All Discussion PAGE 582

  • One eighty - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Donna Grace,

    I will conclude by answering your specific questions:

    Can we pray for people who have done things that are not even mentionable? Yes, of course. No matter what the sin, they are God's children calling out for help due to a lack of awareness of love in their minds. We can appreciate the Sonship ONLY as one. Each one we see we place within the holy circle of Atonement, or leave outside, judging him fit for crucifixion or redemption. If we bring him into the circle of purity, we will rest there with him. If we leave him without, we join him there. Prayer for a brother is prayer for yourself.

    Maybe murderers, rapists and sex offenders. What do we say to reassure them they are forgiven? Teach ONLY love. This will assure them.

    Does God forgive them? No. How could he forgive what cannot enter His pure, perfectly loving Mind. Both pure and salt water cannot flow from the same spring, BECAUSE what is impure does not exist there.

    What about backsliders? Who doesn't backslide to some degree. When we do, we need but choose again.

    Does the church really forgive them? Probably not, though they may think they do, although their intentions are meant to be harmless. The world does not at this time understand the true meaning of forgiveness.

    Can they forgive their selves? Yes, it is necessary. But it cannot be attained by withholding forgiveness from all of God's creation. Love holds no grievances.

    How do we as Christians approach this subject and these people? I've answered to some of this in the above. To answer fully will take more time. Try though to consider that we who are not at war must look for brothers and recognize all we see as brothers, because only equals are at peace. Peace is stronger than war because it heals. Your sinless brother brother is your guide to peace. Your sinful brother brother is your guide to pain. And which you choose to see you will behold.

    I feel I've answered your next questions in my reply. Also, all are called. GOD IS.
  • Donna Grace - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me. To put The Lord and my walk above all else AND be a light. God give me wisdom AND understanding.

    I need balance. Luke 10:41-42

    My hearts desire is to sit at the Lords feet, but I am needed for work as well. And I want to do that as unto the Lord.

    Thank you for your prayers. God Bless you all.
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Awesome post , I needed that , thankyou and may God forgive me .
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I feel I understand you totally on this . I'm not going to go too much into the ways in which I have been driven into the wilderness , suffice it to say , that I have been through many hardships , physical and emotional , without any support at all from one human being . At times , and for years at a stretch , I've been an outcast from my biological family , my church , my society and I spent many years by myself , alone in this world . It would have been easy for me to have fallen into bad company and a bad lifestyle . I know now , that God and only God , brought me through these trials . I've learned some hard lessons about humanity but , I've learned some awesome lessons about God . He is my life , my breath , my heart , my mind , my food , my water , my peace , my safety , my joy , my love . I live only because of Him . Patience . Wait for Him , trust Him and fear nothing in this life . When He is ready , He will take this life from me . He and He alone is righteous . We all must learn to trust Him and recognise that every good thing in our life comes from Him and from no where or no one else , we are 100 percent dependant on Him , just as the Israelites who wandered in the desert were , that's exactly who we are now . May God's Will be done and may He bring us all into the promised land soon ,may God bless you .
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Good Morning S. Spencer, Like Chris, I took your comment to mean that we are to show forth Jesus truthfully and with the knowledge of what Scripture reveals about Him. I did not think you were referring to any person posting on this site, especially not Sammi. May the Lord bring clarity to all here and repair what seems to have been damaged. Sorry this happened here.
  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Robert Harmon:

    I going to tell you something you don't want to hear.

    God uses your hardships to PRESS you into his kingdom.

    God drives us into the WILDERNESS, we have to rely on him for our daily necessities, just like the children of Israel, he provides for ONLY TODAY, any more is eaten up by worms (symbolic).

    Mark 1:2 And Immediately the spirit driveth him (the church, Revelation 21:22) into the wilderness ....

    Revelation 12:14 And the woman (Christ's bride, the church) was given the two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the WILDERNESS, into her place, where she is nourished ..........

    Psalms 37:25 .... I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor HIS SEED begging bread.

    Philippians 1:29 For UNTO YOU it is GIVEN on the behalf of Christ, not only to BELIEVE ON HIM, but also to SUFFER for his sake.

    Hebrews 5:8 Though he were a Son (you are a joint heir with Christ), yet learned he (the joint heir) OBEDIENCE through SUFFERING.

    I know this is not what you want to hear, but God PROMISES that HIS GRACE will be enough to get you TO THE END.

