King James Bible
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I hope you are doing well. Going to be very cold these next few days where I live. How about your neck of the woods?
Read Romans Chapter One.
Also 1 Cor. 6:9
I do not think that Jesus was saying that these Jews were the offspring of Cain, as all of Cain's offspring were killed in the flood.
Jesus was saying that these Jews were of satan because of their evil ways, not because of a bloodline. The account in Genesis does not say that Cain was fathered by satan, but that Adam was Cain and Abel's father. But Cain, chose to follow the temptations satan put before him, leading him to kill Abel. It is through our voluntary sin that we become aligned with satan. He willfully chose to rebel against God. Anyone who willfully chooses to follow the evil enticements presented to one by satan becomes a slave to him. But Scriptures does not say anywhere that satan actually physically beget any human.
But if they turn away from their rebellion and disobedience, if they repent and confess their sins and admit to being unfaithful to God and His covenant; if their uncircumcised hearts will be humbled, and they accept their guilt. Then God will remember His covenant to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and, remember the land of promise; when they are in the land of their enemies, He will not completely cast them away, nor utterly destroy them and break the covenant from His end.
He reiterates that He is their LORD and God and for their sakes He will remember the covenant of their ancestors, whom He had brought out of the land of Egypt in order that He would be their God.
These statutes, blessings and curses were made while they were at Mt. Sinai.
One thing that really stands out to me is God's longsuffering with the Israelites. He truly was their God and only hope. He wanted to bless them and fulfill the covenant He had made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But, the people needed to keep their end of the covenant to receive the promises and blessings of this covenant. For us, we can easily take sin too lightly. We can presume upon grace that God will not discipline us for our disobedience. But He will, just like He said He would to the Israelites. You reap what you sow ( Gal. 6:7) We truly need to consider the severity and goodness of God ( Rom. 11:22). He will do what is best and necessary to bring about repentance, reverence and proper fear of the Lord in us. May our hearts be softened, circumcised, and made submissive to Him. He is our Sovereign. He has redeemed us and delivered us from the kingdom of darkness. He has not given us what our sins deserve because on the cross He poured out upon our Lord Jesus Christ all of His wrath against all the sins of all mankind. Think of the agony of that. He bore our eternal hell on the cross. We should really humbly show our gratitude by obedience to His will in imitation of Him.
Wild beasts will enter their land and attack their livestock and children, making them few in number rather than multiplying in population.
The highways that were used for commerce and travel will be desolate.
If they do not re4form their ways after these calamities, God will be against them.
He will bring war and the sword against them to execute vengeance of the covenant. Thus there is a just vengeance for breaking the covenant with God.
When they huddle together in the cities, he will send pestilence. No safety there either.
They will be delivered into the hands of their enemies.
Their bread will be cut off, they will endure starvation.
If they still refuse to turn back, God will unleash His fury upon.
They will resort to eating their own children.
God will break down all of their idols and altars to foreign gods, destroying the high places where they made offerings to idols. He will cast their own lifeless bodies. upon their idols.
God's soul shall abhor them.
He will lay waste their cities and bring desolation to their sanctuaries.
Their offerings of incense and fat will not be a sweet aroma to God, nor acceptable.
The whole land will lay desolate to the point of astonishing their enemies who now will dwell in it.
God will scatter the Israelites among the nations.
And thus the land shall enjoy extended Sabbath rest because the land will not be arable any longer since the Israelites did not give the land Sabbath rests as God commanded.
Those left in the land still will be fearful of their enemies at every turn, stumbling over one another to escape, even when no one pursues them. They will be faint of heart and paranoid.
They will have no power to stand against their enemies and they will die in the land of their enemies. Any who are left will waste away in the land of their enemies.
God's demands are made absolutely clear to the Israelites. They have no excuse.
The Israelites were bought by God with the same price that we have been bought-the precious blood of Christ. So, since both Israel and Christians are bonded to God in a covenant of the blood of Christ, we should take heed that we walk in the way of God, for the blessings of God are manifold, not just for this life, but especially in the life to come. God's chosen people have an inheritance waiting in heaven that is beyond what we could ask or think. Nothing on earth compares to what God has in store for us! It is this eternal inheritance that caused God to call the Israelites sojourners as well as us. We are all looking forward to that better heavenly country. Heb 11:16; Rom. 9:22-23; Eph. 2:4-7
To live in the blessing of God is the best place to be altogether. Disobedience severs one from the blessing God desires for us and can bring many unpleasant and treacherous things to befall one who take lightly God's command for o44bedience and presumes upon the covenant promised to those chosen.
