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  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    My wife is a lapsed catholic , so that's a definite no for me . The only thing I still really miss is the bread and the wine . That's such an enormous privilege to me , and of course the great sermons from someone who really knows their Bible . However ! This site is keeping me stimulated in that area so I'm very glad to have found it , thanks to you all , past and present , for so many illuminating posts , please keep it up folks ! I'm guessing that maybe I'm not the only one on here who isn't able to attend a church and is getting their spiritual food from here . This site is a very special place and important to a lot of people I think .
  • Sammi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    This all happened a long time ago so I'm over it now . Bizarrely , since then , my Biblical understanding and appreciation has grown so much . I'm a totally different person to the one I was twenty years ago . Maybe I just grew up and that would have happened even if I had stayed in my congregation . When I left , I was determined to stick with my God , I was so afraid of loosing myself in this world that I clung even tighter to my Bible . So it all worked out in the end . My denomination is very tolerant in many ways except for a couple of strict rules about marriage / divorce , homosexuality and criminal behaviour . This site is a joy to me and I love reading posts from different people with different perspectives and I really appreciate you all . Keep up the good work !
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Good Morning Jesse,

    Thank you for explaining. It makes more sense to me now.
  • E. - 2 years ago
    Continuing to ask for strong protection and breakthrough (healing, deliverance, salvation) for us and all in need.
  • In Christ I rest - 2 years ago
    Thank You, Father, that I'm under the blood of the Lamb.Thank You that Christ Jesus has overcome for me. I'm safe and all is well with me and each family member, and lead my heart to pray Your will for my neighbours (I'm exhausted, please take this LORD), in Christ Jesus Mighty Name ABOVE every other name, amen.
  • Falldown7standup8 - In Reply on John 14 - 2 years ago
    I think you misunderstood me Gerald. I was simply seeking to praise the lord! Brother Gerald, you asked me 11 questions?! I see you are passionate about god and his word brother. I pray god gives you the wisdom of when to speak and when not to speak. We as Christian men and women need to be able to express ourselves in love to one another. Not every word we say is going to be perfect, brother Gerald. I pray god wraps you in his love today! We need more AMENS! More alleluia's! Christ must reign. Yes, brother Gerald! I'm saying AMEN to you brother! I pray joy over your life! Moreover, I pray peace in your heart from anything that is troubling you. Jesus loves us Gerald! I appreciate your comments and questions very much! May the lord bless you in all you do!
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Praise be to God that someone understands it. To many focus on other parts of Gods word that are passed. We need to be in the now of His word so we know how to live now, what to do now & where to be NOW growing in His Love, Forgiveness & Grace so we truly come to have the peace that passes ALL understanding. Not involving to much time in the world matters yet getting involved more in what truly matters today & now. Bringing poeple to Jesus Christ. Spreading God's truth & not being afraid to tell ppl what (if) they are teaching is wrong if it is against the bible in anyway.! Start by reading, studying & learning the parts that are divided rightly for you. Acts 13-Philimons which is Paul's Apostles to gentiles & believers in Jesus. Old testament was for Jews, we no longer sacrifice or go by their laws. new testament was Jesus birth, death & resurrection & though VERY important to know.. anyone who believes in Jesus & loves accordingly understands these scripture completly. If we love God w/all our being & our neighbor as ourself as He commands, we won't want to do evil or sin against others. Tithing can be your time volunteering anyplace or paying a bill for someone. God knew everything before it happened & He knows our hearts. He gave us free will to choose his grace that through faith in Jesus we can be saved.! He has already forgiven ALL sin when He died on the cross, except Him & believe this w/all your being for denying Jesus Christ is the ONLY unforgivable sin.! God bless & be w/all reading this to spread it around so more ppl come to know & live His truth.!
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Great Post Gerald.

    Thank you and God bless you.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Good morning,

    I agree with what you're saying. Deity can never be broken. I did also say that He came in the fullness of who God is, but He approached this earthly life like a slave.

    Where I said He emptied Himself, that is what it literally says in the Greek text. I will never dispute the deity of Jesus Christ.

    We're told in Philippians 2:6, Who, being in the form of God, and the word being means while existing in the form of God. That's who He is. He thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

    He did not rob God by proclaiming Himself and presenting Himself as equal to God. So Jesus is not part of who God is. He's God.

    Now when we get to Verse 7, and our English Bible doesn't give this to us, but where it reads "But made himself of no reputation"literally, it is translated but He emptied Himself.

    What, of being God? No!

    Of coming here and taking on human flesh, He emptied Himself of the presentation of "I'm God, and I'm here and you should worship me!"

    His approach to this earthly life in His first time coming here was He chose the low road. When He had a choice, He chose to sleep in the garden.

