King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

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When the KJV was being translated (i.e. the 1611 version), these books were not included within the Old Testament framework, as the bibles that used the dubious Alexandrian (Vaticanus & Sinaiticus) manuscripts for translation did; but the KJV translators, using the 'Received Text' manuscript added them between the Testaments. This action signified that they still had value but were not considered a part of God's Word. The reasons for doing this are several, but the important ones are: neither the Jews, nor the Lord Jesus & His apostles gave them any sanction; they were not written in Hebrew or Aramaic; errors were found in them, both historical & doctrinal (such as praying for the dead, of sinless perfection, magical incantations, & other immoral practises).
The Old Testament Apocryphal Books are given here on KJBO Site for knowledge about them & for interest sake - I would hope that the reader would give due diligence when reading them for they are not accepted as part of the Canon of Scripture.
I would like to add to what Gigi and Richard has shared with the focus on your last question.
"how can one know that God exists if no one has seen him?"
First I would like to draw your attention to Psalms 19:1-4. Carefully read it.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
AGAIN Verse 19. Because that which may be known of God is MANIFEST IN THEM; for God hath shewed it unto them.
Job 38:8-11.
Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb?
When I made the cloud the garment thereof, and thick darkness a swaddlingband for it,
And brake up for it my decreed place, and set bars and doors,
And said, Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further: and here shall thy proud waves be stayed?
More verses;
Job 12:7-10.
Job 26:7-8.
This evil world we live in denies the glory of God with its evolution theory and says it all came together by accident.
Hopefully others will share.
I hope this helps.
God bless.
Atypical pneumonia a.k.a., walking pneumonia is a milder form of pneumonia from a different bacteria that causes normal pneumonia. So, although it is not as severe as normal pneumonia and rarely causes hospitalization, it can still be severe enough for people with asthma and C.O.P.D. and other ongoing diseases. So, I am in this group with asthma, so that is probably why i ma having more of a problem than others who get atypical pneumonia. But I have all the necessary meds now and am glad I am retired so I can take it easy and slow. I pray that I will be fully recovered before my carpal tunnel surgery in my other hand on Feb 2nd.
Well stated,
I believe that it means "rest' like a musical rest or pause in the music.
.. until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which He will manifest in His own time, He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords; who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power, Amen.
Here Paul is telling Timothy that Jesus will make manifest the Father, who lives in unapproachable. No one is able to see Him in all of His glory, except Jesus. But somehow Jesus will manifest the Father when He returns. The fact that the Father dwells in unapproachable life speaks to His holiness and transcendence, being far different that humans, completely magnificent and beyond what we can comprehend or, I believe, endure to look upon.
Even when we are transformed and become immortal and uncorrupted with our resurrected bodies, we will still be humans, and because of our limitations of intellect and understanding and our creatureliness, we will always come to the Father through Jesus His Son. We do not know if the angels also come to the Father through Jesus His Son, also. But we can be satisfied to know that when we look upon Jesus we will see the Father in a way we can understand and tolerate without being consumed. Jesus is forever our Mediator, and we should be thankful and stand in honor and praise of Him as our Savior, Redeemer, High Priest, Lord, King, Friend, and Brother.
The Angel of the Lord was also spoken of as an appearance of God, such as the account of God appearing in the burning bush, or Abraham being visited by God. Many people believe that the Angel of the Lord was a pre-incarnate visit of the Son of God.
Ezekiel had very startling experiences with the Angel of the Lord on many occasions. Daniel and Isaiah had visions that featured the throne of God, with both the Father and the Son being shown.
In Rev. 1:8 spoken by the exalted Jesus, I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." This verse clearly speaks of Jesus as God.
Ex. 33:20, when Moses asked to see God face to face, God replied, "..You cannot see my face; for no man shall see Me and live."
The reason that no man is able to see the Father face to face is that all humans are sinful. Their nature is corrupted by the sin of Adam and their own sin. God is so holy that any man who would see God as He truly is would be totally consumed and destroyed. There must be a Mediator between the Father and humans, even after one is redeemed by the life and sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. He always has been the one who appears to any person from the time of Adam up to now, since His work of salvation and High Priesthood reaches back to the time of Adam and forward to us in our time and will continue forever in eternity. We will always see the Father through the Mediation of Jesus, his Son who became flesh to be our Savior and to impute upon us the righteousness of His perfect life.