Verses 14-44 itemizes a long list of curses for disobedience. These consequences increase in severity (7 times over) with each step of discipline that God would bring upon the Israelites until they repent.
First, terror and wasting diseases will come upon them
Next, others will eat of the seed they sow. These enemies will defeat them in battle. They will be reigned over by those who hate them.
If they did not repent, God would punish them 7 times more for their sin.
He will break their pride of their power
He will make the heavens like iron and the earth like bronze so that the fields sown will not get watered from rain nor will the soil yield to the growth of a seed and be too hard for the plants to live. The trees will not yield fruit.
Then, if they do not repent, he will increase the punishment 7 times more.
He will cause more plagues to come upon them.
I am fine, I read the posts every day, sounds like you are doing better, prayer works. I think you, Sammi, and Chris are right on. I believe "for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God" has a deeper meaning than a woman wearing pants when it was about both men and women doing this. As Chris said, there are more important things.
What is alarming is how fast this transgender movement is moving with the support of so many nations, along with all the sexual perverseness and other things. We just need to "be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord."
God bless and stay well,
This chapter speaks of the blessings and curses that will come to the Israelites concerning keeping God's commands or disobeying Him. In verses 1-2 God reinforces three commandments He requires the Israelites to obey:
Forbidden to make idols of any kind, (pillars, wooden statues, carved stone images), Forbidden to bow down to them in worship.
For YHWH is the only LORD God of the Israelites. They are to worship Him alone. So are we.
They are to keep the Sabbaths commanded by God.
They are to have reverence for the sanctuary in which God dwells.
Verse 3 begins the promise of blessings for walking in God's statutes and keeping of His commandments, performing them as proscribed.
The Blessings:
Rain in its season; the land will yield a harvest from the crops and trees. The supply of food and wine will be a full measure to last them from harvest to harvest. They will have bread to eat and remain dwelling in the land promised.
God will give them peace in their land and they will dwell in it safely. The land will be ridden of wild beasts that could harm them. Safety from enemies who would come upon them with sword and weaponry. The chasing of enemies who will fall by the sword of the Israelites when they come to do war with God's people. They will have unprecedented victories over their enemies.
Fruifulness of the womb of the Israelites. They will increase in number. God will confirm His covenant with them (the one to Abraham that his descendants would be as the stars of the heavens).
They will eat from the old harvest and clear it out before they bring in the new harvest.
He will set His Tabernacle among the Israelites and dwell with them in the land. God will not abhor them, He will be their God and they, His people, abiding in this covenant relationship full of blessings.
In verse 13, YHWH reminds them that it was He who brought them out of Egypt, delivering them from slavery.
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You today in the name of Jesus and ask that You stand in the gap between Kimberly and this trial and fight for her. We ask that You show Yourself strong and sovereign in this matter and defeat the work of the enemy in this situation. We ask that You keep her safe and unharmed by this difficulty in every way. We thank You for loving us and saving us and being the One who can deliver us from all our enemies and the evil of this life. Amen.
We are called to not imitate the world, but Christ. So, just as the Israelites were not to imitate the ungodly practices of the surrounding nations, we are not to imitate the practices of the world that are ungodly, also. I don't think we need to live a "separatist's" lifestyle like some sects do, but we should, in our dress and conduct stand out as godly people who fear and honor God in all we do. We are to love not the world and the lusts of it, but to love what God has determined to be good and decent, setting ourselves apart as holy unto the Lord, as the Israelites were set apart for God and His purposes.
John 8:23; Romans 12:2; 1 John 2:15
Ronald, I hope you are doing well. Hope to hear from you more often.
We definitely are to "act our gender" in the way we dress and behave. As Sammi said, in the time of the Israelites, men and women wore similar tunics. Maybe some style of pants was worn by military or people serving kings, etc. But everyday dress was similar. Women most likely wore some sort of veil across their faces and over their hair. Men may have worn a type of turban, but it was just as likely that they wore some wore of veil over their heads to shield from the sun.
The command to not cross dress had some relation to the practices of the surrounding nations. But whatever the case. God wanted one's gender to be clear by the way one dressed.
In today's world, casual dress is so common that men and women dress alike in many situations. In the winter, pants keep one warmer than skirts. In the summer, shorts and t-shirts are more comfortable than long pants and long-sleeved shirts. But even if both sexes dress similarly across the seasons, it is usually easy to tell gender. But then we have those who are obviously cross-dressing and this is what is prohibited. And, modesty in dress is always appropriate.
But, as you said, Chris, there are more important matters to focus on than this one.
May I add to the truths Alex has given you.