    God Bless You!
  • One eighty - In Reply - 2 years ago
    pg. 3

    The world trains for reliance on one's judgment as the criterion for maturity and strength. The Holy Spirit trains for the relinquishment of judgment as the necessary condition for salvation. Faithlessness looks upon the son of God and judges him unworthy of forgiveness. But through the eyes of faith, the children of God are seen already forgiven, free of all the guilt THEY laid upon themselves. What the truly seeing look upon IS sinless. No one who loves can judge, and what he sees he did not make, for it was GIVEN him to see, as was the vision that made his seeing possible.

    If we wish to be the author of reality, we will insist on holding on to judgment. We will also regard judgment with fear, believing it will someday be used against us. The role we give our brother is given us, and we will walk the way we pointed out to him because it is our judgment on our self. Your brother is the mirror of yourself, wherein you see the judgment you have laid on both of you. When you recognize what you are and what your brothers are, you will realize that judging them in any way is without meaning. It is difficult to relinquish judgment. But it is difficult indeed to try to keep it.


    GOD IS
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I found your reply to me to be facetious and aggressive . I'm not sure what I said or did to provoke such a response from you . I do forgive you totally but don't wish any further communication between us .
  • One eighty - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Pg. 2

    Nothing we understand is fearful. It is only in darkness and in ignorance (the term "ignorance" also meant for myself) that we perceive the frightening, and shrink away from it to further darkness. Whenever we are afraid we ARE deceived, and our mind cannot serve the Holy Spirit.

    As we teach so shall we learn. If we react as if we are persecuted, we are teaching persecution. This is not a lesson Son of God should want to teach if he is to realize his own salvation. Rather, teach your own perfect immunity, which is the truth in you, and realize it cannot BE assailed. Our worth is not established by teaching or learning. Our worth is established by God. As long as we dispute this everything we do will end in fear, particularly any situation that lends itself to the belief in superiority and inferiority.

    The opposite of seeing through the body's eyes is the vision of Christ, which reflects strength rather than weakness, unity rather than separation, and love rather than fear. The opposite of hearing through the body's ears is communication through the Voice for God, the Holy Spirit, which abides in each of us. His Voice may seem distant and difficult to hear because the "devil", which speaks for the little, separated self,seems to be much louder.This is actually reversed. The Holy Spirit speaks with unmistakable clarity and overwhelming appeal. No one who does not choose to identify with the body could possibly be deaf to His messages of release and hope, nor could he fail to accept joyously the vision of Christ in glad exchange for HIS miserable picture of himself. The message of the crucifixion is perfectly clear: TEACH ONLY LOVE, for that is what you are. If you interpret the crucifixion in any other way, you are using it as a weapon for assault rather than as the call for peace for which it was intended.

    see pg. 3
  • One eighty - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Donna Grace,

    I believe I can relate to some of your questions and concerns, because as I mentioned in a previous post, I attended church for much of my life. Therefore, I believe the reason why the one's you speak of are not flocking to the churches and/or are not returning, is because they were terrorized. I've previously stated, "Good teachers never terrorize their students." To terrorize is to attack, and this results in rejection of what the teacher offers.The result is learning failure.

    I've also stated, "Our belief in fear cannot be resolved through the mastery of fear. The true resolution rests entirely on mastery through love." All fear is ultimately reducible to the basic misperception that we have the ability to usurp the power of God. We have not usurped the power of God, but we HAVE lost it. God IS Love, but love is treacherous to those who fear, since fear and hate can never be apart. No one who hates but is afraid of love, and therefore must he be afraid of God. Under each cornerstone of fear on which we have erected our insane system of belief, the truth lies hidden. Yet we cannot know this, for by hiding truth in fear, we see no reason to believe that the more we look at fear for what it is for, the less we see it, and the clearer what it conceals becomes. The "devil" does not think it possible that love, not fear is really called upon by sin, AND ALWAYS ANSWERS. For the devil brings sin to fear, demanding punishment. God is life. Therefore the fear of God becomes the fear of life, and not of death. No right mind can believe that its will is stronger than God's. If, then, a mind believes that its will is different from His, it can only decide either that their is no God or that God's Will is fearful. Only our insane mind can produce fear. It does so when it is conflicted in what it wants (fear or love),producing inevitable strain because wanting and doing are discordant....

    see pg. 2
  • Cheryl on Genesis 6 - 2 years ago
    If Angel's have no sex, then how did they get together with the daughters of men ?
  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please Lord I pray for Robert and his family / finances that you woulds enrich them with peace, patience and prosperity. Please let the right doors of opportunity open for them. Please Holy Spirit continue flow through Robert's family with Your spiritual gifts and guidance I pray in the name of Jesus Christ!