    That is not very enticing for some people to say "Where does your pastor live." Well, he lives out in the park. "Where was he born?" In a cave.

    All of the things associated with the Lord's path in His approach to this life was I don't want any glory from man. I don't want to be made a king from the earthly standpoint. I don't want to be treated for who I am. I want to be the servant of all.

    So this was God Himself taking the low road. He emptied Himself having taken upon Him the form of a servant, or slave, and having been made in the likeness of men.
  • Owen Lavelle - 2 years ago
    Dear all

    Pls would you hold me in your prayers that I let go of world affairs for the last three years I've been totally overwhelmed with the truth I work hands on with people and I am finding it painful people don't want to here the truth and because I speak gods truth I've lost clients friends family

    Sweet heart of Jesus pls I beg you help me to let go and forgive the world and the wickedness that has kept you hidden

    I need to find peace in the world of madness

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Wow! That's tough Sammy.

    They only can put you out the building. Christ is in the midst of all believers. When the last person exit the building, so has the Holyspirit.

    Have you tried to fellowship at your wife church?
  • Geraldine B. Gaddis on Luke 2 - 2 years ago
    I was challenged to read the book of Luke starting today. I was amazed that I learned things about the conception of Jesus that I didn't know and about Mary's related that God blessed with a child called John, too. A Bible Challenge is a good idea. I am proud of my cousin for doing this on FaceBook. I love my online Bible. I post scriptures every day for others to read. I love this website.
  • Alex1939 - 2 years ago
    alex1939..Hi Gerald..I enjoy reading your post... Numbers 14:31-...God told Israel your LITTLE ONES who you said will be a prey them will i bring into the land.

    ....This is a beautiful Picture of Salvation under the New Covenant...Where we must be bornagain of an incorruptible seed giving birth to the babes and sucklings in our hearts...Our new innerman, Our new hearts and new Spirits...Unless you receive the Kingdom of God ( the Promise land ) as a lil child you will in no wise enter there in...Our New Hearts and spirits is the H.G. the Children of PROMISE that resulted from his death... Zech 13:7..Smite the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered then i will turn my hand to the little ones...The babes and Sucklings which are spirits the H.G. that are gonna be as the stars of heaven in multitudes...That was the great Promise that Christ wd be multiplied as the stars of heaven...Thats y Jesus refers to the H.G as the promise he is the multiplication of Jesus/God...God swore by his very self when he made that Promise...Thus the babes and sucklings are Spirits the H.G...A number no man can number...Is what John saw standing before the throne in white raiment..But these things are hid from the wise and prudent but revealed unto babes....Unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in... Numbers 14:31 The little ones that you said wd be a prey them will i bring in...k lemme go
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I fear the church has reduced the salvation of God to simply being BORN again.

    In truth if we are found before God spotless in the Bride adorned we are still ' saved ' and will be through all ages .

    But for now we have been delivered from the power of sin ( the law) and the consequences of sin (eternal separation from God )

    The second death .

    But then from the very presence of sin .

    We were not only saved From we are also saved unto God .

    To get out of Egypt by the Word of God ( to Abraham) the blood of a lamb and by the Power of God ( in a day) .

    Is to be Born again ,a no people becoming a people .

    But we are saved for a purpose it is not to wander in the wilderness .

    If you took the word Salvation we have but touched the S of our salvation .

    It is as some hardy sailors having landed on some great continent where the weather is perfect the surroundings beautiful and the tree line containing all we might need and we have sat down and built our camp there and at at ' peace'. Not knowing that behind that tree line is a great continent ,full of so much more .
  • Donna Grace - 2 years ago
    Please pray for the people/person that hacked my email account and changed my password. Lord save their souls. Bring them to the light. In Jesus name. In Jesus name. Amen

    God is good ALL the time!

  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    While you must be ' persuaded' to exercise your faith the true definition of what faith IS is found in Hebrews11.

    " Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things as yet unseen "
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Lol ,technology is fine but only when it works properly !

    I'm not a fan of predictive type either . :)
  • Cindy - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Joleen, all Christians have times of doubt. Sometimes it's Satan trying to detour you from God. And doubt will also arise when we slack in our faithfulness in serving Him. Now, to be assured of your salvation, look back to the moment you asked Jesus to come into your heart. Did you believe in that moment that you were saved? Did you become a new creature, turning from your sins to serve the Lord? If so, now, ask Him to forgive you for being unfaithful, and continue in Him in prayer, studying the Bible, keeping His commandments because you love him, draw close to Him and He will draw close to you.

    God bless!
  • Ikia - 2 years ago
    Please I need help with my hypertension it is go on and off some time
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    ' Man has the right to life'

    An absurd assertion now made wicked by putting it on the statute books .

