All Discussion PAGE 646

  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Sammi, You are correct, the Holy spirit teaches us. But He does so in several ways: through reading His word intending to learn from Him; when circumstances and life events point us to Jesus and His word; when others share what they have learned from God's word. In all of these, we need to have a "teachable spirit" and be open to all of the ways that the Holy Spirit brings teaching to us. Hearing the preaching of a pastor, reading a book or article (in print or online) or studying specific topics in different formats can be the Holy Spirit teaching us through others. When we share what we learn concerning God's truth, we would hope that the person hearing can be open to learn a bit as the Spirit leads the conversation and our minds. We normally do not simply quote Scripture to others, but instead explain what we learned from it to others. Others do that to us.

    I began reading the Bible on my own without anyone encouraging me to at 9. At that time. I was only wanting to know the truth of God and prayed for Him to show me and not let me believe what wasn't truth. That Spirit-led prayer and desire has been with all my life since then. It is so comforting to know that God stoops low and answers the prayers of children in big ways!

    I have learned a lot from those God placed over me through my life. But having a hunger for the truth of His word and a discerning mind keeps me questioning when something doesn't quite seem aligned with the Word. We are to be "Bereans", but even they were willing to learn from others. So, I am, too, willing to learn in all the ways God chooses to teach me. God bless you today, Sammi.
  • Barbara - 2 years ago
    Prayers for family restoration. In Jesus name. Thank you God bless you all
  • Parker on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    1) If God is God why does he have to deal with the Devil at all?

    2). information on the wise men who came from the east. China?
  • Kim - 2 years ago
    I am asking for prayer for my husband for multiple health issues and for his salvation.

    Prayers for addiction and healing for someone close to my family

    My family as we are grieving the death of my dad 6 months ago

    The world, our leaders and all the lost souls
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you so much, Donna. I am looking forward to feeling better , sleeping well at night, and breathing normally without problem episodes.
  • Roland Villarreal - 2 years ago
    I have to wear a urinary catheter since 4/22 till the present because my bladder doesn't function properly. Please pray that I would no longer need a catheter. Wearing it gives me cramps and painful itching. I can't function properly with it on. Thank you so much. I am a believer.
  • Atellene - 2 years ago
    Pray for my mother in law. She has a spot on her lung, and will be facing chemotherapy. Pray the Lord showers her with grace, amazing grace. Healing and strength. Thank you.
  • Chiefrobby - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you and God Bless. Update: the youngest, mentioned above, died Thanksgiving Day 2020. Her (our) oldest son died this past September 2022 (unsaved, as far as we know). Only biological children she ever had. I have a son and daughter (both born again) that she loves like her own. Her ex-husband, and father of the two above listed sons, only has two grandsons from this family, and he is unsaved. I've witnessed, as has my wife (his ex), for years. All we can do is pray. We can't get saved for them, right?
  • Charles Fahle - 2 years ago
    Just found out that I have a tumor in my pancreas
  • Anonymous - 2 years ago
    Please remember our family business that is having financial difficulties. Our daughter needs salvation. A family member with health complications and surgeries.
  • Sarah - 2 years ago
    We really need prayer. It's just my elderly mother and I, and we are both severely disabled due to ME/CFS. Her health has greatly worsened the past 2 years. Now it's bitterly cold and our furnace needs serviced, our garage needs replaced, and we have no money. Please pray for us. We need a break.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Praying over your requests for healing.

    Even the wind and the waves obey You Lord. I ask it in Jesus name. Amen.

    Thank You Jesus.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jordy, I'm praying for your walk with the Lord. I prayed a "special" unspoken prayer for you concerning your dream request. In Jesus name. Amen.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Always praying for you and your requests.

    Praying for your coworkers today as well.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm praying over your requests.

    God bless you.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm praying for you today.

    Lord, if it is Your will for Donald to do another semester here at this college please let him know by providing the funds. You are able. We're seeking Your will and trusting You for Donald's future. Please Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Correction (*devourer)
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Father, I ask in Jesus name that the power of the Holy Spirit would meet with Isabel today. And that she would submit herself unto Your will for her life and that she would KNOW how real You are again and how much You love her. Renew a right spirit within her Lord and fill her with a heart of flesh and a fresh new love for You. She belongs to You. Rebuke the devoured.

    Thank You Lord Jesus for the nail prints in Your hands and feet and the love and pity in Your heart. Thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus Thank You Jesus
  • DsTruths - 2 years ago
    From! Tomorrow after the sabbath!!! No need sundown to sundown, our carnal mind gets us all the time. As scripture says we should worship God in spirit and in truth. God bless
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank You for letting us know. I will pray extra tonight.

    Lifting you up right now as well.

    Precious Heavenly Father, please help GiGi's body to fight off this respiratory illness quickly. I lift her up to You Father in Jesus name asking for a special touch from Heaven. Raise her up off her sick bed. Be with her, let Angel's minister. Nothing can stand against Your Holy Spirit. Pour out Your healing, mercy, and compassion upon her. Rebuke this illness Lord and it SHALL be gone in Jesus name. Thank You Lord.

    I thank You and praise You Lord for Your mercy endures FOREVER amen
  • Jesse - In Reply on Hebrews 11 - 2 years ago

    Here is my understanding of Hebrews 11:12

    Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, (speaking of the deadness of the reproduction systems of Abraham and Sara), so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.

    God produced descendants from Abraham and Sara that were as many as the sand on the seashores, from somebody who's dead.

