King James Bible
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1611 KJV Hebrews 13:25,
Hopefully this is helpful
When we read Revelation 1:14-16. we see a symbolic picture of the Glorified Christ in his royalty.
His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.
: His head and his hairs were (white) like wool, as white as snow. This speaks of his eternity, his the ancient of days.
: His eyes were as a flame of fire. That speaks of his penetrating insight of the total life of the church. He even knows our thoughts and intentions.
: And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace. This speaks of his Judgement.
: His voice as the sound of many waters. I believe that speaks of his authority.
I hope this helps along with the others contributing to answer your good question.
God bless.
Jesus also addressess fasting: Matthew 6:16-18, Luke 18:7-14, Matthew 17:14-21, Mark 9:14-29,
Hopefully this is helpful
1Samuel 31:11-13 note 1Samuel 31:9-11, 2Samuel 2:5-6, 2Samuel 2:4-7, there is no contradiction here notice the difference Amos 2:1, 2Samuel 21:12, 'stolen' translated word 'ganab' meaning= to theive, take away, get by stealth, ) they took, 1Samuel 31:12, I think it is to emphasise cover of darkness 1Samuel 31:12, dangerous 'valiant men" stole 2Samuel 21:12 because it was in the possession of they enemy as spoils of war. 1Samuel 31:7-10, Ecclesiastes 3:1-3,
1Kings 15:5, 1Samuel 24:21-22, 1Samuel 18:19, 1Samuel 21, = Matthew 12:3-12, Jesus words. 2Samuel 21, notice David honored his oath 2Samuel 21:17, No contradiction, notice : 1Samuel 18:21, 1Samuel 19:17 Saul, his own daughter, same daughter Saul didn't value her life? Adultery was also punishable by death, stoning! You pointed out Saul gave David's wife same woman to another blatantly adultery, I was more surprised by David's mercy by restoring her position, sparing her life from death penalty & also sparing the lovers life. 2Samuel 3:14-16,
Remember Saul's 1st daughter? She was promised to David, before the people, again this too could be considered adultery, treacherous, etc. 1Samuel 17:25-27, 1Samuel 18:17-19,25,
1Samuel 17:25-54, weird but again we see 'spoils of war' also, 1Thessalonians 4:8,
2Samuel 24:1, GOD moved him, Job 12:16, 2Samuel 2:16, 2Samuel 2, why wasn't she there, rejoicing in the LORD? 2Samuel 2:19,
Again pray for wisdom, hopefully helpful
Leviticus 23:18-20 All the offerings are to be made on this day!
" All that Christ is and all that he has done has been made over to the Church today. We can come to him for everything!
Verse 21. "They shall do no servile work therein" This represents the rest we have in Christ! (Not a sabbath command. This is a picture of a separation from the law.)
Verse 22 you see the commission to the ends of the earth.
All that is mentioned from verse 17-22 is a marvelous picture of the Church starting at Pentecost.
Good night and God bless.
Verses 1 and 2 indicate God being known in Israel. This and it being ..." dwelling place" show a future implication here once they realize who their Messiah is and He returns to rule from Jerusalem in the Millennium.
Verses 3 through 6 remind us of the Exodus with the weapons and animals of warfare mentioned; and the sinking in the Red Sea putting "chariot and horse..." into a "..dead sleep."
When we continue on to verses 7 through 12 seem to indicate a world wide end times fulfillment. We see the "earth" fearing and still and once again verse 9 shows saving the meek; but we notice it says ALL the meek of the earth.
Verse 10 reminds us of verses such as Isaiah 49:23; as well as Isaiah 24:22 where we see a restraint followed eventually by final judgment. Verse 11 reminds us of the verse in Zechariah 14:8. There are certain foolish vows that are not to be taken but God expects men to do this as part of worship so in that case serving God is important (see Jonah 1:16).
The last verse sort of reinforces the idea of God ruling with an iron rod and the earlier theme of verse 10 ( Rev. 19:15; Psalm 2:7-9).
I would like to draw attention to the meal offering Leviticus 23:17. Here we have the only place the two loaves is offered with LEAVENED bread. (Not Unleavened)
"Ye shall bring out of your habitations TWO wave loaves of two tenth deals: they shall be of fine flour; THEY SHALL BE BAKED WITH LEAVEN; they are the firstfruits unto the LORD."
Why is this important?
The two leavened loaves represent the two groups (Jews and Gentiles) out of which the Church is formed.
The message spread to both Jews and Gentiles (the two leavened loaves of bread), extending the harvest to us.
It prophesizes what is to be fulfilled on Pentecost.
This is what Luke is saying in Acts 2:1 "And (when the day of Pentecost was fully come,) they were all with one accord in one place. " When the day of Pentecost was fully come, means the fulfillment of that which was given in Leviticus.
Verse 16 of Leviticus says "Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD.".. The new meal offering is the Church.
There are those who believe the Leaven mentioned here in verse 17 represents the Gentiles.
And there are those who believe the leaven is prophesized to be the false doctrine are the tares.
