All Discussion PAGE 629

  • Sammi - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Start at Matthew chapter 6 verse 24+25 , then go to verse 27 , then 31 . Those verses should help you put it all together . Verse 34 is saying , try not to worry too much about tomorrow , get through today , face your challenges one day at a time . Trust in God and He will help you get through your trials . The crux of the matter is in verse 32 , God knows what we need every day , seek God , put Him first in your life and all the things that you need each day will be provided for you by God .
  • Giannis - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Dear Zelika

    It means not to be anxious/worried/fearful about the future. You are in God's hands.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Philippians 4:13 - 2 years ago
    Hello Smith, glad to meet you here.

    Yes, God is so great we can no even imagine the extent of His greatness!

    But I must say, God is God and not a man. He is purely divine in His nature without any mixture of human substance.

    The Son incarnated in human flesh and nature as Jesus. But the Son's nature remains wholly divine and yet now has a human nature, too. But the human nature is an add on to His Person and is not mixed with His divine nature in Jesus.

    Jesus is forever now a united two-natured person-both fully God and fully man.
  • Anony Part 5 (Clarification) - 2 years ago
    Sorry, I wanted to clarify that I do NOT look at pornography-did sometimes as a kid, until a friend--wise beyond her years, was used by GOD to speak, the warning which caused me to STOP & to THINK (if I am remembering correctly)!

    Then, was tempted, but wouldn't go near it! Ironically, thanks to the same evil spirit, of the same bad family member, that brought me here to pray today! I bought my 1st and only nudity magazine, I think to look edgy, or just out of curiosity-nothing to do with lust-I don't know why I bought it, but I was quite different in my views back then (due to ignorance, though I had read Holy Bible scripture at GOD's will, because it was never a thing, coming up in my immediate household, but thankfully, Bibles existed there, hence, how I found them to read)!

    Anyway, lastly, the next time I would see pornography, was having it shock/surprise me, b/c there was no indication, but that served as all the Devil needed for an invitation to then..later on.. INTENTIONALLY go back again, later, and SEEK IT!

    Shame & disgusting actions, that I remember, that I MYSELF rendered, and disgusts me, 2THIS DAY, when I recollect! Also, I remember other dangers that that [thankfully] TEMPORARY foray into evil exchange brought about. GOD still made lemonade, I think, out of those lemons, not sure, but anyway, then I went back to being ME-and just NOT looking stuff up, Until..not sure what year, but it WAS RECENT, relatively speaking, and those images--they remain burned in the brain!

    GOD DEFINITELY made lemonade, out of that final foray.

    MENTALLY-I would, over the years-mentally be DISGUSTING in my imagination, at times. And GOD would put me to fear, and so, He KNEW I'd need HIS help with that early on, due to the evil that adults put me, on. My own mother, for the pornography.

    I have no idea, other than, it appears some witches do this DELIBERATELY to their VERY YOUNG kids..Lastly, only way2overcome porn, is to STAY AWAY from it! Sadly, othersMAYforceU2c it!
  • Edward Forrester - 2 years ago
    Please help me fight a spiritual battle that is beyond my comprehension. A family curse containing demons of incest and pedophilia, gambling, poverty, alcoholism, numerology, Buddha worship(idolatry), astrology, false pride and arrogance, withholding tithes, and offerings and satanic rituals. On New Year's morning I had dreamed about my father right before I had a terrible argument with my wife. Please, I need your prayers to strengthen my well being and heal my family in Christ Jesus name.
  • Scw333 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    according to 2 Peter 2:21 it is possible to know the way of righteousness, and after turn away from it.

    "it would have been better for them not to know the way of righteousness than to know it and after turn away from it"
  • Leslie - 2 years ago
    Will you please pray for me I'm in a setup and they have lied and deceived in people have listened and been deceived through their lives and people don't believe me and my brother and my husband are trafficking women and they're stealing people's identity and so is my two sisters my mom left me executor and they did everything in their power to change it so that they could take everything took my my executor money
  • Anony Part 4 (The End) - 2 years ago
    ALL eschewers of RIGHT-ness, illumed with the brightness, of darkness & tricks, in eternity, won't get..a chance to experience EVER, pleasure AGAIN!

