All Discussion PAGE 590

  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Daniel, you've been in my prayers today. I pray that God will use you and anoint you as you seek to be a willing vessel.

    Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and watch God move!
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I thought something was wrong with my account last week so I deleted and have not been able to re sign up after several attempts so I've just been in the background praying. Please know I'm praying for you.
  • Chris - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 1 year ago
    Hi Karen. When reading Philippians 4:14-19, in the context there, as you rightly wrote, the Church was mindful of the apostle's physical needs, providing help to him probably more than a couple of times than indicated in these verses. That occasion gives us a Divine Truth: that when God's people are sensitive to His Spirit's Leading, deeply immersed in the Word & Prayer, then the outcome will always be a generosity far surpassing simply the act of giving or doing so to appease one's conscience. We see the first instance of this in Acts 4:32-25, where the fledgling Church, filled with God's Spirit, "were of one heart & soul" and they knew that their possessions were not their own (i.e. they realized that all things that they possessed belonged to and came from God for their use). With such a mind & spirit, they immediately looked out for one another, even selling houses & land so that the proceeds could benefit others among them in need.

    Even though the full extent of that particular example of sacrificial love may be infrequent today, the Truth of that renewed heart & spirit in believers urged them to look out to others, when formerly it was always 'me first or what's mine is mine'. So when we give with a generous spirit, sensing the real needs within the Church (& of course, outside it), being led of God's Spirit, we can trust that God will always "supply all our needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus". Even as we read in James 4:3, "Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts", implying when our motives are wrong & not aligned with what is God's best for us, we shouldn't be surprised when we're left with prayers unanswered & floundering in our sparsity. And of course, "godliness WITH contentment is great gain" ( 1 Timothy 6:6): we should be content with what God has given us, even though we have very little & can't or could never 'keep up with the Jones' '.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen Adam.

    I hold that view also.

    Very well spoken.

    God bless.
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 79 - 1 year ago
    Psalm 79. Asaph passed from this earth several HUNDRED years before the Babylonian captivity however this Psalm certainly sounds like that captivity; and it certainly has some parallels to later events such as the destruction of the Temple in AD 70 as well as the end times. Verse 6 certainly seems to be a universal sort of destruction for all of God's enemies in the impreccatory sort of narrative.

    We see further parallels with verse 10 and the passage in Revelation 6:10 on "how long"? Verse 11 seems to indicate the prisoners being released as some other prophetic verses state such as Isaiah 51:14. And verse 12 shows with the "sevenfold" rendering as similar to the sevenfold series of judgments in Revelation; references in Deuteronomy and other scriptures about sevenfold judgments.

    Finally; the last verse shows how the "sheep of thy pasture" will give thanks forever and to all generations. That could certainly be a Millennial reference.

    There are many prophecies which make Asaph in that catagory. We see that he led song and apparently lived a long life. We do well to look at the song of Miriam in Exodus 15:20-21 to see how powerful worship and song is related to many victories of God.
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 78 - 1 year ago
    Psalm 78. This is a Psalm of a repetitive theme within the O.T. in particular of God's longsuffering from the time of the Exodus until the time of Israel's peak (in this case; under David's leadership as per verse 70). We should be reminded of Joshua 5:14 in regard to the Angel of the Lord being on "the Lord's side".

    God had established a covenant with Abraham in Genesis 15 (after initial promises in Genesis 12 and the circumcision rite in Genesis 17 setting His people apart. some 450 years before Moses and the predicted diaspora that occured in Exodus.

    Verses 4 through 8 show how the children were to be taught the Word so that they would not forget the promises to their fathers and of course to worship the one true God. In the case of Ephriam; it is not clear from my study where they failed; but it is clear here that they didn't keep the covenant of God (verse 10). This could certainly be attributed to not destroying enemies as commanded. In any event; verses 11 through 55 show God finally bringing the descendants of the Exodus into the Promised land after multiple rebellions. When they were there they continued to serve false gods (v. 56-59). Thus; GOd once again brought severe judgment. In fact; verse 65-66 could mean that God destroyed "enemies" both within and without once He finally judged whatever nations are referred to here. It is clear from scripture that many died when people presumtously fought without seeking God or sin was in the camp. Verses 68-72 shows at least temporary respite with David and the tribe of Judah being chosen. This would be shortly before the dividing of Israel after Solomon's reign became complete. Ultimately all the Covenant blessings go to God's true remnant but the rest have greater judgment having known God and rejected Him.
  • T Levis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Psalms 139
  • T Levis - In Reply on Genesis 17 - 1 year ago
    Genesis 11:10-32, Genesis 11:26, Genesis 12, Hebrews 11:8,

    Nehemiah 9:7, Acts 7:2,

    Hopefully helpful
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 17 - 1 year ago
    Abraham was called by God to move from "Chaldea" from a city called Ur in southern Mesopotamia. Abraham and Sarah were kinsmen, related through their father but different mothers. They both lived in Ur and then followed God's lead up the Euphrates valley to Haran, (in modern Iraq/Syria).Their relatives lived in Haran. From Haran, they traveled westward along the road that connected Haran with Damascus and then south into Canaan modern Israel.
  • GiGi - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 13 - 1 year ago

    Chris has given you the meaning of Elohim that has been used for centuries. The definition you gave is more from New Age/Paganism than from the Scriptures or Christian belief over the centuries.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Well said, Browneyes.