Paul speaks to Timothy in 1 Tim. 6:13-16 after instructing to pursue righteousness , godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness and to fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life which Timothy had given witness to many, Paul says, 13 "I urge you in the sight of God who gives life to all things, and before Jesus Christ ....that you keep this commandment without spot, blameless
You have posed several good questions and I would like to respond to the last one concerning believing in a God no one has seen.
The first thing that came to my mind was what Jesus said in the gospels. In John 1:18 Jesus said, No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him."
In John 14:9-10 in response to Philip's request for Jesus to show them the Father, Jesus said, "have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known me, Philip? He who has seen me has seen the Father, so how can you say, "Show us the Father?
do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me?....
In these verses Jesus is saying that He is God and that any of the people of His time on earth who saw Him also saw the
Father because of the unified Oneness of the Persons of the Godhead. Jesus, being the Son of God in the flesh, showed by His perfect human life and by His divine expressions in miracles and other divine actions and words revealed to those who saw Him the Godhead and what God was like.
Those who saw Jesus after His resurrection, saw Him in His glory, revealing more of who God is to the disciples, from the women and apostles at the tomb, to the rest of the disciples in the Upper Room, and to 500 0ther persons before the disciples saw him ascend to the Father. A human person cannot appear to people after they die. Jesus was God and He said He was returning to His Father, who was God. Acts 7:56 Stephen at the time he was being stoned said, look, I see heaven opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!" He was seeing Jesus with the Father in heaven as equals.
In the Old Testament, many godly men were visited by God-Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, Ezekiel-to name a few. These appearances were usually described as the Angel of the Lord.
Thanks Allen
I have never found a verse in Scripture that explicitly states that the KJV is the perfect translation of Scripture, since the KJV did not exist when scripture was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The original writings of the Old and New Testament in Hebrew (O.T.) and Greek (N.T.) were the only absolutely inspired words of God written through the agency of the biblical writer.
Some will extrapolate a defense of the position that the KJV is the only perfect translation from a verse or two. But this approach does not prove the point. I believe that God has preserved the integrity and veracity of His Word in Scripture from the time it was first written or spoken by the apostles, as they preached to people, during the apostolic times as well as the Old Testament times.
I believe that God has preserved the integrity and veracity of His Words in Scripture over the centuries from the apostolic times up to present day. There have been many translations of Scripture over the centuries, I believe that God preserved the truth of Scripture in these translations beginning with the Septuagint (O.T. translated in Greek from Hebrew) in the 3rd century B.C., through the work of copyists in the post-apostolic times when they copied by hand the original copies of the Septuagint and the N. T. writings of the apostles.
I believe that the translation of Jerome (Vulgate) was a truthful translation and that the translations that came before the KJV (which the KJV also used in their translation) were truthful translations. And I believe the translations that have been done since the KJV, with a few exceptions, particularly paraphrases, are equally accurate as the KJV. All translation will have some minor errors due to translating from one language to another, but God, who sustains the church through the ages, will preserve the His Word now also.
I am improving but slowly. Still coughing and very fatigued. Went back to the Dr. yesterday and started another round of antibiotics and prednisone. My chest x-ray was clear and my blood labs showed slightly elevated white blood cells. So, thus the reason for the antibiotic. The Dr. said I may have "walking pneumonia" which is an atypical presentation of pneumonia. I still use my nebulizer, which helps. My airways just overreact so much to respiratory infections. It is hard for me to kick them without medication support. But I hope that when I finish this round of meds, I will be well. Frustrating, but I ma glad I am not like I was at the start of this. I just have to talk things slow and easy and not do too much or do things that take a long time. I don't have the stamina to do that. Lots of breaks!
Proverbs 3:6, James 1:5,
Hopefully these are helpful
I also tried 6 times yesterday to post a response with no luck. Not to take away from what Chris has shared because I agree, but here is what I tried sending:
The word charity in the King James text is the word Agape in Greek. And there are different words in Greek for different kinds of love.
Over the years, the church has relegated Agape to be something special. But not that special, because we think we can produce it!
But the word charity is Agape.
Agape is the fruit of God's Spirit according to Galatians 5:22, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love." And that word love is Agape. God's Spirit produces Agape.
