All Discussion PAGE 559

  • Musonda Jonathan - 2 years ago
    I'll appreciate if answer has been given according to the expectations
  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please Lord intervene and heal Kathy's daughter who is suffering with affliction. Please allow her to be a testimony for you through this and belong. You know her heart and her mom's love for you. Please Holy Spirit bring comfort to the family doing this difficult time I pray in Jesus name!!

    Please consider reflecting on: Psalm 18, Psalm 121, Isaiah 41: 10-13, 1 Peter 5:7.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Sean, I will pray for Dan today.

    Dear Heavenly Father, we come before You today on behalf of Dan and ask, in the name of Jesus, that You will restore his mind to soundness and overcome the mental illness that is gripping him now. Deliver him from these breakdowns and restore right Spirit within him. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Kathy, I will pray for your daughter today.

    Dear Heavenly Father, We come to You today in the precious name of Jesus, asking You to bring healing to this daughter and restore her to life in a way that brings her health and wholeness. We ask that You give her many years of life with her family as there is so much love for her in this wonderful family. Take away this disease, Lord, and restore her fully. Amen
  • Anna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hebrews 10:19 kjv, Matthew 9:22, Psalm 147:11.

    God bless you and yours, In Jesus mighty name.
  • Sally Gutierrez - 2 years ago
    Please pray nephew Fernando was in a horrible accident hit a train flew 80 feet no seat belts our LORD TO heal him is in a coma thank you
  • Toot on Galatians 4 - 2 years ago
    God is good
  • Giannis - In Reply on Psalms 81 - 2 years ago
    Hello Richard

    About that incident at the waters of Meribeh, I am sure you know that there is a more detailed account of it in Numbers 20:1-13. Although it is not that clear what caused God to be angry with Moses and Aaron, the verses in Psalms 106:32-33 may be the answer, "They (multitude) angered him (Moses) also at the waters of strife, so that it went ill with Moses for their sakes: Because they provoked his spirit, so that he spake unadvisedly with his lips.". What was it that Moses had said that was not right? In Numbers 20:10 we read, "And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, Hear now, YE REBELS; must we fetch you water out of this rock?". This is not a way a shepherd (pastor, elder or any spiritual leader) talks to their sheep. Jesus never said that sort of things to Judas, "You thief ...".He never revealed Judas' stealing to the other disciples, never insulted or spoke bad to him, but waited patiently for and tried to do anyhing He could to make Judas return from his sinful way and repent. A shepherd must be very careful how they behave and talk to their sheep, they must glorify God with their behavior and also with the way they talk, properly like a saint talks. This is the best interpretation of that incident I have heard so far. GBU
  • Duncan - In Reply on Revelation 9 - 2 years ago
    Repent of your sins before the lord Jesus Christ and confess your sins before Jesus Christ and believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins at the cross.
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Adam The verse that Sammi is speaking of is Acts.8:37 The KJB, Acts.8:37 And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. The Niv Bible that I own says nothing about this verse, it is completely removed! What would be the reason for removing this verse? Or any verse? Modern version Bibles are not Inspired by God.
  • Steven hocsak on 1 Samuel 27 - 2 years ago
    Long ago I read in either Chronicles, or Kings where God, (Jah), laid a curse upon the kenites and I can't find the verse again.

    Do you know what book, chapter and verses that they are in the bible? Bible search engines do not work in my searching.
  • Lincoln Marshall on Revelation 14 - 2 years ago
    I love truth. Not what men twist to satisfy lawlessness.
  • Fredscanlan - In Reply - 2 years ago

    He that believeth on me, out of His innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. This is the Holy Spirit we receive. For the Holy Ghost was not yet given! Because Jesus had net yet been glorified. John 7:38-39.

    So you might see the difference is acute, We must rightly divide the word of truth. 2 timothy 2:5.

    Being filled with the Spirit is a supernatural "gift through faith in the word".

    The Holy Ghost however, appears as fire upon those who are present and obey His commandment's. Such are we, who even now are experiencing, (LIVING) His glorification (THE HOLY GHOST). Seeing Him as He is.

