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  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Part 1

    Hello Spencer.

    You are right about that, I wrote it the other way around.

    Now my opinion (and how I have been tought) about those 3 times that Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him is: After Jesus' resurrection and reappearence to the apostles Peter suggests to the other apostles to go fishing, and so they do. They still haven't understood well what their mission (in grk "apostole") is. Their mission is to go to Israel and the other nations to preach the gospel, not go back to their old lives and proffesions. Jesus miracusely provides them with plenty of fish, showing that from now on it is God who is going to take care of their life, there is no need for them to go back, there is something else for them to do. The apostles seem not to have understood well what their life is going to be from now on (after Pentecost they did). So Jesus asks Peter if He loves Him. Peter says "yes", so Jesus tells him to "feed His ship"(this is what he oughts to do now, not go fishing). It seems that Peter still haven't understoond what his mission was, so Jesus repeats what he said before since He knows that Peter is not really aware what is Jesus trying to tell him. The answer is the same, but Jesus asks him for a third time. Peter is sad but now he got the message, Jesus was not in a need to say it again for a fourth time. It is like we often do with our children, sometimes we repeat many times the same order/suggestion to them when we see that they dodn't get what we want to tell them.

    In the begining of their dialogue Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him more than "these". Who are "these"? Many say He meant the rest of the disciples present. I don't think God ever asks anybody if they love Him more than somebody else, it wouldn't be nice and fair for that other person, especially when they are present. The "these" is the ship, the fish, the fishing, the material things. People who devote their lives to missions must not be invlolved in the affairs of this life, Timothy 2:14.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you, Gerald, for this response and for its clarity.
  • GiGi - In Reply on John 3 - 2 years ago
    Hello Gerald,

    I can see that the tri-partedness of man can be used as an example to explain the Trinity, but mind, soul, and body of man are each parts of the whole, and if one part is missing, the organism cannot live. But with God, He is not made of parts. He is a unified whole without components. Even with the triunity-the Father, Son and Spirit are not each part of God. They are all of God, each of them and as a unity all of them.

    Some people do think that each member of the Trinity are 1/3 of God, but his is an error in doctrine. With God, none of the members can be withdrawn from the Being of God. This is an impossibility. But with man, the mind, soul, or body can be separated, but this is deadly to man as an organism (which by definition is made of many component parts). This is not true of God in any way.

    Using the analogy of the makeup of man to illustrate the Trinity is not so much incorrect as it is inadequate to describe God in His triunity. AS is using the idea of an egg, or a three leaf clover, or other natural physical things to illustrate the same doctrine.

    God is incomprehensible to man, but He can be understood and apprehended by man through what God has revealed about Himself in the Word, the physical universe, and in history. Some things are just very difficult to describe accurately with our language, knowledge, and field of experience.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Mark 13 - 2 years ago
    Thank you Giannis!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Gerald,

    It seems to Julie, this inquiry was important to her in some way. But, as we do not know the answer to her inquiry, then we must take it as a matter of faith that the angels (and any other spiritual beings in the spiritual realm) were created by God. Her question was one of sincere curiosity, just like so many that any of us may have about both physical and spiritual things. I have had plenty and I am sure you have, too.
  • Giannis - In Reply on Mark 13 - 2 years ago
    Hello Jesse.

    Sorry for my delayed answer. About "genea" brother Chris said it right. If you have a look at Matthew 1:17 it says "So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations." The grk for "generations" here in the grk text is "geneai" (plural for genea). In anc grk it also means race, nationality, place of birth, descent, etc. GBU
  • John Turner Oliver - 2 years ago
    What is the scripture and purpose of the redeeming value of the purchase possession
  • Faith Grossl on Genesis 22 - 2 years ago
    Did sarah have any knowledge of his request
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I beg to differ . For not only did Jesus say to some " the kingdom of God is within you " is it not also written if you are a true born child of God you have been " translated from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Gods dear Son.

    For every kingdom has a King and every kingdom has citizens .and each kingdom has laws .

    The kingdom of darkness is of the law of sin and death .

    The kingdom of God is of Life and Jesus Christ .

