All Discussion PAGE 678

  • Imelda salarza bardaje on Joel 2 - 2 years ago
    blessed are we this verse that god provides everything for us thank you father thank you holy spirit thank you lord
  • GiGi - In Reply on Luke 1 - 2 years ago
    If you are speaking of John the Baptist, I have read that it was possibly in the month of Nissan and Jesus being born 6 months later in the month of Tishri. This is based on the record of the services of the high priest terms. Zechariah is said to have the rotation of service in the Temple in the month of Sivan, the month that Elizabeth conceived John.

    But as far as Scripture, such dates are not given.
  • Tabitha - 2 years ago
    I would like you to pray for someone I know in Taekwondo, he isn't a believer
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Well said Richard. Thanks.
  • Upendo Judith on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    The word of God is so powerful, he separated light from darkness.... If only we would follow instructions.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Discernment: Red flag #2 (cont).

    Going back to Joel 2:30-31 we see a verse utilized by Dominionists and other extreme Pentacostals which taken in context are likely to be a description of the 2 Prophets in the last days who have a sort of "Prophetic contest" with the rest of the world. They end up being martyred by the Beast coming out of the sea (Antichrist) before being Resurrected. Again; if there is no warning about false Messiahs doing miracles ( Matt. 24:24) then we are left assuming that everything is genuine that is "miraculous" without examining to see if it is men's imaginations; God or a demon causing these things or apparent things to occur.

    Of course if we do the preverbal "throwing out the baby with the bathwater" and are total cessationists we are also going beyond scripture and are in danger at worst of blaspheming God when a true miracle occurs; or at worst being overly discouraging.

    Red flag #3: Tying into the first two "red flags" there are those who go beyond what we know presently in relation to a prophetic event and make all sorts of statements on this or that event being a sign; and taken to an extreme stating that it proves such and such an event during the Tribulation is occurring. We must keep in mind that Christ personally opens all the seals; and in fact no man is worthy to do so beforehand. The man of sin surely would have come out by now if the restrainer had been removed. In fact we probably all would have been dead by now.

    Red flag #4: Finally; a reminder once again not to be sidetracked by political; economic and other pressing issues beyond what we are called to be. We must be aware of the order of authority; namely the Godhead; Satan and his minions with their own ranks; then men in leadership followed by the rest of us "peons". We can look at the world in a way that we would see a skin lesion and not realize that the whole body is sick (such as seen in Isaiah 1:6). A mighty fortress is our God says it well
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Signs of the times..Discernment

    Discernment is listed in regard to knowledge of the spirit world as a spiritual gift ( 1 Cor. 12:10) and apparently is listed in Hebrews in understanding between good and evil. Many of us for several reasons are sorely deficient in that area today.

    Red flag #1: "Dumbing down scripture". The lack of TRUST in God's revealed and living Word is the basis for all sorts of evils.

    It seems rather evident that many aren't even concerned about studying history and also having a fair and impartial study of scripture itself to see how it fits into a whole picture. We have all sorts of ways that we like to "cherry pick" certain verses that fit whatever doctrine is politically correct at the time. If the foundations be destroyed; what can the righteous do? ( Psalm 11:3). Once the "anchor of the soul" ( Heb. 6:19) is taken out as a basic element of our faith then of course we aren't able or willing to see a lie when it is presented.

    Red flag #2: Eschatological error. Often referred to as a "secondary issue" once again when scripture isn't literally taken (unless the context and explanation within the text clearly indicates otherwise; we can be in dangerous waters. If; for instance we deliberately ignore verses such as 2 Timothy 3 on many falling away in the last days then we have some idea that a great revival will occur or must occur before He calls His church upward. This is confusing what is written in Revelation and Joel to name two places where a great number come to faith. Revelation makes it clear starting in the 5th Seal that mass martyrdom will be the result of this faith. Persecution is already abounding but for now the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. ( Matthew 16:18). According to Daniel the saints WILL by and large be overcome in the Tribulation ( Daniel 7:21).

