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  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Donna.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 25 - 2 years ago
    Lev. 25, vrs. 35-55

    These slaves become the property of the owner and can be given as an inheritance to one's children. They can be permanent slaves, but not so fellow Israelites. So, it is clear that slavery was common in these times, and God does not forbid it. These foreign persons did not possess the land by God's gift and promise like the Israelites. So, being slaves may have made it possible to live among the Israelites for generations.

    Next, God speaks of a sojourner or stranger becoming rich and an Israelite selling himself to this alien as a servant. A kinsman can redeem this person from their indenturement, providing a fair price for removing this servant from this alien's service. Then this servant will become the servant of the kinsman and be released from servitude in the Jubilee year. The servant and his family are all released and can return to their family and land possession.

    At the end of the chapter, God emphasizes again that the Israelites are HIS servants, because He redeemed them from slavery in Egypt.

    God's statutes concerning the 7th and 50th year Sabbaths show God's concern for the poor and needy, He wants them to be able to work for their keep as servants (Israelites) or slaves (foreigners) so that they will not be destitute. God wants masters to be kind and not overbearing or harsh with those they hire or acquire as slave. They are to be willing to release these people from indebtedness in the Jubilee year, but can keep foreign slaves indefinitely.

    These statutes, when followed should promote concern for the welfare of all people and also curb materialism and people setting up large holdings of land and servants. They are to possess the land allotted to them by God and release the land purchased from others in the Jubilee Year. These statutes should train the Israelites to be contented with their allotment and not covet more than what God has proscribed. Debts are completely forgiven in the Jubilee year and servants set free.
  • Landrea - 2 years ago
    Can you pray for me to because I've been going through sexual harassment and then later me and my boyfriend broke up and I could really use some support during this really hard time.
  • Landrea - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I can understand you because I feel that way sometimes to but he is always listening even when you think he's not and you just have to hold to your faith in God and trust in him and believe that he can bring you out of what your going through in your life. God Bless all of you may you get help with what your going through and I am praying for you all.

    hope my advice helps people.
  • Marco Garcia - 2 years ago
    please pray for my brother in law jimmy, sister sandra, sister alicia, brother louie, mother juanita, tio ernesto, tio nazario, nieces stephanie, liz, ernie, abby, lionela, genesis, daniela, amanda, chris, armando, ricky, maria, josefina, maria, chelo, fabiola, miguel, alan, rita,phil, maggie, ricky, ronnie, louie, chubs, alan, for salvation, protection,financial blessings, better health, better relationship with the Lord.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 25 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 25, verses 35-55

    The first part of this chapter dealt with how the Israelites are to give the land "rest" every 7 years and every 50th year.

    This last half of the chapter deals with how the Israelites are to deal with one another in the Sabbath years.

    Verse 35 begins by requiring the Israelites to help each other when one become poor, just as they are to do for the strangers or those passing through (sojourners). Taking care of the poor is prominent in this chapter as God does not want His people to be destitute nor a great disparity between the rich and poor. Since He promised to bless them abundantly, there would be plenty for them to share with others in need, even to the point of having a poor person live with you.

    God speaks about indebtedness and that one is not to charge interest or practice usury. When caring for the poor, especially if their is need for them to live with you, one is not to charge them for staying at one's house, for food, and certainly not charging interest. This practice keeps those who have wealth from exploiting the poor.

    God goes on to speak of a neighbor who, due to poverty, wishes to become an indentured servant to a neighbor of means. God says that he can sell himself to you as a worker, but one cannot compel one to be a slave because they are not to own one another. This servant will be paid for his work and will be released from any monetary obligations in the Jubilee year and be freed from further service. In the Jubilee, this servant will depart the household with his family and return to his family and the family land possession.

    The LORD emphasized in verse 42 that these servants are His servants who He brought out of slavery in Egypt, therefore they cannot be sold as slaves. As a master, one is not to rule over them with rigor or harsh treatment of unreasonable work demands. However, the Israelites could own slaves from the people of other nations who live among them. Adults and children can be slaves
  • Marco Garcia - 2 years ago
    please pray for my finances. that God may bless my bank accounts and my daughter valeria garcia's bank accounts. that God may bless me with a remote job from home. may God grant me to have 100% disability and be able to receive social security for my damaged health. may God place people in my path to help me and my daughter in school, work, and home.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Monica, first you need to recognize that this is spiritual warfare EPHESIANS 6:12. I know this because the Bible says God will not leave you or forsake you.

    The devil is the father of lies and he would love you to accuse God and let go of your faith. Remember for example how satan deceived Eve in the garden.

    God is merciful and not willing that any should perish. His mercies are brand new every morning, like the sunrise!

    If you have not been living right and are being chastised by the Lord that's a good thing. Repent and renew your relationship with Jesus Christ.