    I am already in the kingdom of God and will enter into its fullness anon .

    But when Jesus said to pray Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven .

    Let the kingdom of God that is in you be manifested in your life . Or in other words ,Be not conformed to this world and the kingdom of darkness but walk in the light as He is in the light and we will have fellowship with Him and with each other and the blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse you and me ad a are in the body ( continually) from all sin "

    For even as the natural body has blood that circulates the body and protects it from infection etc and cleanses the body . So too the spiritual body.

    For we are are we not? Members of the one body ,He being the head and king of the body .

    "If any man says he has no sin the truth is not in him "

    For this mortal body is still subject to the law of sin and death . Thus the reason to not only confess our sin but the blood of Jesus Christ not only cleanses us from any particular sin but that sin that still lurks in our mortal bodies .

    Let not sin REIGN in your mortal bodies says the scriptures .

    Rule ,govern a kingdom if you will of sin .

    But let Christ reign in your mortal body . Who or what rules in your ' kingdom'?

    That which you speak of in revelation is another matter that time and space and indeed full understanding of will not allow .
  • Kelli - 2 years ago
    I have a prayer request for my mental health. I am struggling with the loss of my daddy
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The analogy of the bus was simply used to show that all men have this faith according to what it IS and exercise it every day .

    The definition of what faith IS is therefore still upheld by Hebrews . " Now with is.."

    Thus we must have a clear understanding of what faith IS before can go on .

    And for that matter what it is not! So we don't get sidetracked .

    For the record the Kingdom of God has been in existence since God created the heaven and earth .

    God has not once relinquished His throne and still reigns and rules even as He has from the beginning .

    That mankind have become rebels and relinquished their dominion over the earth to the devil is another matter entirely . But not without the foreknowledge of God .

    Before anything was created visible or invisible there was only God or rather there is only God .

    When God created both heaven and earth . That creation was not incorruptible ,for only God is incorruptible .

    With every action there is a reaction . So "sin must come but woe to him by whom it comes"

    Wisdom then dictated two trees in the midst of the garden . The tree of life and the other tree.

    Note in all that followed Genesis 1:1, God still ruled and worked everything according to His own council and will .

    The devil rebelled in heaven , he was cast out of heaven to the earth his power "in the air"

    The Lord is coming to the air . he is vast down to the earth . The Lord will step on the earth . he is cast down the pit .

    " If I by the finger of God do cast out demons ,know ye that the kingdom of God has drawn nigh you.

    The kingdom of God is within you it is also written .

    I think your confusing two very different subjects ." He that doeth the will of God are my ( true) mother "

    And what faith IS . Time and space will not allow me to say much else . But I hope and pray what has been said helps. GB
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Karla, I will pray for you.

    Dear heavenly Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus and ask that You cause Karla to respond well to this medication for anxiety/depression. We ask that You bring healing to her mind's chemical functioning and to her thought patterns so that she will dwell on what is good and helpful. May her mind be stayed upon Jesus and we ask that You bring her peace of mind and a soundness in her mind. We ask that You will cause Karla's heart to beat normally without palpitations caused by anxious thoughts and that You will continually remind her that You are in control of all things and will take care of all that is concerning her. Father, remove from Karla all debilitating effects of this condition. Allow Karla to be free of worry, fear, discouragement, and physical manifestations of anxiety. Draw Karla deeper into Your word and remind her of Your great promises. Thank you Father for all of the good things You will bring to Karla because she is asking You for blessing and help. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Richard, well said.
  • Gerald - 2 years ago
    "Little children your sins are forgiven and you know the Father " 1John

    Ye young men the word of God dwellers in you richly and you have overcome the wicked one " 1John.

    Ye fathers you know Him who is from the beginning "1John.

    Little children : we are born again ! Praise the Lord and we are reconciled to the zFather .

    But little children know their mother perhaps more than their father .

    They know He loves them and provides for them ,but they also experience that he goes out and he comes in and have no idea of the work he does .

    It takes a bit of growing up to appreciate that fact.

    Young men : I wonder how many sermons / messages anyone has heard on this amazing statement ?

    The word of God dwells in you richly and you have overcome the wicked one .

