All Discussion PAGE 661

  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please God guide Brooke through this spiritual test of faith. Please Holy Spirit intervene and enrich Brooke with your spiritual gifts and Bible scriptures that she will stand firm in faith and biblical truth I pray in the name of Jesus Christ!

    Please remember that whatever is above your head is already under the feet of Jesus Christ!

    Please consider reflecting on this scriptures: 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 73:21-26, Psalm 18:1-29 and Ephesians 6: 10-18.
  • Josephine - 2 years ago
    My family and I live in a city full of gang affiliated people. My son Dominic is doing his best. He is someone who has a big heart, but he is very easily persuaded and he does get anxiety becomes panic about decisions. He needs God's embrace he needs to be filled with the Holy Spirit to guide him for his future. If you would, please pray for him and our family. Thank you.
  • Michael on Revelation 1 - 2 years ago
    Is Ch 4 of Revelation when Belivers are raptured? God bless..thank you.
  • Frank Daniels - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me today I have an interview.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I also believe in eternal security, or as you put it, "Once saved, always saved."

    Ephesians 1:14 would also add to the verse you have shared. It says, "Which (or who) is the earnest (or guarantee) of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

    It's after we heard, after we believed, we were sealed. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit. He doesn't give us a seal. He is the seal.

    He's the mark of ownership and He has sealed the believer so that no spiritual force or otherwise can penetrate their spirit. They've been sealed by the Holy Spirit and filled with the Spirit of Christ.

    It's nice to know that in the midst of our weaknesses that the presence of God's Spirit is our guarantee, until the redemption of the purchased possession.

    Since redemption means purchased, it is making reference to the coming of Christ, when our redemption will be realized.

    We've been purchased and we're sitting at the will call window, so to speak. He hasn't picked us up yet. But when Christ comes, He's going to come for the purchased possession. That's every believer.

    Ephesians 4:30 tells us that we are sealed with the Spirit of God "until" Christ comes.

    So every believer is preserved. We're being kept for Christ at His coming. That's our guarantee that we are being preserved for Him.

    We have eternal life in Christ Jesus. I have eternal life, not based on my human performance, but because Christ lives in me, and He is eternal.
  • Hammer63 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gigi, take the time to ponder Exodus 32 and compare it to what you have written in this thread. I agree that God's character is the same yesterday, today and forever. That He knows the hearts of man. He knows how things end up, but when it comes to the extreme, sinful "actions of man" it comes to me that it surprises him how evil man can become. It also seemed like he didn't expect Nineveh to repent (an extreme action), otherwise he would have told Jonah that I am just going to tell them I will destroy them and they will repent and I won't have to do it. It seems like He didn't expect Ahab to repent (an extreme action), so He changed the judgement against him so it would not occur in Ahab's lifetime. God's anger in Exodus 32 was so great that Moses had to remind him of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In the account of Sodom and Gomorrah the Lord said "I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know." Just some things to ponder.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you GiGi for being faithful to pray. How are you doing? How are your feet?

    Do you have friends and or family who live in the area? I have church family in the area and thank God they're all fine. Some are cold. Without heat. And all were without power.

    Helpful advice, check your generator occasionally to make sure it works so that when an emergency does hit, it'll be up and running.
  • David0920 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Free Will

    The Bible is crystal clear that in our unsaved condition, all of mankind following the sin of Adam is "DEAD in trespasses and sins" and "in BONDAGE to sin" and "SLAVES of satan". And that "there is NONE righteous, no NOT ONE", there is NONE that seaketh after God"

    Unsaved man does not have a free will in any spiritual sense. We cannot and will not seek God with OUR WHOLE HEART until God gives us a NEW HEART.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you so much for praying for California. There is so much wickedness and lawlessness here. We need a revival in California. Please pray for our churches. They need to be places of truth and light. Filled with Holy Spirit conviction, and I am not seeing that in my local area. It's not a local problem though. When I vacationed out of state I visited a "church" with my child and grandchild, that grieved my spirit. It was a motivational speech and a concert. Didn't have much to do with actual teaching and preaching the Bible, and was so dark I couldn't have read my Bible inside the sanctuary if my life depended on it. The thing that stumped me was the uniformed police officers stationed INSIDE the building! With guns! This was the first time I've encountered that. It was in what appeared to be a fairly safe looking area.

    We need to call these churches out.

    In prayer.

    My heart breaks over the condition of the church in general.
  • David0920 - In Reply - 2 years ago

    ALL scripture from Genesis to Revelation is "The Very Word of God" and is for us TODAY.

