All Discussion PAGE 644

  • GiGi - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello Alex, and Merry Christmas to you and yours. I am remembering to pray for you kids along with mine. Can you remind me again of them, names, sons or daughters, how many?

    Concerning Jesus's lineage, I agree that Jesus was conceived in Mary, will she was a virgin. He had no biological Father. Joseph was His adopted father as per custom.

    Where I disagree with you is that of God having blood. Jesus did have blood, but it was human blood from His human nature. It was sinless human blood that needed to be shed to atone for our sins. so, this is why the Son became man through the virgin birth.

    God the Father is Jesus' Father, by essence, not by blood or biology. None of the three persons of the Trinity have biological elements in their essential nature. No atoms, molecules, cells, chemicals-no physical matter-period. God is purely Sprit in essence.

    God the Father is also Jesus' father because the Son has existed with Him eternally prior to anything being made outside of Himself. He is eternally begotten in terms of the relationship they have within the triune Being.

    Alos, God the Father is the father of Jesus because He provided the material to impregnate Mary's egg, a Y chromosomal sperm. But this Jesus was already His Son
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks again, Texsis. I finally was able to sleep a bit this morning, but the night was still rough. The prednisone must be beginning to reduce the inflammation. But am still coughing a lot, but throat is not so sore. Thanks for all of the prayers and the love.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello again, Anna, just to let you know. the name of Mary's mother is not mentioned in the Scriptures but was in the apocryphal book of the gospel account of James. This early writing names Mary's parent as Anne, (or Anna) and Joachim. However this writing of james was included in the canon of the Bible.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Dear Anna,

    My understanding is that her name was Anna, like your name.
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I am glad you are on here now and I hope that you will stay with us . Christ is at the door and he wants his sheep to grow together , so I hope you will feel comfortable amongst us and continue to bless us with your posts . We are here to encourage and strengthen each other , please stay and keep us company on our walk towards His Kingdom .
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Part two: Knowledge of Good and Evil.

    We may ask ourselves; well then before the sin was there no knowledge of good? God's own goodness not to mention the idyllic environment of the Garden; the beauty of the first man and woman in a sinless state of innocence and their whole existence would bring to mind that they should have had some idea of what "good" was. We see; with careful examination of what is NOT said that there is no praise mentioned toward their Creator; or any other scripture indicating that they were even truly saved. No mention is made in the Garden of any greeting that said "Lord" when He spoke to Adam in the cool of the day. They are NOT included for instance in the long list of saints in Hebrews 11. The only thing I can see is when Seth was born to replace Abel after Cain murdured his brother ( Genesis 4:1) where Eve said that she had gotten a "man from the Lord."

    Knowing evil; hence was the introduction to Satan's world and usurping the authority God gave them in the garden; as well as bringing thorns; toils; and a guaranteed death sentence to the body; and later if not repentant and saved; to their souls sending their spirits to Sheol. We can't be certain as to their fate; but looking at the state of their children such as Cain being a murdurer and their later descendants such as Nimrod it doesn't seem evident much discipline was given to them either.

    Anyway; KNOWING evil of course is the nesting place where thoughts and imaginations lead to the depravity that increases in an individual and all of society in time; so we have a condition like in Genesis 6 where God had to destroy the earth. Knowing evil led to women literally "knowing" fallen angels intimately; and bringing the Nephilim and all sorts of hybrid offspring; so that only Noah and his family were "perfect" before God. ( Gen. 6:9 says "perfect in his generations.") Others can interpret as they may; but only 8 people all in his immediate family were saved.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I have read through your post several times and quite frankly I'm at a loss for words.

    I mean, what can I say that would bring any comfort to you or your dear wife who no doubt is suffering immeasurably.

    I'm glad you came here to KJBO so we as a body can pour out love and prayer on you and your family.

    IMO, is the only thing that could make that kind of loss bearable is the Holy Spirit that comforts you.

    And no, you cannot get saved for them. All we can do is pray, and try to be a light.

