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  • GiGi - 2 years ago

    This is because He is the one and only Son of God and Son of Man. He incarnated Himself (as God the Son) into a human body prepared for Him by the Father in Mary. From conception on, Jesus was fully God and fully man in one Person, the Person of the

    Son of God. He is the only Incarnated Being in all of creation. Being indwelt with the Holy Spirit is not an incarnation as it is two persons inhabiting one body, the believer and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit's presence in the believer is not natural to mankind since the fall, but one of the wonderful blessings promised by Jesus, our Saviour. With Jesus, it is one Person, (the Son) taking upon Himself fully a human nature with a body, soul, and spirit. When one looks at Jesus one sees The Son of God in a fleshly body, not the Son of God overtaking an already existing human's body. And because of the unity of the Persons of the Godhead, Jesus could say, if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father ( John 12:45; John 14:9).

    Before creation and before all time, the three members of the Godhead existed in complete joy, love, and unity. Together They willed to create a universe that would include heavenly spirit beings and beings made of matter. The heavenly beings and humans are the two groups of beings that were created to have relationship with the Godhead. Before creation, the Godhead decided that They would create both heavenly beings and humans capable of disobeying Him. Satan was the first to sin, being lifted up with pride, attempting to become equal with God and to usurp Him so that the heavenly hosts will worship him instead of their Maker. As many as one third of the angels followed after Satan into sin. God knew this would happen. He already planned not to offer salvation to fallen angels, but prepared the lake of fire for them to spend all of eternity when they are judged. ....

  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply - 2 years ago

    In the Hebrew there is no Capital G: God

    god and all gods are lower case, translators put in the capital letter.

    The Father is the god, all else are a god, you know which is which by the articles; the and a.

    Jesus is a god, Jesus says he's is not the father, but was a god sent by the Father.

    If you study the Psalms and understand it is Christ speaking and not David you will have better understanding.

    2 Samuel 23:1-2

    Read Psalms 69 with the understanding it is Jesus speaking, NOT DAVID.

    The whole bible are the WORDS OF GOD, not the words of the man that set those words to paper.

    God Bless YOU!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I agree, S. Spencer,

    It is clear from our past interactions with those who continue to contend that we will achieve godhood along with other heresies related to this prideful, Satan inspired doctrine, they are will not (as of yet) repent of their false belief and recant. But, as you, I post responses now and then for the sake of those newcomers to this forum or those new in faith. It is very important, especially on a site such as this forum, for true doctrine to be presented regularly with Biblical support. And those who concur with those who present correct doctrine to reply that they are in agreement, as many as possible. We should be a united front against such terribly wrong doctrine as this "little gods" false teaching.

    I don't think that many people really realize just how much was lost in the fall of Adam. To go from an altogether righteous and holy nature to change to a thoroughly, all-encompassing sinful nature that is passed to every person conceived is a huge loss as well as an almost unfathomable distance sin placed between God and mankind. Most people think that they are just a "little bit sinful" in relation to God. They do not realize that His infinite holiness and purity and perfection is something we can never compare ourselves to as there is no close comparison whatsoever.

    For people to think that people in this life who are sinful even if saved can "be in the same class as God" as some who hold this distorted, wicked tenet say, we diminish our view of this aspect of God's complete perfection that is beyond what we can ever fully grasp even when we are resurrected and made perfect in our humanity. The gulf between God's perfection as deity and the perfection of our humanity in the life to come is immense. We dishonor God when we minimize this difference and especially dishonor Him when we attribute godhood to our present sinful selves. How sinful is that!

    But we can know that we will be facing this narrative again and again. We are prayerful
  • Alex1939 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Spencer ya gotta realize this new covenant is an all inclusive Covenant...While we yet sinners Christ died for all men....While we were yet sinners...Thats indicative of everybody...Via the blood of the lamb...If i be lifted up i will draw all men unto me...Ya need to study this new covenant that was made at calvary in the blood of Jesus...Let the H.G. The anointing will teach you everything.

    I was found of them that sought me not...Thats everybody... And made manifest unto them that asked not after me...Thats everybod...Thats the N.C. AN ALL inclusive Covenant by the blood of the lamb...God is no respector of persons...Read Jeremiah...31:34 and learn of this New Covenant....Stop reading commentaties by back sliden preachers !....You will thank me later...Gbu spencer
  • Alex1939 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Spencer ya gotta realize this new covenant is an all inclusive Covenant...While we yet sinners Christ died for all men....While we were yet sinners...Thats indicative of everybody...Via the blood of the lamb...If i be lifted up i will draw all men unto me...Ya need to study this new covenant that was made at calvary in the blood of Jesus...Let the H.G. The anointing will teach you everything.

