All Discussion PAGE 658

  • Linda Jones on Psalms 37 - 2 years ago
    Thank you Lord I really need pray for my Family.because of evildoers my husband and my entire family.Amen
  • Jacinda early on John 12 - 2 years ago
    verse 43 did they ever turn away from they sin
  • Reiter family - 2 years ago
    Praying Ashley is healed physically (in her pallor, face, hormones, skin, liver, hair and blood, Jehovah Rapha touch her in Jesus Name) praying Ashley is healed in her mind (in her emotional regulation, self control and understanding in Jesus Name) praying Ashley is healed in her soul (in her faith in salvation and Holy Spirit peace and joy and protection)

    I pray all this in Jesus Mighty and Powerful and Miraculous Name, Amen.

    Thank You Jesus in advance.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please pray for Kristie and me and our families pray for my son in law to find a job remember my father in law who has cancer please pray for the less fortunate this Christmas season
  • Diane - 2 years ago
    My husband, Bruce, has suffered a major stroke. I pray that God keep His hand over him.
  • Cindy - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Anonymous, we are not robots. God gave each of us free will to do good or to do bad. Today there are more people on earth than ever before. Strides in communication have made us a world city. There are more ways to do good and to work evil, and the Devil is a lion roaring among us seeking whom he can devour because he knows his time is short. Never fear, and have faith, for Jesus proclaimed his victory over the world and He does not lie, Titus 1:2 "In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;"

    Do your part in the good. God bless you!
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Right! yet I have boxes to build a make shift casket/tent dwelling for sleeping. Been homeless long enough to know how to do that. lol.. plus the firewood by fireplace. just need to get more beans, jerky & marshmallows :) ! blessings to all, God bless & Merry Christmas
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Key words to me "now ended". that's what I took from it too. thanx again, your awesome.
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    yes Adam, but in that it says "tent" and references to Ps 19:4 which says: Their 1/line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a 2/tabernacle for the sun. both meaning tent & if you've ever gone camping they have (dome) an end. Just saying, I can totally see the confusion.! Making it completely understandable why so many have trouble understanding much less believing the bible. Its confusing as ever. Hebrew & Greek meanings are different then English to boot. Beings we all agree that the most and really only important thing is to *Love God w/all our being, our neighbor as ourselves, to keep Jesus in our hearts & live accordingly*, lets leave it at that. Its becoming to much time & I for one, not to be rude, really don't care.! p.s. that was said with a smile by the way.! :) continue in prayer and peace be with everyone.!
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    There's no way anyone could not know that your intentions are good . Anyone who had read just a couple of your posts knows your kind heart . We all say things in different ways because we are individuals and allowed to be so . Think of the Apostles , they all had different personalities and those came through in the Gospel accounts . We are allowed to be different , we are not robots . Please stay true to yourself , we like you as you are !
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I am very sorry for the things that you have suffered at the hands of others . I have had a similar experience and know others also . Think about all the things that you know because of your experiences . All experiences teach us things . You know things that many others don't . Knowledge isn't always a good thing in itself , but you can use your knowledge for good even if the way in which you gained that knowledge was very distressing to you . God has taught you these things for a reason . The person that you are right now is only because of your experiences and the knowledge that you have gained from them . This might not be much comfort to you and I'm sorry if that's the case . My abuse was very bad as a child . It lessened in my twenties when two things happened , I realised that none of it was my fault and I picked up a Bible . I've never looked back since . The most important thing that you can do is also one of the hardest things to do but here it is : stop looking back . Look forward . Take what you've learned , about yourself and others , and use it to your advantage and maybe even for the good of others . You can do it . With God's help , you can do anything . Trust Him . He has been with you all your life and He , yes HE , has brought you through it and to this place of safety that you are in now . Trust Him and let Him in . May God grant you peace , health and happiness .
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Isaiah 40:22 - circle of the earth.

    To me this more strongly suggests the earth is round than any reference people have to creatively interpret in order to claim it means the earth is flat.

    What's very strange about this argument is that you can fly around the world and end up in the same place. People are doing this every day. Plus its night in some places and day in other places at the same time and is obviously a shadow of the sun. It's just a very odd argument because its so easily proven that the earth is a globe.