    Is this the expectation of those who preach of revival today? By and large; no.

    to be continued...
  • D3v0t3d2G0d - In Reply - 2 years ago
    We are THE CLAY, He is THE POTTER !

    We must yield into his hands to be formed by his Spirit. Therefore in yielding he may bear his " fruit" thru us to be disciples of Christ.

    God DOES NOT have to do anything more for us than what HE HAS DONE THRU SALVATION.

    We are told however to ASK and ye shall receive.

    He loves giving good to his children and is not SLACK concerning his promises. We must do our part in an humble & contrite spirit as we come before him to ask!

    Have YOU been born again? Do you know Christ personally?

    To receive we must be in a place to receive. He bottles & answers the prayers of his children but does NOT hear the unbelievers when they pray. It must be thru faith by his grace and our godly sorrow that we come to repentance.

    Then will we hear from God, he will heal our souls, he will set us on the path of righteousness. We will receive justification, sanctification, and finally glorification at the end of this journey.

    Seek to live in his will, follow his commands and be obedient unto his word.

    The FEVERENT prayer of a RIGHTEOUS man availet much.

    God answers when HIS children call unto him.

  • David0920 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The idea that God somehow merely created the "energy" to form the earth and that the "days of creation" could be long periods of time is contrary to the Bible. The Bible clearly teaches otherwise.

    The Bible is the very Word of God and each word in the original Hebrew and Greek is exactly the word that God chose to use. While God does use the werd "day" sometimes to refer to a period of time (ex. The day of salvation), in the creation account God use the phrase "And the evening and the morning were the _____ day" in describing each "day" of creation. That phrase means a single 24 hour day, as we know it. In fact if we understand the time line of history properly from the Bible we conclude that creation occurred about 13,000 years ago.

    If you visit the SearchingHisWord web site and go to the literature section you will find a book entitled the "Biblical Calander of History" that works this out in detail based only on what the Bible declares.
  • Laurie - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Laura I will pray for you all. Might I suggest you watch Charles Stanley's biblical principle 29.. this might give you and your father encouragement. He does not preach from king James but provides some good teaching. When he references scripture 8 always goto KJV. it is interesting that in his sermon he does mention it is better to go to kjv in reference to a verse. Anyhow. I hope this help you all like it has helped me. God bless you all.
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 61 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 61. A story of vows.

    Verse 5 in this short Psalm indicates vows that David made; unknown as to exactly what they were. The next verse states assurance of long life which Solomon was promised in 1 Kings 3:14 IF He would remain obedient and not stray as warned in the conditions listed there as well as in 2 Chronicles 1:11 and sequential verses (without the promise of long life there). Solomon's sins probably shortened his life; however despite his lengthy reign.

    In David's case vows were given; whereas in Solomon's case I know of no such example. There are warnings; in fact in Ecclesiastes which Solomon wrote after learning some bitter life lessons where he mentions vows. ( Ecclesiastes 5:4-8). God requires it; and we are "fools" if we don't. A vow can be a one time act such as Paul in Acts 18:18; or one that is done for as long as a lifetime (such as a marriage vow). Thus; we need to be careful what we promise and have every intention to complete it. Judges 11 shows the seriousness of a poorly thought out vow (much controversy there as to the meaning; it would probably mean dedicating as a perpetual virgin to the Lord in the case of a human as opposed to an animal sacrifice). There are whole commentaries on that passage of scripture.

    In this Psalm we should focus on the eternal benefits of those who trust God. Verse 7 indicates the king will abide before God "forever"; and this would clearly foreshadow the Messiah who was to be a son of David who would finally be the one to restore the Kingdom and fulfill all the promises left undone. It would seem that David's vows were for a lifetime of some sort of service (verse 8). The continual praise certainly should accompany what we vow; that would be nice to see in marriages. The rock in verse 2 certainly would indicate Deity; and God's protection in verses 3 and 4 show our heavenly home to come and the angelic protection promised for His saints (see Psalm 91:4).
  • Cindy - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Daybayor, I have in the past been a victim of horrible nightmares, but when I began asking God to prevent me from having those night terrors, He did. John 16:24 "...Ask and ye shall receive." The Holy Spirit is given to you the second you are born again. He is with you even when you don't feel Him inside you. Grow closer to God by doing daily worship devotions--praying (praising His name, confessing your sins, even singing), not only reading but studying and memorizing the Word of God.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please pray for me and my family today remember my son in law Adam who lost his job remember my father in law who is battling cancer
  • John wade on Luke 1 - 2 years ago
    What month was John born
  • Donna Grace - 2 years ago
    Praying for you all tonight.