Christ said flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God, you must be born again.
This birth can not take place till this body of flesh dies, we can only come to truth of what God is going to fulfil.
Christ said I am the way, the truth, and the LIFE, the LIFE in you is CHRIST, man will not die to themselves and believe this truth.
You are the BODY OF CHRIST.
Alex quoted you Revelation, he who lives by the sword, the sword is THE WORD OF GOD, Christ the WORD, the SEED is the WORD OF GOD, Christ is the SEED, the SEED is the SPIRIT OF CHRIST, this is the LIFE in YOU, so he who lives by the sword must died by the sword, the WORD has to destroy deceptions, lies and falsehoods, all of these are born of Satan, your carnal mind.
Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then shall the dust (flesh and bone body) return to the dust it was, and the spirit shall return unto God that gave it ----your are BORN AGAIN.
You are the BODY OF CHRIST, you do what the spirit causes you to do, Ezekiel 36:27, Philippians 2:13, your the body, the spirit of Christ (the SEED) is the LIFE.
1 John 3:9 Whosoever is born of God (has the mind of Christ) doeth not commit sin (the body only does what the spirit of Christ causes it to do, 24/7); for his SEED (truth and life); remaineth in him (his body): and he cannot sin (thy will be done), because he is born of God.
Jeremiah 51:19:24, Isaiah 41:15 ----God always uses man to do HIS WORK, Christ said of myself I can do nothing, he knew he was the body of the Father, he could only do what the spirit of the Father caused him to do, he said we can do nothing without him, we are only the body that the spirit of Christ uses to perform all his pleasure.
Can you be angry and not sin? Christ was continually anger with the Pharisees, yet he was without sin, why, because he was only doing what the spirit caused him to do.
God Bless You as we are driven to truth.
Luke 20:34...The Children of this world marry and are given in marriage. But them that shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world ( that new heart and new spirit) ...and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are they given in marriage...Remember Jesus is the Ressurection.
Thats y Jesus is saying to count the cost....Its gonna cost you everything...But there is a kingdom involved...Which is greater then all of the possessions of this world....Paul said he had suffered the loss of all things and counted them as dung that he might win the Kingdom/Christ... Philippians 3:8
The anointing we have to receive of him under this new covenant will teach us all things and guide all the way to the mountain which is new Jerusalem..We need an internal pastor that neva sleeps which is a type of Christ in us...Abide in me and i in you...We are his temple as the H.G the anointing is gonna be born in us...I will make a new Covenant not according to the old covenant...I will make a man more precious then Gold even the golden wedge of Ophir...A Man not a church building...He wants to be married to us humanity the world...God so loved the world...Humanity....There is no more Church buildings under this New Covenant...Now the mystery of the Kingdom of God is Christ in you...Abide in me and i in you...Thats where the good seed is sown in our hearts not in a Church buildings...Where 2 or 3 are gathered is simply in the Godhead...H.G. BAPTISM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER SON AND H.G....If any man hears my words and keeps them my father and i will come and take our abode with him...His words are spirit and life The H.G.
I agree with Chris, just to add a little, God warned Israel to stay away from the gods of the land. We see in Eph. 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Pants do not take away the femininity of a woman, but if a woman dresses butch to look a be a man or a man dress feminine to be a woman. It is our gender we are not to change or imitate. That was highly practiced in the people worshiping the ancient gods and these principalities of darkness, wicked spirits are behind this.
We see today these spirits overwhelming effect on the world, and it is welcomed and supported by our governments and societies and taught in schools. Isa. 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
My understanding of Deuteronomy 22:5 it is speaking of sexual immoral matters of all kinds that is excepted and supported today, and transgender is ok and protected by the law in many countries of the world.
God bless,
Perhaps an illustration from the Gospels would be of further help in understanding God's interaction with His own. The disciples were all given nicknames at the onset of their ministry after being called for His use. We see many verses where Jesus addressed issues of pride among certain of His disciples and in particular there was individual refining in Peter's life who the Lord seemed to focus all of His attention in terms of individual counseling at least in regard to what was written down in the scriptures.
Before we get on Peter's case for not trusting God while walking on the water; for instance we should note the fact that no one else was even attempting to do so at the time. Likewise; when He was headed for a fall; Jesus already knew it and was in fact praying for Him that He would restore His brethren when He was "converted" ( Luke 22:32). ALL the disciples ran away as was prophecied ( Matt. 26:31) so they were all guilty; but Peter was boastful and proud. We are warned not to allow Satan a foothold; of course but ultimately the Lord used Peter to be a cornerstone or rock in starting the church and foreknew; of course his martyrdom to come. That is something which we all struggle with fear of death in regard to physical suffering. That of course brings us to the pinnacle of trust in the Lord such as is mentioned in Psalm 23.
