King James Bible
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An entering into body and soul, enlightening the eyes of those who belong to Him.
These things are from heaven and ride on the wings of His angels , lighting on His children.
Do not frustrate this one called the comforter who is the Holy One given through the Son!
He has become our perfect sacrifice , even unto the whole world!
There is no power greater than Him.
He is the light of the world. In Him is no darkness at all!
Repent and be Baptized
John 3:11-21, 5:24, 10:28, Isaiah 49:15&16, 53:10, Luke 18:14 & 17 and so many more yet I have studying to do. God bless & be with each & everyone of you.
"Stress makes you believe everything has to happen right now. Faith Reassures you that everything will happen in Gods timing.!
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come, 'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far And grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me His word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be, As long as life endures.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease I shall possess within the veil, A life of joy and peace.
When we've been there ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun, We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we've first begun.
*My chains are gone, I've been set free, my God my Savior has ransomed me and like a flood His mercy reins, Unending Love AMAZING Grace.!
*Heavenly Father thank you for your son Jesus. As well as for your unending Love, Forgiveness & Grace. Lord I ask that you be with Db in their time of need & bring them to your truth that we needn't do anything to get to heaven but believe in Him, except Him & thank Him for dying for all sin & Live accordingly to your will Father. We repent (turn to Christ) & are, at that moment, baptized with His Holy Spirit. In your time Lord, not ours, will change our hearts to fit your purpose for our lives so we may know your truth & spread your true word w/Love & Forgiveness to the ends of the earth.! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray these things to be lifted up to you so Db can know & love you as we do, Amen.
'*On May 15, 1829*' in Harmony, Pennsylvania. Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery receive the Aaronic Priesthood by the hand of John the Baptist. Published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Db, your sins already forgiven by Jesus's shed blood for all sin, all you must do is except Him, (the true Jesus, not a brother of satan as y'all teach).
God is our ONLY dedicated planner & His plans for your life, family & business ideas, if you follow HIM, will set you free & you will be much more prosperous & happy & have 'eternity in heaven'. The video YT has, was created in 1982 by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Comment section was turned off, so Believers can't share Gods truth with members of said building. I too once was so, I know 1st hand & was also w/a group that gave out thousands of "Jesus Christ verse Joseph Smith" DVDs for them to learn His truth & be saved. Please brother Db, God's will for ALL is to love Him w/all our being, love & help others as needed(not just WARD & temple members). Mark 12,29:31-to read words of Jesus! More historical proof: Mr. Smith was shot down yrs ago for his witchery. Please turn from such evil ways for repentance is greatly needed. Denying the true Christ is a one way, non refundable, trip to the lake of fire. Baptism, once dead is FUTILE.
Plus, In their own words "Adam's Road Ministry" says, I am Not ashamed of the Gospel. We are a Christian, non-profit ministry dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through song & testimony. Through the power of God's Word & by the grace of God, all four of us have been unshackled from man-made religious bonds, *rescued out of Mormonism*, and *redeemed by the saving blood of Jesus*. search their site; recognize them? :) PRAYS
"Be Ye holy as I the LORD your God am holy."
This is the over-reaching command of God to His people. To be holy like He is holy.
The statutes in this chapter speak of many different practices that are to be obeyed. Many apply to us today. Others, the principle apply to us today, and others do not apply to us today.
The important matter is to desire to know God and His holiness so that we can imitate Him.
God the Father sent His Son in the flesh to show us God's holiness lived out in human nature.
Jesus is the exact image of the Father. He is the perfect reflection of the character of God. He is the sinless Son living in complete obedience and submission to His Father. He is our righteousness that justifies us before the Father. We are to aim to imitate Him with the working of the Holy Spirit within us.
We should be careful not to harden our hearts by becoming friendly with the world's ways. we should instead be familiar with God's ways given to us in His word. Godliness is required of us who profess Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We will fall and fail. But we should care that we live a life that honors God and loves our neighbor rightly.
We should be eager to do what God has said is the right action and equally eager to refrain from what God has said is wrong for us to do.
We are not to be "holier than thou" looking down on people caught up in sin. We should be compassionate, loving, and willing to reach out to people like Jesus did to the tax collectors and sinners.
Holiness is not about "religious" practices such as church going, bible reading, etc. but instead be about living out the word received with gladness.
We should cultivate a love for what is pure and just and righteous, good and beneficial and honorable. We should have a determination to continually resist sinful inclinations, to stay away from tempting situations, to avoid every sort of evil.
Does it matter that we live godly lives. YES!
