All Discussion PAGE 66

  • Momsage - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Hi Jaz: It seems to me there are a lot of things that happen in Revelations that could not have happened yet in order for this to be applied to Rome. The world wouldn't be anything like it is today if all the catastrophic events happened during the Roman Empire. Just my opinion.
  • Momsage - In Reply - 10 months ago
    except the 4th one.
  • Brandi R - 10 months ago
    In Jesus Mighty Name I decree and declare healing of Ashleys hormones, in Jesus Mighty Name I decree and declare healing of Ashley's menstrual cycle, in Jesus Mighty Name I decree and declare healing of Ashley's eczema, in Jesus Mighty Name I decree and declare healing of Ashley's blood, in Jesus Name I decree and declare healing of Ashley's B and D vitamin levels , in Jesus Mighty Name I decree and declare healing of Ashley's hair, in Jesus Name I decree and declare healing of Ashley's mind, heart, body and soul, in Jesus Name I decree and declare healing of Ashley's family relationships and her relationship with her fiance, may God clear and protect the path to marriage quickly, in Jesus Name I decree and declare Almighty protection over and on, and around Ashley and CS, and my whole family and I, included BW and family near and far, deliver us from every evil and lead us not into temptation in Jesus Mighty Name Amen and Hallelujah!!!
  • RosenogleFamilyFun - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Hello, I would like to offer comfort through the Word in the Book Of John 10:10. I Do Believe it Is up to us individually to help Jesus Christ speak into our existence For He Is 1 John 4:2, even our flesh, He Is the Spirit which Gives us Aspiration every day, and as we Speak, It should Be Likened To the Words printed in red Spoken by Our Lord. The words we use daily, should be used in careful consideration to Be Positive, albeit our bodies feel otherwise. It may take time to notice effectual change in health, I Do Believe It Will Be Done, God's Will, not mine. Which I am not saying I do not pray for your health, I Am saying I as a person cannot accomplish health, God's Will that we Be Healthy, In His Name. Following The Golden Rule I have learned recently Is in our favor as well, it is about Speaking, so Be it positive speech we can receive of Our Lord positivity in our life. Drink as much water as able, for our bodies are of soil, all our seeds planted (Good thoughts, deeds, dialogs) Will grow Healthily same as watering gardens. I pray this helps you grow healthy In Spirit, Mind and Body.
  • RosenogleFamilyFun - 10 months ago
    Hello, I pray everyone Well In God's Name. I pray God Will provide me with The KJV Bible He knows which one is my favorite to read. Tomorrow if possible, or soon after please. I may have been able to find that copy, I cannot preview the pages or text of it in an online store to verify. It seems to be difficult to procure. It Is KJV Authorized, although the ones I am able to preview, are Not written in the Language of olde, nor spelling thereof. They have taken the fun out of reading any of the other newer versions. I Love the Thee's, Thou's, Ye, Nay, Yay, Olde and the list goes on. It has been nigh 28 years or more since I have had access to read this version. I Do Believe Where two or more are gathered together In My Name, There Am I In The Midst. Hallelujah ! Praise The Lord ! He Lives Today, Yesterday And Forever ! Jesus Christ Is Come In The Flesh ! I Love You God, Thank You Lord for Sharing Your Son with me to Be my Savior
  • Sonofman1973 - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Hello brother. Thanks for reply. Firstly let us not be too hasty to give up and say we don't have enough scripture. Let's dig in and get enough I do not desire to get in a hurry with this. For it is God's eternal purpose we are discussing. So I'll let us get into study of prophecy. For no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation ( Paraphrase) best way i have come to interpret scripture by the Holy Spirit is allow scripture to interpret itself with More scripture. Firstly let us look at Genesis 1;1- in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. ( There's the beginning. Now let us turn to 1 John 3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil, for the devil SINNETH FROM THE BEGINNING ( there it is)- for this purpose ( purpose) the son of God ( Light) was manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil. Let's meditate upon those. Something happened between Genesis 1: 1 and 1:2 = Satan's works of darkness. Let's meditate,muse,ponder and dwell upon God's word. Not our opinions. For my opinion could very well mislead us All
  • Sonofman1973 - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Greetings my brother beloved. I will not rush in trying to answer all these questions in one sitting. For no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation ( Paraphrase) but scripture is always interpreted by the Holy Spirit through more scriptures. So Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created The heaven and the earth. -- now thus far what scripture has revealed to me is something went wrong. Because scripture says 1 John 3:8- He that committeth sin is of the devil,FOR THE DEVIL SINNETH (FROM THE BEGINNING) for this purpose The son of God was manifest ( LIGHT) that he might destroy the works of the devil. ( There is our eternal purpose of God) Just think upon that and meditate. We'll rejoice in scripture together brother
  • Stephanie V. - 10 months ago
    I'm asking for prayer for a few health issues I'm dealing with. Thank you so much for your prayers, and may God bless you!
  • Anna - 10 months ago
    Please pray for Sonia and her Mother's situation.

