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Stay strong in the word and praise His Holy name Jesus, love u in Christ. James 5
Part 3
And we believe that this Person of this prophecy is Jesus.
This leads us to wonder how God and man exists in Jesus.
Through time there have been many debates about the Person of Jesus (Christology). There have been many ideas that have been rejected as heresy. What is the orthodox (accepted belief based on the Bible) is that in the Person of Jesus are two natures, human and divine. These natures are full and complete. Neither is diminished or subtracted from. But these two natures make up just one single Person, not a human person and a divine person. But one Person with two natures. Also, accepted belief is that God took on a human nature into His divinity without mixing the natures, with them remaining distinct and separate, but these were unified in the one Person of Jesus. Also, this means that Jesus did not take over another person's body. The body (and nature was created for Him alone. The divine Son of God cannot be extracted from the human nature and there still remain a human person. The Son of God became the Person that assumed and owns this human nature. And He does so forever. Believing this avoids the error of the Divine Son entering into another human person at some point. He took on the fleshly nature created at this conception. But nature and personhood are not the same thing. The nature belongs to the person, not the person belonging to the nature.
When I consider that the Divine, limitless, Son enter into time and space to become man in this way, I am awed by the condescension He bore to do this for us. When I celebrate Christmas, I think on these things deeply when I read the nativity accounts in Scripture and sing Christmas Hymns. My favorite is "O Holy Night" but I love all of the Christmas Hymns that center on proclaiming the truth and advent of Jesus my Savior, Messiah, and Lord.
As we approach Christmas, may we all contemplate the wonder, the splendor, the love, the grace, the mercy of God to the incarnation.
Or, did the Father create a male seed and place it into Mary's fallopian tube to join her egg with the Son simultaneously taking upon Himself the humanity of this first cell union? Or, did the Jesus put Himself into the male seed the Father created to then impregnate Mary? In Genesis 3 it is said that the "seed" of the woman will crush the serpent. Was this referring to the completed person of Jesus or to the divinely created "seed"? So many questions that we will most likely not find the answer to until heaven. But even though we do not scientifically know the workings of this miracle conception, we believe it. We know that it fulfills prophecy of Isaiah 7:14 "Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called "Immanuel."'
The fulfillment of prophecy helps us in too be sure of our belief in this extraordinary, miraculous, unique, one-time-only, divine event.
Prophecy also spoke that the Messiah would be a descendant of David, which Jesus was through Mary. ( 2 Sam. 7:12-13.; Ps. 131:11; Jer. 23:5.) So does this mean that Jesus had the DNA of Mary (in the X) and then the DNA of God (in the Y)?
Or did the Father create Davidic DNA in the zygote He created? Either way, because lineages were well kept by the Jews, especially those in the line of David, due to the Messiah coming from him, we can read in Matthew 1:1 that Jesus was the descendant of David. He bona fide manhood (man in essence and nature).
But also, the Scriptures tell us that He also possessed Godhood (God in essence and nature. Is. 9:6 prophesied that this Son born to the virgin would be God in the flesh. "For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulders And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
So this verse tells us that an actual flesh and blood human child will be born, but also that a divine Son would be given by the Father.
Some people will argue that it is impossible (in those times) for a virgin to be with child. But they may believe that God created the whole world from nothing, or that He took out of Adam's side to form create Eve. These miracles can be done by God because of who He is. It isn't about whether one can understand it or if science can prove or disprove it. God has done these things. We believe it.
For those who cannot believe that God can become man, I would point them to Jesus healing people, restoring sight, raising some from the dead. If these can be done by God, certainly God can incarnate into human flesh with a full human nature, mind, will, soul, emotions, intellect, and body. We believe this because we believe that God is all-powerful and all-wise, so nothing good is impossible for Him.
Also, along with believing that God can Incarnate into human flesh, we can wonder "How can this happen?"
The Scripture says that Mary, first of all, consented to God's will in this. She agreed to whatever God wished to do to her to bring this about. She was most likely quite young, (in her teens), but had been brought up well and had faith in God to the point of trusting Him to do what she would have never dreamed of occurring. She also trusted God, knowing the shame it would bring her and perhaps losing her betrothed husband, Joseph, as a result of obeying God. She counted the cost and agreed with God's will and destiny for her.
Secondly, the power of God (the Holy Spirit) overshadowed Mary and the Father caused her to conceive His Son in her womb. We don't know exactly how this happened. Did the Father create a zygote and place it in Mary's womb with the Son taking on the corporeal zygote, DNA and all simultaneously?
We have to live in the strength of God's Spirit as mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23.
Being born from above is not just sins forgiven, its a new creation taken place where the truth in the inerrant scripture shapes us.
It's not just hearing what Christ is saying, It's living what Christ is saying by virtue of the word and not what we achieve in the flesh.
Titus 3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
God bless you and all that you do brother.
Being sober waiting in the lord Jesus Christ.
-all Christians need to be committed before God and Obey the word His word then Jesus will abide in us and we in him.
