All Discussion PAGE 642

  • Slaney3 - 2 years ago
    I believe I was a bible-based Christian throughout high school. Afterwards, I became mentally troubled and went off into the Catholic Church, even to confessing to a priest. Ever since I have been strongly opposed to Catholicism; it is the false church. The problem I'm having is when was I born again -- before going to the Catholic Church or after all of that happened?

    Since you can only be born again once, when was I born again before or after?

    I graduated in 2008 and may have been brainwashed.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    Alex, thank for the bio info. Now I know better how to pray for you and your children.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Good Morning Richard, Thanks again for these posts on how we are to go on in our faith after conversion.

    If those who are in the church family would live as we ought than our witness and example to those not of the faith would be so much stronger, convincing, effective, and without hypocrisy and our words, service, and love for one another will be genuine, sincere, outpouring, and impartial.

    Today's church environment is much like how Jesus described the Laodicean church: comfy, well-fed, indulgent, fleshly, and unaware of the lack of truly essential aspects of the mission of the people of God. Certainly, there are those in areas of great poverty, oppression, persecution, and violence in the world. But, even with access to so much on the internet, most Christians in western churches sit back and enjoy the ride of ease and luxury compared to what our brethren are facing daily in other parts of our world.

    Even with all of these "things" in our western modern churches, people are still hungry for more, and often not for what is good. They will seek after "spiritual" experiences which more and more are dipping into the practices of the occult and eastern religions and the New Age. People are seeking personal "relevancy" in their church "experience" rather than true reverence; positive messages rather than a call to holiness; thinking they can "capture" some for the kingdom by bringing worldliness into the church arena and worship.

    But there are still many things being done in the church that are truly good and advance the gospel. We should focus on those things, herald those who serve humbly rather than "celebrity" adulation. We need to be decisive about presenting the essentials of the faith over and over and over again until those new to the church and those who have been there a long time know these things by heart in order to be able to easily speak out the reason for one's hope in Christ to any who ask. We need to be equipped to be able to minister outward
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Sammi,

    I'm sorry to hear this has happened. I think you are handling it better than I would, and I think everyone would struggle with this.

    2 verses come to mind:

    Romans 12:19 - To me this means that there are 24/7 injustices in this world, because there is sin. People assume they are "getting ahead" in the short term and yes, they probably feel good about themselves for the moment, but the reality is this life is extremely short and it could all end today. And all our moral choices will be judged fairly. While it seems like people are getting away with doing wrong, they aren't. No one is getting away with anything. 100% will be fully disclosed before God and He will judge accordingly.

    Matthew 6:19 - While we need money to live- for food shelter, etc, we don't need more than what we need. Anything in excess is a risk that we will begin to have wrong motives. It's harder for a rich man to enter heaven. And the love of money is evil. Greed is sin. It's like playing with fire. Nothing wrong with being financially successful and secure, but temptations will be great. We must be on guard.

    May God bless you and have peace in your heart knowing that God is watching and knows all. He knows exactly what your family has done. But your family probably doesn't know that God is watching them and noticing their motives. Pray for them because they will be judged for this.
  • Sammi - 2 years ago
    Prayers for Kym please . He has an illness that is slowly destroying his aesophagus and he is wasting away . Eventually he will develope aesophageal cancer which will kill him before he's fifty , he's late twenties now and my son in law . A lovely young man who is so good for my daughter . We are all heart broken .
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Perfect ! Thankyou so much . I've read your reply to me four times over and each time it gets better . You have helped me massively and everything you have said has been spot on , just the kick up my backside that I needed ! Much appreciated .
  • Billlanier - 2 years ago
    Who wrote the book of Hebrews?
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Oh I completely agree with her too. I do not believe in doing good works to get to heaven. One of the reasons I left Utah for. I was asking because I keep hearing I have to go to a church or have to tithe, bla bla thank you & all who responded in truth. God bless each & everyone
  • Lawhana - 2 years ago
    Please calling the faithful believers who know and trust God to pray. My SIL lost my brother to death in his sleep last Dec. 40 yrs married .This year her PAP was abnormal and she's had a colonoscopy, results pending. She didn't tell,wanted all to get thru the Holidays. Plz plz help us pray and touch God's heart.
  • One eighty - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Sammi,

    It seems we are living in a nightmare when perceiving horrible injustices around every turn, causing difficulty in maintaining a peaceful state, due to our "justified" anger. Keep in mind, anger cannot occur unless you believe you have been attacked, and that your attack is justified in return, AND that you are in no way responsible for your own state of mind.