God bless.
The section recalls the event where two men got in a fight within the camp and one of the men blasphemed the name of YHWH.
It mentions that he was half Israeli and half Egyptian, so not a full-fledged Israelite. The punishment that God directed the people carry out was stoning to death. This event let them know that God expected them to administer the penalties for sins His way without exception, regardless if one is full Israeli or half or not at all as long as the person was living among the people. This man may not have been devoted to Israel's God and took His name lightly as if it was not special and holy. Good for anyone to remember that God expects us to revere Him and His name always. We are to make a practice of speaking rightly of Him, not lightly.
The remainder of the chapter deals with various offenses and the penalty to be administered for each. Here we have mention the "eye for an eye" regulation. This regulation is not so much that it is compulsory for one to repay in kind, but to be sure that excessive penalties are not given arbitrarily. The penalty must be fitting for the offense. That is the impetus for this regulation.
Certainly, there was room for forgiveness to be given instead of a penalty. But it was lawful for a person to deliver the penalty to the one who offended. These regulations kept punishment for crimes within humane limits. Murder brought the death penalty, but other offenses did not. These regulations teach respect for the bodily integrity of others and for their property to be valued.
With the Israelites being responsible for meting out the penalties, all of the congregation experienced both receiving and giving out penalties for offenses. So, they knew first-hand the cost of such offenses. In our society today we leave the penalties up to law enforcement agencies. We get to keep "clean hands" in a way that the Israelites did not have.
God bless you.
James 2:13, Luke 9:58, Matthew 8:20, Luke 2:7, Hebrews 4:15-16
Hopefully this is encouraging
This chapter has several sections.
The first section are instructions to the priests concerning keeping the lampstand lit continually in the Holy Place and always having showbread on the table in the Holy Place which is changed out each Sabbath.
The second section is the account of a person in the camp blaspheming the name of the LORD and his punishment as instituted by God.
The third sections contain instructions on the penalties for certain offenses against persons and property.
The Lampstand was to be supplied oil from the Israelites. They were responsible to press (and beat) the olives to extract oil that was pure for burning in the lampstand. It was the responsibility of the priests to keep the fire burning the oil in the lamps on this stand perpetually without it going out. The lampstand was the only light to illuminate this part of the tent of meeting. The heavy drapes would block out any sunlight. The light of the lampstand enabled the priests to complete their service to the Lord in the Holy Place without fault. Jesus is our light. He enables us to serve the Lord from the heart in ways that honor and please Him. He continually enlightens us to know God's will for us and fuels us to obey.
The showbread was placed on the golden table. There were twelve large loaves (6 lbs. of fine flour for each) placed in a specified arrangement (rows) Frankincense was placed on each loaf. Israelites from each tribe were to supply the flour for these loaves. The priest would bake them and place them on the table each Sabbath. The ones taken off the table (week old) were to be used as food for the priests. Jesus is the bread of life. He is our spiritual sustenance. We partake of Him by continually having His word in our hearts, upon our lips, and before our eyes. The Father delights to look upon Jesus continually.
These rituals that the priests were responsible for remind us of the importance of practicing godly habits.
Yes, praying for you
There were several careers I was becoming very successful & in each one, something happened to completely demolish those. I realized recently if those 'paths' I had chosen were successful; I would have been thousands of miles away from my family & possibly "too busy" to help my family members, during hardship, including cancer & death that happened much faster than expected. Looking back now, I'm so grateful for the time I had with each of them & thankful for GOD's mercy of not letting those empty ventures succeed. We cannot get back the time & years on earth when a loved one is passed on. Sadly the time without them as we continue on will continue to accumulate. I ask you, prayerfully consider GOD's perfect plan, could it be the most vital thing is to be beside your Mother, holding her hand for eternal memory & peace & comfort to both your souls, to be strength as she is afraid?
Matthew 25:31-46, Isaiah 40:1, 2Corinthians 1:4,
Hopefully helpful
I would hope you take this in love, that you look back at Exodus on your last two post on Leviticus 23. The Passover day is not a sabbath, it is a preparation day for the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread that is the sabbath day, the 15th. Passover day is the 14th of Nisan/Aviv this is the day that Jesus was crucified and the reason they had to put Him in the tomb before the sun went down that would be the 15th a Sabbath day.
Jesus and His disciples did not eat the Passover meal, Luke 22:15-16. The Jewish day starts at sundown so when Jesus and the disciples went in the room for the last supper, that was the beginning of the Passover day, the 14th the preparation day for the 7-day feast.
So, the last supper, going into the garden, Judas betrayal, Jesus' arrest, trial, crucifixion. When Jesus died was the same time the Passover lambs were being killed, all on the 14th, Passover day before the sun went down.
Like in Exodus they killed the lamb on the 14th Exodus 12:6-10 and put the blood on the door posts and had to stay in the house and eat the meal that night that would be the 15th, and could not leave until after midnight, Exodus 12:29,42.
God bless,
Optic nerve in right eye shot and she can't see out of it.
