All Discussion PAGE 593

  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes, Richard, we should live like we love what is good (as we should) and have a deep desire to live godly lives privately and before others. We should care about whether our witness professes the value of Christ's complete sinless, righteousness and how His work of redemption brings us holiness in our lives. I know that some people are very entrenched in a sinful habit when they come to Christ and it may take some time before they can learn to utilize the power of the Holy Spirit to resist and overcome such habits, but anyone who has walked long with the Lord should live an exemplary life like Paul did. He even exhorted the believers in the churches he planted to imitate him as well as Jesus. So, should our life be, one that others can imitate towards Christlikeness.

    I wouldn't go so far as you indicate and try to assess who is truly a Christian or not. I know that God is the only one who truly knows. We should always pray for others, especially those who are caught in sinful habits and yet profess to be in Christ. And we should always wish to engage others who profess to know Christ in meaningful spiritual and doctrinal conversations in the hopes of leading them to better understanding and embracing of what is true.

    There are those on this site who I believe to be in serious error. Some may think that I am. But I still desire to engage with everyone the Lord leads me to do so. We never can know what the Holy Spirit may do with what we say here. I trust that, just as I was lead out of errors at different times in my life due to the work of the Holy Spirit, so will this occur with others, whether on this site, in our circle of brethren, or in our congregations.

    This is where charity, patience, and forbearance come into play. We desire for the best benefit to others from our interactions and stay humble, knowing that we can fall into error, too if we do not keep our guard up in the Spirit. But we should sincerely desire to lead others along the path of truth.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Richard, I was just thinking along the lines of the title of your post these past few days. There is error everywhere in the church today. So much and so varied that we would need to separate ourselves completely from church congregations to avoid people with serious doctrinal error.

    I have been in five different denominational fellowships in my life and have found that all of them contain such errors. I have studied the various denominations that have emerged since the Reformation and can say I have not found one that is completely sound in their teachings. And I have studied many well-known preachers and teachers and find the same problem.

    I would say that none of us have completely inherent doctrine. But we should definitely strive to align our doctrine up with the revealed truth of the Scriptures taking into account ALL that the Scriptures say on a doctrinal subject before embracing such doctrine.

    I know for myself, I have had to make adjustments to my doctrine over the years, whether in regards to the denomination I was brought up in, to the denominations I gravitated to in my 20's, 30's and 40's. And even now, in the denomination I seem to find the best fit concerning soundness on essential doctrines.

    I listen to how people in various denominations support and explain the doctrines they adhere to. Many defy logic and are either contrary to the revealed truth of Scripture or to proper interpretation methods. If you study the history of Protestantism, (which I support over Catholicism), a whole plethora of denominations have come out of other denominations and these new denominations have had numerous splits and schisms over the past 500 years. Some over serious doctrinal issues, many more over less serious matters or over whether to follow one preacher over another, or outward practices, etc.

    Many denominations begin well but as time went by, doctrine was slowly corrupted and "new" (supposedly) things of the Spirit have been embraced rapidly.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Richard, In my research on the Covid shot, in the development of the vaccine, reproduced fetal cells from a baby back in the 70's were used. This also has been done with other medicines commonly used. The reproduced cells are not the original ones taken from the baby. The vaccine themselves do not contain any fetal cells, from what I read.

    But even if they did contain these cells reproduced from this baby, does it make it any more immoral to use such cells that were obtained from a sinful death of this baby than to use an organ or tissue donated from someone who was shot to death, stabbed to death, or any other sinful way of bringing death to the one whose body elements are being donated? I don't think so. None of us caused that baby to be put to death, as none of us caused the sinful deaths of many donors. For me, I do not have a moral dilemma about benefitting from receiving body elements from those who have died not matter how they died as long as I am in no way responsible or condoning sinful taking of life. The death has occurred in the past and any benefit received to those not associated with the death are unrelated to the sin that caused the death.