    I'm convinced forgiveness is one key to a happy dream here, instead of nightmares. Yet, I admit, true forgiveness is not easily mastered. When perceiving those who are harmful, I find it helpful to consider this as a brother's or sister's cry for help, due to a lack of the awareness of Love. When I'm harmful to others, due to not being loving, I need not attack and anger in return, but instead help, prayer, forgiveness, and healing; caused by Love.

    Pray truly for your perceived enemies, that they would become your friends. Lincoln said, "Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" Forgiveness is the one gift we should give, because it is the one gift we should want. And everything we give, we give to our self. I continue to seek and pray, for Jesus, our Guide, to teach us from the Holy Spirit, how to forgive in harmony with the vision of Christ. Perhaps we should think of forgiveness as a selective remembering, based not on our selection, but that of the Holy Spirit's, remembering only the loving thoughts we gave in the past AND those that were given us.

    Sammi, truth is, you are the work of God, wholly lovable and wholly loving. This is how you must think of yourself in your heart, because this is what you are; how you were created. By Love. You cannot make yourself (and others) unworthy, because you are the treasure of God, and what He values IS valuable. How's that for encouragement?


    GOD IS
  • HERB on Revelation 13 - 2 years ago
    The number of a man is 666, who is this man?
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    True Gospel (conclusion).

    The subject of our heart and affections must be at the forefront here to our Gospel message. Matthew 6:24 takes one point about this in regard to money or God being our master. This certainly extends to other issues that ultimately begin with the state of our heart (or soul) and our relationship with the LIVING God. It is true scripturally that we cannot "lose our salvation" but we can certainly lose rewards; as Rev. 3:11 clearly states. These will have consequences at LEAST for the Millennial rule of Christ and those of us who are "kings and priests" at that time; perhaps eternal ramifications. Hebrews 11:6 states that we MUST believe He is a rewarder of those who "diligently seek Him." This perseverance also is something worthy of obtaining crowns ( 2 Tim. 4:2).

    I am convinced that God is the one who does the persevering; but still evidence that He lives within us is producing fruit (which comes after time in the proper season) as well as believing until the end. John 11:26 states that "He who believes in me will never die". What many don't know is that is in the context of CONTINUING faith; not just at a time and place of confession.

    IF He lives within us and has taken up residence and if we are "sealed with the Spirit" ( Eph. 4:20) then sanctification must be continuing throughout our lives as pilgrims on the earth. God has redeemed us; and we are saved but not all the wheat and tares are evident; we in the end will be PHYSICALLY saved from this body of death at glorification; which is the end of the journey. Our salvation therefore is for HIS glory. We are to praise His name; and not just when we are in church fellowship; and certainly not for show to see who can yell "AMEN" the loudest.

    We must keep in mind those that walked away when Christ challenged them; as well as what happened between Palm Sunday and the Crucifixion. Those who truly believe WILL endure to the end; those who don't WILL FALL. Simple as that.
  • Robert Dotstry on Psalms 94 - 2 years ago
    It has been a very challenging year for me, possible divorce, i was suspended for 8 days without pay my director is stressing me out not my job i want to get to know god more now than anything. i cannot do it by my self i want to know how to pray daily to him for strengh, peace happiness just a happy lift without the extra stuff
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Further insights on the Gospel preached in truth and fullness

    Continuing from my last post; the enemy will attempt to go after marriages and family as a main target. Staying neutral on the "escape clause" issue in order to retain standing here; I will state what I can scripturally...that adultery is no action necessitating a divorce but merely it is an option; and secondly one should be a Berean and study the "unescape" statements in the Gospel of Luke and Mark and the context(s) before drawing their own conclusion (as well as the one in Corinthians; etc).

    Children; of course are another way that Satan is unleashing his fury especially in the US today. There is also pornography that statistically; apparently many even who have leadership positions in churches are ensnared in today; and of course much of this starts in youth. There is also drug abuse; suicide; and violence among teens as well as violent video games and fantasies leading to general anarchy in society. ( Psalm 11:3 if the foundations are gone how shall the righteous stand?).

    ALL these things and more are reasons why warnings need to be given to "guard our hearts" ( Prov. 4:23).

    3. The contention between the Spirit and flesh. I have talked to at least one person in recent years who said they don't sense any real struggle within them of a spiritual battle. I have to question their faith. ( Gal. 5:16-22). The war has been won; but the battles will continue; more or less until the end of the Age of Grace for the church; and to Armageddon for the final group of believers.