    Thank You Jesus for this opportunity to share

    this request. Thank You Lord!
  • Bibleman72 - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Prayed for you Thomas.
  • Bibleman72 - 10 months ago
    Please pray for me ,i am uncomfortable today ,mylegs and feet are bothering me .i think i may be arthritic.i am only 51 years old.
  • Abel Wolf - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Hi this Abel Wolf, I be praying for God to provide doors. I will also be praying for your family. I know God will help be ready to move out in 8 weeks.
  • Aaron Wolf - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Thomas I am praying for you. I believe you can do it. I know God will open doors for financial favor. I am praying that you find a new house.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Hey Sonofman1973,

    As S Spencer said, this is an interesting question, just some last thoughts and whether or not we have enough Scripture to know the complete answer. Scripture is relatively silent about the eternal past, even in the New Testament, where the clearest and fullest light of God's revelation shines. Very few passages reach backward in their scope further than the foundation of the world at the beginning of the ages of our time. God's plan was before the foundation of this earth was laid.

    God is light and there is no darkness in Him at all, 1 John 1:5, and we know from Job 38 that the angels and the principalities and powers in heaven were created before Genesis 1. A thought, God created darkness as a place to put the earth outside of the third heaven, the earth was without form and void, this would be empty of all life and covered in surging water of chaos enclosed in total darkness that God's Spirit moved upon and God said let there be light, God called light out of darkness His light moved into the space of darkness.

    God called out of this darkness everything there is below the third heaven and the time we live in. My understanding is different on Lucifer in Isaiah 14, and something happened between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 but that may be for other discussions.

    Thank you for these questions, they inspire study.

    God bless,

  • Bennymkje - 10 months ago
    Mark 7:13 "Of none effect"

    " Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye."

    Parable of the Sower illustrates how the word sown in the heart of man fails to produce what is intended. God formed all hearts alike but the enemy slipping in tares speak of a heart that is let untended. It is a no man's land or the wayside where birds of the air can make away with the good seed. The heart is like a sluggard's field for many and with such what is truth? It is all things to all occasions. God commanded the man not to eat of the fruit of tree of knowledge of good and evil. But Eve let the serpent an occasion to hear his take on the matter. is truth to be treated for anyone to counsel how? Eve let the context determine her course of action. Her senses took over bypassing what was inscribed in her hearts. Ever since what has knowledge of good and evil given her? God cursed the ground, "for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;/ Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee;"(Ge.3:17-18)

    Spiritual meaning of thorns and thistles we may glean from the Parable of the Sower. For instance the oncologists warns us of a troubling trend that Early onset cancer, which is defined as happening in adults under 50 years of age, is no anomaly. In fact, it is part of a rising global trend in which newly diagnosed cancer patients are getting younger. Further, it deflates the myth that cancer is the preserve of older people. Cumulative effect of sin treated so lightly for instance glossing over the works embedded in faith so fruits of the Spirit is produced by abiding life in Christ. How can those actively engaged in culture wars, and churches that ride the coattails of politicians come to the light lest their works of darkness be reproved by Christ? Instead the imposter religion has traditions of their elders. Sin never remains single but every evil work are carried on without let up
  • Bennymkje - 10 months ago
    Mark 7:1-9 Doctrinal war"

    God framed the worlds by the word of God. So the Word lays down the constitution of His kingdom where both unseen and what was made to appear are complete in his Son Jesus Christ. (He.11:3; Col.1:19). Of him we received grace for grace which empowers us to not only believe in him and enjoy the liberty of producing the fruits of the Spirit. Besides the blessings of his Father in him also has given us the peace which is not as the world can give so death signifies only dissolution of our vile bodies. Everlasting life that comes with faith shall continue.