    Rebuke the lies of the enemy. He knows that God will never leave you or forsake you. They are lying spirits. Remember that God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son to save us.

    Thank and praise Him for that. He's a good good Father who loves you!

    Please do not let satan cause you to declare these accusations against the Lord. Ask God to forgive you.

    I went through this too awhile back when I was seeking restoration. I had to encourage myself with scripture. God doesn't give up on His children. That contradicts His character. Think about that.

    We're living in the last days and we've got to encourage one another to cling to the Lord with everything we've got.

    Here are some scriptures to memorize. Write them on index cards and tape them to your cabinets, walls, etc. Keep them in front of your eyes!

    Genesis 3:1-4

    John 8:44

    Deuteronomy 31:6-8

    Ephesians 6:12

    Hebrews 13:5

    Hebrews 4:16

    As for anxiety and depression, they are spiritual. Ask God to show you how to defeat them in the spirit. How to overcome. You are not alone most people have battled with these.

    Scripture is how Jesus fought the enemy. Remember Ephesians 6:11, put on your armor daily. You must walk in the spirit.

    I say these things with much love and to encourage you, my sister in Christ, in Jesus name. You will overcome. Plead the blood of Jesus.
  • Marco Garcia - 2 years ago
    please pray for my daughter valeria garcia, my daughter ximena valles, and son diego valles, and wife nubia esquivel for conviction and salvation. That the Holy Spirit may move in such a way to convict their hearts and minds to come to Christ for salvation. That they may return to church.
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks for that further clarification , i shall keep it in mind, it's good enough for me to just have some kind of idea about the timing of events , thanks again .
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Sammi

    Just to add some details to Jesse's response. In ancient times people couldn't measure the time with accuracy. So they divided the day in 12 hours and the night in 4 "watches". But the length of the hours varried according to the season. i.e in winter time the hours when it was daytime were shorter than the hours of the day in summer time since the day in winter is shorter. At night since their solar watches couldnt work they divided the night in 3 and later in 4 watches of roughly 3 night hours each. Those watches were the time intervals the guards in military camps spent quarding or the shephers spent watching their flock. They could realize roughly in which "watch" they were by watching the stars in the sky(if the sky was clear), but there was no way they knew exactly the time like nowadays. It was always an approximation. GBU
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    GiGi :-) God Morning!

    No I have not tried to re sign up for an account. I've been so busy trying to help raise up some children in the Lord. I need all the prayer help I can get. Enough about me though.

    I am still in the background talking to God about people. I'm praying for you.
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I always appreciate your posts , hope you don't mind that I have a question . When you speak about the Holy Spirit being born in us , I understand what you mean , I know that I am a different person to who I was before I knew the Truth and I understand about the Holy Spirit being in me and guiding me etc . What I don't understand is how the Holy Spirit can be in me when I am still a sinner . Ok , I'm not a murderer or a rapist or a thief , but I do still sin , every day . How can I be full of the Holy Spirit and still be me ? a sinner ?
  • Giannis - In Reply on Luke 10 - 2 years ago
    Hello Jesse

    I think "shalom aleichem" (peace on you) or just "shalom" is how Jews greet one another when they meet, like "hello" in English.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Jab

    Why don't you talk to your pastor about it. He will direct you what to do, maybe he will intervene and talk to him or to his parents.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Paisley

    If you are serious about it then you should talk to the police, seek for some help, don't try to handle it on your own. And do it quick. Your boyfriend needs professional care.
  • Alex1939 - 2 years ago
    Let me talk about the Children of the Kingdom for a Min....Jesus said the good seed are the Children of the Kingdom... Matthew 13:38...Which answers to that great Promise..That Christ wd be multiplied as the stars of heaven...Which is the contents of that book in the fathers right hand...The seeds of the sower...Note the Kingdom does not come till the woman births the manchild which are the Children, mankinds fruit unto God... Romans 7 :4...WE ARE ALL gona be married to Christ then comes the Children of Promise...But had Jesus not spoken in parables the Children wd have been born then...But the fruit which is the wheat Cd not have been born unless they cd understood clearly the words the parables of OUR LORD....The Kingdom cannot be born till the woman is in birth pains which requires understanding that good seed the words of the book...The parables...It was hid from the wise and Prudent but only revealed unto babes n sucklings...That are able to worship God with perfect praise..Unlike us who are eat up with materialistic things..Thats y the New Creature is so important...They are baby Christ that are gonna be born is us sinners that are not taken with materialistic things...Jesus is their father simply b/c they can only be born in us via his seeds...Remember he breathe on them ( his words was his seeds his breath..And they were impregnated...Thats y he said b/c i have spoken these words Sorrows have filled your hearts...A spiritual pregnancy...The wheat is a baby Christ Simply b/c the sower of that good seed is Christ the bridegroom...thats y he is saying Whosoever receiveth one such Child in my name receiveth me...Jesus has to multiply himself with his incorruptible seed sown in our hearts when the time comes...Kings shall be your nursing Fathers and Queens shall be your nursing Mothers....Thats y he aways refers to himself as the Son of MAN....The world is gonna have a baby Christ...The Child is the H.G. The Promise...I Will multiply thy seed as the stars o heaven.
  • Ruthmay - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Gigi - Thank you for thinking about me! The plan is Radiotherapy, daily, and the Consultant told me it will clear it. This was encouraging. Everyone involved treating me, from Doctors Surgery to the Hospital are being very kind to me. Also everything is now being carried out very quickly. Your prayer for me included ''to be properly diagnosed and right treatment'' - I have confidence this will be done. But Oh Gigi what a journey this is - out the blue, unexpected, it's another world. Actually I met an old friend at the shops today who greeted me with a 'I have Cancer', my surprised response was, ''so have I'. Seems to be rife.