The 1950's brought us easy divorce and many divorced people began to remarry. The culture glamorized promiscuity and in the 1960's fornication became acceptable followed by legalization of abortion. From this the step to approval of homosexuality came rapidly, soon to be followed by transgenderism and other gender perversions. Now in our present time, poligamy is featured on reality T.V., there is a push for the acceptance of pedophilia. Soon, sexual experimentation among young children will be touted and then bestiality will the next perversion to break forth seeking acceptance. Such a slippery slope we embarked on in the last century to totally undermine God's authority for this basic fundamental foundation for society that God put in place to protect families, women, and children from sexual exploitation. Men are being destroyed inwardly from pornography having their sexuality warped at the very core.
I think this is the very reason God put sexual purity at the topo of the list in of statutes in this chapter. We are to be slaves to righteousness, not to sin, submitted to the Holy Spirit in all of our ways, doing everything to the glory of God, honoring God with our bodies.
Our call to a godly life is truly for us receive the blessing of God upon us in this life as we submit ourselves in obedience to Him and the ways He has set forth for us to live by.
I say all this because if I did not react to the answer to my prayer, I believe was from God, I may have never been saved. In the end, it was a calling . If you feel you are being called, pray on it and make sure it is from God as the bible says to test every spirit.
That is the point. Jacob is not perfect, he does not attain a perfect start or complete change, and neither will we. Instead, we are reminded that real personal change happens slowly, with small goals and gradual progress.
This chapter lays out the parameters for lawful sexual relations. It addresses child sacrifice.
In ancient Israel marriage was initiated by sexual relation (being seen as the two becoming one flesh). Though multiple wives were allowed in this culture, there were boundaries that the people were to keep. The surrounding nations were very sexually lax. But God, who has all the authority to make all the laws, begins with behavior that is at the very core of society. The marriage bed and the one flesh relationship that bonds male and female together and produces children (who are physically the union of two people in one flesh).
With YHWH being the Master of the Israelites (they belonged to YHWH) they were being called from being slaves to sin and Satan to become slaves to YHWH and righteousness (as defined by Him).
These statutes concerning sexual relations keep the marriage bond pure and protect children born of this union. It protects women from being dishonored by men who do not control their appetites or have respect for their father, brother, uncle, or son's wives and daughters. The prohibitions begin with matters of incest (relations with close kin). Then it extends to adultery with one's neighbor's wife. It then prohibits homosexual relations and then to bestiality. Included in the prohibitions is the command to not sacrifice one's children to Molech.
This is the progression that happens in a society when they separate sex from marriage and procreation as God intended. One by one the pillars of righteous practices concerning sexual relations begin to fall to the pressure of the culture and what God has prohibited becomes normalized with the expectation of society accepting it's expression without question. Aren't we there now?
First, the availability of contraception in the 1930's allowed people to pursue sexual relations simply for the pleasure without the responsibility of child-bearing.
Hopefully these are helpful
This is what I can share with you about the Nicolaitans. In Revelation 2:6, it first speaks of their deeds, which the Lord says He hates. What they were doing was lording over Gods flock. Jesus Christ is the head of the church, but they were ruling the church, and the Lord says He hates that.
As for their doctrine, it speaks of that in Revelation 2:15. Before, we saw the works (or deeds) of the Nicolaitans. Now he's saying that inside this church, they hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate. The Lord repeats Himself.
Now it's interesting about the doctrine of Balaam. I'll just give you a summary heading for this. It's when someone puts a stumblingblock in front of God's people for either monetary or worldly purposes.
What happened was Balac, the king of Moab, he came to Balaam because Balaam was a prophet. And he said would you put a curse on this group of people that are heading our way because we've heard about them.
This is the children of Israel. So would you put a curse on them? Well, eventually Balaam had to come and say you can't put a curse on them because they're blessed by God.
But I'll tell you what you can do. You can bring God's judgment on them if you send the Moabite women out to seduce them and cause them to commit sexual immorality. For that, God will judge them.
And so that's exactly what he did. Balaam gave him council as to what to do. Balaam says I can't do anything because God has blessed these people.
And the reason why he did it was because he wanted the money that was offered to him to put a curse on the children of Israel.
So Balac gave him some money. And he emerged as a false prophet, and he wanted to do things for money.
So a stumblingblock was cast before the children of Israel to get them to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit fornication.
And also, the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which again, is lording it over the people, which thing the Lord hates.
But from your child's perspective, having erred in some way, as all of us sinners do before God, his or her sense of failing you, upsetting you, maybe bringing on discipline, might well bring on sadness for failure to meet your expectations & to receive a deserved punishment. As sinners, pardoned or not, there will always be the sense of failing to meet God's high standards & unworthiness to have received such grace. That we have now been adopted into His family & accepted in the Beloved, should not diminish from our thoughts what our state once was & the telling words from the Apostle Paul to the believers: "thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear". To hold the LORD in deep reverence will always cause us reflect on His great Goodness towards us, which in turn might somewhat reflect on how a child might feel when he has erred his earthly father. We will always be unworthy to have received God's Goodness, but having received it, we "rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory".