All Discussion PAGE 594

  • Anonymous - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my daughter Stephannie to break the bondage of drug addiction and mental illness. Please pray for her depression loneliness emptiness fears and suicidal thoughts. Please pray for physical mental and emotional pain. Please pray for her safety protection health happiness relationships finances and salvation. Please pray she will allow the Holy Spirit to guide her in life and stop her reckless behavior and that she will distance herself from all temptation and people using or selling drugs. Please pray she recognize her drug problem and God gives her the courage strength and wisdom to end her addiction. Please pray she will not have withdrawls or cravings. Please pray she will be a testimonial to God's love mercy grace and power. Please pray for my depression emptiness and fears. Thank you and God bless you.
  • Alex1939 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Paul your request for your grandchild touches me...I am praying right now in the name of JESUS the very Kingdom of God that she makes a full recovery....And i rebuke satan in the name of Jesus that he neva touches her again....ok gbu Paul...And i also pray for you and your whole family...Even In the name of the babes and sucklings that are always before his throne...beholding the face of very God as Jesus said.... Matthew 18:10
  • Jennifer Spitzer - 2 years ago
    Please pray that I have energy strength protection favor do an excellent job it's not busy at work today and tonight and I can go to the store a few times ijnip amen
  • Deepak - 2 years ago
    Dear lord jesus,I am suffering from very difficult phase.I am in depression always.I am of 32 and a single one.From 10years I didn't got well settle financially due to loosing every job after every 2-3years.Dont know what happens suddenly.Presently also I have loosed my job due to depression and harassment at workplace from boss.I am always in fear of job security but i didnt seem anywhere.Please let me get good job with better salary which is progressive,reputed and with good environment peoples.My lord,also grant me one of good natured lady in my life who will care and marry me.Whatever obstacles having in my life related career please destroy it.Perform any miracle,that I will get good job,respect and successful happy life with married life.Please help me god.I am alone independent in this life.I don't have joint family support in form of financially.I am the only one.I have lot of debits due to job loss.Save me god.I hope,in presence of you,I will never come on road.You are my everything guardian and parent..
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Lord, please help this marriage. Please bind together in love what You have joined together.

    You know the problems and what is coming against this marriage.

    Lord we bind and rebuke the enemy tonight in JESUS NAME.

    I am pleading Your blood over this marriage tonight.

    Let Your mercy reign. Increase their love for one another. Strengthen their bond.

    Forgive and help them to forgive one another. Compassion. Amen.
  • Alex1939 - In Reply on Acts 17 - 2 years ago
    Hi Mary gbu but lemme give ya my slant on water baptism...God wanted a New Covenant in the blood of Jesus...When Jesus had taken the cup he said this is the New COVENANT in my blood drink ye all of it...If water cd have atoned for the sins of the world then our lord shed his blood in vain and the Cross that New Covenant was just foolishness...Johns baptism was still under the old covenant...Jesus said the law and the Prophets were till John...Since that time the Kingdom of God is preached....But he that is least in the Kingdom is greater then John...Mary love ya but you are in essence saying the blood the Cross that new covenant on Calvary was not factual....Water Baptism will atone for our sins which is not true...

    ...Thats y the Lord was so upset with Peter commanding water baptism...When God Almighty had just made a new covenant in the blood of Jesus the lamb of God...3 times the Lord rebuked Peter with that sheet with all the unclean animals which is the Church that made Clean only by this new covenant in the blood of Jesus....Not by water baptism the old covenant cleasing...Its a slap in the face of God and the lamb of God when you fail to acknowledge this NEW Covenant on Calvary...We cannot mix 2 covenants...Remember this New Covenant included the very Blood of God Almighty.. Acts 20:28

    Even John who gave us water baptism tells us t behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world...Thats y John told Jesus I have need to be baptised of you... Acts 10 :12...impling the blood of the lamb that New COVENANT....But after that Peter understood the vision he says then remembered I the words of our lord..John baptised you with water but I will baptise you with the H.G n fire...That New Covenant in his blood...Thats y Paul was so reluctant to water baptise he knew it wd make the Cross the blood of no effect... 1st Cor. 1:17...We cannot mix 2 Covenant...But the church was young and there was still water baptism going on...They didnt realize th Blood.Gbu
  • REGINA - 2 years ago
    Womanity and health. god peace.
  • David - 2 years ago
    please pray for Kristie and me and our families
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    John thank you for bringing the people in the rest homes to our attention.