1 John 4:8 tells us that God is Agape. It's His nature. In fact, outside of the New Testament, the word was hardly ever used.
But God is Agape.
Agape love includes sacrifice. Agape is the concern for someone's spiritual welfare. God exhibited that toward us in that "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son."
He looked at us and said your spiritual condition needs help. If I don't send a Savior, you're going to die in your sins!
So the word charity throughout all of Chapter 13 is the word Agape. It is Agape love, or Godly love. It doesn't mean charity like we know it today.
But why Peter then "cast himself into the sea" with this heavier coat on and with a heavy catch of fish to be dragged in, I cannot be sure. I have often assumed that he wanted to get to shore first to be with the Lord Jesus by swimming there, but even doing that with a coat on seems unreasonable. Maybe others might have another thought about this event.
Simon Peter was not naked as in nude, but naked as in he had his fishing garments on which were just his under clothes.
He didn't have his cloak, his outer garment on, so he puts his outer garment on. I guess he felt like he was not presentable because there is the Lord, and he did cast himself into the sea. Impulsive Peter!
Since the KJV was published first in 1611, the translators probably looked for a word that more expressly described true love or a love that is God-preferred. As you know, most other translations simply write 'love' as the translation from the Greek, 'Agape', which is correct. But in the KJV, the translators also probably looked for a more apt word & gave consideration to the Latin language for 'love', which is Caritas (from which we get 'charity'). And Caritas is more than showing love, concern & giving to another in need, but has at its root, Christian love or a brotherly sacrificial love that extends further & deeper than just a sympathetic love for another.
Maybe, the word 'charity' & its present meaning amongst most people, is actually the incorrect outdated one. Rather, when we use the word it should be as originally intended in meaning: that of love that goes beyond the emotional & sensual but much deeper to giving of oneself which includes both a deep concern & practical help.
My second choices would be Romans, the Gospel of John & his First Epistle.
That should be a good starting point at least on scriptures answering your question.
Agape; Rich P
God cannot look onto sin ( Matt. 27:45-46). Christ was the "sin bearer" who took on our sins (see Isaiah 53; Numbers 21:8). This explains the Godhead in some sense; as if all of the Godhead died at the crucifixion the whole universe would cease to exist. Jesus; however overcame death as it could not hold Him ( Acts 2:24). When He said "it is finished" and died then the work was done ( John 19:30). The rest of the time He was declaring victory to all (including unregenerate lost souls and demons bound in the underworld) in 1 Peter 3:18-20 then He ascended back to the Father where He ever lives to intercede for us ( Heb. 7:25).
It is clear that every eye shall see Him ( Rev. 1:7); Rev. 5:13; Rev. 20 and Great White Throne Judgment). Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord ( Philippians 2:10-11 and also reflected in Isaiah 45:23. During the Tribulation men also will be actively cursing God and Antichrist Himself will blaspheme Him as well as those who dwell in heaven ( Rev. 6:15; Revelation 13). It is clear that everyone will know about God and Christ by the sixth seal but it won't do those any good who have not been regenerated. It is only in those God chooses to reveal Himself through the Son that come to know Him ( Matt. 11:27 and see much of Gospel of John including some of my commentaries on Predestination). Also see Psalm 19; ROmans 1
My understanding they are part of each other. Obedience is dependent on our faith that we live by with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The first Adam broke the relationship and God's dwelling place in man when he was disobedient in eating from that tree. Faith can be measured through our obedience which is the visible expression of our faith.
The Bible says that Jesus learned obedience from what He suffered and was made perfect, Heb. 8:5. Jesus gave us perfect examples of being obedient He did nothing of His own it was the Father's will not His, Luke 4:18 John 5:30 John 14:10. When Jesus was in the garden just before He was taken, He asked the Father if there was a different way but not His will but the Father's, Luke 22:42 but Jesus was obedient unto death.
We cannot be saved by works; we cannot earn our salvation. Is being obedient considered works? My understanding is no. Obedience is not an option it is a command, we either obey or disobey like the first Adam. If we are obedient, we are dutiful and compliant to His commands.
Our faith, Heb.1:1 by the grace of God that we fully trust Him regardless of what we may face, not with our logic but with His, and the promises God has given us, our hope is not in this world but the eternal one that our hope is in, that with patience we wait and watch for to come.
May others word it better to help your study.
God bless,