    Christ died for ALL Men! Not devils or Satan!

    The Devil KNOWS how terrible Hell IS! But to his OWN "girls" & "boys," such #facts, he omits!

    I go about this, perhaps the wrong way! I just would to plead with 2 parties: the Hell-directed and the saved!

    To the aforementioned brethren: for the former, PRAY!

    That GOD remove the deception, & all controlling mechanisms & spirits causing possession (as if these,

    Weren't humans beings, but objects, or toys--non-autonomous--but mereTHINGS!)

    Naivete, or the dreams of a King! I may not have a staff, DEFINITELY nowhere NEAR a PhD, but the mountain-top is what I envision,

    A better world, an GOoDly inheritance for today's children!

    Don't have a staff, or a ephod to speak to Christ's Dad & tell me HIS vision,

    So in the meantime, my prayer is THAT,

    Those in I AM's, Son's, clan,

    Will work in the individual,

    To bring the GOoD covenant BACK!

    That Spoken of in Daniel & before him, by Moses AND, The LORD GOD--Him, concerning what He WANTED us to do in the Promised Land!

    Milk & honey? Now, now? An inorganic, gmo'd non-health bringing, relic of the pre-degenerate past!

    Not that there's any new thing under His hands, but the days are evil! And there is much needed healing of GOD's land! And my people fail to see! But I was despondent, so I stared-aggrieved, out my former windows, into things.

    And saw my heroes...HUMANEly! But GOD-He zeroed, in on ME & He warned , but I could NOT SEE! I "corrected" The Holy Spirit(?) IGNORANTLY! But my hope, is that,

    As with our Father David (speaking The Fam'),

    GOD will bring forth a GREAT WISDOM, as unto a once GREAT KING (spoken afore, in this prayer, previously (scroll back up, perhaps to Part 3!))

    And make lemonade from all of our lemons! Don't know GOD's will, but let us PRAY! MayB GOD's some heros..He will save!
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hey John ray,

    Thanks, truth is simple with no excuse.

    God bless,

  • Darpa - 2 years ago
    DARPA is experimenting on Citizens of the United States including veterans and any citizen

    They did it in the 1950s-1970s and they are doing it right now

    As a US Citizen, You are a Test Subject for any "product" they are developing

    These products are not products you or I would buy viruses, bacteria, drug testing, mustard gas style weapons

    They are unregulated govt bodies acting as dictators. Please send help holy one
  • Anony Part 3 - 2 years ago
    GOD's law is for the sleek, impressive-performance of a highly-lauded, highly-respected, highly-, successful athlete.

    Satan's ways-though his children are often heads & tails above me in success, achievement, talent & beauty-IRONICALLY produce a hidden man: repulsive, disgusting, gross & revolting! Fetid & morally, unhygienic! Quite different from the outer man! I go by ASSUMPTIONS, not sure what all is true. But based on what is displayed--in ads & in entertainment & in "science" these days, I assume these are they with light that os within them, that is darkness. With knowledge, but of the doctrines of devils, that continue to make the world smell as a sewer, instead of the "sweet odour" of our Creator's moral prescription, for the human and his soul's condition!

    I speak NOT to insult, but to illustrate. I used examples--some of my own, some of others, whose testimonies I'd heard--Christian and other. Barers of witness of the most depraved Satan renders. He is a sin, drug-dealer! He gives you what NEVER fills you, but tastes pleasurable, but is quietly, killing you! He is a bearer of candy, and thereby diabetes, and the pain-inducing cavity!

    He (allegedly) enLIGHTens, but why must his instruction be carried out in the darkness? The DEEDS, I mean! Why? Because the make the hands UNCLEAN! They make the Man (that carries them) to STINK! Not just before GOD, but if ever unearthed: PUBLICLY!

