King James Bible
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You've said a mouth full, especially when you said;
Quoting you;
A-.. "people that are tightly knit look out for one another and are able to help us to keep boundaries and hopefully accountability in our lives.
I believe when we are tightly knit together we should be consider Galatians 6:1-4. when we have this brother that seems to be out of line in conduct.
( If we love him we would help him! )
"Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, RESTORE SUCH AN ONE IN THE SPIRIT OF MEEKNESS; CONSIDERING THYSELF, LEST THOU ALSO BE TEMPTED.
Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.
But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another."
Continuing Quoting you;
B-.. This; of course is a two way street; we shouldn't expect a hypocritical standard where the leadership can live in open rebellion while expecting everyone else to have a legalistic standard."
This is where Galatians 6:1 says "considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted." comes into effect.
Today we prefer not restore or help someone, or maybe there is no fault to be found.
We shun that person without any attempt to reason.
These differences and confusion may be found in
1 Corinthians 12:13-23
It's the Spirit that harmonize us without partiality or hypocrisy.
This is where fleshly discernment has its flaws in partiality and hypocrisy.
The Spirit of truth should harmonize both parties and we trust and submit to that.
There's a side to truth that isn't pleasant in a culture where we rather lie and present ourselves as pleasant. Because a rebuke is not often taken well, and even when done meekly it's not cultural so it is deemed as unpleasant.
If a "BROTHERN" needs help you help him, you don't shun him.
This is why we examine ourselves.
God bless.
God answer mi prayer
bless the work of my hand
Let plenty money come my way this week
in jesus name i pray
The reason why i tell people to Pray for understanding is because God has given to us Freely and Jesus said whoever reads let him understand
Matthew 24:15
And when you pointed that question i too would like to know the meaning but the best way to find the answer is to go back in our prayer closest and enquire from the author of the scripture.
may the peace of God and our lord Jesus Christ be with you amen.
And the bible is very clear, especially when we get into the book of Revelation, is that when we are in heaven, we will be clothed in the robes of the righteousness of Christ.
In fact, we will have on white robes that have been dipped in blood. And they will be pure white. It is because of the purity of Christ and the forgiveness of Christ.
Only those people who have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ, and who are dressed in His righteousness, will be at God's banqueting table.
I completely agree with what GiGi has given you. If I might just piggyback off her post and share some additional information on these garments.
When someone gave a wedding feast, he also would provide wedding feast garments. Now if you wore your own clothes, you went to a changing area and you changed into the wedding feast garments.
They were white robes and they could not be dirty. If they got dirty, you had to go put another one on. So this guy just came in from the road and he has got his own clothes on. So the king comes in and he sees this man which did not have on a wedding garment.
In Verse 12, he says friend, and this is the word HETEROS in Greek. It is not friend like we are buddies, but acquaintances, like you would call someone on the street that you just met. "How are you today friend?" It doesn't mean that you are buddies.
The Greeks have different words for greetings. This one says Friend, how did you come in here not having on a wedding garment? And he was speechless. I mean, what are you going to say?
Then there's the condemnation Verse 13 and it seems like pretty harsh treatment. But then in Verse 14, we see the conclusion, and the teaching of the parable of the wedding feast:
It says, For many are called, but few are chosen. So now we can see the application of what it means that many are called, but few are chosen?
Even people who want to come to the wedding feast, if they don't have the proper garments, they will not be chosen.
This man was at the wedding feast. He was there. He was at the banqueting table, but he was asked leave. Well, he wasn't asked to leave, the ushers took him out.
He was not chosen. He didn't have the proper wedding garment on!
I am about out of space so I need to send another short post.
The word "epistle" means letter. The word Gospel means "Good News"
I think that this verse is referring to the robe of righteousness of Jesus Christ believers possess. We are clothed in His righteousness, not our own, so that we can stand before the Father and not be destroyed. Those attending the wedding feast of the Lamb will all be wearing this robe of righteousness of Jesus-therefore are believers.
I've read many of your comments in theses forums. Seems to me you have quite an insight.
What you say makes sense to me. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
.....But Joseph means adding a son and Benjamin was the added Son in the flesh ...But being Joseph was a type of Christ in over 100 ways thus there has to be a Son added to Jesus...In the Spiritual realm ...Which is the H.G. that Child of Promise...Whosoever receiveth one such Child in my name receiveth me...She brought forth a man child that is gonna rule all nations with a rod of iron...And Jesus is the Bridegroom...The Kingdom does not come till the woman births the manchild the H.G. That added son...k Gbu