    But which denies the very simple truth " That a man's life is in his nostrils".

    Who has no more ' right' to that breath than any he has received before it or how many he might after .

    It is a gift of God .

    No man can unlawfully take the life of another , A judicious death penalty for crimes worthy of death is not murder .

    But if you take a deep breath and hold it ,that's yours and what you or I say or do with it we can .

    Though there are always consequences .some eternal.

    But while you are holding your breath wondering what to say or do ,consider when if ever you had to work or labour ( unless Ill) for any breath? When did you ever earn it? Or deserve it ? Never . It is a gift of God .

    In truth everyone is in some small measure in a love debt to their mother who while not giving life worked very hard and laboured so that you and I might take or receive that first breath .

    We are all then in a love debt to our mothers .

    How much more then are all men in a love debt to God ?

    Each breath proving just how good He is ,patient ,long suffering not willing that any should perish but that all should come to a knowledge of the truth .

    For man curses God and man and by his very life denies the existence of God .

    Stripped of all its vain glory and empty promise it basically says ' No matter what evil I do no evil will come'

    Or is like a man sitting on a very small branch of a very great tree and he is sawing it off and saying this is mine!
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Gerald.

    Oops I meant well spoken!

    I'm trying something new, "Using voice command from the cell phone.

    It's not going well.

    God bless.
  • Faith - 2 years ago
    Please pray that Ammon will discover that Mormonism is false and will realize and believe that it is false and will leave it and join Christianity and be saved. Please also pray that Ammon will break off his engagement with his Mormon fiance Annelise and that he will NOT marry her and he will leave Mormonism behind and will remove all parts of it from his life in every way.
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    While no doubt you were referring to something else . It is worth noting that Hod himself instituted the death penalty under the Law .

    There is more to this than meets the eye ,I think .
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen Gerald.

    Well token God bless you.
  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    It might surprise you to learn that there are no denominations in heaven we have but one book one faith one baptism one Lord .

    The denominations arose since the reformation not because each sound doctrine they taught was wrong ,but rather like Peter thought there revelation and understanding was the be all and end all . He going so far as to contradict the Lord who began to give more light which in Peters thinking did not fit . A warning then . For the Lord had to give him a severe rebuke " get behind me Satan for you.." not many would accept such a reproof . But shows clearly he was not infallible nor THE Rock upon which the eternal church of God is built upon.

    But each denomination like Noah's generation thought this is a nice place let us build us a tower and a name for ourselves etc. and stayed where they were put instead of going out into all the world .

    Each defending their patch to the death but rejecting the whole truth .

    You don't say what denomination you ' married into' but as long as it is not heretical and teaching false doctrine then find a church that believes in the " whole council of God".
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Isaiah 45 - 2 years ago
    Nice Post Philip.


  • Gerald - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The 5 wise and the 5 foolish virgins .

    The church of which I am a part has made this teaching of the Lord as nothing to do with the church . But in the main says the 5 foolish virgins are the unsaved and the 5 wise the saved .While it can be used in a very limited sense perhaps as a message to the unsaved ,it is primarily directed at the church .

    For a virgin by the very nature of things is a God given state .

    Paul also speaking of " presenting the church as a chaste bride "

    To the unsaved and under the law as in Romans he speaks of those married .

    The 10 virgins then refers to the church .

    It can be noted that in all aspects save one they are the same .

    10 virgins.

    All have their lamps lit . The unsaved have no lamps lit for they walk in darkness.

    All are waiting for the groom . The world has no interest in the return of the Lord .

    All fall asleep . Did not the Lord warn the disciples to watch and pray ? For while the spirit is willing the flesh is weak and apt to overrule . They slept and were unable to face the challenge ahead . The Lord stayed awake and prayed ensuring His flesh would not prevail ( and he die).

    All heard the cry " the bride groom comes!". The world will not see Him come nor have ears to hear the cry " come up hither".

    All woke up and trimmed their lamps .

    The division between the wise and foolish was that the wise had their vessels full of oil and the foolish were unprepared and their vessels empty .

    While they were away presumably to get some oil (?) the groom came and the 5 wise entered into the " MARRIAGE".

    The 5 foolish heard " I do not know you" they were barred from the marriage .

    The wicked on the day of judgement will hear " I never knew you" and are barred from the kingdom .

    Two quite different things .

    Not only do we need to be BORN again we also need to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit . It's not an option.
  • Abiodunrin Odumosu on Psalms 103 - 2 years ago
    Knowing the forgiveness of sins and receiving grace!
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember me and my family in your prayers please pray for Adam my son in law who will be losing his job the 4th due to closure please pray the Lord opens doors for him to find another job, better than the one he has
  • Kelli Spain - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Prayers up for you. my advice just stay in prayer

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