All Discussion PAGE 596

  • Chris - In Reply on Acts 26 - 2 years ago
    I think that King Agrippa, who was a Jew, understood what Paul was speaking to him concerning Israel. But when Paul began to give his conversion testimony ( Acts 26:13 onwards), Paul's words probably were foreign to him, resulting in his exclamation, "Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian." And what Agrippa meant was that, 'with only a few words from you and in so short a time, you expect me to turn to this Christ?' Agrippa may have understood the logic of what Paul was testifying, that it made sense, but he probably still had a long way to go to let that knowledge sink into his heart, convincing him, convicting him, to turn to Christ for salvation. Maybe, at some later date, the Holy Spirit was able to draw him further into the Truth, even bringing him salvation.
  • Sammi - 2 years ago
    A prayer please for Clive Marshall . It's very likely that he has lung cancer . May God bless him in all the ways that God alone knows , that Clive needs His blessings most . Please , may God bless Clive with the comfort and support and affection of his family in the days to come . If it is your will Dear Heavenly Father , through Jesus Christ our Saviour , Amen .
  • Million on Acts 26 - 2 years ago
    Was Agrippa convinced
  • Charles Paye Gondoun on Proverbs 10:22 - 2 years ago
    Your Comment (publicly visible)...I love God because He protect me and provide for me always.
  • Alex1939 - 2 years ago
    I have a comment about water baptism...It was not the baptism of Promise...The multiplication of Christ Jesus in his blood that new Covenant in his blood at Calvary..Even in the O.T. they cd not apply water to the doorpost, its had to be blood...When i see the blood i will pass over you..Remember Jesus said behold i send the Promise of my Father upon you which was baptism of the H.G. That Promise baptism of the H.G...Jesus told the woman at the well whosoever drinks of this water ( Salvation by water baptism ) will thirst again....But the water that will give him shall be a well of water spring up unto everlasting life which is baptism of the H.G. THE GIFT OF GOD FOR SPIRITUAL CLEANLINESS..Which is that New COVENANT IN HIS BLOOD...An INTERNAL WASHING of our hearts and spirits...A birth of Christ in us the son of man via his seeds the words of that book that he wrote with his own blood...Thats y Jesus said i have a greater witness then John's...(water baptism) ....If i wash thee not you will have no part with me..But they had all been water baptised previously...But he tells them ( his own disciples ) if i wash thee not you will have no part with me...Which speaks volumes of a greater baptism of his blood of the lamb...Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world..John....All the water in the world cd not atone for the sins of the world..The only reason Jesus was water baptised so that the law of Moses wd be fulfilled..NOT FOR SIN AS OUR LORD HAD NO SIN...Moses law said that 2 turtle doves had to be washed by running water...And the Jordan was running water and John was of the tribe of levi...Thus he had to do the Water baptism....All righteousness cd not be fulfilled unless Jesus was baptised in water to fulfill the law of moses...A washing for sin and leprosy...He cd not offend not in one single place till the New Covenant on CALVARY WAS FINISHED in his blood...One of the doves had to be killed and his blood sprinkled on the livin bird the Church .
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Esmin, I will pray for you today.

    Dear Heavenly Father, today we lift up to You Esmin and ask in the name of Jesus that You will bring repair and restoration to her umbilical area. We ask that You have the repairs to this hernia be successful and that she will not have any more problems with hernias again. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Robert, I will pray for Katie today and in the next few days as well.

    Dear Heavenly Father, we bring before you today this prayer petition by Robert for Katie. In the name of Jesus we ask that You cause this surgery on her heart to go excellently and that her heart is fully repaired. Restore normal heart rhythm to Katie from this procedure and keep her healthy and her heart strong. Amen.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen Adam,

    We obey or not.

    God bless,

  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Very well stated, Adam.

    Jesus never did anything necessarily by "custom", but deliberately to teach, exemplify, fulfill prophecy or Scripture, to fore-shadow, to demonstrate a future command, to show His divine authority, or especially, His unquestioning obedience to the Father.

    When He was baptized, the Father and the Holy Spirit manifested themselves to show their pleasure in His obedience and approval of water baptism.

