All Discussion PAGE 641

  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Correction*Holy Spirit

    You didn't actually specify whether or not the tumor is cancerous. I'm praying right now that it's not. Either way, the Lord is the Lord of all. Draw near unto Him. I'm praying for you.
  • T Levis - In Reply on Numbers 31 - 2 years ago
    Matthew 25:31-46, Psalms 11:5, Luke 12, Malachi 2:11-17, Malachi 3:5

    As you read in Malachi 3:6 GOD is true to his promises, & left a remnant
  • T Levis - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    Deuteronomy 23,

    words translation ( bow' ) using the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance & comparison in this site, the same word is used for each scripture= meaning to come. If read within the meanings; points to Jesus in Matthew 1,

  • Alex1939 - In Reply on Isaiah 60 - 2 years ago
    Alex1939...Alexis M...May i give ya my view of Isaiah 60:22...A lil one shall become a 1000 and small one a strong nation...I the lord will hasten it in its time...This is the multiplication of Christ Jesus via his seed the word sown in humanity...The Sower and his seed...The Children of Promise...An Israel of God is that strong nation... Gal 6:16...There has to be an Israel of God via the seed of Jesus...I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven... Gen 22:16...Which are spirits the H.G many ...The Children of Promise that are gonna be as the stars of heaven in multitudes...Thats y he has to know us...That he might sow his incorruptible seed in our hearts...That Christ might be formed in us...Its gonna start with a lil lil one is gonna be multiplied as the stars of heaven...Just as Jesus was just a lil one but he was multiplied and became as the stars of heaven... a number no man cd number John saw,simply b/c of his seed the words of the book that he wrote with his own blood...That New Covenant...I will know them all from the least to the greatest...This (Know them all is an intimacy) that is gona result in a birth of Christ in everybody...Isaiah speaks of a knowledge ( an intimacy ) that is gona cover the earth as the waters cover the seas...In Isaiah 11:9...Thats y he has to know us...Thats y the Woman is giving birth...And that y we must be bornagain of his incorruptible seed...Thus Christ will truly be multiplied as the stars of heaven in humanity....They don't call him the bridegroom for nothin....He has a seed to sow in humanity...Thus our new heart and new spirit..Thus the babes and sucklings...The Israel of God...ok lemme go...Jeremiah saw all men in travail and birth pains...a time of Jacobs trouble that heavenly Jacob the H.G... Jeremiah 30:6 ..
  • T Levis - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 2 years ago
    Romans 14,

    Leviticus 11, Deuteronomy 14,

    Hopefully these are helpful in your study
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Mark 10:40, context Mark 10:13-45, Matthew 20:23, context Matthew 20:1-29,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Matthew 25:31-46, Proverbs 3:27, Deuteronomy 30:19,

    Hopefully these help
  • Jennifer Spitzer - 2 years ago
    Please pray that I have energy strength protection favor do an excellent job it's not busy at work today and tonight and I can go to the store a few times ijnip amen
  • Michael Paterson on 1 John 1 - 2 years ago
    1 John 1 was the apostle addressing as yet the unconverted where he shares with them what he knew to be true. Why has this not been taught more wide-spread? Confusion stems from twisted truths and I believe if the twisted truth of 1 John 1:9 being written for the converted was put right then many would be set free from sin consciousness as the gospel was intended to do.
  • T Levis - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Generation as described biblically: Please read = Genesis 7:1, Ecclesiastes 1:4, Lamentations 5:19, Daniel 4:3, Matthew 1,

    In comparison to your example of Noah- Exodus 20:1-5, Exodus 34:7, Numbers 14:18, Deuteronomy 2:14, Judges 2:10, 2Kings 10:30, 2Kings 15:12, Hebrews 3, Luke 1:50, Psalms 102:18, John 17,

    Prophetic about Jesus & other generations- Proverbs 30:12,13,14, Isaiah 53:8, Matthew 11,

    Psalms 12:6-7, Psalms 14,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks so much . I needed to hear your message , perfect , thanks again .
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember Kristie and me in your prayers, I want to praise the Lord and thank you for prayers answered my son in law Adam got a job yesterday, better than the one he lost, Praise the Lord and thank you all you who pray for others
  • T Levis - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Genesis 1,

    Genesis 1:26, there is actually one word ( " 'asah " meaning to do or make ) originally translated, into 3 words in English translation. The Strongs Exhaustive Concordance & comparison on this site, also reference the meaning in the " singular " form. You can study it yourself by clicking the Scripture itself then scrolling down page.

