King James Bible
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He is faithful to us thank you Jesus
Times are not going to get better but darker and darker
Find rest and peace in Jesus,I will follow him
Where else can we go if we don't have Jesus
For had it not been for GOD grace and mercy, I would not have the pleasure of writing this morning, yes He has cary me for over eight years and five months now, cause should one percent of the blessing I received in the past three years had been done in Sodom Gomorrah they would have repent and we would be able to fly there today and do the most honorable thing one can do that is to say Thank YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST
And Jesus said there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the Prophet, But unto none of them was Elisha sent but unto Naaman a Syrian a Gentile..And all in the Temple were fillled with wrath b/c they hated the Gentiles and they tried to kill him.
But actually King Solomon ..when he dedicated his New Temple with his hands raised to heaven made intercession for the Gentiles the strangers that were not of thy ppl Israel...Kings 8:62 kjv...If they shall come and worship here hear thou from heaven and do all that the stranger ( Gentiles ) asked of thee that thy Name might be great in all the world..And God must have have liked his prayer b/c fire came down and consumed his sacrifice.
God had the Gentiles in mind long b/f Israel was born....Abraham himself was a Syrian a Gentile Deut. 26:5...But God made him the Father of the circumcision and the uncircumcision.
And Jesus spent 2 days with the Samaritans...Remember the woman told Jesus that the Samaritans have no dealings with the Jews..But Jesus tells her the hour is coming when you will neither in this mountain nor at Jerusalem worship the father...You must worship the father in spirit and truth...Which are the babes and sucklings Spirits the H.G. His offspring an Israel of God.
Jesus says its only the babes and suckling that have perfect Praise....which is our new innerman that has to be born in us via his seeds ..Jew or Gentile bond or free we all have been baptised into the body of Christ by 1 spirit...1st Cor, 12:13
That New Born babe desiring the sincere milk of the word is the H.G. that Child of Promise...Whosoever receiveth one such Child in my name receiveth me...She brought forth a Manchild that is gonna rule all nations which is the H.G. That Child of Promise..That new born babe.
My name is Henry John, i have one prayer request that i want to open mineral water business but there is some financial problem, so i'm going to take some data entry work from the data entry company. The company name is Tuccess infotech, so please pray that the company owner be honest with me and i could earn that much of amount in which i can buy the machines for the business and start the business as soon as possible in the name of Jesus. Amen
Thankyou brother and sister for listening my prayer.
God bless you all in abundance.
The Lord spoke to me to write my autobiography to help heal millions life I'm doing that now.
Prayer in agreement with all those Iam praying for even my enemies.
Prayer pass my testes for my degrees, teaching on my website to deliver thousands globally and International.
To find the right doctors who cares about me and just for the money not trapped me into meds I don't need , surgery I don't need not steal my body part that don't need removing seek other solution and answer from Jesus.
My gifts open the Lord said I have other gifts not awaken that leads to my success.
Thank you God bless
We should ask God to forgive us for the sins we've forgotten and the sins we don't know we've done and that He will reveal them to us so that He can help us repent.
Only you and I can ask God to forgive the sins we've committed whether they be known or unknown 1 John 1:9.
God bless you!
There are difficult people here that enjoy doing things that disturb people like gossip, back-stabbing, being 2-faced, lying, cheating and many other bad things. I live alone and have little support of family and friends which makes me more vulnerable to those that prey on someone they perceive as weak. I am not weak but it does make it very hard to be happy here or have a productive life. I would like prayer for good people in my life and for my home to be a happy place to live in. I am grateful to God for what I have but this is what I ask because I am hurting emotionally. Thank You.
Pray for wisdom of what to do: James 1:5
Psalms 139, Psalms 37,
Matthew 18, 1Kings 7:4,5,6, Proverbs 30:8,9,
Psalms 84, Psalms 28, Psalms 18:32,
Isaiah 26:2,3,
Hopefully these are helpful
In the end in Armageddon and the final judgment at the end of the Millennium Kingdom there will be two factions; the armies of Christ and those of Antichrist (or Satan himself at the very end). There is an inexorable move there with the angels of God being messengers and protectors at times of God's people and the demons guiding at an accellerating rate towards the final destruction of men's souls. Again; I feel it is prudent and necessary to say that whatever side you are on; either God is your Father or Satan.
It is that bad; and of course it ties in with the fact that we either are living in and for sin; or for the Lord. The difference; of course is that there is no variableness of shadow with God ( James 1:17). God is truth and Satan the father of lies. These are clear facts from scripture.
