ tongues & years ago was baptized in titles. Someone was trying to teach him about being baptized in Jesus name, but found it hard to understand.

    He told us the other day that the Lord asked him a question, "What name are you baptized in"? He said "None". That's when the revelation came to him.

    Now it's up to everyone to ask for revelation of Gods truth.

    Don't argue about it. If you don't want to believe it, then dont'.

    My church is a book of Acts assembly following Christ in all his ways w/ love and through the Apostles doctrine.

    Jesus spoke, "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last { Revelation 1}

    "Hearken unto me O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I am also the last" { Isaiah 48}. I love his truth.
  • Kilgore on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    How did God know what a day was if there was no

  • Tupperdan - In Reply on Revelation 19 - 2 years ago
    My response was meant for the post after yours from Richard H Priday. I'm having a hard time interpreting his post. Maybe look at his post and let me know what you think. Please reference my original response, maybe I missed something but I feel it doesn't make since.
  • One eighty - 2 years ago
    Hi Mel8,

    When I saw your original post yesterday, asking, "Can we pray for peace for everyone?" I Perceived it as questioning whether it is scriptural to do so. Now I'm thinking you were simply asking if we COULD pray for peace for everyone? And of course we can, and should do more of it. It may have sounded as if I was providing specifically to you what I perceive as sound advice, and while I have no regrets as to the content of my post to you, I do regret perhaps not perceiving correctly the intent of your question. If so, my error.

    Please be assured that when I comment to others, it is also towards myself and always something I'm working towards my own self improvement with the Holy Spirit's help, simply because I have not mastered it myself as yet, but yet see it as a worthy goal. I realize at times, my posts and others, directed towards an individual may appear as assuming that that individual lacks wisdom or an inability to think for themselves. I don't want anyone to think this of me or of anyone else commenting on this site. I believe all of us mean well. Your request for praying for peace for everyone (I'm leaning towards thinking this is what you were asking) obviously flows from a loving and caring heart for everyone. God bless you!

    Father, thank you for Sister Melanie and all your children. In my mind joined with hers and everyone listening, and in the Name of Jesus Christ, I/we pray for those whom we perceive as in state of insanity during these troubled times, and who appear not to care about peace and seem to want to do only harm to their neighbors. May we have compassion for those who have chosen to purposely extinguish the light of Love and Peace that is from You. Nothing is impossible with You Father, and so we earnestly pray for peace for everyone. May all of us recognize how long and wide and high and deep is the Love of Christ, and in This Name we leave this prayer on Your Altar for Thy Will to be done.

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Ronald.

    Thanks for your reply.

    You said you believe in Matthew the Desciples was asking Jesus when was he coming into power as king and setting up the kingdom and that would be the end of the age. He would deliver them from the Roman oppressors and form once again a great and independent Jewish kingdom and would restore justice and peace.

    Here's the issues I have with that view.

    Let's say you're right in the way the Apostles asked in Matthew 24:3. We have to put the emphasis is on the answerJesus gave.

    He gives a far future scenario in that discourse when he points us to Daniel as the key to prophecy.

    We also must keep in mind that they were asking for signs of his coming.

    Whether they fully understood or not look at what Jesus replied.

    "Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.

    He said many shall "COME" in my name.

    All through the Gospels he said he would go away and come again.

    Whether they understood that or not doesn't put emphasis on the when and how.

    But his answer does.

    I'll continue this weekend.

    God bless.
  • Angela Gail Sharp - 2 years ago
    I was persecuted and at first went to people and met a war lock , then I went to drugs and had the devil all over me, the lord thy god was soooo good to me I fell to my knees in tears and cried out I lost Jesus the persecution kept saying verily verily then eould trail off with ludicrous talk, I had legions on me and heard chants that walked me until I thought my legs would break from the shins. I went in and out of mental institutions ,then taken to a broad place where God and Jesus nursed me back to health.

    The devil angered by all this when I got back home attacked me over and over but the lord stayed faithful and never left me I am now back on track and plan on being baptized February 28 2023 the day the lord chose for me I pray I am ministered by Angels afterward and will read my bible before I am baptized.

    Prayer is for my family and others they say they dont believe in God they Blasphemy Jesus and and make fun of me .

    I am Pentecostal/catholic and surrounded by really quiet Baptist and their leaders.

    Everyone in my family has their own lives going on consuming them and I am all about seeking the lord and having them in my life. Nobody to talk to but fleeting moments with strangers about the gospel.

    Pray I find a good family church cause the one Pentecostal church believes different from Four square Pentecost which isn't bad but different to say the least.

    I want to sing and dance and dine with the Angels on earth and make my lords proud of me by saving souls and being a fishermen of men. I want my light to shine again.

    Pray for my immediate family for the lord thy God and Jesus to work miracles in their lives because heaven and hell are real!!!!!

    Bring back prayer and religion in schools cause now and days parents are consumed in finance and martial problems and forget God and Jesus in their lives.

