All Discussion PAGE 693

  • Donna Grace - 2 years ago
    Thank you to all who prayed for me while traveling. I am home. God is good ALL THE TIME! And ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!

    Our trials and tribulations are only for a little while here on this earth.

    And I recommend that you DON'T sin because we will reap that which we have sown. If you sin your still gonna reap. I'm reaping, so I rejoice in everything because I'm forgiven. But I still reap. David reaped. It's God's righteous judgement. So don't sin!!!

    God bless all who use this site.

    In Jesus name. I'm praying over all prayer requests here.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Peter, I'm praying for you tonight but I want to ask you if you are a Christian?

    Is Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior? Do you believe that He came down from the Heavenlies and was born of a virgin?

    That He died on the cross for your sins and rose again on the third day and that His blood sacrifice makes you free when you believe and repent?

    If so, His blood also coves and protects you even now.

    Devils cannot cross the bloodline around you. Read the word ( the Bible) out loud. Make sure you have zero known sin in your life to the best of your ability. And love the Lord your God with your whole heart!

    Ephesians 6:11 and so on explains about the armor of God. You need it. Put it on.

    We love you here at KJBO and we're praying for you.
  • Alex1939 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    alex1939....Gerald love ya but disagree a bit about faith under the new Covenant...You say that Faith is nothin but thats not what Peter says about Faith...Peter said being bornagain of an incorruptible seed even by the words of God that liveth and abideth for ever...Without his seed which are his words we cannot be bornagain...And Faith comes by hearing his words which are his seeds that initiate Faith...Thats y he has to know US thats when the good seed is sown in our hearts...We all got here by a microcoptic seed and thats the way it is in the Spiritual realm...My lil Children of whom i travail in birth til Christ is formed in you.When a woman is pregnant she has the substance of things hoped for and the Evidence of things not seen...Which is the fetus the Evidence she has known the bridegroom...Christ is our bridegroom and he that sows that good seed in our hearts initiating a spritual pregnancy and the New Birth...And Jesus said the good seed are the Children of the Kingdom which is the H.G. As Jesus said that which is born of the spirit is spirit (via his WORDS) thats the H.G. The Child of PROMISE.

    ....You are failing to understand there is a Child involved in his seed the contents of the book that he wrote with his own blood Even back under the O.C. there was a Child involved that Child of Promise ISAAC...That was multiplied as the sands of the seas the Nation of was Abrahams FAITH that brought this Child and the 12 tribes into being....Plz neva say Faith is nothin "everybody has it" thats not true...Faith is the result of his word and it was his word that formed the planets...Faith can only come by hearing his voice his seed...Today if you will hear his voice his seed the very seed of God...To whom the word came it made them Gods and the scripture cannot be broken..Which is the H.G. the Child of Promise...Plz remember it was God Almighty that made that Promise that Christ wd be multiplied as the stars of Heaven..Thus the Woman and her Children.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I agree, that from the perspective you've presented, specifically from your statement, "The faith itself was the evidence of his hope but the assurance came from the Lord", I would agree. However, I sought to bring up the Hebrews 11:1 definition, discussed at length in another thread, which I believe gives a more narrower view of the faith that believers are to have & that expected of the Lord.

    Even though the mention of 'faith' can bring up thoughts of the different aspects of expressing faith, such as the one you earlier gave of the London bus arriving at a bus stop, or even one having faith that someone would keep a planned appointment, etc., there's always that element of doubt, or a 'faith' that is more accurately described as 'hope'. There are many Christians, too many I suspect, that only entertain a hope that their salvation is secure, or that they will be found worthy at death to gain entrance into Heaven, and so they teeter on the edge of uncertainty. They might still call it faith, trying with all that's within them to believe that all is well, but in reality hoping that they're good enough or have done enough. Would we say that such folk have the faith that the Lord accepts & as described in Hebrews 11:1? They have trusted in the Lord, faithful in Christian exercises, but when tested on the firmness of their conviction, they falter, knowing that some doubt, even a little, causes them uneasiness.

    Whereas Hebrews 11:1 to me, appears more explicit in describing real faith. The use of the words, 'substance' & 'evidence', essentially describes a reality when nothing in the human make-up would permit or entertain such a unswerving belief. Yes, we all go through times of doubt which sometimes brings on fear, but the earnest believer will resort immediately to the Word & prayer to find assurance that what was said & done can never be undone. The thief on the cross had lost everything; his faith in Jesus' Word was not just a word of comfort but of reality.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you sister! God bless you!