    Please pray for the Ukraine and consider taking (?) dollars out of your Christmas present fund, whatever God puts on your heart, and give it to a reputable ministry such as Billy Graham, Samaritans purse. God wants us to help them.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 17 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus 17 continued.

    The prohibition of consuming blood was reiterated at the council in Jerusalem in Acts 15 for both Jew and Gentile. So, this law is still in effect for believers. To me, I just trust that God's reasons for this commandment are for my benefit, so it is easy to obey this. I choose to eat meat that is medium done with no blood seeping from it.

    Interesting that in John Ch. 6 Jesus says that unless one eats His flesh and drinks His blood one cannot have eternal life. This was greatly disturbing to the religious leaders and most of the Jews that heard these words. Most left off of following Him after this discourse. But the apostles stayed with Him even though this command was quite incredulous for them and the thought of cannibalizing Jesus (as they interpreted His words) was very offensive to them. Yet, they stayed and at a later time grew to understand what Jesus was speaking about here. The Last Supper was the time when Jesus instituted Communion using bread and wine to be as His body and blood of the New Covenant that was cut and sealed by His shed blood and the sacrifice of His body for the sins of the world for the forgiveness of sins.

    The last section of this chapter speaks of regulations concerning eating animals that have died a natural death (not from disease) or torn apart by a beast. They were again prohibited from eating any of it blood and if they did eat the flesh, they would need to bathe themselves and be unclean until the evening.

    God took the shedding of any blood from any creature He had made a serious matter, not so much prohibited, but that since sins must be covered by the shedding of blood, His people should be careful to be respectful of the animals they slaughter for food or for sacrifice.

    In 1 Cor. 11:17-34 Paul gives instructions on partaking in Communion in church worship. His words emphasize the respect and honor we are to give to this ordinance as in we are partaking of the body and blood of Jesus in fellowship
  • GiGi on Leviticus 17 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 17.

    This chapter has a few different subjects:

    God's law concerning the slaying of animals for sacrifice

    Prohibition of consuming blood

    Directives concerning animals who die naturally or are killed by a beast.

    From Adam to the time of the Exodus-those who had faith in the true God would create altars and sacrifice animals to God wherever and whenever they felt it was good to do so. Each man was his own priest for himself and his household. But now with the priesthood installed and sacrificial ceremonies in place and the law given to the Israelites, the common people were to stop killing animals and sacrificing them in the open fields. Instead, they were to bring each animal they wished to sacrifice to the door of the tent of meeting to be offered by the priests in the correct way instructed in Leviticus 1-16. It was the priests' job to accept each animal for sacrifice at the tent of meeting. So they were spending most of their time in this tabernacle. People could slaughter the animal at home, but then they were to bring it to the tent of meeting to be sacrificed on the brazen altar by the priest. All of the blood was to be drained from the animal and if done so outside of the tabernacle, the blood was to be covered with dust. Some of it would be brought to the tabernacle to be poured out at the altar. The fat was burned, and if a peace offering, they could take of the meat of the butchered animal and eat it with their families and the priests.

    God was concerned that if allowed to sacrifice anywhere and anytime they chose, the Israelites would revert to sacrificial practices of the pagan around them and make sacrifices to idols and be led astray from YHWH.