    Jesus was filled with the Word of God ,he thought and studied it all His life . But He was also filled with the Holy Spirit .

    When the devil tempted Him in the wilderness with twisted scripture . He replied " it is written "

    And overcame the devil " for a season" . It was not untill Calvary was the devil "cast down " and by His death ruined the devil making an open show of him and revealing exactly what he was like .

    In doing so of course revealed the nature and character and disposition of what God is like at the same time .

    If we are filled with the Word of God and by that I mean not in memory alone but hidden in our heart we will and can overcome the wicked one .

    For all temptations are designed to get us walking after the flesh and not in the Spirit .

    Jesus was not tempted with every sin known to man . But it does say that " in all POINTS he was tempted"

    What points ?

    The points of the compass . The lusts of the flesh ,the lust of the mind ,the lust of the eye and the pride of life.

    All temptations tempt one or the other .

    "Ye fathers you know Him who is from the beginning"

    Surely if you know the Lord or the Father you know Him who is from the beginning?

    Clearly not .
  • Gerald - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 1 - 2 years ago
    Does it matter?

    What we need to know is how man was created .
  • Gerald - In Reply on Lamentations 5 - 2 years ago
    Amen to that .

    Man always thinks he knows better than God and with the devils nudges will and still does change the truth into a lie.

    By simply adding one word in the beginning ," not".

    And changing " in " to "on" at the last in revelations 3.

    I have always found if I don't believe God on a point it's never the scriptures that are wrong but me.

    Sooner or later . Thankfully not too late to repent .
  • JOSEPH - 2 years ago
    For healings and finances - for me and my friends
  • Stan Uche Mogekwu - 2 years ago
    I wans the Christian community to pray for my marriage and also for the negative report from the doctor on Azoospermia. I Give testimony in advance for i believe the lord of host has healed me.
  • Gerald - In Reply on Romans 10 - 2 years ago
    Yet from the very first verse of the very first chapter of the very first book they differ .

    And exceedingly so .

    Why is that?
  • Gerald - In Reply on John 3 - 2 years ago
    The whole Bible .and the witness of the Holy Spirit with my spirit the truth of it and the error of denying it .

    Man ,is he not a tripart being?

    Of mind body and spirit .

    The body is not the body ,the spirit is not the mind .neither is the same as the other but all three are one .

    Unless of course your mind is not right your spiritually dead or your body is not what you say it is .

    For man was created in the image of God .

    But he is born in the image of Adam.

    John 17 is worth prayerful and bought full study .
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I see nothing in the scriptures to suggest faith is some ' spiritual pregnancy'.

    For faith in of and by itself can do nothing .

    It all depends on where you have put your faith .

    Faith in God comes by hearing and understanding the living Word of God .in what it says and promises to them that believe .

    It is the fulfilment of the Word of God and promises that produces something r " The seed is the Word of God".

    We benefit when we sow in faith believing God . Understanding that what we do we reap .

    Faith is that measure which if it is in God pleases God . For without faith it is impossible to please God "

    For we honour God first by believing Him and then as in all real belief acting upon what we understand on the one hand and in the goodness of God and will keep His Word .

    Even the measure of faith we have is a gift of God ,so all the glory belongs to God . But we have also the satisfaction of our faith being rewarded and pleasing God.
  • Alex1939 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    alex1939...Gerald I love your analogy of the bus but we are not hoping for a bus we live in hope of the Kingdom of God...When we pray we say thy kingdom come thy will be done...Thats y he has to know us that when that good seed the living word is sown in our hearts initiating a spiritual pregnancy FAITH... John 16 :21...Jesus said b/c i have spoken these words which are his seeds sorrows has filled your hearts...A woman when she is in travail she has sorrows but soon as the Child comes her sorrows are turn into joy...Her Child is the H.G. the very Kingdom of God....Unless ya receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child via a Heavenly Birth you will in no wise enter there in...The that Child of Promise that we so desperetly hope for...This Woman in Rev 12 is the best example of Real faith...And she was impregnated by the words of Jesus...They don't call him the bridegroom for nothin...She had the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen...which was the manchild the H.G..the Kingdom comes after the woman gived birth to the baby..The spirit of truth.