    Such issues listed in these posts surely need to be given some attention for converts. God of course will discipline someone who is a true child of his a little more gently after a few days or weeks of faith than He will say a few years later. We need of course also to caution about leaving our "first love". Such was the fate of the Ephesian church ( Rev. 2:4). This is Agape love not the emotion at conversion.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    How to properly present the Gospel (part 3)

    2. 2 Corinthians 13:5. "Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith..." This verse should be a warning given after any profession of faith. Warnings need to be associated with that in regard to producing good fruit ( Gal. 5:22-23). We of course don't want to present a "hyper-grace" type message in any form that we are now free to sin since grace "abounds" as stated in Romans 5:20 and subsequent verses. Here are several things one should look for after a genuine salvation experience and are evidences of SANCTIFICATION; the next stage in the process leading to GLORIFICATION. Romans 8:17; however talks about part of the necessary process "provided we suffer for Him."... This is not to suggest that we are all going to be martyred; but it DOES assume that we are crucified with Christ ( Galatians 2:20) and our life is now in Him. This means a death to our PRIDE; which of course is based on a whole bunch of subpoints (materialism; self grorification; esteem; reputation; status; etc.)

    There used to be a song by Amy Grant "you've got to count the cost if you want to be a believer." as one of the lyrics. I could say more here; but I will leave it at this: such advice is sorely needed today if someone seeks God; and we must live it out ourselves.

    3. Warnings of specific things the enemy is likely to place in your path to make you fall. I don't know how I could write this without reference to a primary target Satan is going after; namely marriages and family. If such things as personal vows taken in God's name (such as a marriage Covenant) are NOT taken as being DEADLY serious; then we can certainly understand why the confessing church has about 50 percent divorce rate par with the rest of the "pagan" world. I cannot understand how a covenant with God where the specific vow "until death do us part" can be violated. I don't wish to be flagged for the debate here on the "escape clause" in 2 places in Matthew
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    How to present the Gospel properly (part 2).

    In my previous post I started to get into discipleship; and how exhortation and rebuke as well as challenging statements by elders wasn't "politically correct" today; and consequently how the typical layperson isn't given a healthy environment for growth and to help build new disciples themselves. These are drifting into side issues here; nonetheless in terms of proper explanation of the message of salvation we cannot ignore those things left unsaid but observed by onlookers when they view how the Body of Christ interacts. Further details may be given on this subject in another post.

    For the time being; I would like to point out that ANY discipleship today has been a weak follow up process in general since the time of the Billy Graham and other big crusades in the US in particular when it comes to altar calls and resulting mass "conversions" if that is truly what they are. I am careful here naming names; there are no specific issues therefore that I am emphasizing as to the mention of one of several well known evangelists on this post other than stating that in general follow up was usually a one time or short lived event. If we go to a couple years in the future these type of evangelistic outreaches tend to have only a small percent of these "converts" continuing to grow in their faith; if even remaining a confessing Christian at all.

    Okay; to the meat of the issue. Here are several points I deem necessary when presenting someone with the Gospel in the fullest sense.

    1. Explaining properly that all good gifts come from above ( James 1:17) and assuming a proper message related to our total helplessness and hopelessness apart from Christ; repentance; and calling on Christ to save us through verbal and as best as we can tell believing in the heart ( Romans 10:9). This first step; of course can't be deficient with a person somehow thinking they have any way they can save themselves.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Preaching to the elect: My radical approach.

    Bless the Lord; o my soul and forget none of His benefits ( Psalm 103:2). In preaching to the lost world; we certainly need to declare the victory over sin; and God's love ( John 3:16). We are translated from death to life in His Dear Son ( Colossians 1:13).

    In fact God IS love ( 1 John 4:8).

    In the backdrop of the news of the "exceeding great glory" awaiting us; ( 2 Peter 1:4) we also have 2 Corinthians 4:17 which mentions our "light afflictions" before glorification. Paul himself was told how much "he would suffer for the Kingdom of God's sake" ( Acts 9:16). Peter was instructed of similar things when the Lord asked him if he loved Him 3 times in John 21:15-16.

    Such messages are rarely given today.

    There are several problems preventing these truths to be given in exhortation. First of all; if we don't see some sort of persecution being suffered as is promised toward ALL who are Godly in Christ Jesus as their fate ( 2 Timothy 3:2) then we are not given any example to emulate and therefore live with unrealistic expectations as to how comfortable our lives will be once we live out our faith. Of course; with anything else the fact of the matter exists that the "fear of the Lord is the beginning of understanding." ( Prov. 1:7; 9:10; Psalm 111:10 and many other passages). It follows that reverence; awe; and respect result from such an understanding as well as the discipline to be as a hardened soldier not concerned with "civilian affairs" ( 2 Timothy 2:4).