    What manner of love causes shame and disgrace? What teachings must be hidden--the vacant eyes, and souless face? GOD created my enemies & me, after His OWN image: Supreme in likeness, SPIRITUALLY!

    So the original Hater-I speak of Satan-was jealous of GOD & I think, his OWN children, because why, if he would them to be "enlightened," doesn't he reveal to them the TRUTH? 'Cause they'd be RIGHTFULLY FRIGHTENED: ALL eschewers of RIGHT-ness, illumed with the brightness, of darkness & tricks, in eternity, won't get..a chance to experience the pleasures and joys
  • Anony Part 2 - 2 years ago
    "I pray that GOD reveal their secret abuses, sabotage of life of victims, and the effects with the duration each victim has had to endure such beneath-them (the adults who demean their races, genders & heritage/honorable legacies passed down by their parents & their shared groups' lineage!" --I meant the adults perpetrating these acts which are beneath them & which degrade, demean, and make a mockery of them (the perpetrators of these acts) and their victims as well.

    I assume the devils & other unclean spirits that possess or/and influence them lead them to depravity, by the Limbo-ing from one level of baseness, down to the next, due to the exploitation of the heart..GOD's law being the strict, optimal, highest-disciplined diet, designed for the yielding of peak performance, when followed. But it seems that the Devil teaches the exact opposite & an overindulge IN IT, which leads to the abuse of the heart & an addict's constant need to increase the indulgences, to get the same level of brain(heart) reward-center, happy-chemical release! These aremy assumptions, basedon personal experience in sin-indulging: Satan is QUICKLY moves you to "the next!" So, like with an innocent school-kid crush: just seeing the girl, causes the boy's heart to flutter. Then imagining holding hands is next. Then he imagines a kiss on the cheek. After awhile, a kiss on the lips, and it just progresses to sins that keep progressing l. Same with pornography. Same with all other ways Satan gets people to end up slaves to a feeling! Maybe the rush from shoplifting (heard over the years, rich women who were eventually caught, for some reason, like other criminals, or adulterers I've heard the same thing.

    GOD's law is for the sleek, impressive-performance of a highly-lauded, highly-respected, highly-, successful athlete. ways-though the his children are often heads above me in success, achievement, talent & beauty-IRONICALLY produce a hidden man: repulsive, disgusting, gross & revolti
  • Anony Part 1 - 2 years ago
    Please pray that GOD will MAKE my father, mother, and others stop stalking, harassing, sabotaging, and committing crimes that I won't mention. My father is disgusting, and I have to endure him having his neighbor (or a distinct, large van with an owl's head & wings, and eyes as the logo on the side) or someone who painted a van to LOOK like his neighbor's van, drive to where I am (not nearby at ALL!), so that I will become discouraged/depressed due to the stalking. The stalking is for ME to take notice, but not for innocent bystanders. It induces a defeated, heaviness, b/c the stalker is SHOWING you, "you have NO power to stop me from disturbing your peace & you will NEVER get away from me, no matter WHERE you go."

    Approx. 1 hour and 6 or 7 min. later, a giant, faded/pale red & blue, giant, concrete mixing-truck that I 1st saw sitting in the street in front of my father's neighbors ' house, or one house closer, this past summer, drove by after the distinct, owl-logo'd van. Both vehicles I have seen months prior, do the same drive-by at least once w/ the mixing truck, but multiple times with the owl van.

    My parents have had me followed around for DECADES. I didn't realize it when I was young, but noted the frequency of vehicles with Freemason & Eastern Star, metallic, emblems on the back of vehicles, or on a t-shirt, or on a baseball cap or on a necklace, or on the front of a vanity license plate.

    Some are on this board.

    I pray that GOD reveal their secret abuses, sabotage of life of victims, and the effects with the duration each victim has had to endure such beneath-them (the adults who demean their races, genders & heritage/honorable legacies passed down by their parents & their shared groups' lineage! These men and women, please pray, that GOD will speak to them, deliver them from this lifestyle of servitude to shameful masters (Satan, devils & all other unclean spirits who both mock & demean not only these human beings' secret victims, but the human
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi John.