    We need to lift them up and pray that God would send the church into the rest homes so that no one feels hopeless or like God has abandoned them. Especially in the last years of their lives here on this earth when they desperately need the Lord!

    Lord God please let Your mercy reign in these homes and send Your workers in. Save souls, touch hearts, touch lives, heal bodies, save souls in these homes everywhere IN JESUS NAME

    Lord send out the laborers into the fields because the harvest is ripe and ready but the laborers so few Father forgive us.

    Please Lord touch Shelley B. tonight. In Jesus name. Amen.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Marco, i am lifting your family up in prayer tonight!

    Lord God, in Jesus name we ask for timely healing for Juanita. Please help Gary and heal him from cancer. Please give them both strength to make healthy choices too during this time. Also praying for Marcos daughter and family Lord. Please be merciful, saving any and all that are lost and undone without You. Help Marco as well, as he is carrying these burdens tonight and needs strength and a special touch from the Holy Spirit! I ask all of this in Jesus name tonight. Amen.

    May God be with you. May God truly bless you Marco.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The Lord is merciful. As you well know, His mercies are new every morning. And it's because of His mercies we are not consumed!

    He is greatly to be praised.

    God knows all the details and I'm praying for you tonight. In Jesus name. Amen
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm lifting up your request. The Lord knows all the details and the needs tonight. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I just got this at 2:00 am. I'll be praying.

    Heavenly Father please help this precious child. In Jesus mighty name


    Please be merciful to this baby and the family. I pray only for Your will Father. Please let Your will be done

    God help this baby. Cover this child with Your precious blood Jesus.

    I pray that this child would LIVE and NOT DIE! In Jesus name!

    Matthew 18:14
  • Chris - In Reply on Matthew 10 - 2 years ago
    Hi Barry. In Luke chapter 15, Jesus shares three parables with those who came to listen to him. And these folk were both the Jewish religious leaders as well as the despised publicans & others burdened with sin. The religious leaders saw this Man Jesus as a low class careless person, given to receiving & fellowshipping with like-minded people. Knowing their thoughts, Jesus then proceeded to give them these parables that should have removed their objections, if they used their ears & hearts to receive God's


    And the simple structure of each of those parables was: the responsible shepherd searching for even one lost sheep; the diligent woman searching for that one lost piece of silver coin; and the loving Father who waited for & longed for his one beloved son, deemed to be lost & possibly dead, to once again return back to his family. And in all three parables, there was much rejoicing that the once lost was now found. And what should have hit home to those Jewish leaders, was what Jesus stated in Luke 15:7: "I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance."

    I'm sure Jesus riveted His Eyes on them when He emphasized that all of Heaven rejoices when that one lost sinner has repented & is found, unlike those who considered themselves righteous & without sin looking down upon the spiritually destitute. Instead of leading lost perishing souls to God (through Jesus their Messiah), the leaders determined to cast judgement against them & rejected them as the filth of the world. Rather, their own hearts lay bare before their Wise Judge & they would have done well to heed Jesus' Message to them & first look inwardly rather than finding fault in others.

    Even those who inadvertently stray away, or lose their direction in life, even as the prodigal son who made a deliberate unwise choice to leave, still have a patient God in Heaven longing for their return.
  • Chris - In Reply on Numbers 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello Cindy. Those references you are looking for are: Song of Solomon 2:1 and Matthew 6:31-34.
  • Paul - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my 2 year old granddaughter who is at Cooks Children Hospital in Fort Worth suffering from non stop brain seizures and also went into cardiac arrest. She is unresponsive and on a breathing tube and medications aren't working. Please pray for a speedy and full recovery. God bless
  • Cindy gordon on Numbers 1 - 2 years ago
    where in the bible dose talk about the lilies of the vally and worrie not where you go or what you eat or drink or ware or live
  • Mary lyn on Acts 17 - 2 years ago
    You are the temple of God IF you are born again You must have the power of the Holy Ghost + baptism in the name of Jesus Christ. Bible says water baptism is for the remission of sins.

    Many ppl argue. Yet there is scripture. Maybe they are not sons of God yet. They can be but maybe not just yet.

    How do you know you are filled w the Holy Ghost? How do you know you have Christ dwelling in you? You do not receive the Holy Ghost when u believe. Even the devil believes. The book of Acts is where the church began. P!ease read it all. It's still happening today. Oh boy there's a lot of people that don't have the love of the truth. They are in their flesh and it will be the downfall of man.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You're welcome and thanks Gigi.