Hopefully these are helpful
Yom Kipper looks ahead to the atoning work of Jesus on the cross, which is a once for all sacrifice to take away the sins of the world. On the cross, He took the wrath of God that we should receive upon Himself in full measure. He died the death that we should receive for our sin. He nailed all of our sins to the cross and won victory over the devil for his evil work in the world. Yom Kippur reminds us that God has completed all that is needed to reconcile humanity back to Himself in Jesus Christ. It is only His blood that can take away sins. The sacrifice of the lamb was a fore-shadow of what Jesus would do. And Jesus' death and resurrection is efficacious for all time going back to Adam and Eve and forward to the Last Day when every person the Father has elected for salvation is brought to conversion. So, even though the lamb's sacrificed (and bull's, and goats, etc. could not themselves take away sins) when the Israelites offered these sacrifices it was the blood of Jesus that brought them remission of their sins and atonement. The animals represented what was done from before the foundation of the world and completed in history with the death and resurrection of Jesus for salvation. Hallelujah!
The next feast began in the seventh month (Tishri) in September-October with the blowing of the Trumpets at the first sighting of the new moon. This Holy Day was the beginning of a solemn time for the Israelites. The day is called Rosh Hoshannah and celebrates the end of the harvest season. Thanksgiving is made to YHWH for His provision. the blowing of the Trumpet commemorates the sound of trumpets heard from Mt. Sinai when YHWH descended. Trumpets were sounded for war, and for the crowing of a king. For the church, the sounding of the trumpet from heaven will be the sign that Jesus is returning to win the last war, resurrect the saints and the wicked, and judge mankind. This is the time of the Harvest of souls by the angels. This. is the time when a new heaven and a new earth will replace the corrupted heaven and earth. This is the consummation of history.
Following the Feast of Trumpets is the Feast of Booths which commemorates the Israelites dwelling in tents or temporary booths during their wanderings in the wilderness. They are to remember how God guide these people who were sojourning to the land promised to their fore-fathers-Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and to these Israelites particularly. For the church, this feast reminds us that we are foreigners in this world as we wait for resurrection and our inheritance in heaven with the New Jerusalem where we will forever be with the Lord.
After the Feast of Booths comes the Day of Atonement (Yom Kipper). This is the annual time when the high priest goes into the Holy of Holies to sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice onto the Mercy Seat on the Ark of the Covenant. This is the most solemn day of the year, when Israelites repent of their sins for the past year and participate in this feast to have their sins removed onto a scapegoat that is released into the wilderness to take away their sins and the blood of the other lamb is sprinkled to atone for their sins
Praise God we have tremendous support from family and friends, and already have hundreds praying all over the world. Your prayer is greatly valued also!
This feast followed the feast of unleavened bread by fifty days (7 weeks plus one day). It was celebrated on the first day of the week. This is a feast to celebrate the harvesting of the wheat and other crops that ripened in the months of June-July. It also was a celebration of the giving of the Law to Moses at Mt. Sinai, which was 50 days after leaving Egypt. All of the Israelites are to gather together in one place to celebrate this feast. That is why there were Jews from many nations in Jerusalem Jeon the first Pentecost after Jesus' death.
The first Pentecost (giving of the Law at Sinai) commemorates the covenant YHWH made with the Israelites making them a covenant nation. The first Pentecost after Jesus' death was the fulfillment of the promise of Jesus at the Last Supper-the giving of the Holy Spirit. At Sinai, God descended to the people with fire. At the first Pentecost after Jesus' death, the Holy spirit descended upon the believers with tongues of fire. At Sinai, YHWH promised to dwell among the Israelites. At Pentecost in the New Testament, the Holy Spirit was promised to dwell within believers from that time on. In Exodus, the giving of the Law and confirming of the covenant signified the birth of Israel as a nation. At Pentecost in the New Testament, the coming of the Holy Spirit-the Spirit of Grace- testifies to the birth of the church and the arrival of the age of grace.
About that person who touched the ark and was struck dead by God ( 2 Samuel 6:5-7) named Uzzah, there was a commandment given to Moses by God, written in Numbers 4:15, "And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp is to set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation.". That means that only the sons of Kohalth were allowed to carry/touch the holly things (including the Arc), for the rest the penalty was death. GBU
The bread represents Jesus as the bread of life, broken, beaten, whipped, and pierced before His crucifixion. He was sinless, (without leaven). His life is what sustains believers, just as the manna sustained the Israelites in the wilderness.
The wine was the daily drink with meals of the Israelites along with water. It represents the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all sin and makes us whole and holy.
Jesus was crucified during the daytime of the Passover Sabbath. He was the Passover Lamb.
On the day after the weekly Sabbath following Passover is the feast of first-fruits. This is a feast celebrating the early spring harvest of grain. The first crop that ripens and is harvested.
This is a feast that gives thanks to YHWH for providing their food.
Jesus rose from the dead on the feast of the first-fruits. ! Cor. 15:23 speaks of Jesus being the first fruit of all who will be resurrected.