All Discussion PAGE 573

  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen Sammi:

    John 9:41 ....if you were blind, you would have no sin: but now you say, WE SEE, therefore your sin remainth.

    When we read God's word and we come to words such a mountain, we automatically picture in our carnal minds a physical mountain, instead of what it represents in Christ mind.

    As we study and the spirit of Christ teaches, we begin to develop the mind of Christ, we see the meaning, not the physical, this is a process that happens with time and study.

    Matthew 13:13 Therefore speak I to them in parables, because they seeing see not, and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

    Daniel 7:13 like of the Son of man come with the clouds of heaven ----has that image popped into your carnal mind ------ that not the meaning in Christ mind ----

    God Bless you as he creates the mind of Christ IN YOU.
  • Alex1939 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Kalebu...All thru the Old Testament....The tabernacle was for a House for God to dwell in...And it had 3 parts,..3 Dividions....But the holist was where God wd meet with the Priests....The tribe of Levi...

    But God wanted a new COVENANT....And a new temple ....And this New Temple wd be mans hearts and minds....Abide in me and i in you...Now the H.G. is our high Priest...And he has to be born in us....Now under this new covenant our bodies are the temple of the H.G. ....OK GTG....BBL
  • Benjamin - 2 years ago
    Please pray for the Lord Jesus to lead me to the right and true definition of a word. It is very important for a Bible project.

    As well, for a family housing situation to have his glorious answer and endless love.

    May God bless you all.
  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen Brother Alex:

    Everyone gets the same wage: immortality; Christ ONLY hath immortality ( 1 Timothy 6:16), the firstfruits in this age, all others in the next age, the feast of the ingathering, feast of the TENTS or tabernacles.

    Zechariah 12:7 And I will save the TENTS of Judah FIRST ---- firstfruits -----there are TWO harvest, firstfruits then the ingathering.

    Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be, and that which is done shall be done, there is no new thing under the sun.

    God Bless YOU!
  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen sammi:
  • Frank Daniels - 2 years ago
    Please pray for energy, focus and strength for me at work today, and for me to be positive! Also for me to focus on Jesus. In Jesus holy name!
  • Craig on Revelation 2 - 2 years ago
    I'm trying to learn and read the Lords Words, but I'm having a difficult time understanding. I'm dyslectic! Can someone please help?
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 2 years ago
    JRR You are right, look the word flesh up in a Strongs Concordance. He took two of every race..
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Donna

    I am doing well from surgery. Taking pain meds and hope to taper off of these over the next few days. Learning to do things left handed and on-handed.

    I so appreciate your prayers and love.
  • Iyke Maduako on Isaiah 41 - 2 years ago
    My "Right Hand" signifies strength and authority. The Lord will uphold and strengthen me, I will not be afraid of anything.

    Oh Lord! I will follow your leading as you hold me by my hand.
  • Sammi - 2 years ago
    Are you hungry ?Are you thirsty? I hope so , I'm starving and never feel full ! I always want more ! Throughout the old testament we are told that God will provide us with food and drink , is that really physical food and drink or is it a promise of...the Bible itself ? I'm not great at tying things together so I hope these verses are ok , they say what I want to much better than I ever could , Matthew 4:4 , Matthew 5:6 and also 15-26 , Luke 6:21-25 , John 6:35 , Isaiah 9:13-20 also 29:7-24 , all of Ch 32 , 49:5-10 , 65:11-25 , all of Ch 66. Psalm 106:15 , also 107:1-15+31-37 and all of 146 . The Bible is the LIVING WORD , it is what sustains us , feeds us and waters us as we wander in this wilderness towards our promised destination .
  • Alex1939 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Spencer GBU....But the new covenant is all inclusive.... Jeremiah 31:34 I will KNOW them ALL from the least to the greatest...and their sins and iniquities will i remember no more...That New Covenant is by the blood of Jesus...If i be lifted up ( his blood ) I will draw ALL MEN unto me...Thats everybody...An all inclusive Covenant.