    God bless you.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Jrv260. The Jewish Shabbat (from the word, Shavat meaning to 'cease or desist') has always been the seventh day of the week ( Exodus 35:2). And this began from sunset Friday & ending at nightfall Saturday.

    The day that Christians generally observe as Sunday, for corporate worship, is not the Sabbath Day, but can be referred to as the Lord's Day (a day specially kept remembering the Lord Jesus' Resurrection, just as the Lord's Supper is for the remembrance of Jesus' Crucifixion ( 1 Corinthians 11:20)). However, some often fuse the two together, making Sunday the new Sabbath, which it is not - Sabbath has always been the day of rest for Israel only and yet by law, Christians living among the Jews also kept (i.e. abided by) the Jewish Sabbath.
  • Barry on Matthew 10 - 2 years ago
    What was the significance of the prodigal son?
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost and God the Father in Heaven. It's so great to know that someone is in control. Amen

    I will put my life in Their Hands, Amen. Love u all in Jesus Christ name.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Big thx Richard H Priday. Spirits never sleep, so thru.

    God never sleep. We must becouse of the body.

    I try to remember that He is for us, and not against us, always, some time It's hard to remember that. We will never go back to the dark, Exhausting place we were in before we met Jesus. And if it hadn't been for Him, Would we have been there yet.

    There is a lot of encouragement in your posts, they surely inspire more ppl not only me.

    Take care in the world, always. We have to capture every thought. Se u, love you always. God bless you and yours. Revelation 12
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Further thoughts on God working things out for the good.

    Scripture; of course is our guide to all truth ( 2 Tim. 3:16). The overarching theme of the Bible is God's big picture from the Creation to the downfall of man; to final restoration of both body and soul of mankind; as well as nature and in the end the whole universe. We certainly can look at God putting Satan on a string who puts men on a string. When our identity is in Christ as His adopted sons and daughters ( Romans 8:14-17 etc) then we are part of the whole army of God and hence we shall rule and reign with Christ someday ( 2 Tim. 2:12; and parts of Revelation). We are part of those who are of the great "cloud of witnesses" ( Hebrews 12:1 which summarizes Hebrews 11 the "heroes" of the faith. What is done to us in some sense is done to Christ Himself ( Matt. 25:40). Whoever destroys the Temple of God will himself be destroyed ( 1 Corinthians 3:17); and blessed are those saints who die in the Lord ( Psalm 115:16; again see Revelation)

    Hence; death itself is to be something looked forward to ( Philippians 1:23). It is indeed the "last enemy that shall be destroyed" ( 1 Cor. 15:26). In the meantime; as Paul also stated "I die daily" ( 1 Cor. 15:31). In Christ we can appreciate the experience of a slow death of the outer man so that the inner man can reach glorification. Keep in mind that it is the health and vitality of our soul that counts for eternity; all men will be Resurrected but it is the TYPE of resurrection that is important.

    None of this; certainly takes away from the wisdom that we should have in regard to avoiding problems when we are able and it doesn't contradict God's plans for us; or of course for troubles that result from our own sin ( James 1:14-15). May it be that it won't happen to us as believers but sadly that's what it takes for some ( 1 Cor. 11:30 for the extreme example of an early earthly demise in certain cases). Better saved through the fire than not at all ( 1 Cor 3:15
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    How God works in a fallen world.

    Understanding "God works all things out for the good for those who love Him" ( Romans 8:28) needs to be taken; of course in context with the end of the verse "who have been called according to His purpose". Deuteronomy 29:29 states that certain things in the "hidden counsel of God" are not for us to try to comprehend. We can be assured; however that through our own sin God's people are chastised as well as through those done against them. I have cited references to these concepts before.

    To take a couple examples from y own personal acquaintances; I know of a friend who was born out of his mom being raped. He recently has seen his mother converted to the faith and they live together under the same roof (she is in her 70's). The other person I know is also in her seventies; and had a child after being raped. The mother is a believer (if still alive she has been in hospice care and unfortunately I am not sure of her status after having to move from Pittsburgh in 2021). Her daughter is the only friend she has basically; apparently other members of the family are deceased or there were issues. I was able to help facilitate communication between them after her daughter in Canada moved to a new address through a phone call and mail.

    There are certainly other people who have chosen abortion or remaining incommunicado with their own offspring after these events (although in all fairness the adoption agencies may have prevented it).