    I was found of them that sought me not...Thats everybody... And made manifest unto them that asked not after me...Thats everybod...Thats the N.C. AN ALL inclusive Covenant by the blood of the lamb...God is no respector of persons...Read Jeremiah...31:34 and learn of this New Covenant....Stop reading commentaties by back sliden preachers !....You will thank me later...Gbu spencer
  • Wendy May - 2 years ago
    Dear Friends please pray to our Lord to protect me, protect me and free me from gossip, lies, hate, psychologically abuse, fight, arguments that come from my coworkers Melina, Zhaleh, Mark, Nancy, Azzy, Massi and Fati, please pray to God to deliver from me all kind of conflict with these people, and pray to the Lord to give me the friendship and a very good relationship with all of them, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen
  • Preacher of Truth - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The Word of God teaches us in 1 Cor. 2:14 that the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned.

    This is why those communicating their messages in this 'forum' so often use the word 'discerning' while the 'Word of God' is not of any private interpretation ( 2 Peter 1:20). This is why it also teaches; that anyone that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man ( 1 Cor. 2:15).

    Furthermore, the Spirit of truth cannot be received by this world ( John 14:17) as this whole world has been deceived ( Rev. 12:9).

    May we suggest you search the words 'a world deceived' an learn how you may know the difference between the 'natural' and the 'spiritual' body ( 1 Cor. 15:44).

    Seek, and ye shall find ( Matthew 7:7).

    Please remember, the above words are not our words but from God and they are according to the 'Spirit of Truth'.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Gigi.

    You are absolutely right when you say "How can anyone think that God will not deal with humans who persist in the same sin any differently than He deals with Satan".

    Well this group also says "There is no Satan! and there is no Hell!

    Every verse in scripture that makes a sinner cry out for salvation they falsely spiritualize the threat right out the text causing no need for repentance.

    I just point these things out from time to time to let the newcomers know the craftiness of their plot and we all don't hold those views.

    Romans 16:17 tells us to mark these that causes division.

    "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them".

    These false teachers permitted by God to manifest who's his and who's not. as seen here in 1 Corinthians 11:19.

    "For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you."

    God bless.
  • Alex1939 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    GiGi remember Jesus had to be born in MARY...And Jesus says whosoever receiveth one Child in my name receiveth me...She brought forth a man child that is gonna rule all nations...ALL nations...Which answers to that Spirit of truth that Jesus said wd reprove this whole world of sin and righteousness and Judgement ...But Jesus says this spirit of truth will not speak of himself...Thats b/c the H.G. has to be born in us....Thats y Jesus is saying that which is BORN of the spirit is spirit...He is the result of the Sower and Jesus seed.. thats y Jesus has to know us...Even in the natural an infant cannot speak for a season....Gal.4:1 The heir as long as he is CHILD he differs nothin from a servant THO HE BE LORD OF ALL But is under governors and tutors till the time appointed of the FATHER...And Jesus is his father simply b/c its Jesus who sows that good seed in us..Lord of all is indicative of the H.G....The multiplication of very God in US...Remember that Child Prophet Jeremiah told God he cd not speak he was just a Child...But now under this N.C. our Prophet is the H.G. that has to be born in us...And rule all nations..Rev.12 :5...As that which is born of the spirit tis spirit...Which is the H.G. EMANUEL GOD WITH US....Only the H.G. abides with us for ever...Thus he is truly God with us Emanuel....Read Jeremiah 1 :6 That great Child prophet tells God he cannot speak of himself...But Jeremiah neva did destroy kingdoms and nations....He was just prophetic of the H.G. that heavenly Child that has to be born in us that is gonna rule all nations...The manchild...Unless you receieve the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in...That precious woman giving birth is the result of the sower and his seed the contents of the book...That N.C....After the book is opened they all sang a new SONG...We will not sing this churchanity song much longer...We will sing the song of Moses and the lamb...The blood of the lamb will fulfill the law of Moses...ok gb
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ruby , I have read through your answer to me and I can't find anything in it that causes me any problems at all , your post to me is very clear and precise and scriptural , anyone who reads it will have a hard time disagreeing with you . Maybe that is what was all that was needed? A clear explanation . Well you gave it and thankyou so much , I hope everyone else reads it . The only thing that you and I differ on are the resurrections . I believe that the first will be when Christ returns , and the second will be at the end of Christ's millennial reign on earth when the humans who have lived and died during that one thousand years will be resurrected and judged , then comes the end and God will be all in all . Apart from that I cannot disagree with you . I have a J.W. friend , we have many long talks , face to face , and we disagree plenty but we always manage to be respectful and friendly , maybe because we actually look one another in the eye . I think people find it easier to be a bit aggresive when they are not in the same room as the person they are talking to . Hopefully now that you have made yourself very clear , we can all get along a bit better , I do hope so . Thanks for your excellent post / reply to me , we have a lot in common . May God bless you .
  • Preacher of Truth - 2 years ago
    The Word of God teaches us in 1 Cor. 2:14 that the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned.