    Thank you.
  • T Levis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Matthew 6, Luke 11, 1Corinthians 10:6-14, James 4:7, Matthew 17:14-21, Mark 9:14-29, Matthew 18:19, 1John 2:12-17, Ephesians 5:25-30,

    Hopefully this is also helpful
  • T Levis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Matthew 6,

    Hopefully this is also helpful
  • T Levis - In Reply on Romans 13 - 1 year ago
    Psalms 3, Psalms 27, Psalms 143:9, Job 34:22,

    Hopefully helpful
  • Browneyes878787 - In Reply - 1 year ago

    first thing we must investigate is the church's doctrine or fundamental beliefs. It' easily by going on their home page online also most churches have their service online so you Actually hear the preaching

    Does the church believe the Bible is the inerrant, infallible Word of God? Do the leaders trust that Scripture

    Does the church believe Jesus is not simply the Son of God but actually God Himself ( John 1:1-2, 14)? The deity of Christ is absolutely a fundamental belief of any biblical church. Had Jesus been an ordinary man, He would have been a sinner like the rest of humanity. The penalty for our wrongdoing needed to be paid by someone who'd never sinned. If Christ disobeyed God, then you and I are left to face the full wrath of the Father ( Heb. 9:27).

    Does the church believe Jesus was born of a virgin? If we have faith in God's Word, then we must trust that it speaks the truth regarding Jesus' miraculous birth, as recorded in the Gospels ( Matt. 1:23-25).

    Does the church believe in the bodily resurrection of Christ? When Jesus left the tomb, He left it physically. He was not simply a spirit floating around; He was a person-alive and in the flesh ( John 20:24-29).

    Does the church believe Jesus is going to return? Scripture is clear that Christ will come back to the earth. He will call His followers home and bring judgment on the ungodly ( 1 Thess. 4:13-18).

    Does the church believe there will be a future judgment? When Christ returns, He will return as a righteous Judge. At that time, He will separate His people from those who do not know Him Does the church believe there is a literal heaven and hell? This goes along with the truth of the coming judgment. After all, if the "sheep" and "goats" are separated ( Matt. 25:31-46), then each group must have a place to go.

    Does the church believe Jesus went to the cross and died a sacrificial atoning death? This is the most important point of all
  • Maddie - 1 year ago
    Please pray for strength, favor, financial increase, and divine connections for Bobbi Arnold. Thank you and God Bless you.
  • Chris - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 13 - 1 year ago
    Hello Kathlynn. I don't understand your belief/understanding of 'Elohim' that you shared, as I don't find that in the Bible, but I can say this: that the word 'Elohim' (from the Hebrew), has several meanings. And those meanings/applications can be to the True God (as in Genesis 1:1), or to gods in general (as in Judges 10:6), even to judges (in Exodus 21:6).

    Elohim then, is the general name for God and is used in the context of God as Creator. The Name emphasizes that God is distant and powerful. It is used to describe God as the awesome and majestic Creator.

    However, when God's Name is given as 'Yahweh' (the LORD), this is His personal Name and is used in the context of God having a relationship with His people. When God goes about creating humanity ( Genesis 2:7 ff; cf with Genesis 1:27, spoken of in a more general way), it is Yahweh who does this act. When the Lord is personally involved with His people, Yahweh is the proper way to designate Him.
  • Browneyes878787 - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 1 year ago
    Sammy I think that's wonderful good for you

    God bless

    Psalm 37:4

    Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
  • Browneyes878787 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    DAILY DEVOTION : In Touch Ministries

    For the believer, discouragement can come in many forms, but Satan is usually the instigator. He wants to keep our focus on negative things instead of on God.

    One form of spiritual discouragement is subtle-the idea that we cannot please the Lord. If you were to write down everything you thought you must do to please God, how long would the list be before it was complete? You might assume you should read the Bible more, pray more, give more, witness more. All of us could probably fill both sides of our paper. But then we'd realize it's impossible to consistently accomplish every task on the list. That's the trap. What pleases the Lord is our obedience, not our adherence to a long checklist of duties.

    Another source is unanswered prayer. God does not necessarily answer in the manner we want or with the timing we would prefer. When that happens, we might want to give up on prayer or even on the Lord Himself.