    Matthew 20:1-16....The vineyard...Some were hired early and some were hired late...But in the end they were ALL HIRED....And given the same wages....The last shall be 1st and the 1st shall be last....But they were all given the same wages from the 1st to the last...Which is the Kingdom....Thats y Jesus is saying if i be lifted up ( The Cross )..I will draw ALL men unto me......ALL MEN

    Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every Creature... Mark 16:15...And his words cannot return unto him void....But the book the N.C. has to be opened 1st....b/f the Kingdom comes in Rev 12 :10...We have to birth the manchild which is the H.G....That New Creature....Thats y he is saying the 1st shall be last and the last 1st...indicative of this 2k yr period of darkness coming to an end...I am the light of the world but the night comes darkness when no man can work....

    In Isaiah 11:11.. He saw an ocean of knowledge covering the earth as the waters covering the seas thats everybody ...And this knowledge is an intimacy that is gonna result in a birth of Christ in everybody....Thats y Jeremiah saw ALL MEN in travail and birth pains as woman in travail....Simply b/c this Knowledge is an intimacy....Thats y he has to know us which answers to tree of knowlege in Gen. and this ocean of knowledge covering the earth in Isaiah 11...He is gonna know everybody resulting in a birth of Christ in us Everybody...ok lemme go.... Jeremiah 31:34 I will know them ALL FROM THE LEAST TO THE GREATEST and their sins and iniquites will i remember no more....And its God Almighty that is making this new covenant with the blood of Jesus... if i be lifted up I..will.
  • Liza - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my kids to find comfort and joy in life and for good health for my entire family! Thank you and god bless!
  • Mara Flores. on 2 Chronicles 32 - 2 years ago
    Peace Be Upon You.

    The Priest Hezekiah And Ezekiel Are The Same Person, The 48 Chapter Of The Book Of Ezekiel, Isaiah Chapter 38:1-22; Second Kings Chapter 20:1-21; Second Chronicles Chapter 32:1-33. Why Are They Portrait As Two Different People?
  • Sammi - 2 years ago
    A question : do you have faith , in God and in Jesus ? I'm guessing yes , so , why haven't you moved a mountain ? For many years I beat myself up over this , Matthew 17:20 , Matthew 21:21 , Mark 11:23 , John 4:21 . Obviously , I don't have even a tiny mustard grain of faith ! It's only quite recently that I realised that Jesus is using a metaphor . The mountain represents those trials and tribulations that I have in my daily life , my worries my fears my insecurities that come from paying too much attention to the things of this life . Then of course I had to rethink a few other things , once I had realised and accepted that , Jesus sometimes used metaphors , this has opened up my mind to all kinds of possibilities . Further study is required ! Guess what ? Further study is always required ! We are used to metaphors in the Bible especially in the book of Revelation but I hadn't really thought about Jesus using them , parables yes , metaphors ? Took me longer to recognise them . The Bible never stops teaching us new things , this is how it works , it opens up slowly , the more effort you put in and the more your heart and mind are open to it , the more it reveals . It doesn't matter how long we have been reading it , it doesn't matter how many times we've read it , it doesn't matter how great we think our knowledge and understanding is , there's still got good stuff in there to teach us . This is why we need to be careful about how we receive others , they may now something that we don't know yet , we may now something that they don't know yet , we must not discourage open discussion , we must not close our eyes and ears to each other . May God bless us all with open eyes , ears , minds and hearts , to receive His Word from each other with humility and patience and love .
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember me and family in your prayers
  • Alex1939 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Tonia good question...But if you are speaking of a "sow" like a hog that returns to his mud after he is washed that's indicative of a person who is washed by the Word of God...Or a Dog that returns to his vomit after he is washed...Spritually that happens b/c satan will come a Sow a Tare a satan seed in with the Wheat which is a baby Christ...Simply b/c the sower of that good seed is Christ the bridegroom...Thats y he is saying whosoever receiveth one such Child in my name (his seed ) receiveth me...The sower of that good seed is Christ the Bridegroom....Thats y he has to know us so that his incorruptible seed will be sown in our hearts making us clean spritually....The only way we can birth that New Creature is by the seed of Jesus.