Trusting the Lord and not leaning on our own understanding ( Prov. 3:5-6) certainly needs to be a foundation of our walk with Christ. One thing our experience should teach us is that we cannot trust ourselves outside of God's plans for us. It should as I have pointed out recently involve trusting God to provide answers in our lives from within the fellowship of the saints that He has placed in our lives to refine us as well as for us to edify as fellow adopted sons and daughters in Christ. They are as 2 Corinthians 4:7 says "treasures in earthen vessels". Open our eyes.
In the life of Christ; we see the perfect example for our own lives; that is Christ doing nothing except the Father's will. ( John 5:19). We are likewise instructed to learn to do the "good and perfect will of God" as described at the end of Romans 12:2.
I would strongly urge everyone here to study and memorize Romans 12:1-2 as it is a "package deal" in regard to what I am saying here and of course; more importantly the will of God for our lives after we are saved and being sanctified. We are "aliens" in this world and pilgrims if we are His own ( 1 Peter 2:11-12). This requires due diligence to not only fight indwelling sin; but to realize that the whole world system and those "powers and principalities" running it ( Eph. 6:12) are enemies which we fight against as the Spirit contends against the flesh. Without understanding the source of our temptations which as belivers is Satan then we are unable to recognize things that are affecting our "vain imaginations" ( Romans 1:21) as with the rest of the unregenerate to find solace and comfort in this world and what is seen by our eyes and promoted as things that will make us content. The enemy can only affect us if we allow access through our mind and senses to give him a stronghold; so that is why we need to have an Ephesians 6 mindset. Ephesians 6:16 on the fiery darts of the enemy and our shield of armor in the spiritual realm is particularly vital.
Sadly we have the natural tendency to look on things that are pleasing to our eyes (such as attractive women) and thus we need to ask God to show us how following His good and perfect will means we are to love those we are naturally repulsed toward and to find our greatest joys in service toward His Body which He purchased with His own blood ( Acts 20:28). That verse makes it clear that it is His church rather than our own. That comes from a proper fear of the Lord and a mature walk.
This type of relationship is best described as God loving us DESPITE who we are which is unlike seemingly endless Christian songs that somehow lead us to believe that He loves us no matter what we do or who we are. Ultimately; God did rescue us from sin and sacrificed His Son even though we were "enemies of God" (Phillipians 3:18 and many other references). But He foreknew us as being "conformed to the image of His Son" ( Romans 8:29 and again numerous other verses on that subject). He only "knows" us therefore if He can see His Son in us and we are truly "seated in heavenly places" ( Eph. 2:6). As I have said many times recently; He chastises all those He loves (see Proverbs 3:12; Hebrews 12:6-7). What many don't read is the following verse ( Heb. 12:8) that states in that we are illegitimate children (I will avoid the harsher term KJV has as I don't want to be flagged but it pays to read it). We are; in fact either children of God or of the Devil. That was made quite clear to the Pharisees ( John 8:44).
Such passages shouldn't be foreign to us as parents. If we truly love our own offspring we don't want them flailing about in this world of endless dangers; toils and snares without discipline and guidane although sadly many parents even in the church are sorely deficient in parenting skills.
In our personal lives; and I am speaking to myself here-we need to be aware of our weaknesses (with me it tends to be obsessiveness with hobbies; music etc) and learn to trust Him to guide us so that we can do all things for the glory of God. ( 1 Cor. 10:31). Such is the case with this site as well. It is not just for my ranting.
He that is filthy let him be filthy still, him that is unjust let him be unjust still...Thats the Tares in us...They have to hold their position till the end...The Harvest
He that is righteous let him be righteous still....He that is Holy let him be Holy still...Thats the Wheat in us..They have to hold their position till the Harvest.. which is Kingdom against Kingdom...Satans ( the dragon ) tries to kill the woman and her Child in Rev 12...But he is destroyed....And her Child ( the H.G. ) is caught up to God and to his throne...Rev12:5
He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity . Rev 13:10... He that killeth with the sword shall be killed with the sword...Which is the Tares...Satans seat....The beast he rides is our old adamic nature...When i wd do good evil is present with me...Thats the Tares in us...The thorn in us as Paul describes it..Jesus tells us wherever that good seed is sown satan is gonna come and sow a TARE...Which is gonna make us sin...But where sin abounds Grace does much more abound...Rom.5:20 kjv