    Much love and prayer on behalf of you and the Mrs.. I'm so sorry
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Knowledge of Good and Evil: Analysis

    A day or two ago; I quoted Paul in Romans 7:9-11 where he stated that before he knew about sin it didn't have a hold on him but then now that he does it slayed him (my own rough translation). THe LAW of course was what caused the death sentence; as many of has have read that he who doesn't follow the law completely ( James 2:10) and breaks it in one area breaks it all.

    In looking at the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil it is good at first to examine what we can surmise about man (in this case Adam and Eve) in an innocent state; before the fall. In a sinless state; there would be no compulsion or even understanding of doing anything sinful and hence displeasing to God. Therefore man could have remained in this state of innocence had the tree of life been eaten at this time. Theoretically; since the tree of life HAD no restrictions on it they were free to eat it; but by Divine Providence they did not; because of God's foreknowledge that they were going to be fallen and that would put them in that state forever. The potential certainly existed in Adam and Eve much as it did with Satan in his glory as Lucifer in the beginning. Wisdom of knowing good from evil actually is something as Christians we need to pursue. To seek it for their own betterment or somehow because God was trying to cheat them out of something of course was the first wrong concept Satan was able to infest their minds with. This lack of trust in God led to them trusting themselves; and hence no doubt to TRUST Satan's lie was more to their benefit than their Creator's commands. Just how LONG this took isn't exactly clear for the fall to occur; just as with Satan. In Satan's case it certainly must have been quite a campaign to get that many angels to rebel that took some time.

    No doubt the knowledge of evil and the sin itself was already occuring at some point after the serpent's message was heard; heeded and followed through.
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes we are, thanks. I'm a naturalist so will send ideas your way as I remember them or see them on motivationaldoc & a few other heath type clips. Take care & God bless you to be well real soon
  • ANNA CRESTANI on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    what was the name of the mother of mary the mother of jesus
  • Sammi - In Reply on 1 Chronicles 15 - 2 years ago
    The question is : who did David select to carry the Ark . David . What were the names of the two Levites that David selected to carry the Ark ? Hope that's clearer for you .
  • Charles on Numbers 31 - 2 years ago
    How were the Israelite soldiers to know which of the enemies' women and female children were virgins or not?

    Also, am I to understand that Moses claimed that God told him that the Israelite soldiers could rape Virginia women and little girls as a reward for their victory in war?

    Are today's Jewish boys when achieving manhood at age 13, aware of this disturbing history?
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I second this. Great prayer Anonymous.! Pray your feeling better.
  • Donna Grace - 2 years ago
    I have an unspoken request. God knows all the details.

    Please pray Holy Spirit conviction on certain individuals (God knows) and protection for the precious little ones.

    Jesus and protect them.

  • TheLORDredeeMEd - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for replying back to me as well! Your words spoke life into me, encouragement, and strength. Iron sharpens iron! I had only signed in, because someone that I had suspected had followed me here, or wasn't a true Christian, had called me a fool elsewhere...via scripture, after insulting the counsel provided by me (some of it), and then...for reasons unknown, Ms Donna Grace THEN felt the need to "steal..." part of my "fool's" counsel, and state it if she had just come up with it...? As if my "fool's" words... weren't still sitting there...with said same "foolish" counsel?

    As I have said before, not all who done the cross are Christ's! Irony, being, He came not to cause peace, nor strife, but division. In the end, the sons of men, will see who IS...with Him...and with isn't. I agree with Ms. Donna Grace's assessment of me being a fool, but my counsel was GOoD...why else would she them take it, repeat it and pass it off as hers if it weren't? Christ didn't like nasty hypocrisy anymore than me! Especially when wolves... masquerade as HIS SHEEP! Causing the mistakenly believe, that the slovenly representative of HE! I take my "L's " and in my life--there are MANY! But to sully the brethren, to the begetting of unearned disdain--such infamy will I NOT stand for, sit down for, or continue to take! The world NEEDS Christ! And of a truth and of a FACT: There are some in Satan's coffers, that would to sully and dissuade from that! By spurious & cloaked, serpentine acts, committed NOT by the brethren, but by the tares near them! Furthermore, in secret, they swarm! Dishonorable bees, seemingly vomiters of sweet, sisters of vinegar, as I get the label of the black sheep or bandless, Twisted Sister!

