All Discussion PAGE 67

  • Bennymkje - 9 months ago
    Mark 6:7 Two by two

    Jesus appointed the twelve and sent them two by two so they represented both heaven and earth. The Son and the Son of man are like the two edged sword, is all about the sound and sign of the Gospel.(He.4:12). The word of truth sanctifies so we consider both the master and disciples are as one. "For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren." (He.2:11)

    The disciples were to preach the gospel and cast out demons by the authority of the word so they are heard. They are also signs. "And again, Behold I and the children which God hath given me," is a reference to the Isaiah quote. The number Two is embedded in the Word where two worlds of heaven and the earth are simultaneously at work. So Isaiah opens with this verse,"Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the Lord hath spoken,"(Is.1:2).

    In this context the two witnesses are not merely two individuals but a label for the ministry of the Son in heaven and on earth through his prophets. Time is not according to earth time but time as tagged by the Spirit. Three and half years on earth and heaven gives us the Perfect Number 7. "And after three days and an half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them."(Re.11:11)

    Three and half years roughly works out to be the duration of Christ's earthly ministry. After his resurrection his ministry in heaven is half an hour that rounds off the Command number for the Word as Four. Gospel is the same through out the four cardinal directions because of one faith.(One Lord, one faith-Ep.4:5) Feeding Four thousand where 4x1000 refer to the people who became figuratively the partakers of the holy calling. (8:9) Command Number Three is the tag for the Son. Jesus was tempted for Forty days(4x10) (1:13 )or was seen after resurrection refers to the man (Ac.1:3;He.2:14)
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Hi Sonofman.

    That's a very interesting question! "What came first? Light or darkness?"

    I believe when God created the heavens and the earth he also created "Time" and from our point of view that started with darkness. (And the evening and the morning were the first day.)

    However, there is more to it when considering what they represent spiritually.

    We can gather references out of John 1.

    I haven't gave much thought or study on this but I believe "spiritually or otherwise" one cannot exist without the other.

    Genesis 1:2-4 it reads, "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

    And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

    Here I don't believe darkness and light "being created" is not in these verses but their existence is present. (God spoke and "brought in the Light." and darkness as well already existed. "Again, this is from our point of view and the beginning of time.

    However Spiritually, Psalms 139:10-12 may give us a glimpse of what it's like from God's point of view and spiritually.

    "Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.

    Also. Genesis 1:2 can read "And the earth (Became) without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

    I'm interested in your full take.

    Thanks and God bless.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Hey Sonofman1973,

    I am not sure to whom you asked this question. If I may, I feel you have put on chest waders, I love it. I would love to hear your thoughts; may we all grow in the knowledge of our LORD. "What came first? Light or darkness? And where and when were they created or formed or made."

    If we look at Genesis darkness was, and God said let there be light, and He divided them. Does that make darkness before light? God called the light day and the darkness night. What was this light since there was not a sun until day four?

    Light has both physical and theological aspects. The "complete light" is that "true light that gives light to every man", the light of God which has come into the world in the person of Jesus Christ, John 1:9. Jesus said of himself "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world".

    Or should we consider Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

    Does not all creation come from the only God, our Father?

    God bless,

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Hi Aaron.

    I would suggest doing the very thing you say you have trouble with.

    Keep praying!

    Pray for the Lord to strengthen your faith and to continue reading your Bible.

    May I ask what do you mean when you say, "when you do both things you feel like you get further away."