    And that New Creature is the only thing that pleases God...Which is the H.G. the Child of PROMISE...She brought forth aman child which is the H.G. that New Creature...The reason the bible calls him ( the H.G. ) a New Creature is simply b/c he is formed in Mans hearts and minds via the seed of Jesus...But mankind is the Mother, its us who has to birth the Child...There has to be a birth b/c of Christ seed the word....She brought forth a manchild that is gonna rule all nations which is the H.G...Humanity is the mother of this new creature

    This New Creature is the H.G. The Kingdom That has to be formed in us...Who is my Mother Jesus asked then he said them that hears my words ( his good seeds are his words ) and keeps them....When Isaiah saw the kingdom coming in 9:6....He said unto us Child is born...The Child is the H.G. Thats y Jesus is saying that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G....Our new hearts and new spirits...ok lemme go
  • Cindyt - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Greetings, Frank Daniels,

    The Joy Of The Lord Is My Strength: 5 Methods For Growing In The Joy Of The Lord

    1. Experience The Joy Of The Lord Through Prayer Prayer is my lifeline to Jesus. ...

    2. Experience The Joy Of The Lord Through God's Word ...

    3. Experience The Joy Of The Lord Through The Holy Spirit ...

    4. Experience The Joy Of The Lord By Meditating On The Character of God ...

    5. Experience The Joy Of The Lord By Meditating On The Gospel
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    This is why the old testament is so massively important , I wish people would study it as much as they do the new , their understanding of the new would be so much enhanced ! I have no idea why some people are reluctant , maybe they will find things in there that challenge their beliefs ? We must remember that God is the same , He doesn't change , His words in the old testament tie in perfectly with the new , it's the same Almighty God , the Holy One of Israel . It boggles my mind that some Christians ignore it completely . ALL scripture is given by God and helpful to us .
  • Michael anthony homan on Luke 2 - 2 years ago
    this is powerful chptr, in 3 basic parts. the Birth of Jesus.8 days later,back to Jerusalem at the temple,from Egypt.then 12 years later...

    at the Temple 7-8 days later after his Birth,is a special part of a special story

    There an elderly man and woman were present ,Anna and Simeon,along with Baby Jesus ,Mary n Joesepth.Simeon held baby Jesus and proclaimed his purpose,Anna instantly did like wise.a bunch of little stories within these stories

    Mary and Joesepth would go to Jerusalem evry yr. for Passover feast,there was another reason Jesus did what he did when he did
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You're in my prayers tonight

    I pray this would be a time of rest and refreshing.

    Always in Jesus wonderful name, amen.

    Much love in Christ
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear God, please save Leslie. Forgive her for all her sins. Cause her to repent of anything in her life that's not in line with Your will and word, and cover her Jesus, with Your precious blood that will protect her from evil spirits. In Jesus name I pray, amen

    Also Lord if Leslie is involved in any sin, new age practices, or spiritual/witchcraft activities please help her to stop doing those things so the enemy will not have strongholds in her life.

    Thank You Lord. Amen.

    God bless you Leslie. Put some Christian music on in your house and car. Open your Bible and ask God to help you understand it. Leave it open on your nightstand while you sleep.

    You're in my prayers tonight. Please tell me do you attend church somewhere? And are you born again? God bless you.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Praying for your school tonight. In Jesus name.

    Proverbs 3:5-6

    Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your paths.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Just in case you were looking at 2 Peter 2:22 & wanted the meaning of 'sow' in that verse, this refers to a hog or a boar, of the swine/pig family.