    My strength or focus is foolish to fade-

    By those-

    Currently hopeless,

    Whose right-wiseness... they're choosing to feign!

    I cannot control the narrative,

    But Christ's sheep know both His word AND His name!
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    Another thought in that vain is that since God cannot sin He had to use an entity that did in order to accomplish His purposes. He doesn't tempt anyone ( James 1:13); but His created being(s) can be used through sin to accomplish His purposes. If not allowed to sin; or having a sin nature man would have no desire or even need to be saved. Satan also can't be forced to do anything; he is limited to accomplish God's purposes or he would have ended all life on earth according to the Book of Matthew chapter 24; verse 22. Man is drawn in and enticed by his own sin; prompted by Satan so that man is without excuse. Satan is to be judged eventually fully; and blamed for the initial downfall of man; but man himself can't say the "Devil made him do it." Such was implied in Eden; the Lord knew better. He will pay; however so we shouldn't bypass that important fact. God's patience will end in His timing and all will be made right.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    Some things can't be understood. I have a few thoughts here in regard to Satan's creation and fall that may be helpful.

    Satan himself was created as all things as God desired; origimally as we can see from both Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 as a "Cherubim" and song worship position to glorify God in heaven. He clearly had free will; and also clearly saw spiritual realities so that he chose to rebel after becoming proud; then drew 1/3 of the angels after him ( Rev. 12:4).

    God foreknew the need for the adversary for one clear reason; to test His saints as to their loyalties. Job apparently was unaware of the heavenly discussions going on with Satan and God and that Satan was the source of his troubles. Nonetheless; He tested what Satan had accused Job of; namely cursing God when things didn't go well as well as when his body was afflicted with boils.

    This testing of character could also be evident when the "thorn in the flesh" that Paul had WAS clear as to its source; nonetheless GSod's grace was sufficient and He was NOT granted the healing he prayed for 3 times. ( 2 Cor. 12:7-10).

    Secondly; it is necessary to lay down our lives sacrificially for the Lord or "carry our crosses daily." ( Luke 9:23). God used Satan to bring forth the "son of Perdition" with Judas Iscariot ( John 17:12 prophesied in Psalms 109:8 and elsewhere); as well as testing Peter in Matthew 16:23. Since Satan has been granted temporary authority in this world; He has been allowed both with false doctrines and outward persecution to test the saints; and ultimately; of course the Antichrist will be used when the whole world goes through its trial ( Rev. 3:10). As God draws all men to Himself (that are His sheep); He uses Satan as a "dragnet" to draw the whole world to eventually fight Christ ( Psalm 2; Rev. 19) as well as take the Mark of the Beast and worship him.

    Rewards for the saints; therefore are procured through a conflict and resistance. Spiritual warfare is where victories are won.
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Pray this days finds you a bit better if not completely healed. Look up "Cardamom", it is to have healing oils & extracts for your ailments too.
  • Alex1939 - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago ya But what you are preaching wd make Christ a mere man...Joseph's son and Blood of Joseph etc but this is just a ploy from satan to make the Cross the blood of the lamb of none effect...As no mere man's blood cd ever ever ATONE for the sins of the WORLD...It had to be the very blood of God...Only Gods Blood cd atone for the sins of the world....ACTS 2O:28...Feed the Church of God that he has purchased with his own blood...Not any mans blood or even Joseph's blood...The Lamb of God was not a mere man....As no mere man cd atone for the sins of the world...He had to be a absolute son, God the son as Hebrews 1 :8 tells us...Unto the Son ( JESUS ) he says thy THRONE O GOD IS FOREVER...Leentje Always remember no mere mans blood cd ever be the Atonement for the sins of the world...Jesus was the very Lamb of God and the beginning of that New Covenant on John said behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the Sins of the world...But mans blood cd neva be the Atonement for the sins of the world...As all men carried the stain and the spot of Adam...Neva say that Joseph was his Biological father its a slap in the face of God and the lamb of God...And the 7 spirits of God in the throne....Rebuke Satan in the name of Jesus when he tries to teach this garbage...Gbu....Always remember mans blood cd neva be the ATONEMENT for the sins of the World...Ya make the Cross of none effect when ya say that Joseph was his biolological Father..
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Predestination and heaven part 3