    His and our glorification is seeing Him as He is, much more than just a Spirit , but communing with Him on our road to Emmaus! Can you see Him eating and drinking, this Great physician who has come to heal the sick!

    This one they call a wine bibber, and glutton! Oh yes ,they have misjudged Him! Watch I say, Watch! His redemption draws nigh.

    Repent and be Baptized
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Adam , it sounds like you haven't been following this thread properly. If you had been , you would know that I wasn't assuming anything , just replying to some one else's post .
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Sammi, it sounds like you're assuming a certain translation left words out of Ps.12:6-7, is that right? What is your evidence for believing this? When I look at these verses, none of the translations say what you says it should say, so where does your expectation come from and why do you assume someone is afraid?
  • Fredscanlan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I would like to pass along a book through moody press."Pattern for Maturity". Written by


    As many of you wish to have evidence of what we believe and teach, Dr.Dwight uses scripture and its verses to highlight that which of course you deserve

    This book is as deep and eternally helpful to your growth as a Christian.

    I cannot put it down. It is next to my Bible. Amazon for 10 dollars. I have bought 3 and have given them to my sons! God bless
  • Barbara Horton on Jeremiah 15 - 2 years ago
    Do we supposed to have Women Pastor's ?
  • James S BAILEY on Romans 16 - 2 years ago
    Your online bible has helped me very much. For this I say: Thank You and may God bless you in Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jesse I believe the Word of God Jesse. Jesus said in Mk.13:23 But take ye heed" behold, I have foretold you all things. Yes I do believe Jesus will return within the next 5 years. Mt.24:36 Jesus tells us But of that day and hour knoweth no man,. . He says that day or hour, We should know the season. Mt.16:3 Jesus said And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring, O ye hyprocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 81 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 81 and the "waters of Meribeh".

    Verse 7 of the Psalm indicates a place otherwise known as "Kadesh barnea". Apparently there was an incident in the Book of Numbers as well which could have been a separate occasion. It is likely that Moses had to provide water for the multitude on many occasions-if not in such a spectacular fashion. In any case, Moses struck the rock twice ( Exodus 17:6); disobeying the command to only strike it once. Whether due to anger and frustration or careless disobedience the result was that it was held as sin and ultimately was a reason that he could not enter the Promised Land. ( Deut. 32:51-52).

    Notice that the promises of provision in verse 10 and again in verse 16 were predicated on the requirement of verses 8-9; namely that there would be no worship of other gods. That basically boiled down the reasons for being bagged down for a whole generation in the desert; as well as rebellions later when they could have taken over the pagan nations much more quickly and completely.

    This passage of scripture should give us pause if we are in a position of authority in the church today. Clearly; those teaching the Word are held to a higher standard ( James 3:1).

    God is longsuffering and patient; and also alone can truly have righteous indignation. Moses was said to be meek above all who dwelled upon the earth. ( Numbers 12:3). Yet this one sin had lasting repercussions. Today; of course wwe see error in the other direction where there is no fear of the Lord as well as appreciation of Him being a jealous God. Error is not only permitted but taught in many cases. James 1:8 warns of a double minded man being unstable in all his ways; and the preceding verse shows that he should expect nothing from the Lord.
  • Kathy Davis - 2 years ago
    Praying for my daughter that she lives and not die she had a horrible disease I will not say it I will not put it in the atmosphere just pray for restoration and GODS HEALING IT'S IN HIS HANDS AND IM STANDING ON HIS WORD AND FAITH
  • Sean - 2 years ago
    My roommate, Dan, is going through a very tough time and having mental breakdowns. Please pray for him. Amen.
  • David - 2 years ago
    please remember me and my family in your prayers
  • Browneyes878787 - In Reply on Ephesians 2 - 2 years ago
    Got answers

    Yeshua is the Hebrew name, and its English spelling is "Joshua." Iesous is the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew name, and its English spelling is "Jesus." Thus, the names "Joshua" and "Jesus" are essentially the same; both are English pronunciations of the Hebrew and Greek names for our Lord. (For examples of how the two names are interchangeable, see Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8 in the KJV. In both cases, the word Jesus refers to the Old Testament character Joshua.