    2 Tim 3:16,17 ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto good works.
  • Gerald - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 4 - 2 years ago
    The Spirit of wisdom is the Holy Spirit .

    Who was in the beginning and mentioned in Genesis chapter 1.

    It is of no profit to anyone to take one verse and build a mountain upon it .

    For if you try and reason all of scripture by the one verse you will fall into error .

    But rather we are to see one verse in the light of all the scriptures .

    The devil tempted eve by giving only half truth ,land adding to the Word of God;"not" and thus changed the truth into a lie .

    " thou shalt not surely die"

    The devil tempting Jesus in the wilderness took also the scriptures and left stuff out or out of context .Thus the devil uses the scriptures to tempt the people of God .

    Which is why God in his infinite wisdom has given not on,y the body of truth ,the scriptures but also the Spirit of truth to " lead us into all truth ".

    The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of wisdom ,the Spirit of truth . The Spirit of Christ , The fear of God , and three other. "The seven spirits of God " Not that God has seven Spirits . But even as the 7 branched oil lamp in the tabernacle was made of one piece of gold and having seven branches it was nevertheless one .

    When he Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost , " IT" meaning one , fell on them all as separate flames as of tongues.

    Not that the Holy Spirit is an ' it' or impersonal something or other . For all of scripture teaches that He is a Person and one of The Trinity of God three or persons but ONE God .

    We do not need additions to the Holy Bible nor indeed do we need others who have added ,subtracted and mistranslated .

    For the scriptures teach " The Word of God is the seed "

    A seed has this characteristic . It is not the tree or the fruit . But it does have everything that is needed and nothing that is not needed to reproduce the fruit .

    You can indeed mix a horse with a donkey and you will get a mule . But a mule cannot reproduce itself .

    You can indeed mix truth with error and you will get something . But it too will produce not
  • Alex1939 - In Reply on Psalms 138 - 2 years ago
    alex1939...Brenda good question...But let us remember what Jesus did at Calvary,..He made a New Covenant in his blood...When he had taken the cup he said this is the New Covenant in my blood drink ye all of it...And if i be lifted up ( his blood ) i will draw ALL MEN unto me... Jeremiah 31:34...This is the Covenant i will make with the house of Israel and Judah I will put my words/laws in their hearts and MINDS and they shall shall ALL KNOW ME from the least to the greatest...And the Gentiles come into this Blood Covenant simply b/c if ye be in Christ then are you Abraham seed and are heirs according to the Promises...God so loved the world.

    .....Many are called but few are Chosen...The only 1 Chosen is the H.G. that Gift of God to all the world..And is the Israel of God...But the book has to be opened 1st ....ok
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Perhaps it's that belief that has the church in so much trouble .

    For having reduced our " so great Salvation" to being but BORN again . We have made the wandering in the wilderness for 40 years as the Christian norm. Jordan as death and the promised land as heaven .

    But getting out of Egypt was but being a type of being born again . By the blood of a lamb ,the Word of God ( to Abraham) and the power of God .

    But we are not only saved from but saved to .

    And the two years or so passing through the wilderness was but ' boot camp' . Where the children of Isreal learnt not to live by bread alone but by every Word that proceeded from the mouth of God .Ir were meant to .

    Did not Paul warn the church not to be like them who entered not in because of unbelief ?

    Nor be deceived as Eve was? Unbelief is not just not believing God its believing another message .
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    An Apostle of God is not ordained by man at all ,but ordained by God .

    The true pattern of an Apostle has to be Paul and while we the church might never get another Paul in some measure every true Apostle must follow the pattern.

    In zeal ( with knowledge"), sound doctrine , care of the church , full of the Spirit , outreach ,church building .etc .

    I think perhaps all those ministries of God as listed in Ephesians needs must be ordained by God .

    And all the ' qualifications' in the world are no substitutes for the anointing and blessing of God .

    Moreover the true born children of God are not called to blindly follow even a real one . But as each of those ministries are given to the church( to perfect the church and get the Bride ready till " we all come to a unity of THE faith ."

    Then to have such a unity there must also be a unity of understanding . For faith in God comes by understanding the Word of God .Given the propensity of many ,either to blindly follow any one who can give a ' good performance' on the one hand or else like sheep each going his own way with preach having their own interpretation of the scriptures , any true Apostle has got his work cut out and won't be popular with the many .

  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    How are you doing? Good to here, was wondering because I wasn't sure if I set this page up right so that's good to know. Prayers for this cold front we are to get. I pray everyone that lives in said area keeps as worm as possible. God bless & be with everyone. In case electricity goes out "MERRY CHRISTMAS" to all too.! Thanx again GiGi
  • David0920 - In Reply - 2 years ago

    It is true that if God had saved us we are eternally secure. But we must remember what it means to be "saved".