    ....Thats y I always say Faith under this new Covenant is a Spritual pregnancy...Under the O.T. faith yielded lil Issac Abrahams son...But under the N.T Faith forms Christ in us by hearing his words which are his good seeds..When he breathe on them he was propagating very God the H.G..His breath was his words his seeds...They were impregnated by his breath which are his words his seeds etc...Thats what hearing the gospel is supposed to do form Christ in us sinners which leads to a heavenly birth of Christ in us...But as Jesus said i am the light of the world but the night comes when NO MAN can work...That great falling away, satan is now standing in the pulpits & TV...Saying blessed are the wombs that never bare and the paps that neva give suck...Kill em in the womb..I'm just trying to turn the hearts of the fathers to Jesus Children...The H.G...There is a Child in your future...The H.G....K GBU.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Life is short (Part 2).

    Today; we seem to think little on the next generation; hence kids have found that there isn't much value in their existence. With so many cut off before birth it is no wonder that kids would feel unvalued today and with such poor parenting skills undisciplined themselves. Hosea 4:6 indicates that because of a lack of knowledge people are perishing. Life is as a vapor as several scriptures indicate ( James 4:14). Not only are things accelerated today ( Daniel 12:4) but as I said in the last piece the value of everything has diminished. There will be no suffering loss; I assure you for cell phones; computers and other high tech entertainment sources NOT being present in heaven. We need to be careful in earthly treasures as well (See Luke 16:11); such behaviors show what is really in our hearts as to our conduct in this world.

    In light of these facts; do we consider how great it is that we are saved from having to be in an unregenerate state for all eternity? Isaiah 66:4 describes how God "chooses their delusions" and later on at the end of that chapter a vivid description of hell is given. Phillipians 1:21 states that Paul said "to live is Christ; to die is gain." and other verses show that it is better to be in the house of mourning rather than mindless happiness ( Ecclesiastes 7:2).

    In light of all this; we do well to see how we approach the House of Worship but also how we live out the rest of the week. It is sad today how many people insist on having beepers and other cell phone distractions interrupt the services. Personally; I feel a need to have a cell phone only in case my elderly parents have an emergency at home. That was the original use of "beepers". For every moment here on earth there are eternal ramifications; we need to focus on working while it is yet day ( John 9:4). As for Christ it is also for us in that respect our time to serve here is short and we need to focus on the Great Commission.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago
    To anyone reading my post, I mistakenly typed Hebrews 1:1. Please disregard as I am speaking about Hebrews 11:1.
  • Cindy - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Christina, This is something all born-again believer goes up against. 2 Corinthians 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) God has given us His Word to combat the arrows of the devil and his demons. Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. What is the whole armour of God. Ephesians 6:14-18

    14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

    15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

    16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

    17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

    18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

    Don't argue with him. Do what Jesus did when He was tempted in the wilderness. For example:

    Matthew 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

    See? Don't argue with him. Memorize scriptures that guide you against whatever things you are tempted to do, and quote them as Jesus did. James 4:7 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

    God bless!
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Good to hear .

    You could add ,listen to what the Spirit says to the church es

    " Behold I stand at the door and knock . If any inside have ears to hear and open the door ,to THEM " is the promise given .
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Not for quibbling sake but for clarity ,I'd like to point out that there is a great difference between tribulation and " the great tribulation". " in this world " said Jesus all the children of God will " suffer tribulation" it comes with the job .

    This has been the lot of every child of God from Abel onwards

    " The great tribulation " however is of such a character that if God had not shortened the time no one would be saved .

    The great tribulation breaks out when the Bride has gone who being filled with the Spirit was a break on the spirit of anti christ that " now is in the world".

    Once the Bride has gone in what is called the rapture but more accurately should be called the translation ( see Enoch) then that restraining power of God has gone also and the devil is given his rope and we have the emergence of the Antichrist .

    Those who were not ready ;foolish virgins: the unsaved will find themselves in a world given over to corruption .