    Please consider reflecting on these scriptures: Psalm 91, Jeremiah 29:11, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10.
  • Browneyes878787 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Nuova,

    Life is full of ups and downs, no matter what you go through. Just know it will not last forever and better days are coming Amen

    Surround yourself with people who encourage and love you ( A great place to start is at a church with a body of believers that understand the word of God, to love, forgive etc.

    Peter 5:7-8 Casting all your care on Him, because He cares about you. ( Give it over to God in prayer and reading his word and he will give you wisdom and guidance

    For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. ( Jeremiah 29:11

    Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" ( Rom. 12:21) Take your mind and eyes off the situation and Focus on him and all his promises remind yourself daily of his promises and love

    May the Lord strengthen you. May the lord open the Windows of heaven and pour his blessings over you. May you feel his peace that surpasses all understanding. May God lead you in all your ways. May he bring people into your life that will help you. Jesus' name. I pray amen
  • David on Exodus 34 - 2 years ago
    who wrote the second ten commandments moses or God?
  • Alberto - 2 years ago
    I want to send a great thank you for all the people that work for this site. Thank you for the possibility to download free the kjv. God bless you,your work, and your family!
  • Cindyt - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Donna, greetings. There's not a sin God will not forgive except the sin of rejecting Christ. Anyone, no matter what they've done, should be able to go to church without that church judging them. However, this is not always the case, of course. Yet, maybe there are people in churches who have committed horrible sins but are keeping silent about them, and who can blame them? And why should they confess in public the sins they committed before they were saved?--unless circumstances require it. All that matters, after all, is that Jesus forgave them. As for the church, it should not judge others for the sins they committed before redemption or as a Christian. We are to treat others the way we would have them treat us...yet be discerning of who stands before us because the hard truth is some people are predators in sheep's clothing.
  • John ray - 2 years ago
    It's been 9 months now living in a hotel savings is almost up haven't been to the nursing home in 9 months if anybody's going nobody's calling me or texting me just let me know I thought I had to pay taxes but thank God I didn't I don't have to pay taxes I actually get a refund for 15 bucks please forgive me I know that I'm probably doing this incorrect like Billy Graham's son said the church is falling scripture talks about it nobody cares again I'm sorry please forgive me I do hang on to scripture Isaiah 55:6 Hebrew 13:2
  • Cindyt - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Robert, greetings. Perhaps with the Lord's help, you can find a debt consolidation counselor who will help you hammer out a plan for debt relief.

    God bless!
  • David - 2 years ago
    please remember Kristie and me and our families in your prayers
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I knew what you were talking about because I've spent a lot of time reading the posts from as far back as two years ago , so I've become familiar with people's 'voices'. I wasn't aware that this site had strict doctrine rules that have to be adhered to ? I'm still not aware that that is the case . Is this a site run for and by a specific denomination or is it a site where people from all denominations can gather to discuss the Bible ? If we are perceived as being aggressive towards a fellow poster on here , how might that be perceived by people reading this site ? It may deter someone from coming on and asking us a question because they are afraid of being ridiculed or attacked . We mustn't just think of the conversation we are having but we must also remember that there could potentially be hundreds reading it .We must be gentle and respectful to everyone or we might alienate others without realising it , we won't know what we have done , but others will know .
  • Robert Harmon - 2 years ago

    Please pray over my finances, or lack thereof...

    My wife and I are believers, we don't drink or do drugs. We're a single income family. We have a lot of debt between vehicles, mortgage, loans and credit cards.

    Just hoping and praying for a financial miracle or breakthrough.

    Thank you for your prayers and concern.