    Likewise, when Jesus commanded something, He did not command something that was frivolous, optional, unimportant, or necessary for us to obey. So, His command to believe and be baptized is, in my opinion, a vital act of obedience by those who profess to love Him and desire to imitate Him and follow His teachings and commands. '

    So, yes, believers are called by our Lord to be water baptized as an act of faith, just like Abraham was sacrificing Isaac as an act of faith, and this action, done in faith, was counted to him as righteousness.

    "What is not from faith is sin, Paul says in Romans 14:23, so water baptism must be done with faith in Jesus, not as a rote ritual. And James, chapter 2 speaks specifically about the relationship of faith and works. But this is not that we are saved by faith and works, but that works will follow faith in the life of a believer and certainly obeying the commands and example of Jesus is the work we are to do as we love Him and love others according to His command to do so.

    Water baptism is a wonderful witness to the saving grace of God through Jesus. Those who witness ones baptism are uplifted and joyfully thankful for the salvation of this new believer as the believer testifies to their conversion by being water baptized as Jesus commanded.

    Adam, thank you for upholding the Lord's instructions on this action of faith we are commanded to do. It is for all believers to obey and there is always a benefit to obedience.
  • GiGi - 2 years ago
    Dear A. I will pray for Monica and baby today.

    Dear Heavenly Father, we know that You are Almighty and All-knowing. So we lift up Monica and her sweet baby to You in the name of Jesus and ask that You care for Her and her baby in this time. Bless both of them and bond them together as mother and baby as You have designed it to be. Keep both healthy and safe from harm. Teach Monica to be a loving mother. May her baby continue to grow and thrive under her care. Protect them from harm, provide for their needs, and help Monica to grow up in Christ to become mature and strong in faith and love and grace. Amen.
  • Linda - 2 years ago
    Please, pray for me, Linda, that God may cause backfire on my enemies, who are poisoning me with class A drugs, witchcraft and all wickedness, in Jesus Name. He may evict and convict Tatiana, Barry, David, Nicola & accomplices of their sins by the power of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Name and they may flee from me, immediately as is written in Psalm 7:16 "The trouble they make for others backfires on them. The violence they plan falls on their own heads," as they are making my life a misery for over 8 years, poisoning me with strong smell of drugs for over 4 years and the police & housing are colluding with them, bullying me and lying to their teeth. God may bring justice to me as in Luke 18, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Susanella,

    I like to flip the question and ask why would a Christ-follower not want to follow Christ? Are there any legitimate reasons not to be baptized in water?

    Jesus said this:

    "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." Mark 16:16 KJV

    "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:" Matthew 28:19 KJV

    Some Christians I encounter seem quite satisfied and maybe even relieved on their assumption that they don't need to be immersed in water anymore. But is that really what Jesus said and meant?

    "John indeed baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost." Acts 11:16 KJV

    Baptism with the Holy Ghost doesn't necessarily mean without water. It seems Jesus indicates the baptism before Jesus arrived was not with the Holy Ghost. And it's noteworthy that even though Jesus was now there, He still was baptized in water! It was so important that even Jesus did it Himself as an example to follow. And then they continued baptizing in water after Jesus left. I see no verse anywhere saying for everyone to stop baptizing in water.

    Some are motivated to not be baptized for personal reasons, not for reasons of obedience as a Christ-follower. But it doesn't matter what man thinks, but what God says and He already said to be baptized. So, if following Jesus is important to someone I think that following what Jesus says is important.

    Other Christians echoed this about water baptism after Jesus left too, like Paul in Acts 2:38.

    It would be brazen to ignore such a clear and obvious command. Others seem confident and willing to gamble on this that they're interpreting it correctly. But obeying involves no risk and no downside, but disobeying and seeing how much one can get away with not doing seems risky. No one is claiming that act itself saves, but deliberately disobeying God while also claiming to follow Him seems questionable.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear A. I will pray for Monica and baby today.