    Others may differ on this. And I would never condone the killing of any person to harvest cells, organs, tissue, etc. as I see that as immoral.
  • A. - 2 years ago
    For a private need . In Jesus name. Alleluia. Amen.
  • A. - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank You Jesus. Amen..
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You are never alone be assured of that . Stay strong in Christ , say your prayers and read your Bible , cling to your God , do what is right in His sight and He will deliver you and put you in a safe place . Be patient , wait for Him without doubting Him .
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    May God bless you and your daughter with everything you both need .
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen to you .
  • Sammi - In Reply on Ruth 3 - 2 years ago
    Thank you and Amen to you .
  • Alex1939 - 2 years ago
    Had that 1 st covenant been faultless then there wd have been no place sought forth a 2 nd covenant in the blood of the lamb....Remember what John was preaching saying behold the lamb of God that taketh the sins of the world...That cd not be preached under the old covenant.... Hebrews 8:7 kjv...And Jeremiah 31:34...And we are no longer married to the LAW Now we are married to Christ Jesus....You are dead to the law by the body of Christ that you should be marrried to another even to him that was raised from the dead.... Romans 7 :4...Remember Bathsheba had to marry another even David...Bathsheba had to travail a 2 nd time in order to get the Child of PROMISE....King Solomon...And Jesus says there is a greater then Solomon here...Which is the H.G....Which is gonna build his temple in our hearts and minds....Gals.4:19...My lil Children of whom i travail in birth AGAIN till Christ is formed in you...Bathsheba was barren under Uriah but she was fruitful under David....

    Which is Symbolic of Christ and the early Church...They had a relationship and a child was born which was Christianity...But the Child was sick and died in its infancy...But Bathsheba ( the Church) will travail a 2 nd time....My lil Children of whom i travail in Birth AGAIN....A 2nd time Till Christ is formed in you which is the manchild the H.G. that spirit of truth that is gona RULE ALL NATIONS.... Micah 5 :3 There fore shall he give them up till the woman is in Birth pains...But not to worry.... John 6 ..I will raise them up AGAIN THE LAST DAY....Again impling a 2 nd time....Ezech's dried bones which was the early Church the house of ISRAEL a great army is gonna come back again in the Spiritual realm...OK Lemme go....4 times in John 6 Jesus says he was gona raise them up Again....Paul describes the early Church as a great army..In Philemon 2:25 and philippians 1:2...But I fear thay answer to Ezekiels dried bones a great army...Soldiers for Jesus...ok lemme go
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen Kobe, our hope is not in this world, but the promise God has given to us in the new world by the sacrifice of His only begotten Son.

    God bless,

  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Humanism and the work ethic.

    As has been brought out by my pastor and is clear from my earlier postings; a society can't last too long in the moral morass we have experienced the last few decades. Whether assessing the political left or the attitude of youth these days we see something foreign to its original concept. That is the lack of a work ethic. "If we don't work we don't eat" ( 2 Thess. 3:10). Our enemies surely must have met if not exceeded their goals in rendering our society too lazy to prevent their own self destruction if by overeating; drug addiction; suicide or other vices at their disposal. There are many other verses supporting the Apostle Paul as a tentmaker earning what he could and not being a burden even to his own detriment in some cases. Would we want someone planting churches over whole regions of the world having to concern himself with finding secular employment today? Not in this country; anyway.

    Spiritual wisdom dictates that we also prepare for things to come as wise are commended for it ( Prov. 22:3). The fools of course do the opposite and calamity overcomes them. IF we are Babylon then I expect all calamities to come at one time eventually to this country; and even if not it seems much is overdue. If it weren't for the waste in this country as such a huge consumer of energy we wouldn't have such a need for things. As it is; instead of utilizing resources available and in a complete manner such as the Indians did with the buffalo in the past we are too comfortable with instant measures to provide our needs from the government or food in supermarkets rather than learing survival instincts. What I am saying is that humanism as any idealistic mindset blinds us to obvious contradictions and we of course see this with a general lack of outrage in this country as opposed some others to the plans for world government to take over.

    As Christians our focus should be preaching the Word while it is yet day. ( John 9:4).
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Humanism and the watering down of God's Word.

    Oh how I wish that those who hate God's word and truth would go away from churches and do their own thing. There sometimes are those individuals who come in cursing and swearing and causing problems (as was the case in a former church I attended with someone mentally ill and or possessed). There are others who try to justify sins or aren't serious about God. But taking God's word and cherry picking; or denying obvious meanings of things that are unpalatable rather than just leaving the faith altogether is a whole other animal. It seems strange that we have two words such as "deconstructionism" and "detransitionism" that sound so similar but have different outcomes. The first involves trying to change something that is involable to our own standard; the second involves realizing that changing what God made a certain way is foolishness and is to be commended.

    Thankfully; some do wake up and come back to Christ realizing they were either decieved or hadn't truly been Born Again after a season of rebellion. His sheep hear His voice and cannot ultimately be lost; however the opposite is true; the goats will fall away; as all mankind does who are not enlightened by the Holy Ghost.

    You can tell a man until blue in the face (or he punches you out) that man is inherantly bad but the atttraction of humanism will find it's tentacles whether with out and out Satanism or some sort of utopian concept that we can all follow Christ's beatitudes in our own power and thus make the world a paradise on earth. Such explains Christ's parables as things were hidden particularly to the "religious" experts the Pharisees. Just as they put the law above weightier matters such as grace; there is a danger of putting a human perception of what is God's love with our own moral code thus attempting to create a god in our own image.