    There are several things to consider. God Himself declares "I create both good and evil." ( Isaiah 45:7). This; of course can be defined as a calamity; or perhaps in David's case the better choice when God dealt with the repercussions of sin ( 2 Samuel 24:12). Certainly Satan was used for God's purposes and is the major theme of the entire book of Job. Another viewpoint is that we are never free to "save ourselves" but certainly it appears God lets men freely decide things in this life
  • Sammi - In Reply on Mark 3 - 2 years ago
    I'm guessing you are referring to Mark chapter 3 verses 22-30 . The crux of the matter seems to be that the scribes and pharisees were saying that Jesus was a devil and therefore they were ascribing the power that Jesus had , to the devil and not to God . God is all powerful . In John chapter 3 , we read that Nicodemus says : WE know ( verse 2) , so the scribes and pharisees knew that Jesus had the power of God with him and yet , in public they accused him of being a devil in order to discredit him . This is some serious sinfulness I think , knowing that something or someone is acting in accordance with God's will and by the power of God and yet accusing them of being evil in order to discredit them , in other words discrediting God Himself . Ascribing God's power to the devil . Very very serious trouble .
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    More on work and church activities and God's evaluation of our lives.

    Whatever our giftings; whether in natural abilities or spiritual gifts (often coming alongside those with certain innate talents and training) we are warned to be a "profitable" servant. Compare this with Matthew 25:26-30 on the UNprofitable servant. All good things come from God above so far as gifts are concerned. ( James 1:17). Therefore we are called to love God with all of our "heart, soul and mind" ( Matt. 22:37-40 from first command in Deuteronomy 6:5. It is tempting for many to keep their private lives under wraps and leave it to those in the limelight or leadership to concern themselves with their personal lives that are under more constant public scrutiny. And if hypocritical judgments favoring those in leadership to hold onto their positions because of the "reputation" of the church or favoritism as opposed to others involved in sin; there IS a problem. The assumption here is that with proper leadership and character required being demonstrated among the elders and Pastors then the congregation should get proper discipleship.

    Part of the issue also has to do with "formal" religion performed in congregations as opposed to those involved in private homes with Bible studies; etc. The same distinction may be in people's minds between a formally declared "service project" as compared with those skilled; willing and able to help with a layperson in need of home repair; moving furniture; or even financial assistance. Another point was brought up today about those not taking care of their own widows and family needs as being "worse than an infidel." ( 1 Tim. 5:8). Such an instance where a missionary excursion is chosen along with the financial expenditures ahead of helping a family member in need would in that case be a sin if we are the only ones that can help in that situation. Same can be said for long term abandonment of a wife and kids for the mission field.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Sacred vs mundane: Scriptural insight.

    Today; our Pastor described the Book of Leviticus in regard to the term "work" in relation to priests in the Temple and those working the fields. Apparently the Hebrew word is the same. Hence; we were also given insights on work as spelled out in the end of chapter 3 and beginning of chapter 4 of Colossians specific to the slave and Master roles. These verses were extrapolated to today's workers with themes such as "work heartily unto the Lord" from verses 23-24 of the 3rd chapter of Colossians.

    The book of Philemon was also referenced with further insights differentiating slavery from then from today in some ways. I won't get into a long discussion there; just point out the relational distinctions that are eliminated when the slave in Philemon (Onesimus) is returned to his master after becoming a brother in Christ who the Apostle Paul said to be taken in once again in those terms.

    A big point of the sermon is on what I will elaborate on today; namely that our "religious" duties are not only those done in formal church ministry; but the vocations of "laypersons" in the majority of congregations today (that haven't followed lazy trends in our society). For some reason men like to compartmentalize their lives into their church activities and secular ones as if God has some sort of different standard or viewpoint in evaluating our performance. It should be pretty clear that those who come to church an hour or two a week and go home and spend the rest of the time drinking; cussing; fighting and soaking up as much of the world as possible aren't exactly growing much good fruit in their lives; at best. On the other hand; the Proverbs 31 type of wife shows many virtues (since I can't post a link I will just say you can check online to see some of them). The fear of the Lord allows for the admonition of Joshua 24:15 to become evident to those around; as well as children trained in scripture and with Godly parents.
  • Murlon utley on Mark 3 - 2 years ago
    how does one sin against the Holy Ghost? is there more than one way to sin against the Holy Ghost

  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Psalms 28 - 2 years ago
    Joshua 24:15 (I think) "as for me and my household we shall serve the Lord."

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