    Romans 8:29-30 is a mouthful; and clearly demonstrates predestination along with the process of going from salvation to glorification as a "done deal" seen through the corridors of time in God's Omnipresent viewpoint. We also are given the idea of being "conformed to the image of His Son."

    Consider for a moment what the world is looking for. It is; as Joni Mitchell said in her "Woodstock" song looking to "going back to Eden." It is well presented in Brandon Heath's song "leaving Eden" as to how we as believers can't go back; as well as the decay of the mind; body and souls of those in the world because of the effects of sin. The enemy; who succeeded in usurping the authority of God and man over the earth (allowed; of course by His foreknowledge and planning) now plants the thought in all men of some fantasy that there is still some good remaining; some hope of a return to a state of innocence. We can see the fruit of the sixties "free love" movement and the resulting riots later on; as well as the long term consequences today with the forced acceptance of all sorts of "alternative" lifestyles. Even the Millennium when Satan is locked up still won't be able to bring a repentant heart to some; if one can imagine Christ Himself ruling and reigning and man still rebelling in the end when Satan is released one last time leading them to war against God and His camp.

    However much true saints of God want to see a world free of violence; disease and other calamities; they recognize that going back to innocence is only accomplished by looking to Christ (see Numbers 21:5-7). The curse had to be placed on Christ; the Son of God Himself; there is no other way to remove the sin. True believers recognize therefore that they are "aliens" to this world ( 1 Peter 2:11-12). The war has been won; but many battles remain especially the consummation at Armageddon.

    Let us be in the supper of the Lamb instead of BEING the supper ( Rev 19:17
  • Rugged Christian - 2 years ago
    With the new year approaching, what are your new year's resolutions? Do you have an actual working plan to hold yourself accountable to those set resolutions? Are there different approaches/tools you would like to try out this coming year for the study of the bible?
  • Karl - 2 years ago
    my life haas been upended since my parents passed in 03-and o4 my brother was executor oe estate stole ever

    thing including my childrens college funf $ 500k dadd left 4-6 million $ left me with 0 $ i have attys going after

    h im i have my wife and 7 children my legecy is that wife and children will be godly men women taking up the cross deny thy self and live for him and ask forgiveness mornig,noon, night untill jesus comes again god blessings
  • Rugged Christian - 2 years ago
    Is anyone familiar with any biblical sound position on the issue of Do No Resuscitate? As Christians, are we permitted to be DNR?
  • Rugged Christian - 2 years ago
    They came "from the east," which based on the nature of their gifts, and Old Testament prophecy, means they most likely came from the ancient Arabian kingdom of Sheba. Arabia was known for its vast wealth from gold mines of Africa, as well as the Boswellian and Commiphora trees - from which frankincense and myrhh are derived. Of course men from Persia could have brought these gifts, but they signify a giving of the best commodities from their own country to a neighboring King.
  • Rugged Christian - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I am kjv only
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Predestination and heaven part 2

    Consider for a moment how we are born into this world and how we are Born Again. Previous to these events; we are aware of nothing; have no control over the family who raises us; the people that come into our lives; where we are born and other such things. Again; I see being Born Again in the same light as our natural birth in respect to the fact that God has sovereign control over placing people to witness to us; circumstances that cause us to consider our helplessness and also the hope of glory of such amazing love. God can use a dream or vision to draw someone to Him; although the caution remains that the enemy can also do similar things to give us a "spiritual experience" minus the factors involved in true conversion; namely the fear of the Lord; realization of our sinfulness and need of a Savior; and the concept of the Holiness of God that leaves us prostrate at His feet and helpless to save ourselves. Such is the message which so often abounds among those who peddle their merchandise and like to associate with other well known people that "cooincidentally" tend to live in mansions and accumulate much wealth by talking about some experience (usually one in "heaven" or "hell").