    Is it your understanding, Is it conviction or something else? Maybe we can help.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    God bless.
  • Bennymkje - 9 months ago
    Mark 6:45-56

    v.10 "And he said unto them, In what place soever ye enter into an house, there abide till ye depart from that place." St Mark also designates the twelve as the associates so the principle of Association is stated indirectly. Those who rejected them was tantamount to reject him who sent them.(v.11a) Compare Matt.10:40; Luke 10:16. The cities stood in judgment and were not part of the house. This explains that Jesus was not aware of the fate of John the Baptist, who would remain within as Erasmus would not join with Luther when broke away from the Mother Church.In his case it did not work, either. Within a century of his death religious wars broke out widening the rift farther. Honor of Herod, the unclean spirit was working among princes of the church. Both Calvin and Luther were not behind in their maneuvering.

    v.31 "And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while." Jesus had no interest in news of the day and it was no different than what we hear these days. Dog eats dog and ungodly men make a mountain of molehill of them. Their conspiracy theories are ropes they hang themselves with. So Jesus took them apart after they had completed their mission.

    vv.39-40 " And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass./ And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties".In the multiplying of loaves those who present were to form file and rank and the order within the house speak of worship with a sober mind and peace. Peace of God is the characteristic of the house where they lodged. Rumors of war, accidents famine plagues that assail us from news media tells the world where Satan has them in thrall and what does he flash before their eyes? Honor of a Herod and worth is it? By not giving glory an angel would strike him instantly. What price was his glory? (Ac.12:22-23)

    v.46 " And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray."
  • Jaz - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Hello to you Brother . Two things you didn't mention your age and how long is it since your baptism . All relationships need time and effort for them to grow so it's the same with your relationship with God and with Jesus . You do have to put in some effort one of the easiest ways is to see your God everywhere . He is visible every day in His creation . I love nature and animals all of them and I can see God's wisdom and beauty in all of his creatures . If I have to pick one thing it would be the sky . Go somewhere where you can see a lot of it . Maybe somewhere high . The sky is awesome . The different colors at different times of the day and the different cloud formations the sun and the moon and the stars . Looking at all these things that God has created how beautiful they all are and totally different every day ! God isn't only in the Bible He's everywhere you just need to have eyes to see Him in His creation . Then look at your own life . See how He has been at work in your life bringing you closer to Him . See how He takes care of you every day . You might think that you look after yourself or maybe your family helps you but guess what ? Every good thing in your life comes from Him and you can have nothing or do nothing or be nothing without Him and His love and mercy in your life . Learn to see Him and then maybe you will learn to hear Him and you will grow closer to Him . Don't give up . God is alive and with you and He isn't going anywhere .
  • Aaron Wolf - 9 months ago
    My name is Aaron Wolf I am saved and have been baptized. I pray to the Lord not very often I don't really often read my Bible and when I do both things I feel like I get further away. Does any body have any suggestions?
  • Abel Wolf - 9 months ago
    Please keep my mom in prayer, she hasn't been feeling well since Saturday.
  • Bennymkje - 9 months ago
    Mark 6:41 Two fishes"

    "And the two fishes divided he among them all./And they did all eat, and were filled." Here we have an example of kangaroo words. The two primarily refers to the number of fishes while there were five loaves of bread. What you eat has it way of passage, and as Jesus took pains to explain it is eaten "Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?(7:19). What the heart can do leads to everlasting life while traditions of man, with his table manners in the Roman times often lasted into late hours in suppers where the guests would end under the table in their own vomit. What the Spirit is demonstrating are heaven and earth as two worlds so Jesus " And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them."(v.41)

    Before appointing the twelve he goes up to a mountain, and called them who would. His Sermon on the Mount set the Rock of Ages for a testimony and Mark similarly narrates that Jesus bound the twelve to service so their authority came from heaven as his came. As the master so were the disciples.

    As indicative of their singleness of purpose Jesus took the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them." In short the disciples were partakers of the heavenly calling.(He.3:1). The number of fishes is two and signifies a number of objects each is set in terms of God. God fashions all hearts alike and tries their works. In the Parable of the Talents each servant was bound to give account over them. Number of men in this chapter "And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men".(v.44) In the other,"And they that had eaten were about four thousand: "(8:9). These are set for a purpose.
  • Richard H Priday - 9 months ago
    Why do men hate God?