    I just got home last night. There's nothing like the feeling of coming home, walking in the door. It makes me think about that final homecoming. Leaving this life and walking through the door to be with Jesus forevermore! What a glorious day that will be.

    Yes, it's good to be home!
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Man was created in the image of God but he IS born in the image of Adam .

    Man is not now a creation again each time out of the dust of earth .

    He is born of a woman but that does not make the woman his creator either .

    For it is God that forms us in the womb according to those laws already predetermined in the creation of Man .

    We are now Born .

    But not in Gods image .

    If man had not disobeyed God and sinned he would also have been born in the image of God . The only one born in the image of God was the Lord Jesus Christ Himself . For He was and is the Word of God made flesh .

    We then or anyone true born of the incorruptible seed which is the Word of God that image of God is once again found in them and is it not written " renewed daily in the image of Him"?

    If a man or woman finds themselves in hell it will not be so much because they have sinned ( for all have sinned) but because they bore another image than Gods and are then rejected as His sons even as they rejected Christ . For he who receives me receives Him that sent me " it follows they who reject Christ reject also Him that sent Him.

  • Rrvaughan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you.
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Mary the mother of Jesus :

    She did not remain a virgin for she clearly had relationship with Joseph her husband who had sons ; James being one of them and sisters as mentioned .

    There is no record in scripture nor any theological foundation for the idea she was immaculately conceived .

    But like all mankind of the seed of Adam and thus born in sin and shapen in iniquity .

    Do not the scriptures in fact show her liniage ?

    Nor was she transported up to heaven that too is not supported by scripture .

    But would have died as all men die .

    For it is appointed unto man once to die but then comes the judgement .

    Might I suggest that an ' immaculate conception ' might well dazzle the imagination but it blinds mens minds to the truth .

    Blessed above all women no doubt but we should not put people above what they are not .
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Mary the mother of Jesus :

    Much has been made of Mary over the centuries that then as now has no basis in scripture .

    Mary was not the mother of God ,she was the mother of the Lords flesh the mother of Jesus the Word made flesh.

    While he was growing up Jesus was under the authority of His father and mother and obediently submitted to them as recorded when they all went up to Jerusalem and he stayed behind in the temple . When finally found he said I must be about my Fathers business but nevertheless submitted to them and returned home for His time was not yet come .

    But from the moment He was baptised the record shows He never gave ground or suggested or allowed His mother to have any authority over Him. For He came not to do her will but the will of Him who sent Him.

    Thus at the wedding feast of Canaan when his mother said they had no wine ,He replied ; not ' mother' but Woman what hast thou to do with me seeing that mine hour is not yet come ?"

    Later in John he spoke of His hour had come when man would take Him at their will and do their will albeit Gods will was done ias foreseen and recorded in the Old Testament.

    When Jesus was talking in a house and His mother according to his flesh was outside with his half brothers and sisters seeking to talk with him . He in effect denied his flesh and said His true mother and brethren are " they who do the will of God"

    While on the cross and His mother and John were standing looking up watching . He said to His mother , "behold Thy son "

    Not as some religionists would have it ,' look at me' but clearly in the context He was saying that John was now her son and tyen said to John behold Thy mother and from that moment on she lived with him at his house .

    Even in his sufferings he made provision for His mother .

    She was a virgin when Jesus was conceived in her womb . That does not make her sinless .

    She herself confessed her " saviour" . The blood of a child is determined by the father not the mother .

    2b contin
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please pray for me and my family please pray for my son in law Adam to find a job
  • Cindy - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear InDanger, I have prayed that God will protect you from evil. But I must say, that wishing harm on them is against God's WORD. Nothing that threatens or happens to us is as horrible as what was done to Jesus and He forgave those who crucified Him. Luke 23:34 "Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do..." And we are commanded to be like Jesus Philippians 2:5

    "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:"

    God Bless!
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear God the Father in Heaven. You who are Singular and Almighty God. Hear our cry Lord, look down to us people who are struggling with purification and freedom in Your Holy name Jesus Christ. We honor You, and want to be with You Lord. Forgive us our sins and lead us into the path of the righteous. No one should be able to stand up to Your children, no one who that is washed clean in Jesus blood dear God. Your children whom You have predestined will come into Your kingdom. In Jesus Christ holy name we throw away All evil devilish spirits that will damage us! We throw them into the darkest abyss, Stay there and never come back! In Jesus holy name Amen.