    We are living in times where people disagree on what the truth is. Nearly everything is debated and disagreed on these days. People habitually lie and our society seems to be collapsing, as people prefer lies over truth and are using it to commit evil. For example, I think companies like Pfizer and JnJ have become rich off of killing people. A lie was told that something was "safe and effective" and people believed it. A for profit company with one of the worst track records of corruption and scandals was suddenly 100% believed without question, and anyone who doubted their motives or the safety of the product was called derogatory names.
  • Felix masiga on 1 Kings 19 - 2 years ago
    Great and Mighty God, He did during Elijah time He doing to us today. Glory to God.
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes, another way I could have said it. Thanx GiGi your such a blessing. Forgive me and I shall try my best to use more sugar next time. I just don't want anyone to be left behind so I get over excited and beings I'm a naturalist & all about the truth, no matter what, I tend to upset the situation at times & I don't mean to. If your reading this Anonymous, forgive me & know I meant well.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I looked up 'Project Loon'; never heard of it before. It was created to provide internet services to remote areas that had no hope of connecting to the internet. But the project has since been shelved. Did your son bring this up to, in some way, support his beliefs? I couldn't pick up on anything relevant, except for an interesting concept, now ended. Thanks for that Texsis.
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Pretty much what I said yet I tend to use less sugar. Especially when we are out of time. We are so close to end times I can taste it. I'm excited & in that excitement I tend to forget to be soft. Yet, I really think the end is super near & in this this case, to much sugar will not help the medicine go down. I'm learning tho. Thanks Adam
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Jesse.

    I appreciate your prayers. We both have had long marriages. That is a blessing and unusual in today's world. God knew what He was doing when He picked us for one another.

    The good thing about having an anniversary close to Christmas is that it gives us an evening out for ourselves amidst the busyness of Christmas for our families over the years.

    Thank you for praying for so many people on here. God hears our prayers and is faithful to answer in the best ways.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.
  • Ryan W - 2 years ago
    I just can't simply understand the blindness of some... just complete and utter disregard of what scripture says.....

    Gal 2:7 there is the gospel of the circumcision ( Mat 4:17) and the gospel of the uncircumcision ( Eph 1:13 /// Rom 1:16-17 and many more verses I could list.)

    There's two gospels. The gospel of the kingdom and the gospel of our salvation are two different and separate gospels. To not know is one thing. To be shown and refuse is a complete and total rejection of God... telling God that he is wrong (even though it's right there in his word).

    Mat 4:17 is not our gospel, it's the gospel to Israel. Our gospel is 1 Cor 15:1-4. They're different. Rightly divide and stop rebelling against God.

    Jonathan Edwards and Isaac Watts identified

    dispensations long before Darby as a means of explaining God's

    progressive revelation. Darby's unique contribution concerned the

    separation of the mystery church from prophecy.

    "No intelligent student of the Scriptures believes, or

    teaches, that there is only one gospel in the Scriptures"

    - J.C. O'Hair
  • Ryan W - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gal 2:7 gospel of the circumcision and gospel of the uncircumcision.

    gospel of the kingdom Matthew 4:17 and the gospel of our salvation Eph 1:13

    It's not my view. It is what scripture says.

    Titus 3:10-11 grace and peace
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Anonymous,

    I hope you return to read the responses you've received.

    You sound angry with your perception of God. But your perception of God is not my perception of God and all of us might be wrong.

    It sounds like you're angry with injustice in the world. I am too and hate it. But what's different in my view is you attribute that to God rather than to satan or man's free will. God could have made us all robots who are perfect and do exactly what He says and never sin and never harm each other, but we're not slaves or robots. If we were, people would instead be complaining about that. But God loved us enough to give us freewill. And with that responsibility each can choose good or evil. Many choose evil. That isn't God's fault. God made a perfect place then man sinned and ruined it, so now we have this sinful hostile world full of trials. But its extremely temporary. We assume our everything here is all that matters, but it isn't, its a tiny 2 second preview to the eternal main picture. We get all worked up about the injustices in those 2 seconds, but right after that everything will be made fair. Justice will be served. All will be judged. No one is actually getting by with anything. So in this short temporary life it seems like evil wins and good suffers, but nope, this is just a tiny trial and when over justice for everything will occur. I trust God for this. The Bible says not to get revenge on anyone for anything, but to leave it to God.

    Basically, I think you're only hating an idea of God and I don't think that idea is what God is really like.