    When attempting to bring attention to man's deplorable state of heart Wh( Jeremiah 17:9) I have found in my own self examination that it is best to evaluate all that we consider what Phillipians 4:8 states and then look at our own heart and soul carefully.

    When we seek all that men may say is kind; benevolent; compassionate; etc. and try to find pleasure in life apart from God of course we look to other religions and usually end up in a humanistic mentality. We ascribe to others as well who seem to portray such attributes as somehow "enlightened". I can only speak for myself as a man here; but how much of the flesh is appealed to in today's "Christian" music industry? If someone is young; thin and attractive does it move us as much as someone who is a bit overweight and unattractive who performs on stage? Do we favor those in our own social circles or families above others? What are our motives when we serve others?

    Such logic of course often results in men not appreciating what God does provide such as a wife mentioned in Proverbs 18:22.

    To find the "grass greener on the other side of the field" people think it worthwhile to get a new model and get rid of the spouse that they have been granted by covenant; something Malachi 2:15 says we should not do (also see Proverbs 15:18-20). Interestingly Proverbs 15:8 just before that talks about the sacrifice of the wicked being detestable as contrasted to prayers of the righteous.

    Of course many hate God outright; at least being honest about their intentions; accusing God often of being a "killjoy" and sometimes being an admitted Satanist "do as thou wilt" mentality. Of course we have to look at men's obvious evil acts; so we have laws God has set forth to keep order. With all the self professed benefits of "freedom" we see the end result in the fruits of violence and discord in society that many possess or develop as the cultish mentality comes out. Mark 7:21 is the end result.
  • Richard H Priday - 9 months ago
    The last part of the first stanza of the song "He knows my name" from the 2014 "If We're Honest" album of Francesca Battestelli states this:

    True to who You are

    You saw my heart

    And made

    Something out of nothing

    We really can't disengage the concept of the comprehension that we have nothing to offer but a "broken and contrite heart" as Psalm 51:8 states when we first come to a saving faith. God Himself grants repentance ( 2 Tim. 2:25 and 2 places in Acts) but this results in our heartfelt plea for God's mercy. In the same logic salvation isn't a one way street. Realizing our own unworthiness and helplessness is what unregenerate man cannot or will not concede in this lifetime as we see illustrated in Jeremiah 18:12. Man finds ways to justify demon worship as giving them something; of course we see a perfect example in Acts 19:25-28 for example where a whole town spent an afternoon rioting; or in 1 Kings 18:28 with the so called "prophetic contest" between idols and the true and living God.

    This illustration of what theologians title "Irresistable Grace" (not my favorite term) seems to fit here. Some could say that our response of realization of our sins; along with a verbal affirmation ( Romans 10:9-12) is a choice we make; rather than a response to the Spirit's prompting. I would agree as to the general search for truth that some have may come first for many; although we can't rule out a "Damascus Road" sort of conversion today either. In the mindset of unregenerate man; to be controlled or "possessed" by the Holy Spirit which results in a predictable response makes us robots and is a frightening concept in "losing our individual freedom of choice"; etc. Man's logic doesn't consider that our Creator should have ownership or mastery over His own created beings and of course we can struggle even as believers in trusting God to see us through the trials of life. This ties into the verse in Luke 17:33-37 in regard to really living when we lose our life
  • Blessed90 - In Reply - 9 months ago

    thank you for Jolwwn"s life, thank you in advance for the healing in Jolwwn's eyes. In Matthews 9:27-30, you healed two blinded men because, they had faith in you. In the name of Jesus, we believe on today that Jolwwn's vision can and will be healed. Thank you, Jesus! For you never fail us. AMEN.

    *Speak life into your eyes and claim your healing
  • Blessed90 - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Heavenly Father,

    I come to you in prayer on the behalf of Molly. First, I want to thank you for your mercy grace, and love. We ask that you be with her son every step of the way, anoint the hands of the doctors and give his mother strength. God, please bless this young man with good results, I speak healing, a bless life and joy. AMEN
  • Richard H Priday - 9 months ago
    Job 13:15 states: Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.