    Stay strong in the word of God and He will do His Godly work in you. 2 Timothy 2:14-26.

    Love u in Christ
  • Owen - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm hoping I can find someone group of people who teach new comers to innerstand how to read the bible

  • Owen - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I hope you can feel me though these words bless you I know you feel it too

    Today I will with all my heart pray Jesus finds his way to show me how to forgive

    As gay man I now know Jesus loves me as I am, you will innerstand how I have looked for him with truth and finally now in the last days I find him hidden and and I struggle with forgiveness not just for me all souls being sent around the samsara again and again

    I plead the blood of our lord and saviour I find the keys to forgiveness

    So may better serve him and find the happiness I long for Amen

    Big hug
  • Owen - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you

    Your words are true

    For me as a once catholic which I now renounce all of the teachings Horrified with the evil which still hurts .

    However I'm blessed to know the truth of the king James which I need to study

    I hope to find the help I need here, if that's possible

    Acceptance will equal forgiveness? If so pls include me in your prayers

  • Arnfinnius - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Gerald

    You say Gerald - in Reply

    You will have to back that up with scripture and more than one verse at that .

    This is more than just a verse, it is the foundation of the understanding of man and his situation in life.

    That man is created in the image of God and the meaning of this, you do avoid to reply to this and when you do not reply I will not reply either.

    So please do display what is the right view on the fundamental fact that man is created in the image of God.

  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you . In danger of thinking I simply quibbling over words forgive me .

    But unless I have misunderstood you . Faith in of and by itself is nothing . He clearly saw a king if only dimly and one who was going to conquer death and " enter into His kingdom" it was what the thief saw and understood that made him put his faith In Christ . His confession ( in the truest sense) gave substance to his hope in Christ and calling Him Lord was the evidence of things hoped for .

    "Without faith it is impossible to please God " but that too is a gift of God and it was the Lord that inspired that faith in Himself.

    The assurance as the promise given in reward to his faith .

    The faith itself was the evidence of his hope but the assurance came from the Lord .

    It is quite a difference .

    Like many other things in the religious world faith has been misunderstood misapplied in some cases and blown out of all proportion of what the scripture says it IS.

    Everyone has faith . Even those who mocked the Lord .

    As does everyone today and use it every day that is according to what faith IS .

    Faith in God works by the same principles as real faith does in anything else .

    It is how ever if put in Christ a sure and certain hope of our faith being rewarded .

    GB .
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Was not saying that to accuse you but rather for any other readers who might jump to that conclusion .

    I've been a child of God ,born again for over 40 years and still find the Bible inexhaustible.

    A well very deep but with clear pure water for the drinking if you take the time and trouble to go for it .

    Is it not written "they who hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled"?

    Keep on keeping on says the scripture for " then shall ye know as you follow onto know".

    Waters up to the ankles . Safe enough for a child to paddle in .

    Waters up to the loins . Safe enough for " young men" up to their loins who if their honest at first are a little afraid ,because they feel the power of the waters and know it could destroy them .

    But to their delight and joy find ,

    There are waters to swim in and the sea bares them up .

    But even here the same scripture does not stop .

    For while a man can swim the English Channel he is not going to be able swim the Atlantic or indeed the Pacific .

    But what does the scripture say?

    But I " could not go on and the angel led me to a river on who's banks trees were planted whos leaves were for the healing of the nations .

    Keep eating keep studying keep thinking or meditating on the scriptures for no time spent doing so is wasted nor unfruitful if we do so prayerfully .

    For we do but give the Holy Spirit the means to work in you that which pleases God to do .

    Psalm 1 . Blessed is the man who meditates on Gods Word day and night ,"he is like a tree planted by the rivers of living waters ".

    It is line upon line and precept upon precept and your right we cannot understand what we are not ready for or " able to bear"

    But you would be surprised what God can do .
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    "The purchased possession ready to be revealed "

    Is the body

    Those who are not redeemed their body perishes becomes unusable ot fit for purpose .