There have been tracts such as the old Campus Crusade 4 points which emphasize how a train starts with the engine than goes to the caboose. That is; there is a logical sequence for us to be saved (4 spiritual laws). Part of it says that we are not to rely on feelings. I am not in total agreement with the more Arminian approach as compared to say "Chapel Library" Gospel tracts.
But I will say the point is well said in regard to emotions. We need to be cautious; of course if indeed there is some guilt from sin that we need to confess. There are many days; however when we go on with our duty as soldiers ( 2 Tim. 2:4). We are "unworthy servants" who don't need to be praised ( Luke 17:10). This doesn't change God's love for us; of course but it indicates that we have such a great debt we cannot pay for what He did for us on the cross. Remind yourself of that the next time Satan is speaking to you through one of his minions; that what Christ did defeated him; and was too precious for anything he has to offer. Again; in context the name of Jesus is a powerful weapon; but those seeking some power trip without submission will fail.
I have dealt to some extent with similar experiences with good and evil spirits. One example that frankly is sickening but needs to be stated here is many of these so called "near death experiences". Many are under the assumption that a pleasant experience indicates one is seeing heaven; and unpleasant ones often are ignored. I will start with the last point first. There are undoubtably many accounts of individuals who have had a terrifying hell type experience right before almost dying or actually dying for good. I can barely stand to think beyond that fact; but the first point is even worse. I will not state catagorically that some have a true experience with the Lord. I personally have a friend in my Bible study who has told the story more than once of a friend who came to the Lord and within a few months afterwards died of a rapidly progressing cancer. He was basically comatose and couldn't move but on the last night stood up and exclaimed loudly that He saw the Lord then dropped dead. I have heard of many who claim to have seen their loved ones but a few have progressed down a path where eventually they were revealed to be demons impersonating them and they realized they were on the way to hell. I frankly don't think anyone goes to the lake of fire yet; and has to be judged for their lives first before the permanent sentence and final death occurs of the soul which may be a few minutes after death. Again; I could elaborate further on that subject later. Necromancy; of course is forbidden in Deuteronomy; but demons will fool all who are unregenerate by this tactic I am convinced of that. We all as believers must learn how to discern or we will be crippled by spiritual warfare we are no match for the Devil.
Just as in the case of evil; when two people with familiar spirits can be attracted to one another or being otherwise manipulated; we should also discern those filled with the Spirit in the Body of Christ. More to come.
I agree with what you stated.
"Do I need to get baptized along with trusting in Jesus to be saved?
Yes, by the Holy Spirit, not by water:"
Let's look upon another quote of yours concerning those who which the law was given. "Israel."
In Matthew 15:24 Jesus said "I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel".
This was not an outright rejection of the Gentiles.
"Moments later, He heals the woman's daughter" but this was a fulfillment of prophecy, a setting of priorities, and a test of the woman's faith.
In Jeremiah 50:6, God calls Israel His people and "lost sheep."
The Messiah, spoken of throughout the Old Testament, was seen as the one who would gather these "lost sheep"
Ezekiel 34:23-24 Micah 5:4-5.
When Jesus presented Himself as a shepherd to Israel, He was claiming to be the fulfillment of Messianic prophecy
Mark 6:34, 14:27. John 10:11-16.
He is simply connecting His presence with God's purpose in Old Testament history. Christ was "born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law"
Galatians 4:4-5.
John the baptist was his forerunner who came in the office of Elisha to prepare the way. Malachi 4:4-6.
This was the baptism of John.
Acts 19:4. "This baptism was only for Israel." John was preparing the way!
Christ has not yet given charge to his disciples to go out to the ends of the earth to "IDENTIFY/BAPTIZE" the Gentiles with the gathered sheep of Israel.
In-fact he didn't send them until AFTER he died on the cross and rose from the dead to atone for the sins of the whole world.
All the offerings and ordinances was a foreshadow of things to come.
Colossians 2:13-17.
Hebrews 10:1-10.
God bless and
In scripture; we are given the guideline that "every spirit which says that Christ came in the flesh is from God; and the opposite holds true of the ones that deny it (such as was found in Gnosticism for instance). Thus states 1 John 4:2. We have the instance; however of Acts 16:17 where the KJV makes it appear that the girl states when possessed that Paul was showing THE way of salvation; apparently at least one other version makes it seem it should say A way of salvation. That may be a debate for another forum. What I am pointing out here is that it is unlkely a demon will say outright Jesus didn't come in the flesh at least right away or it would be a giveaway at least to some that it wasn't from God. The part of coming in the flesh as God in the flesh is important too; for the substitutionary atonement for men; as well as making a public spectacle of the powers of darkness ( Colossians 2:15) and destroying him who had power over death ( Heb. 2:14). Sin could no longer hold men and now; to be absent from the Body is present with the Lord ( 2 Cor. 5:8).