    I hope and pray that you have good news regarding your biopsy - do you have to wait long for the result, please let me know.

  • Jennifer Spitzer - 2 years ago
    Please pray that I have energy strength protection favor great health do an excellent job it's not busy at work today and tonight and I can go to the store a few times ijnip amen
  • Alex1939 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    WALKEC29...Good question,..But Jesus said these things are hid from the wise and Prudent but revealed unto babes...Which is that New Creature...the H.G...The Child of Promise...Thats y Jesus said that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit...Which is our new heart and new Spirit...our New Innerman from Jesus good seed sown in in our hearts...Gal.6:15..Neither Circumcision nor Uncircumcision Availeth anything in Christ Jesus but a NEW CREATURE..Which is the H.G. that Child of Promise...But these things are hid from the wise and Prudent...But revealed unto BABES and Sucklings ..Its above mans brilliant carnal minds simply b/c its in the Spiritual realm...In the living word above the written word...The killer, but the living words is a living being.. Christ in us.Brilliant / Prudent or not...Faith does not look for prudence of even brillience...The only Qualification is hearing his words his good seed that formed Christ in us sinners...My lil Children of whom i travail in birth till Christ is formed in you...No matter how prudent we are...There is a Child in our future ....She brought forth aman Child that is gona rule all nations..Which is the H.G. The Child of Promise...It don't matter about our I.Q. or our Prudence...Its a whosoever will Gospel...I was found of them that sought me not and made manifest unto them that asked not after me Isaiah 65:1...Which is the new covenant I will know them ALL from the least to the greatest... Isaiah 31:34 ..Mans Carnal minds is the very enemy of God....The only thing that pleases God is that NEW Creature that is born in us via faith...Even back in the O.T. Sarah's faith resulted in a Child called Isaac...But now under this New Covenant the Child is the H.G. that Child of Promise...The Kingdom..

    Whosoever receiveth one such Child in MY NAME receiveth ME...When they argued which of them was the greatest Jesus set a Child in their midst...Unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in...K
  • David A - 2 years ago
    please remember my family in your prayers
  • Mkz - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Isaiah 55:8-9

    [8]For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

    [9]For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Trust in the Lord brother.
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks for that , I've written it down and it will be helpful info for me in my future readings I know for sure , sure others will appreciate that info also .
  • Mkz - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 2 years ago
    If we were to apply that, it means God is a transactional God, of which that will be very wrong considering Psalm 50 vs12

    Psalms 50:11-12

    [11]I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are mine.

    [12]If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof. When we give to God we do it as a way of thanking Him for what he has already done for our salvation, John 3vs 16 The love he bestowed upon the sinners granting us sonship John 1 vs 12

    What can we give in exchange for that..

    Psalms 50:14

    [14]Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High: As Christ is rhe head of the body(His church) Visible and functional in this world he knows and supplies our needs, and when we pray we pray accordingly being led by the Holy Spirit giving glory to the Father
  • Mkz - In Reply on Romans 11 - 2 years ago
    Matthew 13:47-48

    [47]Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind:

    [48]Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.

    Confession comes after the net has been cast into the sea 'that is the preaching of the gospel Romans 10:14-15,17

    [14]How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

    [15]And how shall they preach,(casting of the net) except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

    [17]So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks LaTonya. I know I am in His hands and in and sure that He will bring the best outcome for me. being patient waiting for the results to come in. My birthday is Monday, so maybe I'll get the good report then!
  • GiGi on Leviticus 25 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 25, verses 1-34 Be Fair and Honest in Land Deals

    God commanded that the Israelites deal fairly and honestly when transactioning land deals. If one sold a piece of land, in the Jubliee Year he is to redeem the land back at a reasonable price. If one bought a piece of land he was to sell it back at a reasonable price. The Israelites were not allowed to sell any land permanently. God set out the statutes for the civil dealings concerning land use and sales. The Israelites were not allowed to think up and enact their own system of business dealings concerning the transfer of land. God knew they would oppress one another if they devised their own system.