    Dear Heavenly Father, we know that You are Almighty and All-knowing. So we lift up Monica and her sweet baby to You in the name of Jesus and ask that You care for Her and her baby in this time. Bless both of them and bond them together as mother and baby as You have designed it to be. Keep both healthy and safe from harm. Teach Monica to be a loving mother. May her baby continue to grow and thrive under her care. Protect them from harm, provide for their needs, and help Monica to grow up in Christ to become mature and strong in faith and love and grace. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Ruth. thank you for informing me of the diagnosis of this lump. I am sorry to hear that it is cancer. I will be praying for you through this, so keep me updated, please.

    Dear Heavenly Father, Ruth has just found out that this lump is cancer. We come to You in the name of Jesus and ask that You bring healing to Ruth, that treatments are successful and that she is enveloped with the peace of knowing that You are always with her and a sure help in times of trouble. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear M. Loeffler, I will pray for Bianca today.

    Dear Heavenly Father, we lift Bianca up to You today in the name of Jesus for she is in need of heart repair and recovery from a heart attack. We ask that You bring healing and full recovery to Bianca and protect her in this time of crisis. Amen.
  • Thirsty4Wisdom - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi, I recently wrote this for my kids because I had the same question; (Disclaimer, I'm not formally educated, I like to do my own research) I wrote:

    Do I need to get baptized along with trusting in Jesus to be saved?

    Yes, by the Holy Spirit, not by water:

    In the Old Testament, water baptism was practiced. This was under the LAW, meaning that the way to salvation was through obedience to the LAW of God, and sacrificing animals, who's blood would atone for their sins.

    In the New Testament, Jesus was the sacrifice. His blood atones for our sins. We are baptized with the Holy Spirit.

    So YES baptism is required, but it's automatic once you accept the Gospel and follow Jesus.

    It's OK to get a water baptism, but it doesn't save you. It's an expression of your love for Christ and your public pledge to follow him, but it's not required. Hope this helps! God bless!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Good Morning Richard,

    You have explained this topic very well. Thank you. Such a good way to begin my day.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Proverbs 21 - 2 years ago

    I believe that one account of Jesus healing a blind man is in John 9. I will pray for your daughter's healing today. What is her name?
  • Marc Bryant - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my health and strength protection from the seen and unseen enemies and evil forces!! that are around me, a lot of time when things seems okay it turn around for the worst. Please pray for any sins that I may have made, because I feel you can sin and not even know it. Please pray for my health if I have any seen or unseen health problems, please pray that (GOD) will (BLESS) me with a supernatural healing, in all areas throughout my body mind & soul. Please pray for my protection from all areas of life problems, let no danger come to me or around me. Please pray that (GOD) will (BLESS) me with nothing but (MIRACLES&BLESSINGS) in all areas of my (LIFE). Thank you all for your prayers.
  • EVANGELIST NEVA PRICE on Proverbs 21 - 2 years ago
    Requesting the Scriptures when YESHUA JESUS opened blind peoples eyes! My Daughter has some blindness from a Eye Infection, and cannot anything clearly out her left eye. She cannot see out of her right eye. Everything is blurry and cloudy with her left eye. Prayers For her Vision to be Healed and Normal. Thank You LORD, for the Recovery and Restoration of her Eyesight.
  • Robert Vaughan - 2 years ago
    Please send up prayers for my wife Katie who is scheduled for a heart "ablation" procedure on Tuesday. Dear LORD God, please be with Katie and the doctors, and see that the surgery goes as planned, to repair the abnormal rhythm of her heartbeat. I ask this in the name of our Savior Jesus.

  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    The Holy Spirit (introduction)

    When the Spirit dwells in an individual in our current Dispensation a foreign righteousness enters our world. He uses the most subtle means and is often quite gentle; but make no mistake. He's not there to do anything less than cause the death of our old nature and all the desires of the flesh. How willingly we submit will determine our spiritual rewards or lack thereof; and could even shorten our life if we aren't careful ( 1 Cor. 11:30). I HIGHLY recommend new believers to examine Paul's writings to the Corinthians after gaining a basic understanding of the Gospels. There is much to learn there about maturity; church discipline and many common problems still relevant today involving cultural surroundings and the affect on those who are new creatures in Christ. 1 Corinthians 4:21 gives the question if Paul would be preferred to come with a "rod of discipline" and this can be applied to the Lord Himself chastising us as we grow in faith. He is the "Captain" of the ship and therefore of our souls ( Heb. 2:10).

