King James Bible
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......But until the Kingdom comes we walk by faith and not by sight...As jesus said the kingdom comes not with observation simply b/c its in the spritual realm.
.....She brought forth a manchild that is gonna rule all nation and her Child was caught up to God and to his Throne... Rev 12:5.....This woman in Rev. 12 is the best example of faith... b/f her Child came she had the subtance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen ISAIAH 66:7..B/F she traviled she brought forth, b/f her pains came she was delivered of aman Child.
Hopefully this is helpful
No one has ever seen God BECAUSE He is Spirit. John 4:24. You may also want to check out John 3:6. In John 3:8, Spirit is compared with the wind, which cannot be seen; one can only feel and experience the effects of the wind, as with Spirit (God).
It is my opinion, yet not all will agree, nothing except God can exist, and nothing beyond Him can truly happen. What God creates has no alternative, the truth arises from what He knows. Not from me! Therefore what God did not create can only falsely be in my own mind and NOT in His. God is is the only Cause and His effect is His Perfect Son.
Moses had been given a great responsibility, making sure that Gods will would be done. Sin offerings would be an important part of keeping the congregation( the future church ) in one mind, knowing the importance of the alter and the sinful nature of man! Consecrating the Nation into one!
I believe Christ is not a physical body. So, who is Christ except God's Holy Son as He created Him. And what are you, except the Christ in you. The term "in you" in my opinion, is NOT to be taken as inside your body, for that is a very disgusting place to dwell. He is in your mind in which the Holy Spirit speaks to. It would also be appropriate to use the term "within your heart"; not to be mistaken as a physical heart. Although many names have particular meanings, the name Jesus, like all names, is used for body identification. Jesus APPEARED as a body and His Mind was in complete agreement with God's. And of course, all of us should constantly strive to understand with our whole heart or mind to think like Jesus, whom the Holy spirit speaks to us through.
At Habakkuk 2:4. It is written that the just shall live by his faith?
Should the scriptures say: (live by faith). or should it say: (live by his faith)?
I trust that you understand what it is that I'm asking; so if you have an answer, please inform me as to what the true meaning of these Scriptures are?
When they read of the Prophet Jonah going to Nineveh, that wicked city, to preach against it, the religious leaders of Jesus' day should have aligned the message of that book with the condition of people's hearts now & Jesus' coming at such a time. We remember that Jesus had a similar encounter with the religious leaders back in Matthew 12:38-41, where Jesus was more specific about the prophecy: where the experiences of Jonah would be prophetical to what Jesus would face leading up to the Cross, His Death & His Resurrection.
Most would have been unaware of these aspects. Though certainly from Jesus' preaching, condemnation of them & presentation of a way out from such a resistance & hatred of Him, to accepting & believing that He was the Messiah, this should have been the lesson learnt from Jonah's days. The leaders probably went back & had a re-look at the Book of Jonah after Jesus left them - I wonder it they learnt anything new.
When we all get to heaven,
What a day of rejoicing that will be!
When we all see Jesus,
We'll sing and shout the victory!
Thanks, Alsie Florence
As to your points you brought up, thanks for your input. I am not quite sure of what you were pointing out. But I will give it some further thought. Maybe you could rephrase it a bit. God bless you.
Anyway; I had two thoughts here. The first is when you say that committing sin isn't causing it (sorry can't turn to your other post to see exact wording). I would say; in some sense that for someone to reach the "age of accountability" then their nature of sin expresses itself; in that sense it then is judged. I also would say that in hell there are various degrees of punishment to the crime; as well as a statement "not to pray for a sin leading to death" which I interpret as something God may allow someone to die from so (as Corinthians states) their soul may be saved (or perhaps what is given a death penalty here on earth; in other words we shouldn't stop that from occurring). Just thinking here. In other words to the aforementioned topic even though our sin nature is the cause of us not being able without Christ to avoid sin; it is our sin itself not the fact we were born with it the reason we are judged. I suppose you won't disagree with that concept or else we all would be damned; Christ of course gives us a NEW nature.
As to the ceremonial statement of course I can't disagree (but love commenting). I would say that true holiness MAKES us clean rather than the external ceremony. I would say that the priest who picked up the ark and was struck dead wasn't necessarily sent to eternal judgment for it (I'm not sure if there was a set law in regard to that you probably know). Moses couldn't look on His full glory and we can't. I find it interesting thinking of being in His presence in our new bodies. We need the fear of the Lord!!!
I am prayerfully considering all the wise counsel from the brethren and am grateful.
John 12:31?
reports against me. I am being framed up everyday in Canada. All they have said
against me is all lies.. With such acts I am being blocked not to be successful.
What they have said against is all lies. Prayer to stop them from fabricating lies
against me...
everyday in Canada.. many false reports with my name by many institutions
I am a Christian Anglican Church Communion. I am being framed up with lies in
Canada and they have blocked all my success by using false documentation...
I AM 100% CHRISTIAN. I am forever Christian.
Psalms 38, Psalms 40, Psalms 51, David sought after GOD
However, David didn't get away with anything, without consequences: 2Samuel 12, because of the severity of his sin as stated by Nathan in 2Samuel 12, the "sword did not depart" from his house._._
The punishment for adultery Old Testament was death 2Samuel 12:13, but GOD spared David's life
GOD doesn't take delight in death but that everyone should turn from unrighteousness! Ezekiel 33:11, Ezekiel 18:32, 1John 1:9,
Malachi 2:13-16, Proverbs 5,
Hopefully these are helpful
Also Proverbs 23:4,5, Hebrews 12:27, Psalms 12:5,
I hope these are helpful
I had to pray many times as I was reading & trying to understand the Bible when I was serious about turning my life to GOD.
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I've found any time I've questioned scripture seemingly contradiction, after deeper reading, prayer & study I find it doesn't.
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Hopefully this is helpful