All Discussion PAGE 636

  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Phil Chavez, Heavenly Father thank you for your son Jesus & for your Love, Forgiveness & Grace. Lord I ask that you be with Mr. Chavez, his mom, his uncle Seve, aunt Jackie & his moms boyfriend Joe. You know their needs Lord & in your time they shall be healed for your glory. Bring them to repentance so they may come to know your word & your precious son Jesus. Heal the pain Joe has with cancer. Send Phil a life partner so he doesn't have to be alone as so many are these days. It's all in your time & for your glory, IN Jesus name I pray, Amen. *In the mean time Phil, try some healing herbs & natural plants that God created for our health. Look up things for inflammation, pain & memory or anything y'all need & stock up if you can.
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Arthur Obrien, you will see her again in heaven & you can hear her in your heart from the memories y'all share. Not sure what a RENATE PRAY is yet know He is with you to keep you comforted till you too go home.
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Genesis 14, Genesis 14:18-24, Psalms 110:4, Hebrews 5, Hebrews 6:20, Hebrews 7, Melchizedek is in The Old Testament & New. Spelled -Melchizedek in Old Testament & spelled Melchisedec in New Testament. Please read the whole chapters listed above to understand more fully the significance, more in detail.

    James 1:5,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Alex1939 - 2 years ago
    Alex1939...The New Covenant the book in the right hand of the Father is a much different Covenant then the old Covenant...The O.C. was many are called but few are CHOSEN...But this N.C. is by the blood of Jesus...If i be lifted up ( his blood ) i will draw all men unto me... Jeremiah 31:34 This is the Covenant i will make with the house of Israel in those days...I will know them ALL from the least to the greatest...And their sins and iniquities will i remember no more.

    While we were yet sinners Christ died for us...Thats everybody...He makes his Son/sun and rain to fall on everybody.

    And i was found in them that sought me NOT thats everybody..As our carnal minds is the very enemy of God wanting to know nothing of God...And i was made manifest unto them that asked not after me...He died for everybody

    And they shall ALL ALL be taught of God..Thats everybody...When he fed the multitudes he did not cull not 1 single person...And he fed them all with a CHILDS LUNCH...The H.G. She brought forth a man child that is gonna rule all nations the H.G. THAT child of Promise...Unless you receive the kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in.

    The 1st Adam is not like the 2 nd Adam..Just as the curse of the 1st Adam was applied to everybody no exceptions..The blessings and the blood of the 2 nd Adam has to be applied to everybody...If i be lifted up i will draw ALL MEN unto me....I was found of them that sought me not and i was made manifest unto them that asked not after me...Thats y John saw a number that no man cd number standing before the Throne clothed with white raiment .....Simply b/c that great Promise was that Christ wd be multiplied as the stars of heaven... Gen 22:16...And God was so passionate about this Promise that he swore by himself..Thats y Jesus was saying to whom the word came it made them Gods...And the scripture cannot be broken.

    Remember that Tree of knowledge which is symbolic of that Ocean of Knowledge in Isaiah 11:9 an Intimacy.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on 1 Peter 1 - 2 years ago
    That is a very interesting question; and I would have to agree with you.

    The first issue here you brought up as to the role the Spirit is playing. It is part of the Godhead; Jesus said will He not give you more of the Spirit if you ask Him ( Luke 11:13) referring to asking the FATHER for the "good gifts". We can certainly praise God or Jesus for what comes from Him; thus involving through worship; singing and or prayer.

    Another problem is whether the spirit being invoked is the Holy Spirit or some other thing that appeals to the flesh. If the Spirit is working then of course it reminds us of "sin; righteousness and judgment to come" ( John 16:8-11). We are thus to be humbled; and through that "sacrifice of praise" ( Heb. 13:15-16) then He is truly exalted.

    This is tricky as the Holy Spirit is to be exalted and revered as part of the Godhead. As you pointed out though in Christ's life and scriptures this sort of activity (praying TO the Spirit or any other form of worship) didn't occur. The Spirit was His helper and is said to be ours. The SOURCE is always from heavenly places and proceeds from the Father. This is also the case with Christ who is to be worshipped Himself but also in the Godhead He did nothing of His own but did the "works of the Father"; John 5:19 actually makes it clear that He can do NOTHING of His own. Nonetheless God has raised Him up giving Him all authority (which He already had but it was made official). ( Matt. 28:18-20).

    I will have to give this question further consideration; and may have further thoughts later on. I have a feeling there are some other pertinent points that need to be made and this could be a real discussion starter.