    In 1 Kings 13; we see a story of an unnamed prophet who God slayed after disobeying the command not to eat or drink or go back the way he came after a fellow prophet lied to him; later the word of God came through that same prophet foretelling his burial won't be with the other ancestors and he died after leaving the meal; mauled by a lion who then stood next to his natural pray a donkey by the body. It is understood that the Spirit wasn't indwelling as it is today permanently with believers; but it would seem this man was disciplined by the Lord rather than going to hell. The same principle is stated in 1 Corinthians 11:30 where it talks about taking the Lord's supper unworthily (interestingly related to a meal taken wrongly as well).

    My general point here is that there are many out there who claim we can "lose our salvation". We forget the many verses that contradict this which I won't get into right now; because there are so many others that seem to justify this concept. I have already discussed at length many times the idea of God chastising those He loves (and the opposite fact that we are all illegitimate sons if not ( Heb. 12:8).) What I am saying now is that the dying process begins at the day of our salvation and continues throughout our "sanctification" process. The outer evidence of this comes from the fruit in our hearts and is tied into our behaviors; attitudes; words; praises; service; etc. The world has it's own way of "sacrifice" whether as dramatic as "stigmata" or some kind of outer manifestation that appears like the wounds of Christ on their body (certainly demonic); or acts of contrition; service; etc. I don't want to force the terminology realted to the 5 points of Calvin to make my point. I do want to suggest that when God begins a work He completes it. Let us learn the lessons from scripture and take them to heart.
  • Blessed90 - In Reply - 9 months ago
    My heart goes out to you and your daughter. When I read the part about the first day and then reading how about how hard you pray for your husband (which is a great thing) this scripture came to me. PROVERBS19:21, Pray and ask God to do his will and embrace it, but you must be willing to accept the answer he gives you. I pray these words help and I promise to keep your family in my prayers.
  • Molly - 9 months ago
    Please pray for my son. He is undergoing a procedure for his heart today to determine if he has Brugoda Syndrome.
  • Adam - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Dear Father God we lift up David's family to you today. Bless them, guide them, strengthen their faith, keep them safe, healthy, and allow them to live a holy life pleasing unto you. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
  • Jolwwn - 9 months ago
    Please pray for my vision. It seems as if I'm losing more of it day by day, and I'm so so scared.
  • David Allen - 9 months ago
    Please remember me and my family today in your prayers please pray for my daughter Jessica and her young family
  • Bennymkje - 9 months ago
    Mark 6:7 "The Twelve"

    "And he called unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two; and gave them power over unclean spirits."

    Jesus ordained them for a purpose. " And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him./And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach"(3:13-14).Having introduced the disciples the Spirit gives us two symbols which gives an altogether different emphasis to the discipleship.

    We shall first examine it before we take up the topic. St Matthew presents the doctrine of his Father before a mountain while St Mark informs us that Jesus first went up into a mountain and calls whom he would. It does not mean the twelve disciples were among them but the emblem of Zion (Is.28:16; Matt.5:1) is the witness for the discipleship. Jesus Christ the rock of ages embodies the doctrine of his Father; so are the twelve disciples. By choosing Judas Iscariot as one of the twelve he was accountable to the Word as he as the word become flesh his testimony also was on the line. Testimony of Jesus: the spirit of prophesy.(Re.19:10) . Mark gives us the list and ends with," And Judas Iscariot, which also betrayed him: and they went into an house." (3:19) The house is not specified but the house serves as a proper context for Jesus and all his twelve disciples. St Mark sets the entire gospel about Jesus as that of the Son so the house referred here is the Father's house." In my Father's house are many mansions:.:( John 14:2) Of whose house are we? Is simplicity in Christ or honor of Herod what do we hunger for?

    When it was time he sent them as the key verse says, two by two and gave them authority just as his Father had given him.