Let us look at temptation for a minute. Temptations can be both things which we know to be wrong even in a fallen state with whatever conscience we have but it also can be things which by themselves are neutral and/or good under the right circumstances. What occurs is that the mind finds comfort in the seen; material things and satisfying temporary wants and ultimately the sin is not trusting in God to meet needs in His timing. Men; of course can go from being hedonistic to self depricating behaviors not reliant on the Spirit of God such as seen at the end of Colossians 2. Notice that it mentions worshipping angels here; but we must remember any angel preaching a gospel contrary to the truth is "anathema" ( Gal. 1:8).
Usually people are agents of evil; but a possessed person can speak (of course convincing people they are deceased relatives or "guiding spirits."
In my last segment I got into how the enemy affects our old nature and has legal authority when we have unconfessed sin to mess with us to some extent. The Lord; in contrast is working with the Spirit to change the state of our souls; and to render the old man null and void despite our frequent attempts to resurrect the beast within. His yoke is easy and burden is light ( Matt. 11:30); yet for His sake we are as sheep for the slaughter ( Romans 8:35-37); in fact "killed all the day long". How can this be? It is a change of Masters from Satan to God which allows our souls not to be in bondage to our desires and tormented by the "prince of the power of the air" ( Eph. 2:2). We can have the confidence our souls are "seated in heavenly places" ( Eph. 2:6). This and many other promises are our heritage as adopted children of God.
To the unregenerate; a spiritual "experience" may seem one and the same whether from God or the fallen realm. Emotions are stirred when something empowers our minds or bodies that is foreign to our experience as humans. Often those who are into "Recreational drugs" have the same sort of experience listening to certain psychodelic type music and in fact don't need the drugs at times after a while. We can be possessed with the Holy Spirit as well; it is no less or should be no less contolling; it is just that natural man repels at the thought of such a thing; despite the absurdity that they are denying the very Creator in being Lord and Master over their individual "freedom".
It may take time to find out what actually is going on. Sometimes God indeed will use a dream or vision or experience to wake up the unregenerate. Also those who call themselves "Christian" may or not be saved. Once we know scripture we are held to be accountable therefore any spirit violating Biblical truth must be denied access into our lives or we invite evil.
My Cell phone supposedly edited your name on my previous post.
I ran a little behind on my proof reading.
Probably a basic distinction that can be made stems off from the previous discussion. Spirit beings whose source are from fallen angels and demonic entities rely on human sins to establish a foothold and more or less have men as puppets on a string. This becomes crucial in understanding why Christians must have an Ephesians 6 mentality. I have been affected myself in sleep particularly when whatever I think is God's protection seems to be of no avail from attacks. God is; in reality determining how much He will discipline us at all times; but if God could use a "messenger from Satan" against Paul ( 2 Cor. 12:7) and in fact allow Satan to affect Peter's mind to teach him to utterly depend on God ( Matthew 16:23); we certainly should be proactive ourselves. Our sinful nature as well as expressions of such give Satan and his minions legal action to either oppress or in some cases possess individuals. I am not about to debate if a Christian can be possessed outright but we certainly will be attacked.
The Holy Spirit of course confirms with our spirit that we are indeed "children of God" ( Romans 8:16 roughly translated).
Of course the obvious distinction of God is His "omni" everything (time; presence and authority). God in Isaiah 40:28 makes it clear that He never grows weary. Of course Christ did when He was in human form but in the Spirit He was always awake and alert; but now as in Psalm 121:4 "He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep."
I had thought that 1 Peter 5:8 says Satan doesn't sleep but it advises us to be ever vigilant. Spirit beings; however show no evidence of being tired in scripture. More in my nest installment.
That is a good and often asked question.
You asked it in a direct and simple way, " Do you have to be baptized TO ENTER HEAVEN?
With the emphasis being on "TO GET INTO HEAVEN.
When those answering this important question let's not straddle the fence trying not to offend a friend or foe, and answer it directly whether you hold the truth or not!!
I'm going to answer this question the way it was asked, in a short, direct and simple way.
That answer is NO.
Water baptism is a testimony of our salvation and shows our identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection.
We're asked to testify of "An action THAT HAS ALREADY TAKEN PLACE".
I am not ashamed of the answer and believe it to be truth.
God bless.