    In the middle of the chapter, the Israelites are sternly commanded again to never consume the blood of any animal, like the heathens did, but also because God says that the life is in the blood. So, to consume the blood one would be consuming a live substance rather than dead food.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you brother. I too, alongwith GiGi, agree to what you've shared here. Scientists have been searching for answers about the unknown worlds & our existence, & have developed theories to which they will cling to until some new discovery is made to bring them to 'greater knowledge'. To accept the Genesis account would be too simplistic & unworthy of their great education & advanced analytical skills & knowledge. But they will never understand what God has determined & what God has put in place. They come with their mental prowess but God simply asks us to accept what He has done & given us to know, in Faith.

    Then, can science & faith ever be compatible? There would be varied opinions on this I'm sure, even as one known to me is a religious person (as believing in God's existence), but also an accomplished scientist & mathematician. He tells me that the two (science & faith) can co-exist, even as he has proved. It may to some extent, but where science ends, where the limits of man's knowledge are reached, how many scientists resort to God's Word for the answer and believe Him for what He has told us?
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    As Duncan has written, I can't recall any such situation that you've given here. Though in Ephesians 4:32 we read, "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you."

    Here, the thought is to show kindness, gentleness & compassion to one another, since we really don't understand or fully understand the trials that another person may be going through. We shouldn't think that a lack of a facial expression should definitely mean something is amiss. He might be working through some issue, lost a loved one, or even had a tooth pulled out that won't bring on a smile. So, we need to understand that there might be a good reason for a somber or sullen face & rather to tell him to 'get over it & smile a little', we would do better to get beside him & minister to him as he permits you & by the Lord's leading.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    One further comment in light of the beginning of what I said in the previous post. The stories of antiquity still have an origin; such as those of gods and giants. The O.T. makes it clear that there were indeed various tribes of Nephilim; Zamzumites and a bunch of other giants that were of the offspring of demons and man as mentioned in Genesis 6. Satan is very real and demons have taken many aspects of truth as often found in original languages and cultures and their stories of an original true Creator God which changed later on to that of varying mythologies. There is also a similar flood story to scripture worldwide to Noah as well.

    These things have to be examined along with other things; I pray that you look long and hard to the historicity of the Bible before making any hasty conclusions to disregard it. There are many good resources out there such as the old book Evidence that demands a verdict and the sequel from Josh McDowell and many other good apologetic books along with recent archaeological discoveries.

    Do your homework.

    Agape; Rich P.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The preverbal question that comes up is what comes this case is it Christmas or pagan stories of a similar nature? If you are already determined to be a diehard atheist; then I suppose you could automatically designate the story of the birth of Christ (which you can see is in those verses as well as the start of other Gospels) as a late version of say Semiramis or the countless mother and child mythologies involving a virgin child; or offspring from the "gods"; etc.

    The genealogical descendants as you will observe are listed in Matthew from Joseph; but in Luke they are from Mary's lineage.

    One point that is brought out in Matthew is the census; clearly the lineage of each family was well known in the list of descendants. There are some complexities involved which on a surface level may appear to be discrepancies. Nonetheless; the whole history of the O.T. had to have descendants for the Messiah to come through certain individuals. David was promised according to Mark 12:36 (referring to an O.T. scripture) that Messiah would be in his lineage.

    The whole Christian faith hinges on God coming in the form of a man who could live as we did but without sin; and becoming the final atoning sacrifice. The O.T. sacrifices have been gone for nearly 2000 years; the occurrence of the curtain tearing in the Temple happened when Christ died. He had to overcome death and was Resurrected as well; all prophesied events. (See Luke 23:44-45). The virgin birth was promised in Isaiah 7:14. Christ had to not be born with the sin nature which all sons of Adam had (so wasn't from natural human seed). He had to take on our sins as the sacrificial lamb.

    He had to be God (as God the Son and part of the eternal Godhead demonstrated as early as the Book of Genesis where God created man in "our image" ( Genesis 1:26). Only God can forgive; and Christ stating that He was the "I am" ( John 8:58) showed He was truly God as only God can forgive sins.
  • Mark thomas - 2 years ago
    do you have a prayer for god in jesus yes go two
  • Duncan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    That i don't know but i know it's written in proverbs 12:25 speak with a person who is down will lift them up.