    Agape; RIch P
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Heavenly Father please be with Frank to get this job.
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Congrats John, I pray you are both in love & keep God in your lives. Yet, don't force anything or it won't work. I had a friend that loved someone & he thought she she loved him yet she only wanted friendship & he ended up stalking her because of it, so be sure before getting married. You wouldn't want a good friendship to end for rushing anything. IF Stephanie wants what you say & it is your dream, I pray y'all are happy & all works in Gods time.
  • RaptureMan2023 - In Reply on Romans 7:21 - 2 years ago
    MaxM, a problem guys like you and I face is that we often reach out to Christians, hoping to find someone who will affirm our sinful inclinations or lifestyle. We're not to do that. Psalm 1:1 says, "Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly..." He is cursed if he does.

    Too often, people who call themselves "Christians" are NOT Christ-followers. Many have never studied the Word of God from cover to cover, getting to know Gods heart. I have. Sadly, with love and concern, they wrongly counsel others, based upon their feelings and opinions. We must abide by God's laws, which are clearly against such practices: Leviticus 18: 20, 29; 20: 13; I Cor. 6: 9-11; Rev. 21: 27.

    I've been struggling with same sex attraction for well over 50 years. I was molested from the age of 4-16; homosexuality was my mindset. I married (a smokescreen); before divorce ensued, I brought two daughters into the world. I've been a born again Christian for almost 57 years, but my struggle with this issue has been that long. Many times, I BEGGED God to take the desire from me. He hasn't; He says, "My grace is sufficient for you, just as it was with Paul."

    Grace is not a license to commit sin; it is the bridge that keeps us connected to Him via obedience to Him.

    So, what are we to do? Celibacy or marriage to a woman my friend. We cannot serve the flesh and Christ also; it doesn't work. See John 14: 15, 21-23. Paul said, "...It is good for them if they abide even as I" (celibate). But if they cannot control themselves, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn." I Cor. 7: 8, 9

    Marriage is not for everybody; sex is, but we must control our passions ( Gal. 5: 22, 23). Is A FEW MINUTES of pleasure worth eternity in Hell? God sees our sacrifice; if we obey Him, He will reward us accordingly. Born again Christians are to "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." Ja. 4: 7;1:12. We can't love Christ and sin too. Not much time left; choose wisely!
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thnx Donna Grace, Got it from "Little Texas" yrs ago at a concert in Mesquite Nevada..their hit song 'God bless Texas' I just switched lettering. Prayers to everyone for your comfort, strength & wisdom in Christ.!
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Conclusion on last post (2 concepts were things we give up and gain in becoming a Christian).

    We therefore; lose our old affiliations and at times family and friends when coming to faith. There are some cases; when these acquaintances can be transformed and the relationship becomes a new dynamic and it becomes better understood how God originally designed them and why.

    We also become adopted sons and daughters ( Romans 8:14-17). We are also "grafted in" to the olive branch ( Romans 11:24).

    We are now therefore part of that great Body of saints and tied in with those in Hebrews 11. Whatever loss we have now; as Paul stated is rubbish; or as KJV puts it "dung" compared to the surpassing greatness of Christ (Phillipians 3:8).

  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Relationships and the fullness of life.

    There are two different things that change in our lives when becoming Born again. There may be need; for the sake of the Kingdom of God to abandon friends and family. This takes into account our love being greater for God than anyone else i.e. those who don't "hate father and mother; etal ( Luke 14:26) cannot be my disciple". The normal explanation here is our relative love is greater for God than family. I would suggest a better explanation would be that the cultural norms; tradition; and expectations that are resistant to the Gospel must be when causing us to sin avoided; and the resulting shunning or persecution from that community is part of the necessary collateral damage.

    What this does NOT mean is that men decide to divorce their "pagan" wives for a different "Christian" women; who just coincidentally is younger and more attractive than their marriage partner more than statistical averages would suggest....

    It also doesn't mean we don't help widows in our family and those in need there lest we be considered "worse than a pagan" ( 1 Tim. 5:8). We can look at Jesus' example; He was the Son of God so His statement that those who were His mothers; brothers etc were those who did the will of God ( Mark 3:35) may be a bit harsh. Nonetheless; He knew at that point even some of his family didn't believe in Him. ( John 7:5). Ultimately; He said to John "behold your mother" during His greatest agony on the cross; thus exemplifying the love for Mary once Joseph clearly had passed. ( John 19:25-27). Now John would be as a son; also showing how we are put into God's adoptive family in John's case.