-when we slack around then we became a salt that has lost it saltness which becomes worthless but for casting out and be trodden under the foot of men and the words which will we preach is unable to move sinners towards repentance
and this is what the church has done, and we are experiencing across the world.
so, as it's written in Hebrews 5:12-14
For though by this time, you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, 13 for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is fa child. 14 But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.
-Let us not forget the great commission but watching always in prayers and reading, praying and fasting before God
all the time.
Mathew 28:19
19. go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them min2 the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
I personally think that the bowl judgment where darkness covers the region of the Beast may indicate that solar power is used as the main power source and perhaps that ties into the mark of the beast itself the way it functions in the human body. One of the cardinals in the Catholic church said some time ago that he believed a false pope would be promulgating that theory as the False Prophet (or Antichrist). Perhaps the "fire from the sky" is something like the energy from the Northern Lights being channeled as a source of energy. It also of course could be tied into massive geomagnetic storms that shut down the grid. Clearly the sun and moon are involved with many signs in the end times. Those who ascribe such events to natural eclipses fall short of the truth I believe; as was the case with the FULL moon and sun turning dark at the Crucifixion. THere is no doubt supenatural causes of things; along with what is likely satellites falling to earth (stars falling-there are many thousands in the atmosphere today); and of course meteorites also will likely cause dust along with volcanoes and the pit being opened; etc.
The 10 nations that rule for "one hour" with Antichrist also will have leaders that become completely wicked in the last days according to Daniel. It is amazing how some who should know better who call themselves believers are excited to see this peace agreement developing that began a few years back (you know what I mean). They should know that it is a Covenant with Death and hell as Isaiah states; as well as the fact that it will be broken a few years later.
I am a Pretribulation rapture person myself; I don't intend to be here in those days.
I agree! Just because we don't know Christ birthday doesn't mean we can't celebrate it.
For unto us a child is born,
( His birth )
unto us a son is given:
( The crucifixion )
The Lord is everlasting so we can celebrate it 365 days a year if chosen.
Merry Christmas and God bless you.
Matthew 16:16-18
16) And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
17)And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my
18)Father which is in heaven.
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
I believe Jesus is saying Peter what you declared in verse 16 is the rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
and Peter preached that on Pentecost.
I like the way you put that Giannis!
All three applies.
God bless.
God bless!!!
Even though Jesus probably wasn't born on Dec 25th there are many good things about the world celebrating His birth. Jesus is in Christmas carols and Christmas has Christ in it.
Even though the message gets distorted, corrupt, commercialized, watered down, exploited, I think God is powerful enough to reach people through it. I think through God's power people can even receive the gospel through showy, fake looking, money hungry false teachers on TV. 1 Cor 1:21. God can use anyone he wants. He used Paul who didn't consider himself wise or eloquent and previously killed Christians. 1 Cor 1:17. He used Moses who likely had a speech issue and felt self-conscious or maybe even embarassed. Ex 4:10. The disciples had various issues. God loves us, with all our imperfections and shortcomings. God bless and merry Christmas!
Okay this is my THIRD attempt to do this without it getting wiped out. For those trusting God we still only see through a glass darkly. ( 1 Cor. 13:12). Nonetheless in our own lives and especially others we can see patterns of how trusting God brings us benefits in the Lord. The effectual prayers of a righteous man availeth much ( James 5:16).
It is good to follow someone who has a proven track record long term in trusting and fearing the Lord. Obviously we need to be cautious in case they slip into sin; but as "iron sharpens iron" ( Prov. 27:17) it is good to exhort; admonish and of course encourage one another as brothers in Christ ( 2 Tim. 4:2). A TRUE man of God will be open about the fact that he is indeed a flawed vessel; and will ask for prayer.
This; of course is NOT the same as following anyone who has an auspicious name in the ministry. There are those; of course that have that name who are doctrinally sound; others who are clearly not. It is unlikely that these individuals have the time to effectively look at an individual at least long term unless you happen to be close friends to them or a family member. The scriptures; however have the answers in them; and ultimately they should be used by the skilled practitioner to reveal the Lord's will in our lives.
Interesting-from 2 Thess. 3:10 it says: "if a man does not work he shall not eat."
I just heard the other day that in our state, (WA) someone on welfare with all the "bennies" equals a salary of $120,000. That is really outrageous for people who do not work, many of whom can. I for one do not wish for people to live in squalor, but this amount is far above the medium income in our state. No wonder so many do not go to work when there are so many jobs out there. They make far more on welfare than they could if they worked a 40 hour week. But those who do work and who have worked all their adult life until retirement, this is a slap in the face. We pay for these people to have a better income than most of us.
So, while the rich could certainly enlist some reforms in their lives, those on welfare could and should do the same and make their own money to care for their needs when they can. Those of us who are middle class, whether upper, middle, or lower, we are being taken advantage of and we can not really afford all of these taxes, But we, too, need some reform in our lives.
But all of this reform needs to come from God, NOT from the government. the government always screws up whatever they endeavor to do that the private sector can do or has done better. For those who are truly down and out, unable to help pick themselves back up from poverty, or recover from drug/alcohol addiction, or have mental health of physical disabilities that prevent them from working, God's people should certainly help them and the charities that service these people.