    That's faith because it's humanly impossible. And therefore it's God!
  • GiGi - 2 years ago
    Hello praying friends. I thank you for lifting me up in prayer last week. I am still under the weather from this virus and my symptoms were getting better but are now getting worse. Mu throat is so irritated and sore that I am having breathing difficulties from it narrowing and spasms of the larynx that close off my airway for a few minutes. I cannot breath in nor out during these times. Went to the doctor and started prednisone to combat the inflammation and swelling in my airways and a better cough suppressor to reduce the coughing because it is so painful to cough or swallow. The coughing and inflammation in my throat trigger these spasms. So these two things need to be taken away for me to be "out of the woods". This is what happens when I get respiratory viruses. I am thankful that the last one was in March of 2020. I am painfully reminded of how they work in me.

    I would appreciate your prayers for me this week, also, as I my body continues to battle this reaction to the virus. God knows what is going on in me down to the cellular and atomic levels, so I trust that He will be at work in me to heal me.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Bob, I will pray for your son today.

    Dear Heavenly Father, we lift up before you Bob's son. In the name of Jesus we ask that you will bring healing to this son form covid and the flu and that his symptoms will be mild and not worsen over time. Bring him comfort and relief from these symptoms, good rest and all that only you can provide to bring him to health once again. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I am David, Be blessed to day.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Hebrews 11 - 2 years ago
    Hello Donald, Good to meet you here.

    I am thinking that Hebrews 11:12 is saying that Abraham is the "father" of all who follow God by faith as did Noah (mentioned earlier) and all who came after Abraham who truly believed in God as the only way to be saved and the only god who is true to His word and promises, and the only God period. Through Abraham came Jesus, the promised "Seed" from Genesis 3, that will crush the evil one and His power. So, all who believe that it is God who will overcome sin, death, hell, and satan are Abraham's children, whether biologically descended from Him or not. It is those who have faith in God to save them who are truly Abraham's children.

    All believers in Jesus are counted among these "children", but even better, all those, like Abraham who fully trusted in God to save them are blessed to be children of God.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Predestination part 4

    What about those who have never heard?

    I may have said a lot of this stuff before; hopefully there are a few nuances of difference. The scripture is always the best guide to answering tough questions. We have examples of Abraham called out of Ur of Chaldee; for example who was the father of all those of Monotheistic faith today. He was called in a foreign land; and given a future promise of a Promised Land as well as offspring who would inherit it ( Genesis 17:2 and repeated in Hebrews). He never got to dwell permanently anywhere but was a nomad in the desert and through miraculous means his wife of 90 conceived when he was 100.

    When we look at the story of Sodom and Gomorrah; we could say that Abraham was having a sort of contest with God on a similar theme; His preservation of the city if a small number of righteous men lived there; he started with 50 men and ended at 10. This shows a theme which also was repeated with God waiting for a certain period until transgressions were full to judge in Genesis 15:16. Sodom was ripe for judgment as were the Amorites; but in their case it wasn't until four generations later and THAT along with Egypt being judged for their fullness of iniquity that finally bought the descendants to conquer the Promised Land. So God calls out His people wherever they are if they are chosen (predestined) to be His children. He will send angels or whatever means to reach the lost; and we see this happening again in the Book of Revelation. If we seek the God of the Bible then we have to believe His Word on our spiritual condition (as sinners) and we need to have it revealed to us (i.e. granted repentance as shown in Acts 11:18 and elsewhere.

    The confession of our mouth and believe in our heart ( Romans 10:19) it is a RESULT of His Spirit working in us to convict of sin; righteousness and judgment to come ( John 16:8-11).

    Conversion of course involves interaction and our choice to verbally repent.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes Lord. Amen
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Very true, Richard, we can all take heed to this exhortation.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen, E. I could not have said it better than you have here and many times.

    I am convinced that God does hear your every prayer and does not delay to answer them. It may take time for all things to occur in the matter of "time". But in eternity, God hears and answers readily. May your family be healed of the mistreatments done against the little ones and seek God with all of their hearts now and forevermore.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Predestination part 3. (eternal fate heaven or hell).

    When we are "conformed to the image of His Son" ( Romans 8:29) we see the concept of predestination and "first fruits" there; which would foreshadow a Rapture/Resurrection event. Another way to put it is that those who read the Beatitudes on a surface level or human level of understanding see a humanitarian sort of principle of for instance; how to be "peacemakers"; feed the poor; etc. ANYONE; even an atheist can do such things but it is only the Holiness of God through the Spirit after true conversion that gives us the reality of that in our souls. No amount of penance; self sacrifice or other actions can give us more of a desire for God's Holiness if it doesn't already exist in someone's soul! Nonetheless "faith without works is dead." ( James 2:17). Poducing fruit is essential for a true believer as we see with the Parable of the Sower and the seed.

    There are also various levels of suffering in hell as well as rewards in heaven. We see this in Matthew 11:20-24 with several cities in mind. Also we see this in Matthew 13:8 as to the 30 fold and 100 fold producers (also see 1 Cor. 15:41).

    I am fairly dogmatic as to those before the age of accountability not being punished for their sin NATURE since they haven't acted out the sin knowing that they are rebels against God. When we look at Romans 7:9-11; we understand this concept; and when we see the story of David and his son who died ( 2 Samuel 12:23) we see evidence of this amongst other places ( Psalm 8:2 for example).

    Another way of looking at is is the verse "we will not have this man to rule over us." ( Luke 19:14). This is what all say who go against the Man who God has given all authority to in heaven and earth ( Matt. 28:18). If we disbelieve the living Word ( Heb. 4:12 etal) then we reject His authority and preservation as well as 2 Timothy 3:16 which states all scripture is breathed of God..

    Or; Luke 10:16 rejecting you is rejecting me.

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