    Robert Harmon
  • Amanda Kralisz - 2 years ago
    Prayer for cassy to be out of my life and Kyle's immediately and permanently. For all healing and restoration times seven. For God to immediately fight this battle for me swiftly. That nothing like this will ever happen to me again. For the spirits operating in both of them to be bound and go where Jesus tells them to. For total deliverance and freedom and restoration starting now and forevermore. In Jesus Christ's name
  • GiGi - 2 years ago
    Thank you Ruthmay. I so the prayers other make for me. It blesses my heart and I know that God hears and will answer in the best ways.
  • Sherry Fiteregizar - 2 years ago
    2 Timothy 1:7

    "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
  • Latonyad - 2 years ago
    This is the day that the Lord has made I shall rejoice and be glad in it. To everyone on here that is standing in the need of prayer . I pray that each and everyone is granted there pray . But also I would like you to know that God wants to good outcomes too. Please inform us when you have good outcomes. Your testimony can change so many people lives. Amen Keep holding on to God hand he never leave you nor forsake.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Indeed brother S. Spencer, that's the way I read your statement which said, "We display him with HONESTY AND NO DECEPTION", pertaining to the message & not the messenger. We cannot be critical of people's character, especially when we have no perception of them here, other than the name & message presented. But we can, and have every right to question (or ask for further detail with references) the message shared.

    I seldom get asked to elaborate on what I share but am always ready to support further what I write without harboring any unpleasant thoughts about the questioner. And this has been the case throughout the Bible, especially the NT where the apostles had to continually correct wrong teaching given, and when they knew particular ones in error, even name them. So what makes one person right & the other wrong? Nothing, except that both should carefully examine the Word & discuss the matter until the Truth is revealed. There are some things that may never be clear or convincing to another, but when doctrines of salvation, re-birth, heaven, hell, destiny of the soul, etc., are discussed, there is much in the Word that will direct us to a proper end. It would take much scriptural manipulations & contortions to pursue a belief that is clearly contrary to the revealed Word.

    Thanks brother for clarifying this important position that believers must take - standing against teachings contrary to the Truth, yet prepared to clearly defend one's position by searching the Scriptures.
  • Donna Grace - 2 years ago
    Can we pray for people who have done things that are not even mentionable?

    People who won't/ can't even go to the church because of such great condemnation from the enemy and fear that the church will not forgive them .

    But people who's hearts are so repentant. Who long to be forgiven.

    Maybe murderers, rapists, sex offenders. What do we say to reassure them they are forgiven?

    Does God forgive them?

    What about backsliders?

    Does the church really forgive them?

    Can they forgive theirselves?

    How do we as Christians approach this subject and these people?

    I know there are those who have done horrible things and are genuinely repentant but where are they? Why aren't they flocking into the churches? And openly confessing their sins?

    Is the church helping these people? Because I don't see them there.

    Please speak to this if you are so enlightened of the Lord to do so but please use wisdom so that no one in that category would be turned away from seeking forgiveness and Gods love.

    Could we be called to bring them in and restore the truly repentant to God?
  • Marc Bryant - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my health and strength protection from the seen and unseen enemies and evil forces!! that are around me, a lot of time when things seems okay it turn around for the worst. Please pray for any sins that I may have made, because I feel you can sin and not even know it. Please pray for my health if I have any seen or unseen health problems, please pray that (GOD) will (BLESS) me with a supernatural healing, in all areas throughout my body mind & soul. Please pray for my protection from all areas of life problems, let no danger come to me or around me. Please pray that (GOD) will (BLESS) me with nothing but (MIRACLES&BLESSINGS) in all areas of my (LIFE). Thank you all for your prayers.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Genesis 7:7: "And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood."

    1 Peter 3:20: "Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, EIGHT SOULS were saved by water."
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Sammi.

    You're referring to a reply of mine to "Ruby Lea Read?

    You stated Your friends told you not to give any personal info , be careful to protect my identity on the internet etc , I'm still learning the rules . I'm shy , I'm guessing others are too , surely we are all allowed to be a bit cagey when it comes to personal info ? Doesn't the message matter more than the messenger ?


    The truth and deception could have easily been the message.

    I agree that the message is what's all important.

    As Paul said in Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth"

    I feel we should take that approach also, With BOLDNESS!!

    Now concerning this doctrine, it is familiar.

    Recently presented by

    Earl Bowman.


    and Old man Wilson.

    Their beliefs were,

    There is no consequences to sin,

    There is no Hell.

    and we all will become God's.


    We are not saved from any wrath so there is no salvation.

    So this doctrine renders the Love of God shown in John 3:16 a mistake or unnecessary.

    "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    I hope my disagreeing to this ( no matter who is preaching it) doesn't bother you.

    God bless.

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