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This chapter explains the 7 feasts that the Israelites are to celebrate from year to year.
the Jewish calendar year begins with the month of Aviv (Abib0 (Nissan) which is in March - April. The new moon of begins in this time frame begins the new year. The first full moon designates the time the Passover is celebrated followed by the feast of Unleavened Bread and the feast of the first-fruits. These feasts are all in the month of Aviv.
The Passover is in remembrance of the way God delivered the Israelites hastily out of Egypt after the tenth plague came upon the Egyptians (the death of the firstborn). The Israelites were instructed to kill an unblemished lamb, anoint their doorframe with the blood, and consume all of the meat that night. In the morning they fled Egypt with Moses leading them by the guidance of YHWH. This event delivered the Israelites out of the bondage of slavery in Egypt by the hand of God. Each year on the fifteenth day of the first month of the year they were commanded to celebrate this feast to commemorate this deliverance. They were to slaughter and eat the meat of the lamb, along with bitter herbs, unleavened bread, and wine. This is the supper that Jesus celebrated with His disciples on the night He was betrayed. Prophetically, this feast foreshadowed the sacrifice of Jesus, the Lamb of God, who delivered those who were chosen by God out of the realm of sin and death into eternal life. The bitter herbs represented the hardships that the Israelites endured in Egypt and foreshadowed the sufferings of Jesus for us. The unleavened bread brings to remembrance the fact that they fled Egypt in such a haste that they did not have time to leaven their bread. And they traveled quickly night and day for seven days until they came to the Red Sea They could not stop and wait for their bread to be leavened and rise. The Passover meal included three pieces of unleavened bread. It was flat bread with stripes and holes pierced in it
I need prayer for a blessing to get a newer used car. The brakes went out on my car and I'm having trouble getting the brakes fixed. I'm also a disabled widower, age 54. God bless you all, and thank you so much in advance.
I hope Good will save them!
My God help you and you family!
May God Bless you and your family!
And two adult children
Thank You God bless!
Jesus during his earthly life had a true physical human body. After His resurrection, He was seen with a physical body by His disciples and the women who went to the tomb. He ascended to heaven with a physical body and the angels said He would return in this same physical body. The church through the centuries has affirmed that He is in heaven in a physical body also and refuted all the ideas that came forward that denied these things, including the Gnostics, Donatists and others who denied that He came and lived in a physical body.
1 John 4:1-3
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confessed that Jesus Christcame in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this itsthe spirit of the Antichrist, which you heard was coming, and is now already in the world.
While it is true that each of us will commit sins, I was pointing out that it is our corrupt sinful nature that makes us unacceptable to God as well as our sins bringing judgment upon us.
The statutes in Leviticus show us that only those who have been made holy by God can stand and serve in His presence. Our corrupt and sinful nature makes if so that every person is conceived and born alienated from God, enemies of God, and spiritually dead to God. We cannot make ourselves acceptable to Him. It takes an action on His part to regenerate us and impute the righteousness of Christ for any person to stand in His presence, whether as a priest, petitioner, or creature. He is too pure to look upon anything that is corrupted, imperfect, affected by sin.
This does bring up the idea of infants in the womb and young children who die before the age of accountability. I believe that these persons are as I said, corrupted and sinful from conception. But the Bible from Genesis to Revelation shows us that God made the way for Himself to be able to interact with sinful humanity. His grace brought to humanity through His Son reaches all the way back to Adam and Eve and is applied to those too young to yet have moral knowledge of their sinfulness.
I believe that babies in the womb, infants, and young children are covered by the blood of Jesus, but at some point they are held accountable for their sin and need to turn to Jesus for salvation. This is somewhat of a mystery, the workings of grace without the consent of the ones it is being bestowed upon. But we do know that God is loving, merciful, and gracious to all. When we become willful against Him, we need further grace by the working of the Holy Spirit to bring us to repentance and faith.
So, the mystery is how God works in this population of young persons to keep them from damnation. We do know how He works in those of us who know we are sinners against Him to bring us from death to life.
I think as you do on this, but we could be wrong. I think that God executed capital punishment on some of the Israelites not so much because what they did was exceedingly evil, but to make the point that they must view Him as truly holy and be mindful of interacting with Him with reverence.
It reminds of what Jesus said about the people on which the tower of Siloam fell or the Galileans whose blood Pilate mingled with their sacrifices were worse sinners than others ( Luke 13:1-5) as He admonished those hearing Him to repent or they would likewise perish. Jesus spoke against the judgmental and self-righteous spirit of the Scribes and Pharisees who thought they were qualified to tell the degree of sinfulness of others due to their infirmities, malformations in their bodies and other imperfections.
They looked at the outside, but Jesus was concerned about the inward aspects of a person, calling them whitewashed sepulchers full of death even though these men thought that they were pure and holy because of their outward works.
While it is true that each of us will commit sins, I was pointing out that it is our corrupt sinful nature that makes us unacceptable to God as well as our sins bringing judgment upon us.
The statutes in Leviticus show us that only those who have been made holy by God can stand and serve in His presence. Our corrupt and sinful nature makes if so that every person is conceived and born alienated from God, enemies of God, and spiritually dead to God. We cannot make ourselves acceptable to Him. It takes an action on His part to regenerate us and impute the righteousness of Christ for any person to stand in His presence, whether as a priest, petitioner, or creature. He is too pure to look upon anything that is corrupted, imperfect, affected by sin.
This does bring up the idea of infants in the womb and young children who die before the age of accountability. I believe that these persons are as I said, corrupted and sinful from conception. But the Bible from Genesis to Revelation shows us that God made the way for Himself to be able to interact with sinful humanity. His grace brought to humanity through His Son reaches all the way back to Adam and Eve and is applied to those too young to yet have moral knowledge of their sinfulness.
I believe that babies in the womb, infants, and young children are covered by the blood of Jesus, but at some point they are held accountable for their sin and need to turn to Jesus for salvation. This is somewhat of a mystery, the workings of grace without the consent of the ones it is being bestowed upon. But we do know that God is loving, merciful, and gracious to all. When we become willful against Him, we need further grace by the working of the Holy Spirit to bring us to repentance and faith.
So, the mystery is how God works in this population of young persons to keep them from damnation. We do know how He works in those of us who know we are sinners against Him to bring us from death to life.
But once we are in Christ Jesus, we have anew nature born in us. This new nature is supernatural, not natural to us. It is created by God in us. This new nature is pure and holy. It is the life of Christ in us. So, then when we are regenerated we then have two natures, one that is corrupt and sinful, and one that is holy and righteous. They war against each other, as Paul states in Romans 7. But through the power of grace, we can choose to live according to our new nature and subdue the sinful nature. It is only when we die and are resurrected that this corrupt sinfulness will be removed from us once and for all. We will then forever have only the resurrected life of Christ in us and His human nature that is pure and undefiled and able to not sin for all of eternity.
Does this help?
"Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good."
He said this after He had made man and woman. So, He did say that man and woman were very good.
Sorry, but water baptism IS most certainly in the new testament. It is about water baptism AND being spirit filled w the Holy Ghost, as we live a holy life for Christ with love.
John 3:3-5 & Matthew 28:19 is fulfilled in Acts 2:38.
Psalms 34:19
Luke 21:12-15, context Luke 21, Matthew 10:16-20, context Matthew 10, Mark 13:9-11, context Mark 13,
Luke 12:8, 2Timothy 3:12, Romans 8:22-39
Hopefully these strengthen you
Hopefully these encourage you
Proverbs 29:2, Revelation 3:10,
Matthew 28:18, Acts 1:8, Matthew 18:18, Mark 16:17-19