    I have stated in other places how exhortation and rebuke is; in such a permissive society not considered proper etiquette. That feeds into my next point; that we aren't seeing what is Biblical discipleship in WEEDING out those tares that are there to spread false doctrines and cause dissention as well as giving challenges as "iron sharpens iron" ( Prov. 27:17). This is a problem with church elders and other leaders and of course laypersons follow their lead.
  • Alex1939 - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    Alex1939...Gi-Gi thanks for the inquiry of my family...I have 3 girls and 3 boys...14 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren...They have all been with me on my trips to India back in the 60's cept the 2 youngest....Preaching the gospel of Christ in you the hope of glory...Been to India 3 times preaching the Gospel...As an ex Pentacostal non Demoninational Preacher...But I gave up on all that when i received the revelation of the manchild the H.G. That is gonna be born in all of humanity...That New Covenant in the blood of Jesus ...Now I AM trying to turn the hearts of the Fathers to the Children ( Jesus Children) the H.G. the Children of PROMISE...An ISRAEL OF GOD...As Jesus said that which is born of the spirit tis spirit...thats the H.G. that is gonna be born in us via his good seed the words of that New Covenant...The Children of Promise that are the gifts of God...The H.G...I was also a missionary with Jack REED who wrote the book "We walk by faith and not by sight"...What a missionary he was...He went to over 67 countries... He just died this last yr. in Oct....But now i'm too old to go to any foreign Countries...And i believe with all my heart that my own country AMERICA needs missionaries more so then any other country...ok gbu Gi-Gi...I will pray for all of your Children Gi-Gi in the name of Jesus but also in the name of the babes and sucklings which are spirits That Israel of God that is gonna be born in us....Our new heart and new spirit....The Children of PROMISE....Unless ya receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child your will in no wise enter there in...When they argued amongst them selves which was the greatest Jesus set a Child in their midst...He wants to set a Child in our hearts which is the H.G. That Child of Promise...The Kingdom....plz note the Kingdom does not come till the woman births the manchild...Which is the H.G. The spirit of truth that is gona reprove this whole world of sin and judgement etc...He is gonna rule this whole world...
  • Ricardo N. Apuyo on Genesis 9 - 2 years ago
    And God said unto Noah, the end of all flesh has come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Make thee an Ark of gopher wood, rooms shalt thou make in the Ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. My question and comments are how many years did Noah build the Ark? If he has carpenters and workers to build the Ark? If God destroys all mankind and living creatures or livestock? How about all the fish of the sea will die also, since fish leave and breath in the water. Kindly please explain further deeper and send us my email address account to be understood clearly.
  • Alex1939 - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    Alex1939...Gi-Gi you are so right.. I Agree with you 100%...But where we differ is this God Almighty wants to multiply himself with the seed of Jesus...Which is the Living word The New Covenant...Thats y he needed a body...(Blood) he had to meet the levitical requirements for an offering for sin to make a New Covenant in the Blood of JESUS...This is the New Covenant in my blood drink ye all of it...But not literally...His words are the Blood as his words are spirit and life just like Blood is Spirit and life...Thats y Peter said to whom shall we go lord thou has the Words of Eternal life...Thus we are made CLEAN by hearing his WORDS which are spirit and life...

    Under the old Covenant Isaac was offered up resulting in that Promise that that Abraham wd be multiplied as the sands of the seas thus a nation of Israel was the result of this offering up of ISAAC...Genisis 22:16 But at this same time God spoke to Abraham a second time..saying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of HEAVEN...Which is Christ the lamb of God...God didn't sware by himself by the 1st Promise..It was by the 2 nd promise that God Almighty swore by himself...Meaning that God himself was gonna be multiplied as the stars of heaven by the seed /the words of Jesus...Thus an Israel of God that cannot sin.