    Mark narrates how the Pharisees and the scribes coming from Jerusalem were offended at the disciples of Jesus. "Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashen hands?"(v.5). How did the tradition of the elder become the Law without God permitting doctrine of men supersede his word? Recent news illustrates the same dilemma. Is Constitution of a nation and their Bill of Rights are to be given same sanctity and worshiped? Jesus did drive out those who made it a business, "And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."(Matt.21:13). There is a place where state's business are transacted and when we pray it has to be done with all our heart our soul and might. This is how tradition of the elders where money is to be made becomes a doctrine. Where does it come from? Not from unwashed hands but from the heart of man. " For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,/Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:/All these evil things come from within, and defile the man."(vv.21-23)

    What goes into the mouth shall find their own passage while what comes out of heart can be very deceptive. So love of God is either whole hearted for his glory or none at all.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Dear Kevin,

    I will pray for a job to be provided to you that will allow you to work in peace of mind and heart My son also suffers from anxiety and depression and has panic attacks from stressful situations also. Finding the right fit job has been an ongoing journey for him. He is 34. His first baby is due in May and he just began a new job this week. So, if you could pray for him I would appreciate that. His name is also Kevin.

    Kevin, I want to declare to you that your sins are all forgiven in Jesus Christ when He died in our place. This forgiveness is given to us as a gift and we can be assured that we are forgiven when we embrace Him and His work of salvation in faith. So, you say your faith is weak, yet you do believe the gospel. You do not need to have but simple faith in what He has done and declared in the Scriptures. He died and rose for you to provide forgiveness and salvation unto those who believe on Him.

    I am so glad you have shared your needs on this site. It is always a good thing to ask others to pray for oneself. So, be blessed by the Lord today and trust that He hears our prayers, knows our desires and every need and will bring answers that are the best for us.
  • Richard H Priday - 10 months ago
    Meditation on "Holy Week"

    There are many churches who are going to detail the last week of Christ's earthly ministry before His death on the cross from Palm Sunday's exaltation and praise to the Passover meal; betrayal and all the sufferings in Gethsemane followed by those leading up to his death in the mock trials involving the Jews and Roman authorities; and finally of course what He endured on the cross.

    Following Passover (which happens to be off a month due to a leap year concept) we have the approximate time of the year correct as to when these things take place; of course now removed nearly 2000 years since the event. We naturally want to deviate from all the pagan rituals of Easter (derived from "Ishtar") along with the celebrations of fertility around the equinox and the variants related to eggs; bunnies and consuming ham. It is doubtful today that we are finding some sinister idol worship when it comes to an egg hunt or consuming certain foods but for those whose conscience doesn't allow that; along with those who won't celebrate Christmas which admittedly has become even more perverted everyone should respect the decisions of others whether abstaining or not (unless somehow we are truly involved with some New Age or occult practices).

    At any event; my main concept involves realizing the deliverance of the Exodus with Passover and of course how blood on the doorposts is symbolic of our Lord and His atonement for us with the perfect sacrifice as an unblemished lamb ( 1 Peter 1:19).

    Remembering that this week is the culmination of the life of our Lord and not isolating the event from all the other perfect acts He did throughout His ministry needs to be taken into consideration along with the fact that He "ever lives to intercede for us now" ( Heb. 7:25). We must remember the sacrificial love He showed in our relations with others. There is no greater love than giving our life for our friends ( John 15:13). That is one day at a time until the end.
  • Richard H Priday - 10 months ago
    John 6:54 states: Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.

    There are two views on the subject; the "transubstantiation" argument of the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions and the purely symbolic or metaphorical doctrines we find in many Protestant churches. In the first view we have to hold to an abhorrent view that there is an ongoing or perpetual reinstitution of Christ's sacrifice at every communion; clearly contrary to where Christ stated "it is finished" on the cross and Hebrews 9:28 speaking of His one time sacrifice for many. The Protestant viewpoint; however can tend to treat communion and in fact many other rites or ceremonies as merely symbolic and thus be calloused to verses such as 1 Corinthians 11:30 which states that many have become sick and died (fallen asleep) due to taking communion unworthily.

    Communion therefore is something which each individual is held accountable for but also involves a union in the Body of Christ through the function of the Holy Spirit. We certainly can't isolate these warnings just for communion; for instance we have no business being baptized without a proper confession of faith and marriages also need to be taken seriously in regard to the covenant vows. The New Covenant brings the blood ATONEMENT which essentially exchanges His life for our own as our spiritual sustenance; along with His broken body. He purchased us with the cost of His life and redeemed us from death and hell by taking our place on the cross of Calvary. Such a detestable imagery of a snake on a pole was an early representation of this Numbers 21. A man was cursed when hung on a tree ( Deut. 21:22-23). We are then partakers in Christ and His sufferings ( 1 Peter 4:13); see also Hebrews 3:14 on enduring to the end.