    We are saved by grace not our own works but on the other hand shouldn't live like those going to hell.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Follow up on humanism from last post

    There is a warning in scripture for those who are "hand in hand" in Proverbs 11:21. The evil in short will not go unpunished.

    Whenever a cause strays from Biblical guidelines of righteousness in a free and just society to hedonism and principles of satanism (do as you please) then we have the breakdown of an entire society in the end. This starts with the basic tenet of secular humanism that seemed to start with a "Christian" veneer with the folk music and peaceful demonstrations in the 60's (at least among those demonstrating even with the police violence against them). There is nothing wrong with promoting the TRUE Gospel in changing the dynamics of a society from oppressors and oppressed to a more tolerable existence if we don't get the cart before the horse. Earlier; I mentioned the Pro Lifers and the victories found recently. This has happened in a large part due to decades of prayer warriors; but we certainly should credit those who have diligently marched and spoken out on the subject for the work necessary to bring about such a change so quickly. What we can't forget is that the heart of man is basically evil. Now that there is a "bloodless" way of more than half of abortions to occur with a pill the clinics likely are becoming a thing of the past to some extent. Another concern is when the "victimization" card is used by either Pro Life or Pro Choice individuals. Men AND women are responsible for the sin they commit with relations outside of marriage. They are also generally part of a generation that doesn't want to work as much as they should or show fiscal responsibility. Of course churches need to ask if they truly support single moms and if we as a community want to take care of children whoever they are.

    Of course we can see how the desire to be free has led to promiscuity and fornication; then to homosexuality; then the other lifestyles today as society decays. The endgame is likely a merge to AI.
  • Kobe Southern on Ruth 3 - 2 years ago
    Hey this is Kobe I grew up in the hood. I never had a real good life until I found out about God. I know Ya'll might think this is dumb, but I feel like I need to let people know this. I grew up watching and experiencing a lot of things people shouldn't have to experience I am not trying to throw myself a pity party. Not until a few weeks ago I wandered and fought that God exist because I always told myself if God is so good how could he let bad things happen to good people but I just want everyone to know God still provides and he still answers prayers well that's all I had to say goodbye until next time.

    Thank you!

    Yours truly Kobe Southern
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    When to and when not to associate with those with doctrinal error.

    I am involved with the Protestant church. I personally don't believe that I should fellowship in the Catholic and other churches that have rituals and ceremonies that I consider Biblically errant. If I did believe that all those in certain denominations are by default necessarily UNsaved; I probably couldn't say so dogmatically here; however I don't consider on the other hand all those who hold to correct doctrine TO be saved even where I would attend fellowship.

    I brought this up because of the particular organization that supports right to life (and probably a number of others) that supported the march for life in DC last week. One of the speakers was the actor in "The Chosen" who on top of the aforementioned concerns has some tie ins with mysticism and another errant denomination which is probably better not to mention here specifically. No matter how many of us feel; it would be ignorant not to give credit to the Catholic church for promoting Pro-Life for many generations now; often being the only ones week after week at abortion clinics and as a whole with the clergy supporting them. Things may have changed in that regard and now we have Jeff Durbin who I consider to be doing an admirable job saving lives at clinics week after week. I don't agree totally with his eschatology; but sometimes we have to put certain things aside.

    Perhaps a bigger issue right now is the split among major denominations in the Protestant camp. As the old Kenny Rogers song used to say we need to know when to hold out when to walk away and when to run...

    Our concern should be protecting others from proselytizing from those promoting a false gospel. I see no harm in engaging in conversation with people of different doctrinal camps or even different faiths should such opportunities arise. In the case mentioned above; we need to be careful to avoid humanism when in a large crowd celebrating such a victory.
  • Fredscanlan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for your insight Richard! Of course we share the same Spirit. The Spirit of righteousness!
  • E. - 2 years ago
    Asking for strong protection, deliverance, healing, salvation (those not saved), guidance and a mighty move of God to break strongholds, bondages, set captives free, to save those who are lost. I ask this for us, those we know and care about, in our church and all over the world. I believe Jesus is coming back soon. Father, Lord Jesus hear my prayer. Your will be done, your kingdom come! May you be glorified. In your name I pray. Amen.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I thought that I would attempt a couple answers to your question and commentary.

    In regard to the "jab" as it were there were only some at least in earlier versions that came originally from fetus material (then were genetic reproductions or some such thing). Some of them; at least from what they said weren't and that was a determining factor when I took it with the initial rounds (the only ones I took) in early 2020. There was much falsehood about this being the mark of the Beast which it clearly was not; and that forced me to stop listening to one particular individual online.