    ...Thats y Jesus said to whom the WORD ( his seed ) came it made them Gods...And the scripture cannot be broken..Which is that Book in the Fathers right hand that Jesus wrote with his own blood...That New Covenant...And thats y Jesus refers to the H.G. as the Promise...The H.G. is the multiplication the regeneration of very God in us sinners...Jesus cd not refer to the H.G as the Promise if the H.G. was not the multiplication of God...Behold i send the Promise of my father upon you which was baptism of the H.G...They gave birth to a spiritual Child which is the H.G Immanuel God with them...When Isaiah saw the Kingdom coming he said unto us a Child is born..Thus the WOMAN IN Rev. 12:5 GB.
  • M - 2 years ago
    Hello I am requesting prayers for my marriage that I love my husband how it should be. That I forgive everything done, and get closer to the Lord Almighty.
  • Ricardo N. Apuyo on Genesis 7 - 2 years ago
    On a self-same day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the three (3) Sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, and the three wives of his Sons with them, into the ark; My question and comments are did not mentioned the children of his three Sons Shem, and Ham, and Japheth and also, their slave's and Noah's wife slave's did not mention also to entered Ark. It's possible there have children of his three sons for Noah's grandchildren and also a slave to enter Ark. Please kindly deeper explanation to send us my email account address. We will be waiting for your response.
  • David - 2 years ago
    please remember Kristie and me in your prayers
  • DrCharlesSaw on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    It is a natural incline to show our good deeds towards other people so that we appear "good" in the eyes of men. Our fleshly nature wants other people to publicly praise us and recognize our heroism and bravery to rescue other fellows when they are in times of need.

    However, Jesus took a different approach here to teach us that what matters is not what men see or think, but it is what God thinks. This should bring us to re-examine the very intent of our heart when we do certain things.

    Let us do things, not to be seen or praised by men but rather to be approved by God.
  • Joleen - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my moms back her sciatica pain isn't getting better

    Please also pray for me, I have a certain health issue that has been causing a great deal of pain for me, if it be in God's will may He heal me.

    Please also pray for the opportunity to witness to a certain family member. I had the perfect opportunity to do so and yet I didn't say a word. Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Beloved Linda on Genesis 3 all is clean the Lord has cleansed all. Here in Acts 11:1-18

    If we change God's word one small sentence and do not get light on the word with the Holy Spirit. Will everything we create becomes confusion. You see today, many issues come up about food. Which is not Divine at all. The apostles did not understand this either when they made a new rule here: The meeting of the Apostles in Jerusalem Acts 15:6-21

    Stay close to the word og God, Jesus is there, love u in Christ. Merry Christmas eat all food in Jesus holy name, Amen
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Richard, all in all you are doing well.

    Keep bringing us your good words.

    Good night for today. Talk tomorrow.
  • Mary - 2 years ago
    My husband (Willie) and I have been together for 15 years married for about 13 and now living apart 8 years. We have argued and fought the whole way but manage to stay together and we love each. We just can not seem to get on the same page at the same time. His family is steady tempted him to commit adultery. This causes division between us. We are now no longer communicating. I am asking for prayer for my husband and myself to reconcile and come together and be in peace and we both honor God at the same time. And reverence God in all we do. I am believing we will work through our problems with God in the middle.
  • David T on Acts 1 - 2 years ago
    One of my favorite passages in the Bible.

    Acts 1:11"...this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven."

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all on this platform.

    The LORD bless you and keep you. The LORD make HIS face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.

    Though it may seem bleak and overpowering, the LORD promised us peace in and through the name of HIS SON, the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

    Romans 10: 9-12; 2 Peter 3:9; 1 Timothy 2:1-3; Colossians 3: 1-2

    December 27, 2022
  • One eighty - In Reply - 2 years ago
    part 2.

    Hi Richard,

    All fear/hate is ultimately reducible to the basic misperception we have the ability to usurp the power of God. To do the impossible would indeed be fearful. The belief the impossible has been accomplished, is. Thus, we are afraid of Love, unworthy of it, deserving our just eternal punishment. Is not God's Son perfect? Yes, or He cannot be God's Son. Likewise, God's creation, including you, is perfect, or you cannot be His creation (Son). Perfection IS unalterable!

    Can anyone explain why God looked among all He created (animals and such) and obviously appears surprised He couldn't find a suitable mate/helper. Certainly, in His foreknowledge and omniscience He wouldn't be looking among something He intended not to create as a perfect mate, and then realize there was none. I'm sure there's a simple explanation.

    Also, I think most agree the Garden was an idyllic place, and the two occupants were as they were created, in a sinless state. Yet, I must inquire, is an idyllic setting in an idyllic place idyllic, with the devil roaming about, tempting God's perfect creation to sin? And a tree smack in the center that would play a part in the horrible demise mankind would suffer.

    Again, I enjoy your comments, always anticipating something informative and challenging.


    God Is

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