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We have no control when and how God chooses to call us Home.
I'm just happy to witness the Lord in his life and to be a big part of that.
God bless.
But God is Sovereign and from what I understand, has made sure that the Scriptures has been handled carefully in its copying and translating throughout the ages has been accurately preserved. There are some minor errors in all translations, but the major thrust and truth of the Scriptures is still preserved overall.
I am sure that you do not agree with this, and that is ok. I do not wish to go back and forth on this topic, but from what I have researched., the translations we have are faithful to the texts used for the translations with about 97% accuracy. We are blessed in this day and age to have the Bible translated in languages believers can read own and read for themselves. We also have the internet to use for reading passages in various translations. We should be thankful and appreciate the work of all who have attempted to translate the Scriptures with integrity and good intent, not only the KJV translators, but those who helped to translate other versions throughout the Christian age and before (as in the Septuagint).
As Sammi said, people cause much of the suffering by our mistreatment of others and ourselves.
But, like the earthquake in Turkey/Syria and many illnesses that people can acquire, it is God who allows the suffering from these "natural" disasters and diseases. He created the viruses, bacteria, etc. that have plagued mankind since the fall. He created the earth's topography both above and below ground and changes that cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.
Satan likes to afflict people as well, which God allows. Job is an example of that.
If you are not English Sascha, then welcome to this forum as newcomer.
"And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:27 KJV
I am sorry about your brother, I know what you are feeling. I am the last of my family. Our hope is to come.
GOD bless,
God bless you
God bless
Thanks for your Prayers.
I believe "A Child of God" is replying to Sacha.
However I believe Sacha is currently back on the site.
God bless.
The city of Philadelphia was in Asia Minor and controlled by Rome, it is today in Turkey a town called Ataehir the "city of Allah.". You can find what Jesus said to them in the letter sent to them in Rev.3:7-13. This city was almost destroyed in an earthquake in early AD. It was also a stronghold for Christianity when the Moslems overran Asia Minor it was one of the last to fall.
God bless,
Please I need a Powerful vigil intercessory prayer for the Sword of the Spirit: to break the Curse of Lack of money in mY Life & Livelihood.
To break the Curse of Generational Curses of Poverty in my Livelihood & Career.
To break the Curse Marital delay in my life..
To break the Curse of Generational Curses of Mental illness & Sickness ANY.
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ...My Justice Minister, AmEn!
Hallelujah 7 time
Hosannah 7time
Good to see your name. Hope you and hubby and family are well in England.
God bless,
Long ago I read a book called The Road Less Traveled. I remember nothing about that book except one sentence:
"People want their grief acknowledged and their feelings validated".
When someone's grief is acknowledged and their feelings are validated they can have some peace, so thank you.
I did Psalm 16 for my first study (sort of picked the first thing I could open up to with minimal time for prep). After some thought and prayer I feel it is good to explain how in the flesh none of us desire God and to give a basic explanation of the Gospel. John comes to mind as a good starting point. That would be my first request that the material and reception would be led by the Spirit; secondly that discussions will be within the parameters the Lord would set so that the materials can enhance discussion and questions and that things wouldn't sway too far into side issues. Thirdly; I am going to try to ask my church to supply Bibles and obtain large print ones if possible. Also in light of that I am thinking of printing out a large print outline for my studies. Pray that any homework questions will be those the Lord could use so that people start reading scriptures. There is a library study room where I speak with donated books; I hope to leave Bibles there; and also get clear indication from the Director (who is a believer) as to whether I can leave any tracts there.
Lastly; I would ask for more boldness as well as opportunities to present themselves in sharing the Gospel. Also for anyone else that feels led to join me in the study from my church.
Thanks; Agape
RIch P
"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea." God is going to create a new Heaven and a New Earth! Our time does not end in Heaven! We have a glorious ETERNITY to spend with our Saviour on EARTH!! The NEW EARTH! I pray this helps!
Christ knew man , even as He hung on the cross. His heart and mind toward All mankind in there depraved state of sin.
How could a loving God send His Son to die for you and me? How could a loving God stand by and hear His Son cry out these words, and watch Him die?
Is this not the same God you proclaim as "a loving God"! Is this the God whom you say loves us all? Is this the God you say could never judge us? Ah my friends this God is mightier then you will ever know!
This God has turned aside, and has let His dear Son die without a word!
He has turned away and let His Son die for YOU AND ME!
Even so YOUR "unknown God" has released the power that can only come from heaven itself.
The revelation that He is who He says, That you might know He has the power to forgive sin!
That He will let you see, and walk, and hear, that He and His Father are one! That He is who He says He is! Christ the Savior of the world!
Repent and be Baptized