    Next time you're feeling disheartened, turn your focus to God and pray three things aloud: Thank Him for being with you through the discouragement, admit He's in control of your life, and acknowledge that He loves you and is working circumstances for good.
  • Terri R Mastalsz - 1 year ago
    Please pray for my son Robert unspoken and for his appointment with pastor to be a successful and for healing miracle for peace in our home before and after meeting for humble heart and kindness for our family salvation and for my mom to not move out and safety and protection from evil for my sons Robert behavior be better for him to be close to God and for a mentor for Robert to study Bible 3 or 4 time week and learn how to rightfully desrn the bible for Robert to be able to work and be kind to us thank you for my mom to not move out for my mom and son get along and me thank you
  • Tascha jordan on Romans 13 - 1 year ago
    Yes I'm been stalk in my own home so please pray for me.
  • Sammi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    You are missing your God and your Saviour . You must spend more time with them , reading the Bible , saying your prayers , thinking about the things you have read , recognising God in your life , in the world around you , seeing Him , hearing Him . He has never left you and never will . You must return to Him and put more effort into your relationship with Him . Find a church and get your feet back on the right path , don't despair , God is very patient and forgiving , He's waiting for you to return to Him .
  • A - 1 year ago
    Please pray for healing for me spreading MRSA infection for my husband children grandchildren sisters families respiratory stomach intestinal infection colitis dizziness high blood pressure for salvation deliverance protection for Alessandra and Gloria and for finances Thank you
  • GiGi - 1 year ago
    Asking for prayer today for a clean breast biopsy this afternoon. Asking the Lord for healthy tissue and cells, al benign, no cancer to be found. A few micro-calcifications showed up on my mammo, so doing biopsy to rule out anything serious. Most of the time these are benign. But I do appreciate your prayers and most of all, the Lord's presence and provision of life and health.
  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Why is Romans 10:9 not a salvation message to the world? Christ, at some point in time, is going to raise all unbelievers back to their flesh.

    Romans 10:9 If thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, THOU SHALL BE SAVED.

    There is no time line defined in this verse ,as in this age we are now in, the feast of first fruits, there is still the age of the ingathering, the feast of tabernacles, yet to come.

    No one is saved until they depart this body of mortal flesh, no one is born again until they depart this body of mortal flesh.

    I Timothy 6:16 Who (Christ) ONLY hath IMMORTALITY, dwelling in the LIGHT which no man can approach unto ......

    1 Corinthians 15:53 ....this mortal (at the death of this body) SHALL PUT ON IMMORTALITY ......

    1 Corinthians 15:49 A we bear have borne the image of the earthly (mortal), we shall also SHALL bear the image of the heavenly --- IMMORTALITY --- Christ ONLY hath immortality ----

    But God giveth IT (the new creation, born a second time) a BODY as it has pleased him, and to ever SEED his OWN BODY ----Christ is the BODY of the FATHER ----

    Psalms 104:30 Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they ARE CREATED (the second birth, upon the death of this mortal body): and thou renewest the face of the earth ---- Revelations 21:5 ....I make all things new .....

    Isaiah 45:23 ....every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess ....

    Romans 14:11 ....every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess ....

    Romans 10:9 That if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the grave, THOU SHALL BE SAVE.

    Romans 10:10 ..... and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

    1 Timothy 4:10 .....who is SAVIOUR OF ALL MEN, specially those that believe.

    1 Corinthians 10:11 Now all these thing happen FOR ENSAMPLES; and they are written for OUR ADMONITION .....

    God Bless You as we come to TRUTH
  • Justin Kaplan - 1 year ago
    Please pray for my wife to have strength and to be strong. We have been separated for a few years. We both struggle with addiction and God has recently brought us back together. We have 3 children and just need prayers to keep her strong and for all my kids to come to know the Lord.
  • Kathlynn SIMPSON Arledge-Johnson on 1 Corinthians 13 - 1 year ago
    I've always, even when young, that Elohim=multiple aspects or polarities or energies of one Godhead, aka Monotheistic GOD. Example: Father Alpha/Son Christ (masculine), Mother Omega/Daughter Soul (feminine) and Holy Spirit (perfect balance of masculine/feminine. However, even to this day, all I see from 'professionals' is Elohim= multiple GODS. --- WHAT SAY YOU????
  • Karen Hart on Philippians 4 - 1 year ago
    Would these verses intimate that in order to have God supply all our need, it might help if we were to give to Him just as this church supported Paul.
  • Cheryl on Genesis 17 - 1 year ago
    From where did Abraham & Sarah come from ?
  • Monica - 1 year ago
    Suffer from depression and anxiety my entire adult life I've always believed and trusted in God but I feel as though he has given up on me and my faith is slowly dying. I have very few people in my life and I feel as if they also have given up on me. I just need prayers to find my way through my turbulence mind

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