    Our society is certainly being conditioned for the Antichrist 666; but He who restrains will continue to do so until taken out of the way.

    God is not the author of confusion. There is; arguably some prophecy which predicts specific things (such as Agabus in the Book of Acts) that are meant for a certain people; time and place. More general admonitions certainly can be effective using scriptures but of course those "date setters" have not only been proven wrong; but as I have posted recently may have given us the wrong START date to the beginning of the "last generation" which of course will give many the excuse to mock God and say that He delays His coming; and so forth. There are certain things that become clearer as we head toward the Tribulation; for instance the likelihood of a Mediterranean and/or Muslim confederacy of 10 nations rather than just a European conglomorate from the EU.

    I'm not sure what specific things you are referring to. I would warn against things that Satan is planning; as demons of darkness can cause oppression based on all the things they would like to do now. It is God that determines the timing; but it is true that the Tribulation must come. Hence; all attempts to stop it are in some sense; in vain. We should continue to be "salt and light" with time remaining; as well as warning folks to flee the wrath to come.
  • Fredscanlan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you GiGi for such a quick response .

    I will pray, as you say. Hoping for an answer.

    I will let you know the outcome!

    Knowing our God, it may be awhile!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Fred, It sounds as if the Holy Spirit is pressing into you to act in an uncomfortable situation. I have been there. I suggest that you pray for understanding, direction and the assurance that you are walking in God's will. Obedience is important in such situations once one is sure that the Holy Spirit is, indeed, the one impressing you to act.

    I will pray for you, Fred, as I desire for you to be completely led by the Holy Spirit and no other. I pray that you will have clarity and a sure direction forward from the Holy Spirit as to what you should say or do, and especially what your thinking should be.

    Thank you for bringing this forward. God at times brings a burden to us and we feel so compelled or it is as if His hands are on our shoulders like a weight to only go in a certain direction. But once one has obeyed, there is peace in our hearts that we have followed the lead of The Holy Spirit.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Paul, I am praying for your granddaughter, as well. God is attending to our prayers and her. I pray that she will soon recover. Let us know how she is doing.

    Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You today for healing for this young child in the name of Jesus. We ask that You cause these seizures to stop and for all of the interventions of the hospital staff to work for her recovery. We ask that You have mercy on her and bring her through this illness with no ongoing problems. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Again, Thanks Richard for such a good essay on this topic of God's Sovereignty in all things. Sometimes we forget that he rules ALL and His love for us means that he is always working to our benefit, even in circumstances that are painful, frightening, and difficult. We forget how much is needed for us to become like Jesus, to be conformed to His character and the purity of His life. But, thankfully, God knows what is needed and brings to us only what will, in the end, prepare us for glory and, in the short term, help us to love Him and others.
  • Sammy brown on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    I would like read through in 2023.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Covenants part 3

    The basic situation in this world is that man is under the bondage of the law ( Romans 3:19-20; also see Galatians). Therefore; the universal application of the old covenant of works essentially is expected for all who wish to come to the one true faith. Christ; of course has allowed us to be "grafted in" to the promises of Israel. We see this in the second half of Romans 13.

    We have been called and chosen to be God's children. Nonetheless; we are just as required to follow the stipulations of Christ; namely loving God and obeying His commandments. ( John 14:21). Our love; of course only comes from the Lord; as any who love the law of God ( Psalm 119). The flesh abhors the law as it cannot obey it.

    The church therefore; once again doesn't sign any paperwork with God but is held accountable to God's terms for calling themselves a believer. Greater punishment for those who have knowledge of the law is seen in Matthew 11:21 and the following verses. This is why churches that want signed agreements as to membership requirements aren't a failsafe method. God isn't fooled by those who say "Lord, Lord" but don't do what He says. ( Luke 6:46). God knows man's heart and that is what He gets to the bottom of in terms of man's attitudes and actions which is the focus of the New Testament and new covenant as the Lord Himself explained and of course is further discussed in the Epistles. We should be careful not to call ourselves Christians if we are not; it is better not to know the truth than to follow Christ in this way ( 2 Peter 2:21). We see the two classes of people who are either unbelievers or reprobate in many scriptures. More on that later.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    More on covenants

    When we look at the covenants of old specifically made for God's called out people who would eventually become the nation of Israel there was still nothing which man was required to do as far as signing a document on their end. There were certain regulations for those who wished to join the Jewish faith and there were severe restrictions when it came to foreigners and others with approaching the inner sanctuary of worship. God's patience certainly can be seen as they went quickly to idolatry the first time Moses went up into the mount; so the tablets of stone with the 10 commandments were dashed into pieces by Moses. After "cleaning house" as it were and pleading with God not to destroy all of those who crossed over from the Exodus Moses had to go through another 40 days of fasting and repeat the procedure.