    I am convinced there are a few who have been delivered and have a convincing testimony. It is possible such individuals get caught up in the wrong crowd and/or are naive about the false doctrines of ministries they are involved with; the same could be said of musicians and other artists.

    The evidence of fruit of good character is evidence of a true believer. This can be extended to their desire and hope for heaven as a place where we SERVE God; and rule and reign with Him. Those who are not saved can talk all they want about heaven but it seems to me there are few if any that talk about the desire to serve Him forever. I will try to elaborate on this in my next post. This understanding comes from the desire to CORRECTLY praise God.
  • Rugged Christian - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The correct way is immersion unless there are no means to do so
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Predestination and heaven

    There are certain things which God may overlook; for a time for the greater purposes. Hosea 4:14 may be such a passage.

    That entire book; in fact on the surface seems like a conflicting situation on whether to destroy Ephriam (chapter 11; verses 8-9).

    The principle of forgiveness is on a personal level as well with the Prophet himself who is told by God to marry a harlot and not only that to buy her back after she has gone back to her old ways. Such passages demonstrate perhaps most clearly of any O.T. scriptures God's grace. There are lilkely undertones of interaction among the Godhead and the idea of Christ's intercession when God the Father cannot look onto any sin. We need only look at other characters who ended up not only mentioned but commended as being "heroes" of the faith such as Rahab (always followed by "the harlot".) In this example; there is no clear "statement of faith" but there IS evidence of saving faith. The same could be said of the book of Esther where God isn't mentioned at all; or Ruth where there is little mention.

    The concept of God loving the world and ultimately only some being saved in the end has the opposing views that God wants to save everyone but doesn't vs. God "giving His life as a ransom for many" ( Matt. 20:28). Again; assuming we aren't universalists; then we all would agree that the efficacy of His sacrifice is only valid for those who come to faith in Him. Nonetheless; just as we are challenged facing the eternal consequences of sin for the unregenerate; we also are amazed that He would save any sinners; not to mention have them rule and reign with Him.

    The world is often fixated on external manifestations of sin that are shocking while overlooking their own hearts which are the source of all bad fruit as seen in Matthew 7:16-20 (although the entire chapter is good reading on the subject). This is why; sadly we often see behaviors manifest when self restraint is reduced.
  • Alex1939 - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    Alex1939...Leentje...Lemme just say this...Had Joseph been Jesus biological Father we cd not be bornagain by the seed of Joseph...We can only be bornagain of that Incorruptible Seed...Even by the words of God...But had Joseph been his biological Father Jesus wd NOT have such a heavenly Incorruptible seed..And Jesus wd have been a sinner like all men had Joseph been his biological Father...And Jesus cd not be Gods lamb if he carried the spot of any earthy being...He had to be heavenly incorruptible God in the flesh...A terrestrial being...Thats y he told the Jews you are from beneath but i am from above...You are of this world but i am not of this world....Remember what the angels told Joseph when he thought to make her a public example...FEAR NOT to take unto thee Mary as thy wife for that which is conceived in her is of the H.G....Jesus had to be God so that he cd sow his Godly seed in humanity...That all men might be bornagain of his incorruptible seed...There has to be a heavenly Birth of a Lil Child in us That Child which is the H.G. that Child of Promise...Under the law the old covenant Isaac was the Child of Promise but under this New Covenant its the H.G. that is the Child of Promise the Elect...Thats y God gives us the H.G simply b/c he is Gods Elect...Behold mine Elect in whom my soul is well pleased, he shall show Judgement to the ppl and the Gentiles...k lemme go
  • Eileen - 2 years ago
    according to the lords will god knows asap. injesus name iask

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