    Notice Genesis 1:27, goes clearly back to the singular HIS image. & Genesis 1:31,

    Hopefully helpful
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Note Hebrews 13:18-25,

    1Timothy 1:1-3, Acts 20:1-5, scriptures support Paul as the other writer

    Hopefully these are helpful

    The study of The Books/Chapters of Acts gives much detail of the ministry of Paul & Timothy (believing by comparison Timotheous is same person, spelling differentiation by translation)

    Hopefully helpful in your study
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Here are some scriptures I hope help you: James 1:5, Romans 10:17, John 14:26, 1John 2:27, Psalms 34:11,
  • Sarah Haynes - 2 years ago
    I am asking for prayers for myself and my children that God may open new doors for us. I am also asking for prayers over my finances and that God helps me find a way and walks me though these trials in life. Thank you for your prayers in advance and God bless.
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 7 - 2 years ago
    The Apostle Peter wrote in 1 Peter 3:20: "....the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water." And of course, Genesis 7:7 also states, "And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood."

    Here, we get confirmation that only eight people were saved by entering the Ark - no mention of any children or slaves.
  • One eighty - In Reply - 2 years ago
    part 2

    Hi again,

    You mentioned the word "good", in reference to how God described His creation. Is not "good" a term containing numerous varying degrees? e.g., kind of good, pretty good, extremely near perfect good, and so on. Not so with the word "perfect". There are no degrees symbolized in "perfect". Something is either perfect or it is flawed; no in-betweens either. Respectfully and sincerely, I ask: does anyone understand how good God's creation is? Therefore, perfection, in my mind, is much easier to perceive correctly than "good". I agree with Richard that Adam and Eve were in a sinless state in an idyllic place. I associate "sinless state" with perfect, or holy, or a state of perfect love. We believe God is perfect AND eternal, don't we. So, if Adam and Eve were in a sinless state, they had to have been in an eternal, perfect, sinless state. This is because holiness and eternity are one, meaning, they can't be separated. Neither can God from His extension (creation).They are One. I don't have that ability, or power to usurp God, thus making Him fatherless.

    I hope I haven't misconstrued anything you or anyone else has said, therefore, please correct me for doing so.

    Peace and blessings to you.

    GOD IS
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 9 - 2 years ago
    Hello Ricardo. We are not told about the years it took for the Ark's construction, but from what information we're given, we can make a rough guess. In Genesis 6:3, God declared His sorrow that mankind had become so evil that God's Spirit would no longer "strive" (in Hebrew, the sense of pleading & continual judgement) with mankind. So from that time, God had given man 120 years of existence before being wiped out. This extra time may be for man to come to his senses, repent & turn from his wicked ways, but certainly for Noah's witness & preaching of man's destruction ( 2 Peter 2:5) to them, as well as for the building of the ark in preparation for the saving of the righteous ones.

    Those who have calculated Noah's age & the birth of his sons & their marriages, believe that it may have taken between 55 to 75 years (maybe even more), for the ark's construction, plus the gathering of the animals & their feed. We're not told of those involved in its construction: certainly Noah & his sons, but there also may be others: unbelieving men (craftsmen) yet needing to earn a living by assisting in this mysterious build. Special tools & expertise would be required for the cutting & shaping of the wood & other necessary parts of this vessel.

    No mention is made of saving any fish/sea creatures, so I assume that they continued in their state in the sea, whereas all, but the specified land & flying animals that went into the Ark, perished.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    True love part 2

    I would put a pitch in here for those searching to consider (after of course checking the validity) of online arranged marriages for Christians. That is a way to assure that we get to know the families ahead of time; and people are matched up with the wisdom of the temperments that the parents deem worthy for their daughters. It also avoids some of the silly dating and other situations that can lead to temptation; as well as getting down to business. It also is a good way to maintain Christian fellowship long term with families.

    At least I can say with some confidence that it is better than many other "online" sites where people can photo shop their faces; or "reinvent" themselves to create whatever fantasy another may have to suit their purposes; or to find some way after a time to rip them off financially; etc. We also don't get a good idea of how valid someone's faith is in that way. Not to say that it can't work but I would take up my arranged marriage suggestion first before randomly looking for love on dating sites...