    Malachi 4:6 discusses restoring fathers hearts to children; and vice-versa. This could be prophetic for those looking ahead toward the Church Age. One believer CAN bring about further repentance and belief among family members; as happened with Paul and the jailor; for instance. ( Acts 16:29-34). John 10:10 therefore can happen
  • Ann Unz on Psalms 23 - 2 years ago
    What is the most asked Question? What is the most go to Book?
  • Alex1939 - In Reply on 1 Peter 1 - 2 years ago
    Alex1939...Greg leme just add this...Jesus said outta of the mouths of Babes and sucklings thou has Perfected Praise and thats y we must be bornagain....Humanity needs to birth a baby Christ a babe and suckling which is Spirit the H.G. that Child of Promise.

    Our praise is too tainted with our carnal minds that goes a whoring after all kinds of materistic things and money...God is spirit and them that worship him must worship him in in spirit and truth...The Father seeketh such to worship him..Which is the H.G our new hearts and new spirits from the seed of the sower...That New Covenant in his blood...

    Jesus will not sire flesh and blood children...As his seed is the living word the very seed of God...Thats y he is saying to whom the word came His seed ( the living word ) it made them Gods...God wants Perfect PRAISE which can only come via his incorruptible seed planted in our hearts and minds...Making us a new creature that will still the avenger the devil in us...The tares and thorns that are in a warfare with satan...Our old... Psalms 8:2 Outta of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou has perfected Praise that he might still the avenger the devil the Tares that satan has put in our hearts to destroy the babe and suckling the H.G. THE WHEAT...This war rages with in us....

    As Jesus said there is gona be war in heaven...And the Kingdom of God suffers violence....Thats y we must endure till the end till the tares are gathered up and burned but the wheat to his barn his kingdom...K Gbu
  • Sammi - In Reply on Romans 7:21 - 2 years ago
    Please forgive my presumptuousness , you sound as if you are ready for marriage . You will only find true love with a Christian lady and I'm sure that there is one out there that is perfect for you and whom you are perfect for . May God bless you and her with the love and affection and respect of each other very soon .
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Karla , I have to congratulate you on your perfect confession , it is mine also , word for word. I don't speak for anyone else but I would ask everyone on here , is this not you also ? May God bless us all , may He keep us all close to Him , may He never allow us to forget our own nature : sinful , and His : merciful . No matter how low we go , God never stops loving us and if we confess our sins He is faithful to forgive the truly repentant heart . As long as we live , not one of us will ever stop sinning , every time we fail we must not allow the enemy to convince us that we are a hopeless lost cause , God's mercy is fresh every day , He knows we are all weak . It's never hopeless , to believe so is to reject God's promise of forgiveness in Christ and to not trust in the redemptive work that Christ did , endured , willingly , for us . It's all done in love love love . We must learn to trust implicitly , somewhere near the end of Job , God says something like : realise and confess that your own right arm cannot save you . We are all in His hands all day every day so rejoice in the privilege of knowing this awesome truth . Please come back soon Jesus . When it is your will Dear Heavenly Father .
  • Saint king, david jeffrey scott, the lion king of hearts. - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I Pray by the power of love and grace of the Holy Spirit of Jesus christ, to the glory of our father Yahweh, Pray that GOD will take away ALL the power that He has willed the wicked to have over those whom they victimize.

    Pray that GOD will deliver ALL victims of abusers from out of EVERY abuser's hand;

    That GOD COMPLETELY heal ALL victims FULLY & give so much love to them directly from Him, that they ALL develop that SAME level of loyalty that people have toward those that they love the most in life;

    That GOD REVEAL the TRUTH COMPLETELY--to restore & heal the reputations of the abused & any debts abusers incurred through lies.

    That GOD heal ALL that the wicked are trying to break or have broken (the economy, hope, outlets for truth, honest news, etc). That GOD restore & even BETTER that which the locust hath taken away (jobs, retirement savings, an affordable future, financial independence).

    That GOD rise up GOODLY WORKERS to teach The Truth, the WHOLE Truth & nothing BUT The TRUTH in His WORD! AS many false doctrines have caused MUCH of the devastation that now IS! That GOD provide a CORRECT, TRUE, King James Version of the Holy Bible in EVERY LANGUAGE spoken, read, heard & understood by EVERY Man that is & ever will be!

    That GOD will reveal Himself, THE TRUTH in His Word about Heaven, Hell, eternity, His Son, His Holy Spirit & what Man needs to DO to BE well-pleasing to Him, to have their land & bodies healed & for protection!