    If one was too poor to redeem their land that was sold, a near kinsmen can redeem it back for this person. This was the case of Ruth and Boaz. It is also the case of mankind and Jesus. We are sinners and destitute before God. We cannot redeem ourselves. But God ordained before the creation of the world to redeem for Himself a people through His Son incarnated. Jesus in related to God in the Godhead as a Son of God, and He is related to us in His incarnation in His humanity, the perfect kinsman-redeemer.

    The Israelites would receive the promised blessings if they kept His statutes in this chapter.

    Interestingly, those who lived in houses within walls (city dwellers/workers) could own their homes indefinitely and the Jubilee year requirement did not apply to them.

    In the Old Testament the place of God's favor and blessing was to be in the land promised. In the New Testament, the place of God's favor and blessings is to be in Christ. Instead of God being present in the land of Canaan, our Lord and God, Jesus Christ is present in us by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. He owns us, we are His workmanship. Our hearts are the place that God plants the seed of eternal life by His word. This seed brings forth a fruitful life abiding in the vine of Christ, our Savior.

    How Great is Our God!
  • GiGi on Leviticus 25 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 25, verses 1-34 continued

    The poor were not able to store up from a harvest from the year preceding the Sabbath like those who did own land. So, God provided for them to eat of what grew up on its own in the fields. But God did promise that the year preceding the Sabbath would be exceedingly bountiful enough to supply enough food to get through the Sabbath year. The land was to "rest" from being farmed. The farmer was not to work in the fields or vineyard, which was their primary occupation. Verse 6 says the farmers, the servants, and the animals could eat of the produce of the field, but they were not to harvest the field as they would do normally. They were to gather what they could for meals, but leave the rest of the produce to the animals and poor. They were to primarily use the food stored and preserved from the preceding year as the bulk of their food source.

    Every 50th year was a special Sabbath year called a Jubilee, beginning on the Day of Atonement (in September-October). The previous year's harvest would have been completed and preserved for the whole year until the next Day of Atonement. God's promise was that the preceding year would be super-abundant, providing enough food for three years time.

    One of the statutes given concerning the Jubilee was that any land that was sold was to be returned to the original owner. This preserved the alottments of lands for each tribe to remain intact. It allowed for the Israelites to make a fresh start. They can remember how God had brought them into the land against all odds and enemies and gave them each a portion of the land for each tribe/family. So, in returning land to the original owner/family, they can remember how they came to possess the land. It was a gift, given by a promise from God. They should be thankful and not greedy. They should want all of their countrymen to prosper in the land. They should not be oppressive to anyone who needed to sell their land, but freely return the land
  • Latonya d allen - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gigi sorry I'm just getting to this but just know God has already worked it out in Jesus name. He is our doctor our strong tower. Strength when we are weak . And it is so you are healed in Jesus name you will come out victorious Amen and Amen.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 25 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 25, verses 1-34 The Sabbath Rest for the Land God Owns

    This whole chapter addresses the Sabbath, principally the 7th and 50th year Sabbaths. These Sabbaths lasted an entire year.

    Canaan was a land that God blessed to be a fruitful place for His people to farm and live. Like the Garden of Eden, Canaan was specifically created for His chosen people. God promised to dwell in the land with His people as He did with Adam and Eve in Eden. The difference is that Eden was a lush garden, easily fruitful without much toil. But Canaan existed in a very arid part of the world where it would be desert if not for God's blessing, care, providence, and activity to send rain and cause the land to bring forth a reliable, plentiful harvest each year. The Israelites needed to depend on God for this blessing. They needed to follow His commands and rules for farming the land.

    They needed to acknowledge that the LORD owned the land, not them. It was theirs to abide in and control independently of other nations, but it was God who brings them into the land and will take them out of it again when they fall into grave disobedience and idolatry. Verse 23 says that the land shall not be sold permanently because it is His and the Israelites are strangers and sojourners, there only by God's decree.

    Verses 1-35 speak of how the Israelites are to keep the 7th and 50th year Sabbaths concerning the land. Verse 18-19 say, "So you shall observe My statutes and keep my judgments, and perform them; and you will dwell in the land in safety. Then the land will yield its fruits, and you will eat your fill, and dwell there safely."

    In each of the two types of Sabbaths, no work is to be done in the fields, no pruning, no tilling up of the soil, no planting of seeds, no harvesting, no gleaning of that which "volunteered" through natural seeding and fruits continuing to produce on vines and trees. The poor and the livestock were free to eat in the fields. They did not own land.

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