    In terms of eternal physical life; we of course have the tree of life as mentioned in the Garden. We also will be raised incorruptible if we are in Him.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 10 months ago
    I pray that you will find the right kind of dwellingplace; location and price. Not sure if you have any friends to help with your move but I pray that works out as well; and you can decide what to store and or bring with you and discard through God's wisdom.
  • Thomas - 10 months ago
    My child and I have 8 weeks to move from where we are. my prayer is that God will be merciful and help us move in a house at that time. Open the doors for financial favor lord show us the house and send the right people to help us. In Jesus name Amen
  • David Allen - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Thank you and God bless you
  • David Allen - 10 months ago
    Please remember my daughter and her family in your prayers. Please remember me.
  • Adam - In Reply - 10 months ago
    something on hand or forehead that allows you to buy/sell. china is already doing cashless transactions where you get a social credit score and if you have thoughts or values against the communist cult then you're blocked from buying food, travel, etc. democrat party communists are pushing this in the us. other countries testing it right now. some wanting to embed chips and barcodes on you. it's all evil, but they always lie and say it's for your good, just like how they bullied ppl into taking the fake vaccine and so many died from it.
  • Bennymkje - In Reply - 10 months ago

    Trust God and there is nothing impossible for him. God has provided everything needful for godliness and life. I shall pray for you and your family. Take a stock of yourself. God wants man to give a good account of himself. "Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men"(1 Co.16:13). God does not say a desk job or hands for hire as the only option. He may set up a business himself, delivery service or if good with hands some handicrafts with paper envelopes, etc., possibilities are endless. Only open your ees and study about you. There must be something cut out for you. Don't let get teething problems get you down. I am certain God has been waiting all this while for you to do.

    Ask all your needs believing it is yours for his glory.
  • Lehbyeh - In Reply - 10 months ago
    That's a good question. I have heard many different speculations. Recently, during COVID, many people felt that getting vaccines was connected with the mark of the beast. I did some research on verse 18 for the number 666 and this is what I found.

    1. Biblical numbers have meaning. So the number 7 is "good" and represent completion. 6 is less than 7, so it represents imperfection. The 6 is tripled "666" so the mark of the beast is gross imperfection. Basically, it symbolizes an organization ( maybe an entity) that represents man's fall from God's glory.

    2. The beats is in opposition to God and Jesus. Those that support organizations, thoughts, and ideas that oppose God and his word would have the "mark" of the beast. ( Revelation 19:19-21) So what I understood, is that the mark is not a literal mark, but a symbolic mark. Afterall, I don't believe I have ever seen anyone with a divine "666" mark placed on them.

    Good Question. I hope I added something to the discussion.
  • Joyce Acquah - 10 months ago
    Please pray for my family to walk in the light of God's word.
  • Sonofman1973 - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Yes the Light is indeed the Light of the knowledge of God in the face of Jesus Christ. And upon careful study of the scriptures the darkness was already there, thus it was created because as you pointed out in Isaiah 45:7. I have revelation that that darkness was the Old Lucifer who turned the light God gave to him into that darkness and God knew he would,for it is All according to his eternal purpose. The Light of the knowledge of God excelleth that darkness. Thus something happened between Genesis 1:1-2. For everything was overturned and made a wilderness at the fierce anger of the Lord. I think it's in Jeremiah 4:23- (Paraphrase) got I'm speaking the truth from the heart. " I beheld and lo the earth was void and empty and darkness and it was overthrow by the fierce anger of the Lord. And Isaiah 14 says Lucifer made the world as a wilderness. And he calls the darkness - NIGHT. So it was overthrown in the night by The lord.- Job 34:25. And paraphrasing Jesus Christ. He said are their not 12 hours in a day? And John 9:4 I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is DAY: THE NIGHT COMETH, WHEN NO MAN CAN WORK JOHN 9:5- while I Am in the world,I am the Light of the world. He will come as a thief in the night. I am persuaded I have the testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of prophecy. Not that I am anything or anyone. But Jesus Christ And Him loving My poor and needy self. Thank you so much for blessing me with an opportunity to share the deep things of God's unsearchable word. God bless you
  • Kevin J Bruneau - 10 months ago
    All the jobs are too far away.

    I desperately need a job close by enough to walk home from that will accept my social security card and birth certificate as good enough forms of identification. A job i can do correctly and not fail at it.

    The panic attacks i suffer from leave me humiliated. So do my past sins.

    i mourn also the absence of my Dad who passed away the year before last.

    i also need the pardon and forgiveness of Christ the Messiah. I have begged in writing for the mercies and compassions of The God of my fathers.

    My faith is weak. i can't do anything right.

    My son, wife and i are unable to go to church together.

    Please do not email me. I am embarrassed as it is.

    May it please The Father in heaven to remember all the gifts that he gave my family and me.
  • E. - 10 months ago
    Strong protection

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