    That GOD will make it so that the rest of 2022, 2023, etc, will be better than things have been morally, job opportunity wise, affordability with needs & wants (housing, transportation, food, insurance, etc). That GOD will BLESS those w/ gifts from Him to have MANY non-evil outlets to work in their gifts (singers, musicians, writers, )I pray that God heals the devil, and makes him good, and stops him from doing all the evil that he does. to the glory of our father yahweh, super awesome holy Mighty KickA** name I pray.
  • Saint king, david jeffrey scott, the lion king of hearts. - In Reply - 2 years ago
    in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and savior, to the glory of my father Yahweh, I pray that your appetite is restored, and you eat well today and everyday, in the Holy Spirit I pray, amen
  • Saint king, david jeffrey scott, the lion king of hearts. - In Reply - 2 years ago
    hi david, I pray for you, kristi and your families that you guys will be absolutely safe, by the grace and love of the holy spirit in Jesus Christ to the glory of our father Yahweh, I pray that as you are reading this that he confirms his presence to you by giving you the chills in your shoulder, and up your neck, into your brain.
  • Michael Doherty on Revelation 17 - 2 years ago
    He is the eighth and is of the seventh. The seventh hath fallen. Behold the rise of the ten horns. Gird yourselves. To God be all praise and the glory... In Jesus Christ name
  • Saint king, david jeffrey scott, the lion king of hearts. - In Reply - 2 years ago
    by the super awesome Mighty power and love of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, the devil is no longer in your friend Ryan Hawk, and I pray to the glory of my father Yahweh that he stops drinking.
  • Saint king, david jeffrey scott, the lion king of hearts. - In Reply - 2 years ago
    hello,karla, by the grace and love and peace of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ that has been poured out onto me, I pray in the spirit of Jesus Christ to the glory of our father Yahweh, that he take all negativity, anything that's bringing you down in this world,,any evil spirits, the devil, demons, I pray that he takes it all away from you, by pouring out his love out on you, his grace and mercy, and lights you up with his holy spirit, forever and ever and ever, forever and ever and ever, times infinity, and 70. I pray in Jesus Christ name to the glory of my father YAHWEH that he take the devil out of you at this very moment, AND takes away any demons from you. in Jesus Christ I pray to the glory of my father Yahweh
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Identity in Christ and the Body of Christ

    The battle for self identity isn't too profitable when we understand that as sinners; we are in a helpless; hopeless state with the wrath of God abiding on us. ( John 3:36). Once our lives are under the authority of Christ rather than the prince of the power of the air ( Eph. 6:12); but now we have the King of Glory as Lord; Savior and yes; Master. Or; alternatively; as the popular Sting song lyric states our servant has become our master if we remain in our sinful state. God promises that although unworthy servants we are called "friends" and His yoke is easy; and burden is light ( Matt. 11:28). Satan is a brutal taskmaster; coming to "steal; kill and destroy." ( John 10:10). Such basically is the state of youth in America today; and sadly many of those who give testimony of their children dying of drug (usually Fentinal) overdoses see nothing getting better in the near term.

    So the question comes up; what is a more profitable state; our old self or our identity in Christ? We are still; in some sense uniquely "us" but with our spirit testifying with His Spirit ( Romans 8:16) that we indeed are "God's children." Somehow; we naturally tend to hold onto our old nature as long as we live; we are still subject; of course to the effects of the fall with the flesh eventually passing away but the new man growing (see 1 Cor. 4:16). We literally are crucified to the flesh in Christ and already in the new life in the spirit ( Colossians 3:3). In reality then; our old selves are redeemed to be all they would have been if they had never been corrupted by th effect of sin; and in fact are in much better glory. (See 1 Cor. 15). What we DON'T realize before salvation is that we are never autonomous and able to go beyond the set limits God has; and we are held accountable for our actions. With faith we can begin to comprehend that we are "seated in heavenly places" ( Eph. 2:4-6).

    And; "to live is Christ; to die gain" ( Phil. 1:21).
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm praying over your request. In Jesus name.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I've been in your shoes and I am praying over your request. In Jesus name.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Praying for G's aunt. In Jesus name.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Lifting you up in prayer this morning. In Jesus name. Blessings.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    She is in my prayers today. God bless her. And God bless Texsis!

    I love saying that!

  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You're in my prayers this morning. Praying for Louie. The Lord is a Wonderful Merciful Saviour.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm praying for Ryan. God Bless you.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm praying for you this morning. God Bless you.

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