    One aspect of hell is that the unsaved have no body it has perished . But "every good and perfect gift cometh from the Father above" When we are thirsty he gives us water when we are hungry he provides the food .

    In hell you will be thirsty but cannot drink being cut off from God on the one hand and unable to drink on the other .

    Hungry but cannot eat .

    The soul is saved ,the mind willingly renewed and the body redeemed .

    It is the redeemed and transformed body that is to be revealed when the mortal shall put on immortality and the corrupt shall put on incorruption.

    Another way of looking at it is that where as death reigned in our bodies when Jesus died he took the keys of death and hell and put them on his belt and when He was raised from the dead we who believe are raised together with Him and now life reigns .

    But even as Adam was created with so much life took 800 odd years for that death ( after the fall) that now reigned in him.

    So that utter defeat of the devil by His death will not be totally manifest till much later . Nor then we who are born again where Christ now reigns and theclaw of life . That life will progressively or should manifest itself in our mortal bodies .

    For if this body is dead because of sin ,"if the same Holy Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead dwell in you He shall quicken your mortal body"

    Consider also Paul's prayer for Christian's thst " the eyes of our understanding being opened that we may comprehend with all the saints what is the exceeding greatness of His power that is towards us even the same power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead"

    Have you ever stopped to consider how much power is needed to raise the dead?

    Though me thinks it's not a strain to God .

  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello John. As Richard has given you the requested Scripture ( Ephesians 1:14), I will simply share my understanding of the verses 13 & 14: "In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory."

    The Apostle Paul is writing to the believers that they also had put their trust in Jesus after they had heard & believed the Gospel. They were sealed by the Holy Spirit - the Spirit is given to all who love & trust Jesus for their salvation & their lives. The Holy Spirit, by His residence in the believer, ministers to our hearts in every way. Some of the ways are: teaching ( John 16:12-15); Guiding ( Romans 8:14); Assuring ( Romans 8:16); Praying ( Romans 8:26, Ephesians 6:18); Comforting/Helping ( John 14:26).

    But the foremost Work of the Spirit in the believer is to "seal" him, or 'set a mark' that we belong to Christ. And that is why Paul states in Romans 8:35-39 that nothing, absolutely nothing, can ever separate us "from the Love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord". And here in Ephesians, Paul is stating that our sealing (or, eternal security) by the Holy Spirit is our "earnest", or God's guarantee/pledge until our redemption. Some might say, 'I thought we were already redeemed when we believed & bought by Christ's precious Blood?' Yes, we were fully redeemed spiritually, i.e. inwardly, when we were born again, given a new Spirit, which is of God. But our flesh (body), still tainted with sin & prone to failure before God waits for, rather longs for the day when our redemption is made complete ( Romans 8:23). So Paul says in Ephesians, that our redemption will be made complete when we are taken from this Earth, given new bodies, outfitted for Heaven. And all praise & glory goes to the Lord Who has done all this for us.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Peter, I will pray for you tonight.

    Dear Heavenly Father, we ask You in the name of Jesus to come to Peter's aid right now and break the power of the evil these people are devising against him. We ask that You protect Peter's life and faith. Keep his mind safe from evil influences and turn these wicked people away from him and cause them to remove themselves far, far away from him. Father, renew Peter's sense of safety and peace as You intervene mightily in this situation. Give Peter wisdom and discernment to correctly evaluate this situation and be well aware of what is happening. Be his fortress and guard, protecting him from harm each and every moment. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jesse, in following this conversation with Gerald, I agree that you have been respectful and not accusatory.

    I agree that it is the Holy Spirits task and pleasure to open up our understanding of Scripture. He is glad to do this when we honestly seek Him to show us what is true. We may need to check our biases and preconceptions before He will do this, but He is faithful to reach us through the Word and through one another.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Great word & Gospel presentation Gerald. Just to add a thought to the thieves' perception of the One hanging betwixt them: it seems that in spite of their sinful life, or occupation, at least one of them appeared to have knowledge of Jesus' Life & Ministry. Maybe, news was carried around then just as fast as it's today on the internet, or maybe he observed first-hand the quality of this Man & His Works that no man could justifiably withstand.