    As I have mentioned previously; the only covenant that was rendered obsolete was the old law when the new one of grace was established. ( Heb. 8:13). My backdrop in this subject delineates the distinction between obligations of His creation at large and case specific conditions for God's people. We need to be careful here as well; because in the case of Cain and Abel we see murder as something requiring justice well before any law was established. Things unique to Israel were things such as the Sabbath Day which was in force for those living in the land itself. That could bring a punishment as severe as a death penalty for those gathering sticks on the Sabbath; with some other things cutting people off from the camp. In other words there is some intersection of universal law with the specific rules for Israel. A final point here is that there are also covenants made between God and man. In Galatians 3:15 we see that covenants between men cannot be annulled or added to once ratified.

    This is what makes marriage something in that category. Man makes a covenant with God "until death do us part." Clearly vows are a serious matter
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Universal law and different covenants

    The eternal nature of God is more or less comprehended by the souls of men ( Ecclesiastes 3:1). This is further bolstered by passages in Romans 1 about the Godhead revealed as well as a Creator of the universe (see also Psalm 19). God in the beginning established man in the environment of His choosing with the authority over all living creatures and with the assignment to till the ground. He also made Eve to be a suitable companion and as long as man remained obedient under the condition of not eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil they would have lived forever in a state of innocence. Of course we know what happened; man broke the one rule and hence the warnings came to pass with the death of the soul (immediate) and the body (over time). Such terms could be said to be part of a covenant; or agreement.

    I believe it is helpful to look at our Christian lives this way as well. John 6:37 and a plethora of other verses make it clear that before time God chose some to come to faith and for the Son to be revealed to them. This was part of a covenant; in some sense with the Godhead where the Son was obedient to the Father's plan for redemption. Again; this is an unwritten sort of understanding; perhaps this mystery involves some of the unrevealed things in Deut. 29:29 in the secret councils of heaven.

    Scripture appears to have a number of records; a book of all the living ( Psalm 69:28) as all souls are His ( Ezekiel 18:4). There is also the Book of Life as mentioned in Revelation several times as well as a book of remembrance in Malachi 3:16 for a remnant or subsection of believers meeting these conditions. As far as the term covenant is concerned; we see that promise on God's end with the rainbow after the flood where He promises no more worldwide flood. Up until this point these were things that affected all of mankind but later things were for the set apart who would eventually make up national Israel.
  • Fredscanlan - 2 years ago
    How does the Holy Spirit work within us? What are some of its attributes?

    If you have experienced them, what are they and how do they influence you? If in fact the Spirit is one ,does it effect us all the same, or can it be free to express itself in a time of uncertainty, unto each one of us differently?

    Does it influence us unto goodness? Does it reveal sin in the world, and if so how do we know it is true? How can the Holy Spirit work in a "woke world", and bring peace ,while revealing itself to the same?

    Is the Holy Spirit the "new conspiracy". A conspiracy of revelation ? Or are these the falsehoods spoken of in the scripture that would happen before the return of Christ!

    Our church has once again brought in another interpretation of scripture, this one the worse of all! The Holy Spirit speaks , and yet I hesitate to speak out because of retribution. Are these things from the Holy Spirit, or am I conniving another conspiracy theory!

    The jab, is it the fetus that I hate that is within it, or the idea that they can do what they wish! Another conspiracy theory?

    Beloved I pray that this site has not been compromised, Again is this spirit from above, or from beneath.

    Or as I am as the one crying in the wilderness prepare Ye the way of the Lord, or this another theory?

    Please help me is this p.t.s., or are the revelations I am having are true! Or am I made enough to bind on a leather girdle eating locust and wild honey! I would love to hear from you all! In Christ, Fred
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Mark 3 - 2 years ago
    It seems the answer is adequate for blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. For the believer the Spirit is indwelling and no one can say God is accursed ( 1 Cor. 12:3) if the Spirit of God is in them. Certainly we can sin against God and grieve the Spirit. ( Eph. 4:30-31). Any sin will be sin against the Godhead; and unconfessed sin will cause estrangement as to the blessings in one's life and the Lord often withdraws some of His protection in order to shock us back to reality. This chastisement; of course is different for God's children than judgment that the world at large is under ( John 3:36).
  • Curley davis on Joel 1 - 2 years ago
    Was the destruction done by the Locust or Israel's enemies?

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