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WORSHIPPING IN TRUTH AND IN SPIRIT. What does that mean? Let's try to see it through sacrificies. In The Old Testament times the Jews were going to the Temple of Solomon and worshiped God by offering sacrifices. We do the same, but the sacrifices are different now.
Romans 12:1-2 "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a LIVING SACRIFICE, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
So we offer ourselves as living sacrifices, a pure life full of God's Spirit.
1 Peter 2:5 "Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up SPIRITUAL SACRIFICES, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ" We have a spiritual Temple/House now ("Temple" in grk (Naos) means "Place of Residence") and as priest we offer our prayers for people as spiritual sacrifices to Father God.
Rev 5:8 "And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of ODOURS, which are the prayers of saints"
Rev 8:3 "And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the GOLDEN ALTAR which was before the throne"
So, again, our prayers stand as spiritual sacrifices.
Hebrews 13:15 "By him therefore let us offer the SACRIFICE OF PRAISE to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name." Although a more accurate translation is "confessing His name" So confessing, praising and thanksgiving are also spiritual sacrifices.
Thus filling ourselves with the Spirit of God (since we have no ability to do anything on our own) and staying in the Truth of God's written Word is worshipping God now(as well)
I agree we are called to enter that holy place . But I still think that not many actually answer the call .
For is it not written we have been made kings and priests unto God ?
But by careless preaching the gospel has been reduced to being but BORN again to enter the outer court to accept the sacrifice that was made out in the world in the cold light of day for all to see.
There as in the Old Testament we commune with God ,happy as " little children" in his love and provision but yet still only seeing things by sight and the natural light of the sun.
The Holy place has no natural light of the sun to illuminate it .
Eyes cannot peer into it .
Yet the curtain into the outer court is of the same pattern as that of the Holy place .
He who called us to the first also calls all to the second .
But first needs must wash our feet and hands .
Is it not written that they who ascend the hill of the Lord must have clean hands ( our service towards man) and a pure heart ( our service to God).
In the Holy place we have the 7 branch oil lamp on the left and the bread on the right .
The 7 branch oil lamp of one piece are thec" seven spirits of God " but of one .
The bread speaks of the Word of God . In the outer court you might think that God is our servant and many do.
But in the Holy place we find we are Gods servant and here we walk by faith and not by sight .
Moreover is there not the alter of incense? Also continually burning?
Are we not called to " pray without ceasing"?
How do you pray without ceasing? And not become a mumbling religious?
We become a prayer to God our hearts always turned to the Lord in continual prayer and with groaning that cannot be uttered .
Or carry in our hearts the burden of the Lord . Did not Samuel say it would be a sin for him if he did mot pray for the people?
Note we have hardly touched the subject and we have still only just entered the Holy place .
Our bodily resurrection does not depend on if we were buried or cremated. Our present body is marred by sin, and so our decomposed remains (dirt) is also marred by sin. In the resurrection, these remains will be reconstituted into a flesh and bones body like Jesus has and not be marred by sin every again.
But after that 1000 years he is again loosed for a short while and those who have learnt nothing from the last righteous reign of God on earth ll be again deceived ,blinded and make war .
It is inconceivable that no one will be converted by the goodness of God and will resist the temptation and turn to zGod . But not many ,the gleanings that which is left over after the msin harvest.
Then all is gathered in nothing is lost . Then cometh the end .
With an argument to show how you reach that conclusion .
For I see no teaching of it in that regard .
For God is not a woman inside He has revealed himself to be the Father .
And we are to pray " Our Father ".
God is light He is light in out and all light and in him there is no darkness .
There is not a woman inside a man ( trying to get out?) The Lord was a man who did not have a woman inside him mystical or not. But He himself said it was " The Father in Him who did the work".
There is a reason why we have the scriptures . It is very difficult to make them say what they do not . The only way of course is to " twist the scriptures" or change them to a persons subjective thinking . This has also been done.
The Holy Bible has its own internal logic . It must be so and is because there was but one mind even Gods behind it .
If we are to get anywhere we have to learn to follow its logic and reasoning . Not our own .
In that way our lives are transformed by the renewal of our minds .
But I do think that He wants us to go there. And I do think this forum is a most appropriate place to bring forward truth about
Him. With the vast array of topics that arise on this forum, those that address the nature and Being of God come along too
infrequently. He is the object of our faith, the One we worship, so learning more and more about Him is every so beneficial.
Knowing Him in truth through the Spirit really is vital to our faith, for to learn falseness about Him is from another spirit and
leads us to worship a god who is not Him who revealed Himself to us in Scripture, history, and in the physical universe.
We are to worship God with all of our being, so employing our God-given mind and its capacities to apprehend Him more and
more is doing just that. This is what our minds were made for and since our minds have been sanctified along with the rest of
us, we should be pursuing knowledge of God, which is what Jesus said is eternal life in John 17:3. Of course, it is not just with
our intellect that we know Him, but with our hearts and soul and whole being as well.
Thanks for your reply.
But in spite of all that The Lord inspired him to see something else .
" Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom"
He saw a King! Who even now inspired confidence and submission ,"Lord".
