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The Body of Christ and our relation to it is compared to a mystery ( Eph. 5:32). Sacrifice and devotion to someone else that has become part of ourselves with a marriage is somewhat of a similarity to our relationship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Probably the most apt analogy is that when we are busy in fellowship with one another that we forget the importance of our own needs and they really don't seem that vital anymore. It should be noted however that within the fellowship of the saints there is the best means to find answers through the wisdom of the Spirit and other gifts working in the saints. What is best for us could also be described as similar to that of a parent to a child in such surroundings; people that are tightly knit look out for one another and are able to help us to keep boundaries and hopefully accountability in our lives. This; of course is a two way street; we shouldn't expect a hypocritical standard where the leadership can live in open rebellion while expecting everyone else to have a legalistic standard. Numbers 32:23 indicates that our "sins shall find us out."
Trust of course is an important element whether in human relationships or those in fellowship corporately. Much has been said of tactfulness and sensitivity; and for those who are open to rebuke and have a "broken and contrite spirit" ( Psalm 51) that surely is effective. When it comes to more difficult people or situations then there needs to be a track record which the saints can trust leadership to handle things effectively. That is also similar to the vows and marriage covenant in that there is accountability and standards agreed to which has something to do with our doctrinal statement of faith; but is directly tied into our commitment to Christ. That is obviously beyond just a verbal assent to believe in Christ; but when we become church members such vows normally are made with consequences spelled out for rebellious action.
Jesus loves u all, i in Christ stay strong in the word of God. Hebrew 13
Dear God, Father in Heaven. We pray for Daniel that you strengthen him in spirit, soul and body Lord. We honor Your holy Name Jesus Christ and know that You are close in thought, word and deed. Complete Your work in him Lord! We love your community. We pray that Daniel receives assurance of salvation and the spirit of revelation. So that he sees what is coming Lord. He will go out with renewed strength and know that You are the Lord who reigns over all. His voice becomes loud and strong and there is no fear of man in him, Amen.
Stay strong in His word and Jesus Christ loves u and yours, i love u in Christ.
We can also talk on this thread about ways we show we treasure the shedding of our Lord's blood as being more precious than anything else.
I am thinking that we show this positive mindset about the blood of Christ by speaking truthfully about His person and His work and how His shed blood affects us.
We can show this positive mindset by praying for opportunities to share the gospel fully and completely with someone who is lost and then do it when the opportunity comes to us.
We can show that we treasure the blood of Jesus when we admit our absolute need for it for our salvation, admitting that we are sinners in need of atonement and the removal of our sin and guilt from us along with a desire to be right with God through the blood of our Savior, the only begotten Son.
We can show that the blood of Jesus is precious to us whenever we approach the throne of grace to draw near to the FAther knowing that it is the blood of Jesus that permits this.
I am sure others have very good thoughts on this, too. Looking forward to reading them.
Great topic.
Wilful sin is a big issue as the article mentioned.
Hebrews 10:26-27. For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
Here's also a commonly looked over sin.
James 4:17. Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
Sometimes we as Christians think we have the balances in our hands to tell the degree of the offence so we weigh the sin against another man's sin. That seems to give us comfort to continue in our folly.
We should understand that we have been bought/Redeemed with the blood of Christ!
Here is where we examine ourselves to see if Christ Lords over our life.
Galatians 2:20-21. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.
This righteousness is not just Positionally it is practical. It should be on display "BECAUSE" it is energized by the Spirit.
This is not how well we serve, it's WHO we serve and WHO is glorified.
It's the outward act that shows the inward parts. ( The regenerated heart.)
If we count the blood of Christ dear to us we should have a fear of offending the grace of God, so his word and our our worship should line up with scripture.
Our walk and zeal confirms our attitude towards the ransom.
Another way to treat the blood of Christ as if it wasn't enough and try to add to it is to say "You don't except it or perhaps don't believe it.
God bless.
It seems you gave a fine description of the ministry of the Holyspirit.
He is reveals. John 16:13.
He discerns. 1 Corinthians 2:14-15.
This is the work of God functioning in the inner man and displaying outwardly in believers.
" Worshipping in truth and in Spirit"
John 4:23.
Philippians 2:13.
I believe this takes denying ourselves and submission.
And when HE is present WE bares fruit.
This is practical, not a manifestation of the flesh. "Man doesn't WILL it to happen.
In fact as he matures I don't think he can keep it from happening.
Matthew 7:16-20. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
I believe when we exhibit this spirit efficient fruit then we are able to exhibit our gift. (Christ) in us and we in him.
Ephesians 4:11-15. And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
God bless.
Part 3
"A part of this was surely that the blood, as symbolized in the wine (of which some drank too much, vs. 21), was disregarded and profaned.
Not only is misconduct at the Lord's Table profaning the blood of Christ, but also absence from the Lord's Table. There are many who view communion as a ritual best to be endured, and then only occasionally. The New Testament saints remembered the Lord daily ( Acts 2:42-46), and later it was weekly ( Acts 20:7; 1 Cor.11:2 cf. 16:2). Those who consistently failed to commemorate the Lord's death not only disobeyed the command of the Lord ( Lk. 22:19-20) but they profane the blood He shed by valuing it so little that they fail to commemorate His death as He has instructed us. ....