    Jesus had no place to lay his head. He sent his disciples similarly to depend solely on His Father in heaven. Faith made them feel at home and the peace of which was not as the world gives. This was Christ's testimon.y
  • Chris - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Apologies. 1 Timothy 2:16 should read, 1 Timothy 3:16.
  • Chris - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Hi Symone63. You must be referring to some other teaching (e.g. Roman Catholicism) which maintains Mary's perpetual virginity. If you are, then the Scriptures are replete with verses to show that after Jesus was born to Mary, then Mary gave birth to other children (sons & daughters), but Mary was indeed a virgin when the Holy Spirit placed this Godly Seed into her, so that God could appear unto men in the flesh in the Person of Jesus, as only God could make the full, acceptable, & permanent payment for mankind sins ( 1 Timothy 2:16; 1 John 3:16; John 15:13).

    You can look at the following Scriptures to show that Jesus did have siblings, albeit half-siblings now by both Joseph & Mary. Matthew 12:46,47; Matthew 13:55,56; Mark 6:3; John 2:12; John 7:3,5,10; Acts 1:14; 1 Corinthians 9:5; Galatians 1:19.
  • Florence flavia okello - 9 months ago
    i ask God to deliver me from monitoring spirit
  • Symone63 - 9 months ago
    Where did Jesus siblings com from if Mary never had any more children?
  • Sonofman1973 - In Reply - 9 months ago
    First I ask you a question. What came first? Light or darkness? And where and when were they created or formed or made. I firmly believe to fully grasp the first chapter of Genesis unlocks the entire eternal purpose of God he purposed in Christ Jesus before the foundation of the world. I Love God's word. And I thank you for taking time to discuss with me. I'm in no hurry. For God has firmly revealed to me that I have need of patience that after I've done the Will of God I might receive the promise. ( Paraphrase. Hebrews 10;36
  • Sonofman1973 - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Greetings brother "One eighty" thank you for taking time to reply to my question and thought. I may be misunderstanding you,if so I apologize. But according to what has been revealed to me personally by revelation is that Jesus is the thoughts of Gods heart. Psalm33:11 And the beginning of the Gospel of John. The logos where we get our word logic or reason. Thus God before Time began purposed all things in his heart before beginning the creation by the word= thoughts. Jesus was in the beginning with God,and when God logos creation began,. I have a question for you to ponder. Which came first light or darkness. Just something to ponder. I seek godly counsel to always make sure God's word doesn't get twisted in my finite mind. For thinkers are what God created us to be. And to always think upon Him And meditate upon his word and he promises that we can understand All things. His word says so. Proverbs 28:5
  • Abel wolf - 9 months ago
    In Christian life my family go through hard times like someone gets sick when we about to something for Christ so please pray for us.
  • Sonofman1973 - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Brother Ronald may you abound more and more in the Grace and knowledge of God. I agree that God is unsearchable and past finding out. But from my understanding of Scripture Jesus Christ is the thoughts of God. After all he is the creator,sustainer,plan,counsel and eternal purpose in action. Psalm 33:11- the counsel of the Lord standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations. Thus Jesus is the thoughts of God. The logos,the very plan in action. In simpler terms God thought it all out before the beginning,then those thoughts were spoken. Thus he did declare the end from the beginning. I can not separate God And his thoughts,for his thoughts,logos as in action is God,was with God in the beginning. I may not be clarifying myself. I apologize if not. I've not used Scripture references for I am persuaded you have the word of God deep in your heart. Thank you for your time
  • E. - 9 months ago
    Asking for strong protection and breakthrough for us and all in need. Lord Jesus please intervene concerning A. and P., heal M. and K. and help me with the job and please go before all of us this weekend. May you be glorified and many ask about you as we celebrate your resurrection Lord.
  • E. - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Father please do this for them, us and all in need. Thank you. In Jesus name. Amen.

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