King James Bible
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I am sorry about your son going through hard times, I ' ll be praying for Him as well as for Mario. I am thinking, if all of us here on this forum start praying for one another then just think how powerful our prayers are going to be. We are His family. GBU
It would be better if you obey your doctor's instructions and take the drugs he suggests, they will help you until a time comes when you will be able to face some things in your life successfully. Obviously some happenings in your life have driven you to depression. Stay close to the Lord and rely on His love and build your Life on Him. His love is the best foundation one can set to build their life on, He will never let you down. Be patient, God will eventually lead your life to light. and you will have a blessed life. I know you may not understand many things now but you have to trust Him and His word. God will find a way out for you to free you from everything, trust Him and follow Him. If I were in your shoes I would join a Christian community, there you will find good friends/brothers and sisters who will support and help you and give you good advice. Don't stay alone. When people are lonely their mind works strangely. Pray to God to show you where to go. Don't be afraid, since God is with us who can succeed a thing against us. Move on with your life, set certain goals to achieve, what you like, what job you like having, what friends you like to be with, set goals and move on don't stay behind. Hold God's hand tightly and do not fear of anything. A blessed life awaits for you. GBU
Seek first the Kindom of God and His righteousness and everything else shall be added.
in the Mighty name of Jesus!!!!
Mr. B said, "I'm not here to prove the bible, I'm not here to defend the bible & Charles Spurgen said it best, "I would no more defend the Bible then I would defend a Lion. You don't defend a Lion, You just let him loose, he'll defend himself.!! *"The Bible is a Reliable Collection of Historical Documents. Written by eye witness, 'during the life time of other eye witnesses' that report 'supernatural events'-'that took place in fulfilment of specific prophecies' & claim that their writings are Devine rather than human in origin*".
Here are some verses...
I agree, "Somethin' ain't right here with the logic." Many have tried to calculate how close we are and only God the Father knows. My understanding of a generation is the average life from birth to death. The 120 years in Genesis was the warning God gave, they had 120 years to repent until the flood came and wiped them all out except the 8.
I assume the generation you are referencing is the one in Matt. 24 Mark 13 Luke 21. My understanding is they have a dual meaning some things are for the future and many things were for then. Jesus said that generation vipers, evil, adulterous, wicked, sinful, faithless, perverse, and "That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation" Matt.23:33-39.
"This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled" is where the division of understanding comes. What did Jesus mean when He said till all be fulfilled? Was it all prophesied up to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple we see in Daniel 9? Was it all until He returns? Was it part of both? We must remember at the time Jesus told them this they did not even know He was going to be crucified, Mark 16:14 Luke 9:44-45 Luke 18:31-34 Luke 24:6-8 Luke 24:44-45.
Jesus said when you see the abomination of desolation spoken by Daniel, flee Judea. History tells us all the believers in Jesus got that warning and fled to Pella a region across the Jordan river and were saved. Many today place this with saying the antichrist is the he in Dan.9:27, 7-year tribulation, and the rapture of the Church.
Has the 70-week prophecy been fulfilled? How would that change the rapture theory as taught? If we are looking to be taken out before the tribulation and that does not happen, would that be the hour of temptation and the falling away? The seven-year cleanup, could they be the first seven years of the millennium?
God bless,
Mr. B said, "I'm not here to prove the bible, I'm not here to defend the bible & Charles Spurgen said it best, "I would no more defend the Bible then I would defend a Lion. You don't defend a Lion, You just let him loose, he'll defend himself.!! *"The Bible is a Reliable Collection of Historical Documents. Written by eye witness, 'during the life time of other eye witnesses' that report 'supernatural events'-'that took place in fulfilment of specific prophecies' & claim that their writings are devine rather than human in origin*". Here are some verses...
......Peter asked what shall we there fore receive for we have left all to follow you...Jesus replied there is no man that has left all to follow me that shall not receive manifold more in this life and in the life to come ....Them that will follow me in the regeneration will sit on 12 thrones etc...Lemme go, too tired to continue...But Jesus did say to count the cost b/f you follow me.
Welcome and it is wonderful that you are setting your mind, heart, and spirit to studying Scripture. I love the Psalms and Psalm one is my favorite. I have a poster with these words and a picture of a stream with little waterfalls as a background.
I think that the more you read and re-read passages of Scripture your mind stores it away to be brought forward by the Holy spirit at times you need it most.
It may be helpful to select out verses that speak to you and write them in a notebook so you can go back and re-read a verse and work on memorizing it. This is a way to meditate on the word. Another way that works for me is to take a select verse and try to make it into a melody to sing to yourself. This helps with recall.
Luke 6:30 is part of a section ( Luke 6:27-38) that deals with the conduct of life, our attitude toward other people. There are 13 things that are mentioned in this section and Verse 30 is one of those things.
Here is what I see in Verse 30:
It says give to everyone that asks you, everyone! And of him that takes away thy goods do not ask them back again.
Now wait a minute! If you take my things, where does that leave me? I mean that makes me a little angry. Well, if they take away my things, what have I lost? My things!
It's interesting how the Lord helps us work things out when we accumulate too much of the world, and He allows the world to take it away through the various means. Please don't ask for it back. Don't fight for it. It was taken away for a reason!
I've been struggling with mental issues for a while now, and I am frankly tired. I am a young man, and I have been worrying both my parents and myself with my lack of purpose, direction, and constant sadness and obsession. I have horrible thoughts all the time, and I am being pressured to be medicated unless I improve, but I fear what the drugs may do, as I am also afraid of what I can do off the drugs (I am currently taking Lamictal, a mood stabilizer). I really don't know what to do, I don't know how to wean off the medical system and its drugs, but I don't want to be obsessive and sick either. Prayers are appreciated.
....88 Times in the New Testament Jesus refers to himself as the SON OF MAN....Every time he refered to himself as the SON OF MAN he was trying tell us something...But it was hid for a while...There is a Baby Christ in our near future...She brought forth a man Child that is gonna rule all nations....The Sower of that good seed is Christ the Bridegroom thus the good fruit is a Baby Christ the H.G. That Child of Promise...That was the great Promise I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven...Thus the babes and sucklings he mentions...Whosoever receiveth one such child in my name receiveth me...Unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in....These things are hid from the wise and prudent but revealed unto babes...Which is that New Creature the H.G. the Child of Promise....Jesus don't refer to himself as the bridegroom for nothing he has a seed to sow in humanity...Everytime he refered to himself as the SON OF MAN HE WAS TRYING TO TELL US THERE IS A Baby CHRIST IN OUR NEAR FUTURE...Thats y he has to know us...That his incorruptible seed might be sown in our hearts...Thats y the new birth is so important...That New Covenant in his blood is the Book in the right hand of the father...Plz note the Kingdom does not come till the woman births the Children...After the book is opened...Then the end will come...Go thy way Daniel till th end.