There is essentially but one way in which non-Christians profane the blood of Jesus Christ, and that is esteeming it of so little worth that they seek acceptance with God on the basis of their own works, in place of the atonement, in which Christ shed His own blood. Imagine standing before the judgment seat of God (the Great White Throne) and having God ask you but one question, the answer to which determines whether you spend eternity in heaven or in hell. The question, I assure you, will be this, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THE BLOOD OF MY SON?"
God cares nothing for what you have to offer, but only what He Himself has offered you, His only begotten Son: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." ( Jn. 3:16). How dare any man think he could offer God anything for his own redemption, when God has paid the price in full at the cost of the blood of His own Son."
I just thought that this portion of this article was so well said and worth consideration.
We may be able to think of other ways we can profane the blood of Jesus.
I think of when a believer shows acceptance of non-christian by Jesus without conversion. More ideas?
Part 2
"If we truly treasure the blood of Christ, we will not defile it. the preciousness of the blood of Christ is a very pertinent factor in the life of the Christian. Peter maintains that the preciousness of the blood is to be the Christian's motivation for purity--for avoiding profaning the price of our redemption. In other words, to resist the goal for which the blood of Christ was shed is to profane the price which was paid to realize the goal: purity and holiness. Put differently, the degree to which the blood of Christ is precious is also the measure of the penalty for profaning it.
The regulations that God gave to the Israelites in Chapter 17 of the book of Leviticus were intended to prevent the profaning of the blood of living creatures. It should be granted, then, that what is precious should not be profaned. Are there ways in which the precious blood of Jesus Christ, our Lord, is profaned? I believe so.
First, the believer profanes the blood of Christ by persisting in the very sin from which the precious blood was intended to cleanse us. Listen to these most sobering words from the book of Hebrews:
"How much severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he has been sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of grace?...It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God." ( Heb. 10:29.31)
A second way in which a Christian can profane the precious blood of Christ is by a disregard for the Lord's Table, or by misconduct in your remembrance of the Lord's death. You will recall that in the 11th Chapter of 1 Corinthians, the misconduct of the Corinthian saints was described. The result was that some were judged by sickness and some by death ( 1Cor. 11:30). The reason given by Paul was that the saints did not "judge" the body rightly" (vs. 29).
Continued in Part 3
I had cited an article "The Preciousness of the Blood" by Bob Diffinbaugh. I was really impressed with what he wrote on this topic so I would like to quote this article today.
"Blood is not precious in its own right, but because it is equated with life. The principle conveyed first in Leviticus 17 is that "the life is in the blood". Pressing this matter further, then, we can safely conclude that God values life as precious. Blood is the instrument through which atonement is made, which spares the life of the sinner. Life is this precious to God, as well it can be for it was God who created all life. ( Gen. 1-2)
If blood, (and, as we have seen, life) is precious then there are several areas of application. The first application is that God values all life. Let the abortionist take note! Let those who talk about "quality of life" beware. God is the giver of life, Satan, through sin, seeks to destroy it. Let us prove to be on God's side by seeking to save life, rather than destroy it.
Pressing the fact that God values all lie to its personal level, we can say with great conviction, God values your life. God values your life so much more highly than you do. The measure of the value which God has placed on your life is the price which He was willing to pay to save it; the precious blood of His only Son, Jesus Christ. According to this standard, God has placed infinite value on your life. May you and I value our life in the light of the value God has ascribed to it.
Further, knowing the value which God has assigned to life enables us to better grasp the evil of sin, which seeks to destroy life by producing death. Cin can only be appraised in the light of tits ultimate result--death, and death can only be evaluated in light of its opposite--life. How ugly sin is in the light of the value of the life which it seeks to destroy."
The number 153 signify the large fish which ware also in the net and still there were many fish as well in the net as it needed to be dragged.
The miracle that was performed by our lord Jesus Christ yet with the large fish of 153 and the rest of the fish the net did not tear
(The many fish and the net withholding the weight)
11 So Simon Peter climbed back into the boat and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn.
Please pray for understanding in Jesus' name amen.
It seems to me by reading the chapter that they did not eat of their flocks and herds, but were being sustained by the manna that fell each night. The sheep, goats, and cattle were reserved for the sacrifices laid out at Sinai (Book of Leviticus Ch. 1-70). By following these sacrificial requirements, there would be multiple sacrifices offered daily. The flocks and herds needed to be kept for these sacrifices and to keep breeding for them to have livestock when they arrived and settled in Canaan. Likely, also, they did not eat the turtle doves or pigeons they must have kept as tamed animals they raised and breed.
The people were growing tired of manna every day. They had not been too long out of Egypt where they could have a fresh memory of the varied diet there. Their fleshy self was unsatisfied with the diet God had provided for them without any labor on their part to grow it. They just had to collect it, grind it and make it into bread. Even though the manna was completely sufficient to satisfy the nutritional needs of their bodies, the Israelites wanted more than what God had ordained for their sustenance. He must have set apart the meat of their livestock for sacrifices and giving them only manna to eat as a test to them. Would they be satisfied with the manna when they saw their livestock daily and being sacrificed to God daily without being permitted to slay some for meat to eat. Would they be satisfied with what God had commanded and provided or want their own way instead? As you read on in the chapter, God had it literally "rain down quail" so plentiful that they would become sick of eating it, though they lustily consumed it to the point of gluttony. Also, God sent some sort of plague upon them from consuming the quail. So, thought the Israelites craved meat and got it from the Lord, it was not a blessing, but a punishment for their grumbling against God and his provision and rule of law.