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Please consider reflecting on 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Psalm 23, Psalm 121, 1 Corinthians 15, and Hebrews 11.
1. Root yourself in the Bible. Read it and study it and memorize it and share it with others. You might have or seek an opportunity to teach it in Sunday School or a class on Wednesday nights or other special meeting days or nights.
2. Pray without ceasing. Pray when you're joyful, when you're sad, sick. In all things praise His name.
3. For the habit of daily devotions, during which you pray, read, study, quote Scripture, sing, and pray for others and for events such as an upcoming revival, a birth, like that.
4. Rest in Jesus. Surrender your all to Him, do His, will, seek him when you're afraid and when you are joyful.
5. When you sin, confess that sin(s) to Him ASAP.
6. Let His mind be in you.
7. Serve others in paying tithes, feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, and praying for them.
8. Lit your light shine upon those who walk in darkness.
There's so much more... But to do His will is to walk closer to Him.
And ears to receive witness this day if he is still here, from whoever You choose.
You understand this urgent need, and how to reach him in Spirit and Truth.
Thank You that Gigi has shared this burden. Thank You Lord for Your Intervention
in this situation, and for All You are doing right now. By Your grace. For Your
Alleluia. Amen.
You understand our needs. Help us to focus to pray for the needs of others
also. Thank You for these opportunities. By Your grace. Alleluia. Amen.
I just would like to know if you two are married or not. It will help me to pray for your situation more specifically. I am not in touch with any other prayer group or organization. So perhaps one of the other people on this forum can help you in this area.
Just so you know, my husband and I have been married 43 years. There have been bumps along the way, but overall, we have had a very harmonious go of it. We have had Jesus be the center of our relationship from the start and have similar outlooks on life, politics, etc. So, we do not have very many arguments.
We do "bug" each other often because of our differences in personalities. I am an extrovert, he is an introvert. He is a perfectionist. I am ok to do trial and error. He likes to be in charge, I am happy to follow his lead most of the time. I am a very strong minded person as he is, but I temper that down to submit to what the Holy Spirit wants for me to say or do, and especially concerning my attitudes, motives, and secret thought.
I want to be godly and I know that I am to be submissive to my husband in love. I know that I am not to demand my own way, but to wish to please him and help him deal with the situation in the best way. I know that I am to look out for the best interests of him and my family over my own. I know that I am to be wise to discern when I am to take a stand on an issue and insist to be listened to or to refuse to go along. This is rare. I want to choose these "battles" (if they can be called that) according to the word of God and what is best for all of us. There has been a lot of growth along the way, but we are looking forward to getting to 50!
I think it may be very likely that they were twins by the way the original Hebrew (to Greek and then to English) has been translated. But,, not knowing what the original Hebrew actually said, the case should be that they were not twins.
I am sure that Adam and Eve had many sets of twins. So, for me, it doesn't matter either way about Cain and Abel.
I am glad he is getting good care in this difficult time for him and you and your family.
I've doing an extensive study on the resurrection of the dead (or body) this past week. It comforts me to know that we all will be resurrected to a grander, perfected life with our Lord with bodies that have been made new by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I am glad to hear that you and your brother pray together. What a beautiful thing to share in the relationship that has existed for decades and decades.
Perhaps the Prince is the antichrist or perhaps it was Titus in 70A.D.
Sorry for such a delay in getting back to you.
I've been very busy at work.
I enjoy our discussions.
In vs 26 I believe where it says
"AND THE PEOPLE OF THE PRINCE that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;
The people is the Romans.
Their Prince "THAT SHALL COME" is the antichrist.
He's hanging in there, They're doing a great job making him comfortable.
I went to see him and talked and prayed with him.
We continue in prayer and accept God's will.
How is Marvin doing?
Dear LORD God, in the name of Jesus we ask that you help David in this time of loss and comfort him as he grieves for his brother. Give David the hope of eternal life and the resurrection of the dead so he will be assured that he and his brother will see each other in their resurrected bodies if they both are elect and chosen for salvation. Amen.
Not a problem at all. I actually forgot that I had asked you a question. Please know that I never expect an immediate response. Plus, I know that I can always count on you to respond whether it be right away or not.
I do want to thank you ahead of time. Blessings to you my brother!
Dear Heavenly Father, I lift up this man to You in the name of Jesus, and I ask that You will give him wisdom and guidance concerning this relationship that has gone from bad to worse. If this relationship is continue and be repaired by You, then show Child of God what he is to do to contribute to this repair.
Help this woman to truly discover what you want of her in her life and in this relationship. Bring healing into this relationship along with forgiveness and admission of wrongs done. Teach them to love in ways that uphold each other and draw both to You in grace and mercy. Amen
If you are not married, then you are to mutually defer to one another as you are not bound in marriage yet and each are free to be their own "boss" as far as making decisions, choosing preferences, etc.
If you are married, you still are exhorted to mutually submit to one another in love, but with that, the man is the head of the woman. This includes loving her as Christ loves the church and sacrificed His life for her. This also means that the wife is to choose to be in submission to her husband, desiring to please him and be his helpmate as has been ordained since Eve sinned first and gave the fruit to Adam in Genesis 3.
If you are arguing over important decisions instead of praying about them together, I recommend being prayerful. If you are at odds for insignificant things that are presented as big things, then maybe you talk about taking turns choosing these minor things, like what to have for dinner, or chores, or choice of activity.
If this woman is simply argumentative and constantly insisting on things being her way. If she is emotionally manipulative or easily set off; If she verbally mistreats you with unkind words and belittlement; If you find in order to keep the peace you have to give into her; Then I would say that this is an unhealthy relationship, especially if she claims to know Jesus. Perhaps, if you are not married, it is best to go your own separate ways. If you are married, it may be time for counseling by a Christian equipped to counsel on marriage
I do suggest that you lay yourself before God and ask Him to show you the sinful ways you are contributing to the turmoil in this relationship. Be brutal on yourself and fully willing to see what God wishes to show You. He will help You overcome bad habits and personality tendencies that do not add to harmony between you and your mate. But this takes humility and determination to let the Holy Spirit change you into the man HE desires you to be, not who SHE wants you to be.