King James Bible
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About that verse in Philippians 2:13, "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure".
There is often a misinterpretation of this verse. It doesn't mean that God "makes us willing", that would be a violation of our free will. Instead what it means is that "God WORKS IN our heart to make us behave according to His Will" BUT (and this is very important to know) the outcome of His work in our heart does not depend on Him but it does depend on our heart. God will do anything from His side but man has to respond, if not God can do nothing. ie He has given us His commandments to follow and he works in us to make us obeying them but at the end the result is on us, not Him. GBU
by the grace of God all scripture is given by inspiration of GOD and the Scripture CANNOT BE BROKEN
so, take the bible as the word of God and Not the word of men.
Just as the bible has described that's what He means.
Be blessed.
This distinguishes Him from Satan who "appears as an angel of light" ( 2 Cor. 11:14). When we get a true vision of God; therefore there is no messing about; we are "made willing" (Phillipians 2:13). As we see with Isaiah 6:8 there is no hesitation on God's part to send out those who are qualified to proclaim the truth. He has equipped us for what is needed; but sadly the "harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few" ( Matt. 9:37).
Agape; Rich P
Christ has the fullness of the Godhead bodily dwelling within as said in Colossians 2:9. The Spirit was in Him without measure ( John 3:34) and whoever has seen Him has seen the Father ( John 14:9). Nonetheless there is certainly a destinction in terms of roles with Christ being the sin bearer and the Father turning away when He bore our sins at Calvary ( Psalm 22:1). God cannot dwell in unrighteousness; and for that moment it was God's will for Jesus to be crushed ( Isaiah 53:5).
The Holy Spirit isn't given any distinctive appearance except in the beginning of the Gospels ( Luke 3:22 for example appearing like a dove); and with cloven tongues of fire at Pentecost ( Acts 2:3).
Revelation 3:21 indicates Christ overcoming all things; death could not hold Him ( Acts 2:24).
In some sense whether in the Preincarnate form or since His Resurrection He is both in the form of a man (the Man who is the second Adam as it were) who still bears the marks on His body being the first of the Firstfruits resurrected from the dead ( 1 Cor. 15:23) and of course beyond time as the Creator of all things ( Jn. 1:3 and several other verses) fully God. So there is distinction and unity with the "Trinity" as it were. When looking at His glory; we see the fullness of sight and sound (with mighty thunderings with His voice ( Ezekiel 3:12-13; and verses in Revelation; Psalms etc.) We should be aware as believers of our sinfulness (as the Spirit indicates in John 16:8) and we tremble at His presence. This is different than the reaction of the wicked who sense their destruction and love their sin more than God ( John 3:19). Nonetheless it seems that there are "revelations and visions" abounding; but few seem to describe that Holy fear of God of which is the beginning of understanding ( Psalm 111:10). Compare this with much music and preaching today that presents a sappy God without other attributes.
And Ephesians 1:5,11: ("Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will...In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will").
In both these Scriptures, the Apostle Paul speaks about God predestining lives according to His Foreknowledge. Since every life that comes into the World has been given by the Creator of life, He also has all knowledge of how that life will be lived & how & when that life will be extinguished. For those who have come to faith in Christ Jesus, those verses assure us that according to God's foreknowledge of that person's life's path, He predestined some to come into His family, increasingly being conformed to His Son's Person (i.e. by the Power of the Holy Spirit).
But does God predestine lives to live & behave in a certain way, even if we don't want to go down that path? I would say No. God leaves us to live according to our determination & we will be responsible for our decisions. We are a free moral agency & the Bible is replete with examples. Such as Cain in Genesis 4; he had a choice about the type of offering or his manner of offering it. God told him that it was his decision - though God knew the outcome with him.
In Deuteronomy 30:19, the Israelites were told to make a choice; they were encouraged to choose the right one, but it was their decision. God doesn't force His Hand upon us - we are all responsible for our choices in life. But if we belong to God, then His Spirit will always guide us to what is right - yet we can still disobey Him.
Then in Galatians 3:11, I believe the focus is on the Faith that is acceptable by God which is not law-dependent. When the Law was given to Israel, they had to obey it to the letter, coupled with various sacrifices offered to cover them whenever they failed - and fail they did. But when Jesus came, the Law that only led to the Jew's condemnation & death, was cast aside, simply because the Sacrifice of Jesus was God's Sacrifice & Gift to us and not man's sacrifice to God for pardon. The shed Blood of Jesus that required the sinner to accept & believe (i.e. coming to God in faith), could never be mixed in with the Law that had no saving power & could never give life ( Galatians 3:21,22).
Therefore, when the Apostle Paul in Galatians 3:11 quotes from Habakkuk 2:4, I feel that he is highlighting the main point of that verse - that of the righteous living by the faith that is in him, and not specifically about the origin of that faith, even as he referred to Abraham's faith (that was apart from the Law).
Hopefully this is helpful
Sometimes Hebrews 12:7
Matthew 24:13, Mark 13:13, James 5:11,
Hopefully these are encouraging to you, as your words & scriptures were to me, thank you
Hebrews 1:13,14,
Hopefully these are helpful