    We as Christians need to stand up for our constitutional rights and stop being so pacifist for the kingdom of Heaven is a t hand.

    North Little Rock
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jesse When I make a post I use the KJB and most of the time a Strongs Concordance to get the meanings of the words in the original languages. Not my thoughts. When I asked for your thoughts on this post, it was for the very reason you replied, that the word "generation" didn't mean what I had posted it to mean. But in this post the word generation was being used in context, (a time period) This was also a post where I was using a date of when Israel became a nation to start the generation period. And also I had given the meaning of the words "labour" and "sorrow" where the original meanings sound a lot like the times we are living today, that's why I asked for your thoughts Jesse. If someone asks for your thoughts, I would assume you give them your thoughts. Sometimes that can lead into deeper discussions, which can be very fruitful or productive, sometimes not. Because I asked for your thoughts for this post, does not mean my posts are my thoughts! Please don't be offended but It seems you are kind of twisting the words a little bit here Jesse. Thank you for your observation.
  • JRR - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes, I understand it to be more than just eight people on the Ark. It almost would have to be because just Eight people could not take care of that many animals 24/7. Plus flesh is not animals or insects. Plus that would make sense for there to be the descendent of Cain, the Kenites after the flood. That says they did not die in the flood
  • Skiman - 2 years ago
    Why do many Preachers today (2.17.2023) claim that God walked the earth as Jesus?

    They seem to claim that Jesus was God .
  • GIGI - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Good Morning One Eighty,

    Thanks so much for understanding where I'm coming from. That means a lot to me. We are helping each other grow!

    Be back later.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please Rember me and my family in your prayers
  • Cindyt - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Oh, Ledlie, this is not a good environment for you to be in, and certainly not a whole Christian atmosphere. Can you not go to the Bible Camp pastor or someone in charge? What about your church pastor or his wife? Isn't there a family member--a grandmother, grandfather, aunt or uncle, or someone that you trust enough to seek help from?
  • Mel8 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes ! I worry about when Paul says that we can heap coals on our enemies heads ! My mother taught me that if somebody gives me something or is kind to me that I should let them and take the gift because they will get their reward in heaven for being kind to me and if I refuse then I'm taking their reward away . My name is Melanie so I'm Mel 8 . Thankyou for your message to me .
  • Mel8 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello , i read a lot on here for a long time and most sound a bit authoratitive . I think that's because you have to believe what you are saying is true or you wouldn't post it . I know I wouldn't post something if I didn't think it was correct I would be scared to make a fool of myself . Some people on here can sound a bit condescending to me but then I think maybe it's the way I'm reading it ? Maybe it's because they are convinced they are right and we can't help how others hear us . Your posts are excellent , most posts on here are good . Even if they sound dogmatic I don't let that put me off because I just want to learn so I try not to be easily offended and remember typed messages from total strangers might sound bossy but that could just be coming from my own perception .
  • Mel8 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You are what I would call emphatic , you have the courage of your convictions . I don't think you should be ashamed of that . Jesus spoke with authority because he had the courage of his convictions , his faith was rock solid . Being lukewarm never helped anybody .
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Brother Jesse.

    By the way, I received your messages. And I don't think there is a need to take that with cautious saying they Married that way.

    What's important is that describes how we are espoused or Betrothaled to Christ.

    I hope to elaborate on it further over the weekend.

    God bless.
  • One eighty - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi GiGi,

    The idea of you beating up on me has never entered my mind. As usual, you are and have always showed kindness and respect to those you comment to. You should never have to think any apologies are in order. I respect you for being solid in your faith.

    I would briefly like to add though that I don't adhere to any beliefs regarding God as an energy, life force, consciousness of the the universe. By it's own definition, energy involves an exchange. I believe God is changeless. You probably know more about New Age stuff than I do, as I haven't read up on much as such. I've read very little about Hinduism, especially recently, so I certainly have not purposely based my beliefs on it. Yet in my limited exposure to various "religious" systems I have noticed they all have some things in common with each other, including Christianity.

    I don't consider your dialogue as argumentative either. You are obviously genuine and caring as I can feel that from you. In no way do I sense either of us as wanting harm to come to each other. In this we can both be at peace.

    God bless you GiGi, and thank you for your concerns.
  • Richard A Brown on Ezekiel 9 - 2 years ago
    is there a documentary on this chapter
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 19 - 2 years ago
    Hi Tupperdan. I think you are responding to me, since I quoted Revelation 22:8,9,16.