    Of course what is well known by counsellors is that no one can "make you happy" if you are miserable within. only the Lord Jesus is transformative in the inner man; He is our confidence; our portion and our cup. ( Psalm 16:15; 1 John 5:14; Hebrews 10:35-36). Joy is a spiritual fruit and of course our faith in the Lord must take priority over everything and everyone. Psalm 37:3-4 asks us to TRUST in the Lord (take delight in Him) and He will give us the desires of our heart.

    To find a partner we must trust that they will come alongside us in a time fitting with His plans. It should involve a help mate that will build us up as we fulfill the ministry or vocation He has called us in. I would venture to say normally we don't have to search at all but if we do it should be more like Genesis 24:1-10 when Abraham sent his servant out to find someone of his people for Isaac.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hmm, One Eighty, interesting comments you have made here. I'll wait for the remainder of your thoughts and reply then.

    A month or so back the Admin posted that in order to post one needs to have an account. So, perhaps that was the issue. But glad it got figured out for you and you can contribute once again. Thanks and God bless this evening. going to bed early. Trying to shake a nasty respiratory virus that is putting me down pretty much this week. I would appreciate your prayers.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    What constitutes true love?

    In considering what kind of wife a man should look for; of course we have Proverbs 31 as a guideline. There is nothing fancy there; although it appears such a woman would appear nicely; but modestly dressed. Her character would be one that is industrious (working to secure income as well as to make clothes to keep the family warm in winter. A noble character would be praised at the gate; as it were according to the end of the chapter. There is nothing there of the overromanticized emotional sort of behavior; oversexualized mannerisms or other such trifling nonsense. There is also nothing to appear as what is so often mocked as a "mousy" woman; who is constantly fearful or with trepidation. The concept; of course of Abraham's wife calling him "lord" (Not captitalized in 1 Peter 3:7) certainly wouldn't win any popularity contests today.

    This type of woman commended in scripture would certainly interact with the rest of the extended family and as indicated with the community. It would be a sort of extension; or addition to all the blessings of the husband in exalting him as well as; of course building up her house with raising children (see Psalm 127:4). He who finds a wife finds a good thing and a blessing from the Lord ( Prov. 18:22). This is how it should be anyway.

    Switching to the man; of course we have the admonition for men to sacrifice themselves for them as Christ does for the church ( Eph. 5:25 and following verses). The confidence in security of a man of character and strength of course has also been cheapened with this "free love" culture mentality. Manlihood has gone out the window; not to mention chastity being considered as a virtue. So we are largely left with wimpy wet noodles or men who are full of themselves living playboy type lifestyles.

    Friendships which should be the obvious start or building blocks of relationships are rarely taken seriously for those worthy of marriage potential; it wold seem.
  • One eighty - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi GiGi,

    I'm glad to hear from you, as always. For some reason, I couldn't reply on this site for a couple months. I was beginning to think it was due to something I wrote. But then for whatever reason, I could. Yet, I was able to read the comments. I respect you for your steadfastness, and your obvious love for God. I noticed your post a week or so ago, welcoming me back; it did not go unnoticed. Thank you for your kindness.

    Ok, so we do agree on some things. God is One, eternally. It's part of the reason I frequently use the term God Is. From what I've read from you, I think we agree on the trinity. Also, I don't believe God was ever created, which, in my mind, is another meaning the term God Is, expresses. It would be helpful if we understood each others idea of what creation is, more specifically as it pertains to the Father and His creation of His children. Simply, I perceive creation as a sharing or extension of the Creator's ONE Self. So, it would follow, to understand Who and What the Creators Is, is to understand the identity of His creation. So is God a body? I'm fairly certain I read in a recent post of yours that God does not have blood, and I would agree. So He's not a body. Yet, we already know this, as scripture truly says that God is Spirit and His worshippers must worship Him in Spirit and Truth; not a body and Truth. And of course, we also read that flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to Spirit. So, I must inquire, which are we? Our reality cannot be both, as one denies the other, being an effect from an opposing cause other than Spirit. The truth of one thing always makes the falsity of its opposite perfectly clear. Thus, the truth of Spirit always makes the falsity of the body perfectly clear.

    to be continued
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Alexander for that great testimony; even as the Apostle Paul wrote, "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" ( 2 Corinthians 4:6). You've received His Light, His Truth, & His Power to be set free - not the vain & false enticings by the enemy of our souls, which only leads to damnation. As Peter also wrote, "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar (a special called out) people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light" ( 1 Peter 2:9).