    This is why those communicating their messages in this 'forum' so often use the word 'discerning' while the 'Word of God' is not of any private interpretation ( 2 Peter 1:20). This is why it also teaches; that anyone that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man ( 1 Cor. 2:15).

    Furthermore, the Spirit of truth cannot be received by this world ( John 14:17) as this whole world has been deceived ( Rev. 12:9).

    May we suggest you search the words 'a world deceived' and learn how you may know the difference between the 'natural' and the 'spiritual' body ( 1 Cor. 15:44).

    Seek, and ye shall find ( Matthew 7:7).

    Please remember, the above words are not our words but from the Word of God and they are according to the 'Spirit of Truth'.
  • One eighty - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi S Spencer,

    If it is ambiguous regarding my beliefs on who is saved, I will clearly state that salvation is all encompassing. There was a time when it bothered me when I began to change my mind one hundred eighty degrees on this issue. Being what I consider a Christian since a young age, it was a rather fearful thought, considering the possibility I could be a heretic. Yet, for me to remain in a such a fearful and depressing state as I was at that time, even though I was well versed in the scriptures, I had to consider that something must be amiss. I ultimately realized that the possibility of heresy was better than remaining at suicides doorstep, as odd as this may seem to some readers. Therefore, please understand that I'm ok with that label if you or others wish to identify me as such, rather than God's Holy Creation. I will always respect your free will to choose to believe what you desire and will not purposely condemn or damn anyone, as this would be in violation of my system of thought striving to see only love in All God's creation, which I consider also to be the Vision of Christ.

    In regards to your first question, I cannot answer for those whom you are perceiving as bothering your ministry. Yet if, as you stated that they stated, "you have nothing to lose whether you believe or not," I most definitely disagree. One would surely miss out on the joy and peace in this perceived life by not forgiving, and sharing the Love of Christ with ALL of God's creation.

    As I said in a previous post: We who are not at war (opposition in our mind) must look for brothers and recognize all whom we see as brothers, because only equals are at peace. Choosing guilt always results in anger and in turn attack, thus destroying peace. God knows you only in peace, and this is our truth.

    All power is of God. What is not of Him has no power to do anything.

    You are truly blessed.

    GOD IS
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Chris for your answer. I've got another question for you, if you don't mind or anybody who wants to answer. do you think the Spirit of truth in John Ch.14,15,and 16 could be the King James Bible? Which is The true Words of the LORD. Jn.14:26 speaks of the Comforter being the Holy Ghost and says it will "teach you all things". but in Jn.16:13 when the Spirit of truth is come this verse says he will "guide you into all truth". The word "guide" here means to show the way, (teacher) lead. All truth sounds like it has to be the True Words of the LORD..
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Alex, I think you have assumed many things from the Scriptures you refer to and I think this is adding to Scripture. But, that said. I have stated my case to you in my posts and I really do not wish to continue this discussion beyond this reply because I do not think it is fruitful for the cause of Christ. Neither one of us are going to budge on our stance, so we can at this point be at a standstill and exit this discussion. I am happy to discuss with you topics beyond what we have discussed so far. I am sure that you have sound ideas to contribute to discussion on other matters.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Ruby Lea,

    In the context you seem to be given here, that we will be a god over what is given to us to rule over, then that is consistent with the language of the Scriptures in that what is meant by the world "god" in such a context refers to a ruler or one in authority. It does not imply true deity, as only the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit have true deity and alone are the One True God who is incomparable to any other being, not only because all other beings are created by Him, but that His Being is vastly different than any being He created.