    The mystery of God involves how God can dwell with man; the infinite with finite flesh ( 1 Cor. 3:16-17). As long as we are on earth; this paradox of foreign righteousness contends with the flesh and we are torn between the two. Christ; then IS our righteousness ( 1 Cor. 1:30) but the source comes from without. We die daily ( 1 Cor. 15:31) as we are transformed by the renewing of our mind ( Romans 12:2).

    The church was built with the plan for the Body to be "fitted together" ( 1 Cor. 12:18 and also Ephesians 4:16). Once we get past the melee which was the state of the Corinthians as a "motley crew" that had to be disciplined we are in theory to build one another up. That involves the strong in faith teaching the weak ( Titus 2:4-6) (and apparently 84 other verses in scripture specifically relating to women in that role!) as well as exhortation; rebuke; and reproving ( 2 Tim. 4:2); as well as sympathy ( Rom. 12:15)
  • M Loeffler - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my sister Bianca, who is now in the hospital do to a heart attack.

    Thank you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
  • Alex1939 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hiya Susanella...GBU...But the way I read it is...This New Covenant is an ALL INCLUSIVE covenant... Jeremiah 31:34...I will make a new Covenant with the house of Israel and Judah not according to the covenant i made with their fathers etc...I will KNOW them ALL from the least to the greatest...This KNOW them all is an intimacy with humanity as God so loved the world....And Jesus says if i be lifted up, the shedding of his blood on calvary initiating that New COVENANT I will draw ALL MEN UNTO ME...Told his disciples go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every CREATURE...And his words cannot return unto him void..

    "This Know them all is an intimacy with humanity" That is gonna result in a birth of Christ in everyman....As Jeremiah 30:6 he saw all men in travail and birth pains..All men...You have not chosen me but i have chosen you...While we were yet sinners Christ died for every man...I was found of them that sought me not and made manifest unto them that asked not after me...Thats y Jesus says he has to KNOW us...Thus that tree of KNOWLEDGE....And Isaiah speaks of a Knowledge that is gona cover the earth as the waters covers the seas...Thus a 2 nd Flood that is gona kill all of humanity according to our old adamic nature...Man's carnal minds which is the very enemy of God...If thy right hand offend thee cut it off...As our God is a consuming fire that is gona consume mans adamic nature...Thus our new hearts and new spirts answers to a New Earth and New Heavens...When Jesus began his ministry he was preaching i come to bring fire on the earth...Which is his baptism of the H.G. n fire..ok lemme go..And Joel 2:28 speaks of God pouring out of his spirit on ALL flesh...Thats y he said the harlots and the whoremongers will go into the Kingdom of heaven b/f you....I will KNOW them all from the least to the greatest...And if ya be in Christ then are you Abrahams seed and heirs according to that Promise of multiplication of Christ seed...The H.G.The Promise.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    "In love" and loving God. A proper approach

    I will start this off by saying emphatically that those who say that we should be in love with Christ are placing a confusing term on Agape; which transcends all other human affections. I believe it is safe to say that God's love never relies or comes after human feelings; whether "phileo" (such as brotherly love) and certainly not eros (which involves sensual aspects). It is true that our emotions in any commitment; including the highest one in our spiritual lives will have our mind; heart and soul involved as we gain trust and learn obedience. That is probably what those who are well intentioned mean by this phrase. And in an abstract sense those who are in and ONLY in a Godly marriage can find intimacy as a result of God being at the core of their relationship. But the opposite is risked here and the fruit thereof is often seen in the mega churches. This is seen in the not so veiled "prosperity gospel" that invokes "sowing a seed" to the ministry and promising all sorts of finacial windfalls and is also seen in music obviously appealing to the flesh in the way women dress and shallow lyrics at best with just enough scripture to make it deadly. Matthew 13:30 gives us a strong admonition for those who "immediately" recieve the Word (or seed of truth) with joy. Without root; then as with many today we don't see an enduring capacity when trials of life and cares of this world come along. In fact it seems persecution isn't usually found in these places (hence a real drawing power). 2 Timothy 3:12; of course shows that all who are Godly will be persecuted; and it emphasizes the word "desire" to be Godly. This implies that we obey God because we love Him ( John 14:15).