    Continue to show forth His Praises to all, using God's Word to the fullest; your old ally has now become your worst enemy - he won't leave you but will surely afflict you - but he can't reach your soul & will flee when the 'joy of the LORD' & His mighty Word are your garments of protection & witness. Ephesians 6:10-18.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    When did you receive Christ? When were you born of His Spirit? That would be your answer. I don't believe anyone here can tell you when. That should be something that only you know the answer to.
  • Alexanderdanigelis - 2 years ago
    Astral projection opens the door to pure evil

    I was a practicing Satanist, devil worshipper, and idolater turned Christian. I am coming out as a witness and have recently come out of and was heavily involved in the New age movement (higher self meditations), occultism, various types of meditations, self-styled Satanism, psychic third eye abilities, summoning and calling up different "spirit guides" ie fallen angels of Lucifer and giving offerings to other idols to obtain Satanic knowledge favors and power through these practices. This was all done in secret. All these things mentioned above and many other practices are a trick of Satan and his demons and their false religions he's established to get you to defile yourself (hooked into him through your sin) like the Bible says.

    And guys, don't get me wrong, I knew what I was doing. I was knowingly using these powers and this knowledge to harm people spiritually and to trick people into thinking that these practices these occultic things, these New age beliefs ("higher self power") are okay and being part of spreading these false doctrines on purpose instead of the truth of the Bible. Any occult subject or New age subject to talk about and entice people with was game.. among many other sins.. sin is sin and sin is death like the Bible says. Satan knows the Bible too, And Satan protected me and blessed me while doing these things and operating using this knowledge against people for being a loyal servant to his kingdom. But I was even more dangerous because I knew the ways of God and what Jesus commands us to do and what he says in that gospel and that he looks at all these things as sin but I went against it anyway for the feeling of power, and the pride that comes with it - and I was ruthlessly evil in doing so. And pride is what got Lucifer tossed out of heaven.
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks very much Adam for your spot on reply . I am just about over it now as we had some bad news today which has put everything into proper perspective . My son in law has Berretts esophagus , he's in his late twenties and he's been told that he won't reach the age of fifty . Eight months ago he and my daughter were making so many plans and were so happy together . Now he's lost so much weight and can hardly speak . Our hearts are broken . Money and possessions really are nothing compared to your loved ones , love being the key word . I can't be bitter towards anyone now , let them have it if it makes them happy , if you don't know the Truth then money seems to be the most important thing , it won't do them any good in the long run and they may as well try to catch the wind . We have so much more to look forward to , let's focus on that and on being as kind to each other as possible until our change comes . God bless you .
  • Alexis M Kahale on Isaiah 60 - 2 years ago
    This in my personal view on Isaiah Chapter 60 verse 22 means a little one shall become big or famous a thousand times and this can be possible if we have hope in the Lord our Saviour. With him everything is possible.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen Gigi!!

    Well spoken.

    God bless you.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Good Afternoon, One Eighty

    You have made a good post here which prompts many thoughts in me. Hopefully Richard will respond back soon.

    I just wanted to speak to your inquiry concerning if God is creating something wouldn't it be perfect like Himself (not your direct quote).

    My understanding that in creation, God was not recreating Himself, replicating Himself, or in any way crating anything like Himself in all of creation. For one, He cannot do that, as Go's Being is One and always One. Always has been and always will be. for all of eternity God has existed without being created as a unity of three Persons in One Being-One Lord and God overall. His divine essence, being, and perfection belongs only to Himself and cannot be "made" or given to any other being.

    Secondly, Though what God created was certainly good, we are not told that it is perfect, because only God is perfect. so, then the question is, can a perfect God create a good but not perfect thing. I would say yes, and I say so due to His purpose for creating: to redeem a people for Himself to be glorified with the Son for all eternity. So, to accomplish this end, God created angels and mankind with the ability to turn from Him in disobedience and rebellion, so that He can then redeem mankind to a better end than this earthly life and to prove, by, saving humans but not angels, that He is sovereign in His actions, decisions, and wisdom over all things, even evil and the devil and those fallen angels. He gets the last word on all things and in the end, the judgment of sin, the devil, the fallen angels, and unrepentant sinners is perfectly just and glorifying to Him.

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