    Yes, John would have done wrong by falling at the Angel's feet to worship. How he perceived this angel, we are not told & to make guesses about this would then be unfruitful. But am I doubting the passage? I only shared the applicable verses to show that it was angel directly before John at this point & not Jesus. But when we read the whole passage, vv 8-11 reveal the angel before John & speaking to him. Then vv 12,13 & 16, show Jesus speaking (the verses 14 & 15 are not in red, but this being man's highlighting does not give us certainty of who is speaking). More than this, I don't understand where my doubt exists. If you could clarify please.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 2 years ago
    No problem Jesse,

    I thought the information interesting and informative as you say.
  • One eighty - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Ruby Lea Read,

    God bless you also. All is well.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi One Eighty,

    I have responded on another of your post so I will not reiterate. You can always study what is called the simplicity of God or His aseity for a better explanation that I can give here. Also, I have not said that God is all those things you enumerated in this post.

    I do believe that God is loving, pure, holy, good, merciful, and every honorable positive attribute we could use to describe Him. But Scripture does reveal that God is just, wrathful, jealous, vengeful, and many other attributes that we would consider negative (but in God these are wholly righteous and untainted by sinfulness). Describing God by way of attributes He has revealed to mankind is not attesting that He is a composite being. He is completely unified in His Being without shadow or turning. He does not change when He acts in history in mercy and then acts in history with wrath. He is Sovereign and His will is perfectly carried out according to His perfect nature.

    A.W. Pink wrote a good book called "The Attributes of God". Perhaps you can read this to help you understand what I am saying.

    As you said, there are many on this site who speak the same teachings I do. But most of all, reading the Bible comprehensively will give anyone knowledge of who God is in His essence and what He is like in His actions towards mankind , angels, and all creation.

    Have a good evening, again. And thank you for your kind thoughts towards me concerning my health. Got my stitches out of my hand from my carpal tunnel surgery. So, have a few more weeks of light duty and then I can begin using my hand more strongly. I am so thankful I am breathing so well now. There are many prayer request that come to this site. I encourage people to be prayerful for those who come here. We can be used this way to bring about many great things from God, who doesn't need us to accomplish anything, but chooses to. We are privileged to be used of Him for His glory.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello again One Eighty,

    I am not saying any of this to "beat up" one your ideas or to act like I have all the answers (I don't). But because I care for you and cannot leave you with what you have posted without responding. That would not only be unloving, but also disobedient of what God would have believers do to warn those who error in serious ways. I also post what I know to be classic, tested, orthodoxy for others who read these posts so that they can test their own beliefs against what has been the tried doctrines of our faith.

    Like me, anyone can google ideas that come forward on this forum or from any situation that one finds themselves hearing doctrines that they may not adhere to in order to find out more about those who believe a certain doctrine and those who refute it as well as learn about what has been taught consistantly throughout the centuries.

    So, please take this all in love. Maybe do a search about these ideas for yourself. And always, take everything to the word of God, as that is our final authority. Have a good evening , One-eighty. My thoughts and prayers are with you as I appreciate the same from you.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello One Eighty,

    I have considered what you have posted concerning God and also as your response to my post. Since sending my post to you i have endeavored to understand where your belief that God is Knowledge or energy (as you have stated in the past) and that only God exists (as in this and some past posts) come from, as they are not historic doctrines of the Christian Church that are supported by Scripture.

    I found that Monism (which prevails in Hinduism and New Age Philosophy) is the belief that all is God and therefore nothing exists but God. This is termed pantheism and is outside of Christian belief. You can look it up to find out more. ]]

    I found that those who affirm that God is Knowledge or energy or life force or consciousness or the universe, are speaking the belief of many New Agers, Buddhists, etc. who equate God with something that is part of the creation (or all as in the Universe) but these beliefs are outside of the Christian faith.

    Dear One-Eighty, I am not trying to beat you up here, nor be argumentative with you. I am standing up for what has been considered classical, orthodox (correct and true) Christian doctrines that go back to the beginnings of the church. This teaching makes God an aspect of creation rather than the creator who created everything from outside of Creation.

    Today we live in culture where anyone can be exposed to all sorts of false beliefs and idolatrous ideas about God either inadvertently or purposefully through such sources as books, internet, friends, media such as movies and t.v. Our current culture is replete with doctrines that stand against the true doctrines of Scripture entrusted to the saints of God. It is always a good thing to test our own beliefs and be watch over our faith and doctrine carefully to see if we are truly of the faith ( 1 Tim. 4:16) passed down through the apostles.

    I know that I can be wrong as easily as you can, any of us can be deceived by false doctrines if we are not diligent....cont.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Tupperdan,

    I think we should desire to be pure in heart and should ask God for this to come about in us. But, just as he saved us while we we sinners and enemies of God, so can He speak to us and ensure that we understand even when we are still, as Martin Luther said along the lines of we are "both saint and sinner at once", because we have the Holy Spirit in us to sanctify us and ensure we receive and understand the truth of God and from Him.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Please don't take this the wrong way because it's just an observation. GiGi said that "Your thoughts are worth giving consideration." You respond back with "please don't see what I post as my thoughts"

    I can understand why you said that, but what seems odd is that you began this thread by posting what you see as truth, and then at the end of your post, you ask for our "thoughts."

    So is what we post considered our thoughts? I mean, that's what you asked for, our thoughts?

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