King James Bible
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I firmly believe that there are few who are "on fire" in the Lord; most who think they are have a Kundalini or some other spirit that is energizing the flesh and deceiving people to think it is from God. The Spirit of the Lord does NOT appeal to the flesh but makes us realize our sinfulness and utter hopelessness in our own efforts. His sheep hear His voice so we know when we meet someone who is blessed by God; as well as those who are of another spirit if discerning.
Remember; take heart; Elijah thought he was alone but there were 7000 that also followed God and would not bend the knee to Baal.
Agape; Rich P
In the case of the cartoons of course there is not only fantasy but now the increasing amount of "politically correct" sexual gender identification and behaviors for these "heroic" characters not to mention darker and darker protagonists which tend to blur the difference at best between good and evil (or are evil no matter who you look at). In real life; however God can intervene to stop things; individuals can be stopped if the hand of God is activated (of course prayer is very helpful with all these things; breakthrough types of prayer). In the real world God can work all things even tragedies out for the good. There are some movies of Christian source material that bear these things out.
As far as music is concerned I am not going to focus on types of music; I for one am much more concerned about the message than the style. Secular music I do listen to at times with talented people on YouTube. I have found that sometimes the spirit in which something is sung matters; someone can find the musical core of a song at times and it is actually more interesting than the original. Again; I won't try to convince you if you only listen to Christian music; but there is much of the occult symbology; associations and new age type lyrics in so called "Christian songs"; in some sense it is better listening to non offensive lyrics in a "secular band" without that type of imagery.
Perfect love casts out fear. In the Spirit if we are living Godly in Christ then the enemy at worst can be allowed to end our earthly existence with God's permission. Jesus has the victory over all powers of the enemy; but the accuser is always there to make our lives miserable. We need to warn others to flee the wrath to come.
You know Precisely her urgent need. Thank You Lord .
Psalm 38:22 kjv, Proverbs 13:12 kjv, Exodus 14:14 kjv
me and sister Gianna really needs prayer rn, we're in a tough situation and we really need God's guidance, please send prayers.
AN ANSWER.They do not understand, how God created man, a living soul, it they did there would be no problem understanding what returned to God, at death.
A common view of the meaning of the spirit that goes back to God, says that it refers to the breath of life. That would agree with King Solomon's statement in Ecclesiastes 3:21 where he said, "the breath of man ascends upward" at death. It is important to know that the Hebrew word that is translated as "breath" in Ecclesiastes 3:21 is the same Hebrew word that is translated as "spirit" in Ecclesiastes 12:7. So, this Hebrew word ruach can be translated as "breath" or "spirit."
It is important to know that Genesis 2:7 translates ruach as "breath." So it says, "breath of life."
The word "ruach" can be translated as "breath" or "spirit." It is translated in the "Old testament," (90) times as "wind" and (28) times "breath"
Amen! There's no sin in Christ. He didn't deserve to die. But God made Him to be sin for us. He died our death, that we could be made the righteousness of God in Him.
These apocryphal books, as also the great number of other writings & manuscripts, have been around throughout history and particularly in the inter-testamental period (i.e. after Malachi's prophecy & the entrance of Jesus Christ at Bethlehem). Some of these writings were known to the Jews, but ultimately they only accepted the Word revealed through Moses (i.e. the Torah: the five Books of Moses); the Nevi'im (or, the Prophets), and the Ketuvim (or, the Writings). They never accepted any of the other books. And within those broad divisions, we get our Bible (i.e. the same books as in the Tanakh (the Jewish Bible), but variations in order of appearance, & other minor changes).
So, the Jews rejected the apocrypha & other spurious writings as being the Word of God, from God, & likewise, when the NT Canon was brought together, similar rules were applied, where authors, textual examination, falsehoods, etc., were reasons for post-New Testament writings being rejected. Now some Churches, e.g. the Roman Catholic & orthodox, do accept the apocryphal books as valid, but in mainstream Christianity, we believe that what we have now is God's Word, and that to fully accept these other writings, severely prejudice the Truth, as revealed to us.
Jesus is Lord!
Jesus is Lord!
I 'm trusting You to help me let go of the wound of disappointment
that has hurt me over these past few years. And to crossover into
all You have prepared for me and us to walk in. By Your grace.
For Your glory, before You call us Home. Alleluia.