    The flesh and Spirit are in contention with each other ( Galatians 5:17). We need to keep in mind that every good and perfect gift is from above ( James 1:17).

    In my next section I will discuss aspects of the Holy Spirit in ministry.
  • Ruthmay - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Gigi - Unfortunately the results are that I do have Cancer.

    Ruth (UK)
  • Alex1939 - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hi Sandra...GBU...But i think you are refering to Salvation via faith as Faith comes by hearing his voice his words etc...Its Jesus that has to sow his good seed in our hearts that forms Christ in us...Gal.4:19 my Children of whom i travail in birth till Christ is formed in you...And that Child is gona grow whether we like it or not...Its the H.G. that grows with in us...He is our new innerman our new hearts and new spirits etc...He increases in statue just like his fleshly counter part does...God gives it the increase according to his will...Its gotta come forth in 3 measures, 1st the Baby then the Son then the fulfness of the Godhead in the Son...We all have to come into the fulness of the statue of Christ with in us...Christ in you the hope of glory.

    Faith is like a spirtual Pregnancy....Simply b/c we have the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen...The Substance of a kingdom and the evidence of a baby Christ in us which is the H.G. As Jesus said that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G. thus it cannot be seen...But we know we got it b/c we can feel him moving in our spirits.... Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for ( the fetus ) The evidence of things not seen...( a baby Christ the Kingdom ).. As Jesus said unless you receive the Kingdom as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in..Thats y the new birth is so important.

    Thats y he always refered to himself as the Son of Man...Simply b/c mankind needs to bring forth fruit unto God which is the H.G. that Child of Promise... Romans 7 :4...But we have to go thru a war with the Tares Satans Seed...Thats y Jesus said there will be Kingdom against Kingdom..The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence simply b/c of the wheat and the Tares are at war...And this war rages with in us...In our hearts and minds...The 2 men in 1 bed is just 1 man that is at war with the Tares Wheat n the Tares..Thats y we must endure to the end th Harvest..1 taken 1 left.GB
  • Esmin - 2 years ago
    For God to make me whole from umbilical hernia.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember Kristie and me in your prayers
  • Alex1939 - In Reply on Romans 4 - 2 years ago
    Hi Bobby Gbu...Blessed is the man whom God will not impute sins...Thats them that have been bornagain via his seed the word which initiates...Faith a spritual pregnancy...That results in a baby Christ the H.G. that Child of Promise...It was Faith that initiated Sarahs Pregnancy even tho she was pass age as also Abraham was like 90 yrs old ...Too old to produce a Child.

    But with the New Covenant ( by his blood ) there is also a Child involved...Which is the H.G. that Child of Promise...Thats y Jesus is saying that which is Born of the Spirit is Spirit...Thats y John said,..little Children your sins are forgiven for his Name sake... 1st John 2:12..Which is the Israel of God... Spirits...The H.G. Comes in his Name thus no SIN IS IMPUTED.

    When Jesus said its FINISHED...When he was on the Cross he was initiating a New Covenant in his blood...Thus there is absolutely no more works we can do...He did it all...Under the old covenant we cd do works ( the law )...But there is no more works under this New Covenant...All of our sins are forgiven for his Name Sake the H.G. the Child of Promise...Remember the H.G. that Child of Promise comes in his name...The Father will send the H.G. in my name impling he is the father of the H.G. and the H.G. will regenerate himself in humanity after the book is opened...Thats when the woman gets Pregnant after the Book is opened...Thus there is gonna be an Israel of God...What Abraham did on the Earth via Faith is gonna be done in heaven and earth via the seed of Christ Jesus...The contents of that Book he wrote with his own blood..

    But now under this New Covenant we birth a baby Christ via Jesus seed his words...Thats y there is no sin imputed simply b/c of the Children of Promise the H.G. which is his name sake ... John 1 :13...Which were born NOT by the will of blood nor of the will of man nor of flesh,but only by the will of God...These are the Children of PROMISE...The H.G...Thus there is no sin imputed to them that are bornagain.

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