King James Bible
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Scripture to back you
Matthew 25:31-46, James 2:5-20, 1Timothy 6:6-12, James 1:27, Colossians 1:10, Hebrews 13:5, James 3:17,18, Jude 1,
Hopefully these are helpful
In Genesis 7, 'and the LORD' is "Yhvh" & Genesis 6,
You can click each scripture to read the translation words & click that into deeper study of words, for each name of GOD.
1John 4, 1John 4:16 ... 'GOD is love' ... Is translated from the Greek, "theos esti agape"
Yes, I believe in both situations it was a loving GOD that protected & stopped the wickedness, cruelty, etc.notice, Genesis 6:5, Genesis 18, Genesis 18:20,21,25,32, Genesis 19:4,9,
Revelation 18:5, Exodus 22:22-27, Proverbs 21:13, Job 24:38,
Matthew 25:31-46,
Hopefully these are helpful
John 8:36
"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."
Psalms 107:2
"Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;"
Praying for Damar (Demar?) today.
Heavenly Father, we lift up Anonymous to You today in the name of Jesus and ask that You continue to help Anonymous during this troubling time in his/her life. We ask that You will bring peace and safety to Anonymous along with a clearness of mind and healing to his/her body, mind, and soul. We ask that You will guide Anonymous in his/her daily life and lead him/her to into good company and a safe place to live. Surround Anonymous with Your power, grace, and mercy that he/she will be able to escape from this troubling situation and move forward into a blessed life. We ask this of You today, Father, because Anonymous' need is so great and we know You are loving and merciful. Amen.
I'm still amazed at how the Lord kept me safe yesterday. He always amazes me. His mercy endureth forever!
Praise Him! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so
Praise His holy name. Holy, holy, holy, is He. Worship Him in the beauty of Holiness.
I have trials and temptations. Everyone has them. Everyone has hard days, weeks, months, and even years ( I have) but I have learned to be content. The Lord has been there through it all. I don't believe He has ever forsaken me. Even when I walked away from Him.
If I go down to the pit of Hell I will praise Him. Because He is worthy. Worthy is the Lamb! Who was, and is, and is to come. For His mercy endureth forever.
Revelations 12:11
And they overcame him by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB, and the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death.
May Demar come to the realization that God spared him and so, may he live his life for Jesus from now on. Amen.
Off topic perhaps, is my wondering about the word "the" I am building a case in my mind that "the" means "true God is Love, not false gods. And it's all okay. It is okay back in the (God love)time of Genesis and it is true now. Another name for God is Love. Another name for God is Life. Life then and Life now. Does this make any sense?
That is a great testimony and gives hope to those who are lost.
Thanks for sharing!
I pray the Lord continues to bless you.
Hopefully these are helpful
"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." But we must remember this scripture in " James 1:13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: Now let's remember also that God loved us first. I leave you with this study your Bible showed thyself approved. Don't slack in God's work,also don't be caught with your work undone. Have A Blessed New Year with Jesus on your mind All the Time.
Here is part 2:
Another reason why he (Herod) gave the order to have them put to death when he died was so that the Jewish people would have somebody to mourn over because he knew that they would not mourn over him.
That is the kind of man he was. That's how paranoid he was over his "ruler-ship."
Now, can you imagine if a group of men came into town and said "Where is He who is born king of the Jews?"
Now here's how Herod died, and if you research the accounts of his death, you will see that he died a horrible death. He was riddled with disease and here's the circumstances:
Herod's wife's name was Miriam. After he had her put to death, he missed her. He would see various women and think that they were her. And eventually he went down and got involved with prostitutes.
There was one in particular that he thought was his wife, and he called her by name, and he had relationships with her.
He caught diseases from that relationship, which literally, if you would read the account, it was a pretty bad death. He died in 4 B.C. He died a horrible death!
So you can imagine his paranoia about Jesus as these wise men came into town asking where is he who is born King of the Jews.
Herod's thoughts were "I'm the king of the Jews. What are you talking about?" This man Herod, he went crazy. This was Herod the great, Herod the king.
I can share a little on Herod the king that we see in Matthew Chapter 2, information about him, and also how he died.
Here are some important facts about Herod the king:
He's also known as "Herod the great" in times of history. This man was an Edomite.
He was not a Jew. And yet at the same time, through the Roman government, he took control over the Jewish people.
In order to win them over, he would help them. He would actually take gold from his home and from his palace and have the gold sold and the money brought in to feed the poor.
Not only did he help the poor, but he would have athletic fields built and he would have various activities going on to help the community of the Jews so that he would win their favor.
The flip side of Herod the great was that he was crazy. A crazy man can only be nice for so long. But he was paranoid over his reign as king. And so you can imagine what is taking place in Matthew Chapter 2.
Herod was so paranoid over people plotting against him that he had three of his sons put to death because he thought they were plotting against him.
He had his first two sons killed, Alexander and Aristobulus. And later he killed Antipater who was supposed to take the throne. He had his wife put to death because he thought she was plotting against him.
Numerous members of the family, if he saw them together and thought that they were speaking together against him behind his back, he would have them put to death.
He died approximately a year after the Lord was born. And in knowing that he was about to die, he had a decree made that all of the leaders in Jerusalem would be rounded up and placed into a holding area.
And at the moment he died, they would all be put to death so that he would know that no leader would succeed him to the throne.
I need to send a part 2, and I will also share with you how he died.
24hrs later, I said to myself that if I am going to make this sacrifice for my daughters and walk into enemy territory then I need to prepare myself by listening to sermons. I came across this sermon by a well known pastor and he said " there are many who study the bible for years to use it as a telescope to argue and debate but I ask you, when was the last time you let the bible study you and be a mirror?" I broke and this consuming feeling overtook me that I could not fight and a transformation was happening within me that I have never experienced before. It was God's irresistible grace that I could not fight and the transformation within was He removing that heart of stone and putting in a fleshy one. I immediately gave my life over to him and repented for all my sins and the lives I have destroyed over the decades.
So I am no longer the enemy but a Brother In Christ.. I am no longer and enemy of God but a Soldier In His Army.
The Kingdom of God and the good fruit ( the manchild ) are 1 and the same...Thats y he is saying unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in...The Kingdom of God comes by hearing his good seed the word.. .She brought forth aman Child that is gona rule all nations...Then Rev.12:10 says now is come Salvation and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ ( the manchild ) That is gonna rule all nations...Thats y he always refers to himself as the Son of man...Simply b/c mankind has to bring forth fruit unto God which is the H.G. That Child of Promise...The multiplcation of Christ in humanity...After the book is opened and we sing that New SONG.
She always support me in my life and she is my mother and my best friend.
Pray for one miracle.
Thank you.