    Those professing Christian's will be proved as in fire and martyred . The unsaved will suffer what was foreseen to come and recorded for our benefit admonishing and learning .

    The Jews will go into " jacobs trouble " and be proved as well .

    The Bride is the first fruits .

    Those who are saved during the great tribulation are as it were the main harvest .

    Those who are saved after the millennium reign of Christ are the gleanings .

    Then cometh the end .

    The nature and character of the great tribulation is where evil prevails for a season .and that spirit of antichrist who totally fills the heart of the antichrist is seen by all for what it was and always has been .

    Who in due time gets his just deserts .

    To be born again qualifies us to run the race . Every true born child of God is called to that " high calling" of the bride of Christ .

    But to be found there you have to run the race lawfully or rightly .

    And be ready for the coming of the Lord .

    " To them that look for Him shall He appear the second time ."
  • Rrvaughan - 2 years ago
    I have accepted Jesus as my savior. I've been thinking about being cremated after I die, but wondering if I will still go to Heaven? I've heard someone say "a body that has been burned can not rise." But I've not been able to find this in the Bible.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Life is short

    1 John 2:17 makes it clear that the world is fading away and the lusts thereof. Zephaniah 1:18 also makes obvious that all attempts to save us in the day of wrath; i.e. Tribulation will not save a person; whether spiritually or physically. James 5:3 warns about hoarding such things in the last days.

    In all of today's answers; Satan is more than content to distract us from the fact that our greatest enemy is ourselves. As a society there is always an accelerated need for a new "fix" whether it be the latest catchy tune; the next financial gain; the next big social gig; the next high or buzz etc. We have all sold out to the lowest common denominator to accomplish our goals. There are plenty of characteristics in 2 Timothy of the times we are living in; and other Bible verses on the bad fruit we see today.

    Imagine how much worse things would be without modern medical breakthroughs for life expectancy today in this self destructive society. We seem to have numbed ourselves to the hopeless state of the unregenerate souls today and are caught up in endless ways to make this life more comfortable. As believers discernment is sorely deficient to the messages either conscious or unconscious that are being pushed into our brains each day. Somehow we feel that everyone just needs to hear how much God loves them and that God is not "angry" with us or going to judge us when scriptures tell the opposite. He is angry with the wicked every day. Psalm 7:11 makes it clear that God judges the righteous; and is angry with the wicked EVERY DAY. God may chastise the believer and judge at the Bema seat rather than the Great White Throne Judgment but there are rewards to lose as Christians if we are not careful ( Rev. 3:11). This inoffensive Gospel of cheap grace rather than a pearl of great cost ( Matt. 13:45-46) is in reality more dangerous than no Gospel at all if we try to dumb down His righteousness and Word to create a more "acceptable" view.
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    To worship in Spirit and in truth:

    As opposed or rather in contrast to worshipping God in the flesh in or towards Jerusalem .

    Jesus in conversation with the woman at the well said " we ( the Jews ) worship what we know "

    They say worship God in that mountain you in another .

    The Old Testament teaching by the true prophets of God taught the children of Isreal you can only worship God in or towards Jerusalem . As testified by Daniel who was thrown in the lions den on this issue when he worshipped towards Jerusalem through his open window .

    As also by Jonah who when he had repented in the belly of the great fish turned towards Jerusalem and worshipped God .

    Testified also by God who not nay taught that in the flesh it can only be in and towards Jerusalem . But judged the children of Isreal when they did not but went after the Samaritans .

    If one who claimed to be a prophet teaches that now you worship God in or towards that other place or ' mountain' all the evidence is against that assumed prophet who contradicts every other prophet .

    But what of Jesus who some claim they honour also as a true prophet ?

    He said " God is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth " not in this or that mountain .

    Thus that false prophet contradicted Him who he said he honoured in the Spirit also.

    In truth? " Thy Word is truth" according to to Word of God as to who and what God is and all that He is .

    In Spirit? In by and through the Holy Spirit who by the Word of God enlightens and leads us into that true worship of God .

    Why then in the flesh is it taught in or towards Jerusalem?

    Because He who is God incarnate will one day sit on His throne of David ,in Jerusalem and all flesh will come and worship .

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