    You are welcome,

    Glad I was able to help.

    God bless.
  • DR SHANTEL HOBSON-MAXWELL on Ephesians 1 - 2 years ago
    the same grace efficient for us all the souls wot smell like smoke wont look like the struggle the strength as he he as always, amen


    In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him


    Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory.


    For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

    my input the lord placed in my heart to share speak out in public release statement because there's a grace on my life the release the glory of god!(William murphy) from curses placed on my life lifestyle home corporate careers

    the invitation overall the purpose the chosen children to worship god beautiful
  • Zelika on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    What does Matthew chapter 6 verse 34 means?
  • Smith coloencebbage on Philippians 4:13 - 2 years ago
    God is so good and powerful. He strengthens our souls and we just have to trust in him. He is so good and He protects us from all bad and wrongdoing. He is such a good Man. The only thing you should fear is Him, God, the One, and Almighty.
  • John ray - 2 years ago
    I don't know if how you do this does anybody know about line of Judas it's on YouTube if so would somebody give me a comment on that it's a they talk about Jesus Christ that is miracles and powerful stuff that he does and mention the King James Bible a lot I would appreciate it if somebody could listen to it let me know the input I know the word somewhat a little bit sounds good to me I can really use this information thank you
  • George - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my friend Randy's wife Johanna. She has had a back injury and doctors don't know how to help her. Please pray she will be instantly healed by Jesus. Thank you and God Bless.
  • Sammi - In Reply on Matthew 19:17 - 2 years ago
    Not all of our , by that I mean gentiles / none Jews , mothers and fathers are Christians . Or even religious at all . The commandment was given to the Israelites and is part of the covenant of Moses , we are not under that covenant , we are part of the new covenant , Christians . We can still honour our parents , even if they are not Christians , we can still treat them with kindness and affection and respect . We , as Christians , should treat everyone with kindness and respect , but , who is King in our hearts ? If our mom or dad said to any of us : I don't want you in my house if you are a Christian ! Give it up or get out ! What would we do ? What do we think God would want us to do ? Would we do it ? So , it's just about treating everyone with kindness and respect but keeping Jesus enthroned in our hearts and anyone who doesn't want to know us because of our faith ? Stay friendly if possible ? If not , so what ? Prioritise , that's all .
  • George - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi John, Jesus is always listening to you and is always with you by your side smiling, guiding, loving and protecting you. He will answer you always. It may not always be at the moment you want but jusr be still and He will answer you. God Bless You John.
  • George - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my friend Randy's wife Johanna. She has had a back injury and doctors don't know how to help her. Please pray she will be instantly healed by Jesus. Thank you and God Bless.
  • John ray - 2 years ago
    Matthew West a song do something listen to it my brothers and sisters
  • Ethan on 1 Kings 2 - 2 years ago
    How do you get on fire for god? How do you get closer to god?
  • Donniedrakeford - 2 years ago
    Good morning, I would like to discuss the topic of once saved always saved, and how others who say they were saved have departed the faith of the Lord Jesus. Do you think that these people maybe were never saved at all to begin with? Or does this mean they're still saved but just straying away?
  • John ray - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi this is John if this is the same person just want to tell you thank you for the information
  • John ray - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi this is John thank you for the information
  • John - 2 years ago
    Hi my brothers and sisters I can use prayer 6 years old trying to find out when God is talking to me please help me out for a long time and stir me some good ways but I don't act on it pray that I I don't know grow up realize what he's trying to do and do it I hope I made sense of what I'm doing I know a lot of people but I feel all alone well I got Jesus Christ have a good day my brothers and sisters in Christ
  • James Bell on Matthew 19:17 - 2 years ago
    I have a serious question. How do we reconcile vs. 29 with the commandment to honor thy mother and father...?

    Jesus restates in Matthew 15:4 the importance of this commandment as well as Paul in Ephesians.
  • Arnold Love on Revelation 1 - 2 years ago
    Who are the 7 angels to the 7 churches

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