    Within the context of what you have stated, it could be said that a father or mother are "gods" over their children because they have God given authority over their children. And a president or king could be considered a "god" over those they whom they govern. But we must not mix together the Godhood of Jesus to be anything likened to these "gods" as He is both Truly God and truly man in one person. Any so called "god" on earth is merely human through and through, and any power or authority in the heavenly realm, be it angels or other celestial beings are "gods" in that they have delegated power and authority from God, but are strictly a created member of the heavenly hosts.

    I assert in my posts that Scripture teaches that there is only one God who is truly divine, never created, infinite in His Being in every way, perfect and complete in every aspect about Himself without drawing from anything outside of Himself, self-sustaining, self-sufficient, and self-satisfied within Himself. He alone is eternal from everlasting to everlasting. He alone is the Sovereign of all things, excluding any other being as God. He alone is the one we worship and serve.
  • Giannis - In Reply on Psalms 13 - 2 years ago
    James 5:16

    "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
  • Alex1939 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    GiGi no sweetheart....The very fact that the bible refers to Jesus as THE BRIDEGROOM IS Indicative of multiplication and regeneration and regeneration and Jesus is God thus we are all gonna birth a baby Christ and Jesus is God....She brought forth a manchild which is the H.G. that is gonna rule all nations....Remember BRIDEGROOM IS INDICATIVE OF a Marriage MULTIPLICATION OF VERY God in US....Thats y Isaiah when he saw the kingdom coming says UNTO US A CHILD IS BORN...Unto us a son is given a baby Christ....GiGI the spirit can be born in us....BORN....Thats y Jesus is saying that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G. that Child of Promise....ok lemme go...Thus that Spirit of truth that has to be born in us is just a spritual infant that cannot speak for a season....Read Jeremiah 1: 6....Lord i cannot Speak I AM BUT A LIL CHILD....OK LEMME GO
  • Browneyes878787 - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago

    Psalms 91 some believe it's written by David. But others attributed to Moses due to its content and textual similarity to Psalm 90, its use of Deuteronomic language, and various
  • Browneyes878787 - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Psalms was authored by multiple writers

    we know David wrote the most of the psalms-73 that we're sure of. These ones are his, specifically:

    Psalms 3-9

    Psalms 11-41

    Psalms 51-65

    Psalms 68-70

    Psalm 86

    Psalm 101

    Psalm 103

    Psalms 108-110

    Psalm 122

    Psalm 124

    Psalm 131

    Psalm 133

    Psalms 138-145

    The family of Asaph wrote 12 psalms:

    Psalm 50

    Psalms 73-83

    The sons of Korah wrote 11 psalms:

    Psalm 42

    Psalms 44-49

    Psalms 84-85

    Psalms 87-88

    Heman the Ezrahite coauthored Psalm 88 with the sons of Korah.

    Solomon wrote two psalms:

    Psalm 72

    Psalm 127

    Moses wrote Psalm 90.

    Ethan the Ezrahite wrote Psalm 89.
  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply - 2 years ago

    We are going to be a god is the exactness of Jesus, not a god in he exactness of the Father.

    God Bless You!
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi One eighty.

    No I wasn't referring to you.

    My intention is to let the newcomers know and see when passing by that we're all not part of this heresy.

    There is a group that has been on the site for atleast 2 years to stand in the way of a msg that some of us believe is important.

    However this group says the msg is not important because everyone will be saved regardless.

    If that is the case why bother our ministering for these past several years?

    In their own words you have nothing to loose whether you believe or not.

    My question is, "Well why stand in the way?

  • Busisiwe Charity Peter on Psalms 13 - 2 years ago
    Hello i am really praying hard everyday in a way that i sometimes dont have words anymore to speak to my God.A neighbour wants me down,Am going to courts due to the building i built and the neighbor told me straight that s/he will make sure that it is demolished.Am busy with the plan and has been submitted and they are giving me 30 days to have an approved plan .Am going to court on the 7th February 2023 and need some prayers and powerful verses that will uplift my spirit and have faith that this too shall pass on my favour by the Grace of God.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I did not address the topic of the church being the bride of Christ in my posts. I do believe what the Scriptures say about Jesus being the bridegroom as far as believers being made one in Christ. Being made "one" does not mean we become Jesus, as if our humanity is absorbed into His deity. In a marriage, the two people are unified but still two distinct persons.