    Then after finding that this Man was in the same boat as he, presumably unable to save Himself or the others, his anger & reviling Jesus was his first painful utterance. But as you said, it was then that faith took hold: from what he knew of Jesus, what he saw of himself, turning his reviling into repentance. Death was certain for each of them; the thief's only life-line rested completely in the One Who was called Jesus the Christ, the Son of God.

    Hebrews 11:1 might be evident here also: the little faith that arose in the thief gave him the 'substance' (assurance) of what he hoped would be for him at the end of the line; and became 'evidence' (the proof that fully persuades the heart) of what could not be seen with the human eye or conceivable in the mind. Jesus saw both the man & his heart & gave him the double assurance with the promise that he would be with Him in paradise. This thief made it in just as salvation's doors were shutting on him - the other & so many others then & today, remain resistant to the Love of God in Jesus, will never make it and never get another chance to re-consider their error.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Revelation 4 - 2 years ago
    Sunil Younas,

    Amen, all praise, glory, and honor to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!
  • Sunil Younas on Revelation 4 - 2 years ago
    There is no one like Jesus
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I hope you don't think I was accusing you of posting things "for fruitless arguing or for just beings' different' or contentious."

    I would not do that. I thought I was respectful in what I shared with you. I did thank you for what you shared and I even told you that I agreed with much of what you said.

    All we can do here is share our understanding, whether it be right or wrong.

    You are absolutely correct in saying "there is no guarantee that knowing Greek or Hebrew will give you a right understanding of the scriptures.

    That is true. There's also no guarantee that reading the English text is going to give us an understanding.

    The only way we can understand scripture is if God through His Spirit reveals it to us. We have no way of comprehending God's word without His help. And we can only know if He wants us to know. There's so much scripture I still do not understand but it does not get me down because I come to realize that the reason I don't understand something is because He knows I'm not ready to understand it. The Lord will only give me what He knows I am ready to handle, and I'm okay with that.

    Again, thank you for the things you've shared.
  • InDanger - 2 years ago
    My name is Peter and I have multiple people using witchcraft on me and they even found out where I live and want to take my life. Please pray for them to be consumed by their own spells and that I may break free from their spiritual bondage. If one person could say a sincere prayer for me it might save my live. Thank you and God bless. Praise the Lord.
  • Anonymous on Ecclesiastes 3 - 2 years ago
    Praise god repentance is bliss bible pray for the wages of sin is death hell is hot and eternal jesus christ is lord and coming back again just like jesus christ said that god will please get your house in biblical order asap before it is to late blessings hallelujah glory be to god amen
  • Dee Asq - 2 years ago
    Praying for provision for myself and family to move back to Nevada at the end of Dec 2022. We were happy there and there was more opportunities for us.
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    My posts are not for fruitless arguing or for just beings' different' or contentious .

    I'm afraid it's no use for you or anyone to give me the Greek or hebrew for I neither know enough about both to use them correctly or know if another is .

    There's also no guarantee that knowing Greek or Hebrew will give you a right understanding of the scriptures .

    For did not Saul of Tarsus know the scriptures ,more than most . Was not Hebrew his mother tongue ?

    Yet did he understand the scriptures ? No! He so did not understand the scriptures he persecuted the church agreed with Stephens death and was charged with persecuting the Lord .

    The Pharisees ,Sadducee's and Drs of the law did they understand the scriptures ? No! Yet Hebrew was their mother tongue yet so not unde4stoid the scriptures crucified the Lord himself .

    If you know and understand Greek or Hebrew ( which is fine) be sure to still not lean upon your own understanding of Greek and Hebrew for that danger is even more prevalent. Not to undeminevyiur confidence in the Lord but rather to warn you or any that understanding both is no guarantee of understanding the scriptures as they were and are meant to be so .

    We are not persuaded by faith but being persuaded by understanding the Word of God ,for faith in God comes by understanding the Word of God . It is not a product of faith . Faith is what you use when you have understood and intelligently respond in faith to what you know to be the truth .

    There are not two types of faith . According to what faith IS ,all have a measure of it to " profit withal"

    Faith works in the same way in the world ( my analogy of the bus proves it) as it does when our faith is in God .

    It's the same faith .

    The religious baggage that has been added to it is quite awful .

    We do not have to get faith . We use our faith every day . If you havevever got on a plane . Not only have you put your faith in the pilots but also wether you understand them or not the laws of physics .

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