    Proverbs 12:25

    Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Giannis, I agree with everything you replied to me. Thanks.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Pt 2


    In fact God has always adapted Himself to the knowledge of the people he was talking to. He does not try to impress us with his knowledge. So in Bible the earth seems sometimes to be flat or be supported by some kind of support, sun is orbitting earth, oceans have gates and levers, Heaven(space) has 7 levels, sin comes out of our heart (the ancient people believed that all feelings come out literally from the heart, which is just an organ, a blood pump) and many other things which are obviously wrong scientifically. And God accepts all that because His purpose of inspiring people to write down things about Him is not to give some Physics, Chemistry, Maths, etc lectures but He wanted to reveal Himself to us, people, through history using the knowledge mankind had at any period of time.

    This is just an opinion (and if somebody else tells me something more realistic I will change my mind). So if aliens existed God would have told us, like He told us of angels and other heavenly beings. He would have prepared us for such a possible meeting with them.

    But as I said this is just an opinion.

  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Pt 1

    Hello Gigi. Just my opinion. I think that God gave us all the information needed for the material creation, the Genesis. The spiritual creation, a genesis of angels and other heavenly beings is not described in the Bible since it is another world, but about our world we know everything we should know. But God's purpose was not to give us some sort of scientific information. E.g. Genesis is a very very general description of the creation, don't try to find any scientific information there. Genesis is an account of the creation which can be read by modern people but also by primitive people like Abraham and Job. so that they can understand too. So obviously God couldn't just say, "Well, in the begining I provided the energy for the start of the unfolding of space and time, which fractions of milliseconds later was tranformed to photons, which in turn as the universe was cooling down became matter, so planets, suns and galaxies were starting forming...". Can you imagine something like that? No, so God said that He first made the light (the photons which were the first to be produced from that explosion which is called Big Bang{if it is right}). So it seems that God provided the energy for the creation of the universe, according to the laws He designed. It also seems that God caused a procedure for that creation, which in Genesis has the form of "days", that is time intervals of maybe billions of years. It is in vain that many people try to get some sort of scientific information in Genesis breaking down into pieces every single verse. In fact in the whole of Bible God does not give any scientific information at all, that is not the purpose of Bible. God's purpose is to make us have a general idea of the world (hence universe) we are living in, and introduce Himself through Israel's and churche's history, and reveal to us His plan of saving people. He also tells us about how all these things are going to end and a new world will be created for the saved people.
  • Texsis - 2 years ago
    Heavenly Father I thank you dearly for your son Jesus as well as your Love, Forgiveness & Grace. Lord I ask that you continue to be w/anyone in search of your Truth. So when they pray & read your word daily they don't get fixated on what was yet yurn for more of how it should be now.! Tho the world is in a horrible times & most are in desperate need of Jesus Only you know what & when. We need to pray, Love everyone & keep Jesus in our life daily as we pray.! Amen
  • Brandogrey - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I command satan to leave you alone at night in the name of Jesus. I release the spirit of sleep and relaxation which is free from all worry and anxiety also, in the name that is above all names! Thank you Father for promising us that the sleep of the righteous is sweet and that our righteous comes through the unmerited redemption of Christ. Ps 3:24, Ps 4:8, Mat:24.
  • Ha-yeong Shin - 2 years ago
    Lord, directly reveal the work of God the Father to me, my people(Ha-young, Ye-young, Ui-seop, Jung-won, Hye-ok, Yul-bin, Suzy, Eun-tae, In-sook, Im-hak, Tan-ae), and to this ministry, and let us know that the Father is in the Son Jesus and that Jesus is in the Father. The will of the true God, who knows all our needs, transcends our personal will. I seek the glory of the only true God. Let Jesus Christ directly reveal the name of God the Father to all of us and see His glory. Also, as promised, please set us completely free from all slavery, and i also seek to become perfect one with God, so please put this into practice.
  • Daybayor - 2 years ago
    God should give me a breakthrough over evil dreams and save my life from generational poverty. God should give me power of Holy Ghost.

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