He not only saw a king but one who would conquer death and inherit that kingdom .
The Lord also inspired faith in him for he also saw that he could save him also .
" Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom "
God always responds to real faith and in turning his head the Lord said " this day shalt thou be with me in paradise "
That thief went into eternity with a promise .
In turning his head to the repentant thief ,the Lord turned his head away from the unrepentant thief who entered eternity with nothing .
Don't leave it to your death bed to repent you just may not have the time ,chance or indeed the attitude to do so.
The time to consider your ways and repent is now and turn to the Lord now.
For today is the day of salvation ,boast not yourselves of tomorrow for you no not what to,or row will bring forth ".
You also wrote "A man who cannot keep his oath to his wife is unlikely to keep his oath to those who elected him .
A politician who cannot judge on such a simple matter ... will find it increasingly difficult to judge aright on the more graver issues facing a nation". I was always thinking the same. The Bible says that if you are not faithful/righteous in least, then you will not be faithful/rightous in much, Luke 16:10.
Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask You to heal Frank's body wholly. Amen.
A careful and prayerful reading of the gospels reveals that at the beginning both thieves reviled the Lord .
There was no difference between them.
But as time passed ,things were said and done it made one thief THINK .
He thought of his past ,not good .
He thought of his present .not good .
He thought of the little future he had .not good .
Then he got really concerned for he saw his coming death and him standing before God .
When the other thief began to mock the Lord again ,this thinking thief " rebuked him and said ,"do you not fear God"?
We are are here for all our sins and fully deserve our fate . He judged himself and spoke the truth about himself .
But this man he continued " has done nothing worthy of death " . He judged Christ and spoke the truth about Him .
I hazard the thought no man speaks the truth about himself or of the Lord until he catches a real glimpse of Calvary .
Then this thief did a remarkable thing ,he turned ( his head at least) to the Lord and said " Lord remember me when though cometh into thy kingdom ".
Clearly the man has gone mad !?
For he is talking to a man in far worse agony than himself .
Mental agony : My God myGod why hast thou forsaken me ?" The Lord knew full well why The Father had forsaken Him .yet the mind of the man could not understand it . Not only was it real but scripture and it's fulfilment became one .
Physical agony : forget about the Turin shroud with its few artistic stripes of blood . His back had been so badly whipped " it looked like a ploughed field" his head pressed down with huge thorns . His face mot some handsome rugged man but one where his beard had "been plucked " from his face and who's face was so marred it was hardly recognisable as a man.
Spiritual agony : "He who knew no sin became sin" all the sin of the world ,past present and future was laid on Him .
Yet in spite of all
Dear Heavenly Father, we lift up Anonymous and her husband today and ask that You bring healing and restoration to health to both of them. We ask that You provide knowledge of why this change in her husband and bring him back to what he was before. do not allow this couple to become further estranged to one another, but instead, revitalize their marriage and help them to love each other as Jesus would. Guide Anonymous in how she behaves toward her husband, using her to help him. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, P. is in need of being led to a fellowship where he can grow and engage his faith in You with others in healthy fellowship and sincere friendships. We ask that You build P. up in his faith and bring him to Your word time and again to learn of You. Bless this child of Yours and protect him from all of the works of the enemy. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask that You heal Karen and her husband of this cough. Clear up their lungs and remove any lingering cough that is affecting them. Amen.
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask that You bring healing to this household. Take away the infective agents that are causing these loved ones to be ill. Remove the symptoms and restore everyone back to health. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, we ask in the name of Jesus that Derrick's mother will be cured of cancer. We ask that the treatments be successful and that this cancer is overcome by Your power and grace. Amen.
Obviously; Christ redeemed us as His bride from among all mankind according to the Ephesians quote and this is mentioned in many other verses (Google search is always very helpful). As Boaz brought value to Ruth by marrying her and continuing the lineage of Naomi's family we are adopted as sons ( Romans 8:14-17). God took us; worthless sinners hopelessly lost and His enemies and took on our sin defeating it with His blood sacrifice once and for all at the Cross. He purchased us and it even pleased God to crush Him to accomplish this ( Isaiah 53:10). God's love therefore transcends our own as we would scarcely die for a righteous man let alone a wicked one (according to human standards) according to Romans 5:7.
Now that we are part of His family; we also will recieve crowns as a reward for faithfulness ( James 1:12 etc). We shall rule and reign with Him ( Matthew 19:28-29) but notice the caviat; "if we suffer for Him". We are warned in Revelation 3:11 about losing our reward; that is not a salvation issue. However; we need to make sure that we are producing fruit "meet of repentance" ( Acts 26:20). If He lives within us we are transformed and a new man.
Dear heavenly Father, Hear Andrew's prayer to be re-united with Bekah. Bring these two back together into a loving relationship that will be blessed by You and last a lifetime. Move Bekah's heart to reconsider being with Andrew again. Heal what went wrong between them and do not allow it to destroy their relationship again. We ask this in Your name, Jesus, because you ahve all power and authority to do what is good and right for both Andrew and Bekah. Amen.