    It's annoying that we all face death, hardship, disease, tragedy, on and on, but this should not be a surprise to anyone. God used people in the Bible like Paul who had way more problems then what I face, for example. I've never been in prison or had people try to kill me or be shipwrecked or a fraction of that stuff, praise the Lord. But we also shouldn't be comparing either, because I think we all have thorns in the flesh as challenges to handle. Not sure if you'll even read this, but God bless you.
  • Tre Moore - 2 years ago
    For prayers to be answered that I have prayed in secret. For also protection, peace and guidance. Please help God in the name of Jesus. Amen
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello GiGi,

    In case I don't get a chance to come here tomorrow, I would like to congratulate you and your husband on 43 years of marriage. What a blessing. My wife and I just celebrated our 39th last month.

    Also, please know that I have been praying for you. I'm not one to normally type my prayers out here but please know that I do pray for many of the requests here, not all because some things I'm just not comfortable asking the Lord for.

    Anyway, I'm starting to ramble. Happy anniversary!!!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Sorry Ryan, but the Scriptures say that Jesus rose bodily. He rose from the dead in the same body He had prior to HIs death, only it is glorified forevermore. He ascended into heaven bodily and will return to earth bodily. He forever is fully God and fully man. This is the marvel of the incarnation, that God the Father sent His Son to forever be both God and man to redeem humanity and forever be united to humanity through His human nature. He always has been united to the Father in his divine nature. But now, and forevermore, He is in heaven with His glorified body. This is classical orthodox teaching. But you may not believe this, some do not. But I wanted to speak what has been the doctrine of the church since apostolic times for those who may not be aware of it.
  • Anonymous - 2 years ago
    14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

    15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

    16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
  • Anonymous - 2 years ago
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ryan, You, indeed are disputing me as I have you. I do not accept your viewpoint. I believe there is only one Gospel. It is the Gospel of Jesus. He delivered the same gospel to His apostles and to Paul. His earthly life is vital to God's plan of redemption. The incarnation and perfect life of Jesus, His historical death and resurrection are all earthly events. When He ascended to heaven, He sat down at the Father's right hand to rule and reign over history with the Father. His earthly life matters eternally, just as His resurrected life matters eternally. But I am pretty much sure that you will not see things this way. So, I am done with this discussion.
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    In midst of studying but look up "project loon"
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Look up project Loon!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Ryan, I reviewed those Scriptures and in them Paul is meerly stating that Jesus called him to be an apostle to the Gentiles. Neither say that gentile believers are only to follow what he writes in his epistles nor does he state that that to rightly divide the word of God is as you define it. You have your interpretation colored by the traditions of men who have influenced you via dispensationalism. I have my interpretation colored by those things that have influenced me, primarily the consistent teaching of the church prior to Darby and dispensationalism.

    Ryan, I do not wish to dispute this. Your embrace of dispensationalism will be a divide between us. But you have not convinced me of your view. I still think your view adds to Scripture.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Listen to what Texsis has to say. I would add, the Psalms of David tell how David would cry out to God in his misery, in danger, in depression, in repentance, in sickness, in sorrow, and all sorts of life circumstances that were negative to David. He knew he could tell God everything. Just as you spoke all those things from your heart on this forum, I would ask that you say those same things to God (He already knows your thoughts anyway). Pour out to him all of your disappointment in Him, all of your anger at Him, all of your unbelief in Him, and all of your pain and suffering from evil people to Him. He will hear you because He truly cares so much for you that He is willing for you to attack Him and His character in your suffering. He loves you so much that He desires to bring you through all of this to the other side, but only through Jesus and His sacrifice for you and your own sinfulness. Texsis is right, repent before God and ask Him for help to set your relationship with Him aright. Even though there are those who have abused you at length and it continues, God will deal with them and their sin. You must deal with your own sin. But of course, your sin did not cause your abuse, so don't own that in any way. It is on those who abuse you.

    But, we all have need of God's mercy and grace to be forgiven and freed from the condemnation of our own sin. Jesus is the way that brings these to us. He lived a perfect life without sin, suffered, died, and rose again from the dead for you, for me, and for the sins of the world. Any who put their trust in Him and His work will receive all that His work of salvation earned for us. You can pray to be strengthened in your faith, to grow in your trust in Jesus, to be secure in relying on Him, to be lifted up by His love, and to love Him, for God is Love.

    Anonymous, I only want to say what is good and helpful to you since I can tell you are in a lot of emotional, spiritual, and physical anguish. Prayers for you.

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