    If God has saved us, it means that every sin that we have ever committed or will ever commit has been paid for by the Lord Jesus Christ. And we will never "again" experience the "judgment" of God which is eternal destruction.

    If we have truly become saved, i.e. Born Again, it means that God has given us a New Soul, a Resurrected Soul, in which we will have an earnest ongoing desire to be obedient to what the Bible teaches, both in doctrine and in practice. There will be a huge change in our attitude and behavior toward sin.

    We do still have a body that lusts after sin so we do commit sin and will never be perfectly obedient to God in our whole personality until we receive our Resurrected Spiritual Body on the Last Day.

    God commands us to examine ourselves to see if we have become saved. To strive to enter in at the straight gate. And if we are not certain of our salvation we can cry to God for His Mercy in the very real hope that He might save us, if that would be His will.

    A beautiful passage describing God's action in saving His Children is Eze 36:24-33. Notice that all of the action is God's action.
  • NIGEL SHOKO - 2 years ago
    Need a life break through
  • NIGEL SHOKO - 2 years ago
    Soul uplifting
  • Lena - In Reply - 2 years ago
    my prayers are with you.amen
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember Kristie and me and our families in your prayers
  • Brooke - 2 years ago
    I have been battling spiritually with intrusive thoughts and I can take it any more, I've been fasting and praying and I need deliverance from this so please pray that God deliver me and make me whole in my mind
  • Kim - 2 years ago
    Prayer for my husband who has alot of health issues.

    An urgent unspoken prayer request
  • TanyaRachel - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I was reffering to his claim that "faith is a work" and to his wrong idea about predestination. All of this is Calvinism, and not true.

    About Salvation, Ephesians 1:13. Once someone hears the Gospel and believes he is SEALED. Once saved always saved.
  • S - 2 years ago
    Prayers for healing . Me and my younger sister are suffering from Gastrointestinal Issues. Both of us have issue eating food and prevents us from having a good life. Our mother is deeply saddened and often breaks down due to our health condition. Kindly pray for our healing. Thank you, In Jesus Name
  • Celia - 2 years ago
    May Matheus, my son come at Christmas to be with me anda family , thank you for your prayers .
  • Thomas Lee - 2 years ago
    If you could please pray for my wife, Brenda, who is unsaved, that she will come to accept Jesus Christ as her savior. It would mean a lot to me. Please also pray that I will set a godly example for her as her husband. We're both going through a lot of difficulty within our marriage right now, and I am trying my best to trust in God through it, and to keep him at the center of my life and our marriage. Thank you so much.
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I agree , it's very worrying . Christ talks about the deceitfulness of riches , that's a very powerful comment from our Saviour and one that I try to keep in my heart . I think that Paul warns us against the belief that 'Godliness is gain ' . All of us , myself included , need to watch our attitude towards money , money is a very powerful tool that the devil can make use of , to our detriment .
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear God, Father in Heaven, You who are the All-Knowing All-Ruler and God. You who have given us so much. You who never fail. Oh, we love Your community. We honor Your Holy Name and ask in the name of Jesus Christ for grace to live long and well. You see Jeri Lord, have compassion for him and his family Lord. Heal liver and lungs Lord so that he can continue to take care of his family, the sickness must recede in Jesus Holy name, we exhort the disease to leave the body and throw it into the deepest darkness, Never come back. Fear leave "Jeri" now in the holy name of Jesus Christ. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you and your house will be saved, Amen. We pray that You, Lord, strengthen children and grandchildren in spirit, soul and body. And we give thanks for the salvation You give to us all. Amen Lord Dear Father in Heaven we love Your community, and thank You for prayer answers in the holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

    James 2 Stay strong in the word of God, I love u in Christ Merry Christmas to u all.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear God, Father in Heaven, we lift up our eyes to You, Almighty God. You who know everything, and that we Your children can talk to You about all things. In prayer, praise and thanksgiving. Thank You for being close in thoughts, words and deeds. We lift up "Nabeta Besweri" in prayer to You Lord, we ask in the holy name of Jesus Christ that "Nabeta Besweri" have a normal life. And ar grateful for that. We also ask that You give "Nabeta Besweri" some good friends to talk to, share everyday problems with. We thank You Lord that You are close to us when we need You always, thank You in advance for answers to prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen

    James 2:14-26 Stay strong in the word, love u in Christ and Merry Christmas
  • Wesley Mcgranor on Psalms 117 - 2 years ago
    Yesteryear we had a Christian culture, amen.

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