    As for the controversy over the letter J, it is much ado about nothing. It is true that the languages in which the Bible was written had no letter J. But that doesn't mean the Bible never refers to "Jerusalem" or "Judah." And it doesn't mean we cannot use the spelling "Jesus." If a person speaks and reads English, it is acceptable for him to spell things in an English fashion. Spellings can change even within a language: Americans write "Savior," while the British write "Saviour." The addition of a u (or its subtraction, depending on your point of view) has nothing to do with whom we're talking about. Jesus is the Savior, and He is the Saviour. Jesus and Yeshuah and Iesus are all referring to the same Person.

    We refer to Him as "Jesus" because, as English-speaking people, we know of Him through English translations of the Greek New Testament. Scripture does not value one language over another, and it gives no indication that we must resort to Hebrew when addressing the Lord. The command is to "call on the name of the Lord," with the promise that we "shall be saved" ( Acts 2:21; Joel 2:32). Whether we call on Him in English, Korean, Hindi, or Hebrew, the result is the same: the Lord is salvation.
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    My pleasure Denise , we are all in the same boat , our Ark will bring us safely through the rough seas of life as long as we stay in it ! Keep reading keep giving God thanks for all His lovingkindness and trust in His love and mercy towards you . See you on dry land !
  • Dc730banks - 2 years ago
    What day was Jesus ressurection
  • Cynthia dooley on Revelation 10 - 2 years ago
    Jesus Christ is real, a nd master,Amen
  • Chris - In Reply on Acts 11 - 2 years ago
    Hi T. Levis. If I remember correctly, the enquirer, Herbert, had asked this same question in another thread, to which I had responded. And it was actually Acts 12:2,17 that he was referring to, i.e. the difference between James, brother of John and James, the Lord's brother.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Page 2.

    What should that missionary have done in such a situation? Forced the word 'sheep', which they had no inkling about, or change God's direct Word to something that they could understand & relate to?

    To expect that God's Word as uttered by Him that is now exactly the same we have in the KJV, is really wishful thinking. The work of translation itself proves that this cannot be done, simply because a verbatim transference of certain words & ideas is unachievable (unless notes are added to help direct the reader to variations of meaning); and I'm not referring to the words or chunks of Scripture that might be missing in other versions (probably due to the many manuscripts the translators use). You can check with any translator who is engaged in this work - the difficulties are immense. The KJV translators did an extremely good job, but certainly not a perfect work - but we can be grateful for their perseverance & providing us a Bible we can love & trust.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Page 1.

    I guess this part of the discussion (& thread) must soon come to an end dear Jimbob, simply because that "every Word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God", and what we have & read in our Bibles today, are understood differently by us.

    I understand & appreciate your strong belief & assertion (that's admirable, but in my mind, rather wishful): that since God's Word given is pure & the recorders of that Word did so accurately, then no other Bible can possibly fit that description of faithful transmission, except the King James Bible. And to restate my position, that I don't subscribe to that view, simply because we don't have such a Bible in existence that brings out God's Message without some differences (large or small). That type of transferring of a given message to other languages that have evolved over the centuries, simply cannot be done successfully. I even gave you a few examples of differences in Revelation chapter 22; differences in what the original Greek showed.

    One quick example of a missionary involved in translation work amongst tribal folk in India: Isaiah 53:6 says, "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." A straight forward work of translating this verse into another language, even with some grammar changes & sentence reconstruction. But the difficulty arose with these 'sheep'. These tribals had never seen sheep nor ever heard about such animals with wool, as they were far removed from civilization. So, Isaiah 53:6 took a new turn: 'All we like pigs have gone astray'. Oh, now they understood that & how their herd of swine (once wild, now domesticated) could easily wander away - which no doubt gave further license to speak about the filth of sin & obstinacy to obey the herder, even the LORD.

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