    And in that chapter, the Apostle Peter was warning his Christian readers to beware of false prophets & false teachers who both taught & lived in contrary to what Jesus & the apostles taught. As Peter declared, "it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them" (v21). He likened such degenerate folk as the old proverb spoke about them, "The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire." Not a nice sight to behold - certainly not a nice people to be engaging with in any form.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ruben I'm praying for you tonight.

    I was once where you are.seeking to get back home to my Lord. I was a prodigal. The road home can be long and lonely.

    Read the book of Hosea.

    Jesus loves you Ruben. He thinks your worth it.

    I love you in Christ.
  • Frank Daniels - 2 years ago
    Please pray for energy, focus and strength for me at work tomorrow, and for me to be joyful and encouraged, in the name of Jesus Christ!
  • Jesse - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 1 - 2 years ago

    Here is what I take away from 1 Corinthians 1:18.

    If I examine this verse, I notice a vast difference if I contrast that. One person hears the gospel and says "Yea, I heard it. It doesn't make sense and it's foolish." But to another person, the power of God will come upon them and save them through the foolishness of preaching.

    Also, 1 Corinthians 1:17 is a tremendous verse. Paul says, "For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel:"

    And then he gives us insight and he opens up the whole rest of the book to us by saying that when I preach the gospel, it's not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.

    In Chapter 2, Paul is going to tell us about his method. What's Paul's method? Number one, by the inspiration of God's Spirit, and number two, he says I'm not going to preach anything except Jesus Christ and Him crucified! He says I know nothing amongst you except Christ and Him crucified.

    Why? Because as he develops the thought through the rest of the book, he says that is God's designed plan, because to man it is foolish. So to preach Jesus Christ crucified for your sins, he's going to say that the world thinks that's foolish.

    He said that it's God's designed plan, so I'm going to preach Christ, and Him crucified, and the person that has a heart for the Lord is going to respond, and the people that don't have a heart for the Lord, they're going to reject it.

    Paul didn't compromise the gospel message in order to get people to receive it. He says it's got to be either the power of the Spirit of God through the simple message of the gospel that convicts people of their need of Christ, or Paul says I won't do it any other way.

    So Paul says if I try the maneuverings and the persuasiveness with human wisdom to get people to believe, it makes the cross of Christ empty. The power of the cross is then released of its power when I'm trying to persuade people with human wisdom!
  • JRR - 2 years ago
    Something to think about... you Said Cains decendents were killed in the flood... before the flood there were Nephilim just like after the flood there was Nephilim roaming the earth. Wouldn't have all the Nephilim died in the flood?

    The size of the Ark was huge, YAHWEH told Noah in Genius 6:19 to take of every living thing of ALL flesh, 2 of every kind male and female to keep them alive with you, they shall be male and female. Then he says of the birds after their kind,and of the Animals after their kind, of every creeping thing of the ground after its kind. It sounds to me like he is talking about other humans flesh. Plus 8 people could not take care of the Ark that size with that many animals 24/7. They had to keep it clean otherwise it would have caught fire from the waste. No electricity only by candle.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ki Toniaj.

    Here's a strongs definition of the word sow.

    Probably strengthened from G4685 (through the idea of extending); to SCATTER that is sow (literally or figuratively): - sow (-er) receive seed.

    ( It means to SCATTER seed.)

    The term is used in the Bible to spread the word of God.

    Jesus says the seed is the word of God here in Luke 8:11 "Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God."

    Some fell on good ground and some fell on bad ground as mentioned in Luke 8:5-15.

    That which fell on good ground bares fruit that which fell on bad ground doesn't.

    The fruit represents LIFE! and that's eternal LIFE.


    ALSO SEE. Matthew 13:3-23.

    God bless you.
  • Al - 2 years ago
    I ask you all to pray with me for my girl friends sister Dottie Johnson who has been battling cancer for some time now and has recently been hospitalized again and on a ventilator please pray she will recover and return to her family also please pray for my girl friend for strength and comfort in this difficult time

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