    In life everlasting, we will be privileged to in union with Jesus and the Father and the Holy Spirit. We will be glorified with Christ. But the Bible does not teach that a separate new baby Holy Spirit or Christ is birthed in each of us as a result of this union. That is what I addressed in my post as false teaching. God is not multiplied in us, but He dwells in us. We have a human spirit, soul, and body. The Holy Spirit is divine Spirit. He dwells within us without any change to His essence. To be a "baby" Spirit or Christ, as you have said, who cannot yet talk because He is a baby and must grow up, indicates that God in His essence changes, as in He ages in time. This is a false idea that presents God falsely, diminishing Him to the level of a human.

    Thank you for your reply.
  • JESUSISTHELIGHT - 2 years ago
    who is god
  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Does Jesus have a GOD?

    Yes he does, he says so himself.

    Is Jesus a God, Yes he says so himself,

    In Jesus the Father; No, he says so himself.

    Did Jesus create the world and all things; YES and NO, the Father created all things TROUGH Jesus.

    Jesus is the instrument in the hand of his God and Father.

    Does Jesus know all things, NO, he says so himself.

    Are we the instrument in Jesus hand; Yes, he says so himself.

    Was Mosses an instrument in Jesus hand, Yes, and Mosses was given power over Pharaoh.

    The Father commanded Jesus to have power and authority over creation, Jesus is a God over creation.

    Jesus commands his brethren, as they are translated in to the kingdom, to have power and authority over certain aspects of his kingdom, he makes them gods to certain things, and they rule as a god, and have power as a god.

    Exodus 7:1 And the Lord (and God of Moses), said unto Mosses, I (your Lord and God) have made thee a (lord) and god over Pharaoh.

    Psalms 136:2 O give thanks unto the God of gods ....

    Daniel 2:47 ....that your God is a God of gods .....

    Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in the Lord Jesus:

    Philippians 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, though it not robbery to be equal with God.

    Jesus is not the God and Father of ALL, but has ALL the power and authority of his God and Father, and when God his Father tells him what to DO, he does so with ALL power and authority of GOD.

    We will do the same thing, in the kingdom, Jesus will give us ALL power and authority of certain things in the kingdom, and we will be a god over what put under us.

    This will happen when Jesus resurrects all the dead back to their flesh and the saints judge the earth.

    God Bless You.
  • Browneyes878787 - 2 years ago
    Jesus never said it would be easy, but he said it would be worth it! ( Matthew 7: 13-14

    Life is tough, no doubt about it. Jesus never meant it to be easy. He said in this world we will have trouble. The promise, however, it that He has overcome this world. When we remember our calling and our inheritance in heaven, we will more adequately keep our eyes fixed upon Him Who will keep us in perfect peace no matter what difficulties come our way. As Isaiah 26:3 says, "The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in You." It is a challenge to stay the course and be steadfast, but if we can keep our minds fixed upon Christ and rest upon Him by faith, He will keep us in perfect peace. The Christian life is not easy, but it can be one of great joy, incomprehensible peace, intimacy with our Lord, and rest for our souls.
  • Stuart Cato on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Who wrote Psalm 91 ?
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    False teachings are often found with 3 characteristics. A lot of words, inconsistent with the Bible, and little to no verse sources.
  • Bradley Denton Karr - 2 years ago
    Demons are trying to forcibly remove me from the universe on false grounds. My full living experience of the past year, of exactly what it's been being me, proves my total and complete innocence. In cases of foul play from evil spirits, it's imperative to experience the human's perspective. I've proven it to the heavenly figure named Yahweh before, same one who worked with the historical Christ Yeshua (Jesus).
  • Giannis - 2 years ago
    Part 2

    Now lets go back to verse 1 John 4:17, "Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of JUDGEMENT: because as he is, so are we in this world."

    Combine the above verse with 1 John 3:21-22, "21-Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.

    22-And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight."

    So lets go back to the verse "there is no fear in Love" and interprete it properly.

    /When I have love for God and my brethern and that is shown by both obeying God's commandments and help my brethern when they are in a need, then I can assure myself that i have eternal life and there is no need to fear God in the final Judgment./

    The above verse should always be served inside all the rest of the verses that are related to it. Because if it served on its own it may lead to wrong conclusions.


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