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Whether it be me in my own effort trying to humble myself before the Lord, or the Lord doing the humbling, I speak for myself here when I say that His humbling is far greater than anything I can do in the human, or in the flesh.
If I am humble before the Lord, am I to boast of my own fleshly effort, or do I give Him the credit? I have to give the Lord all the glory and credit for being humbled.
You see, I have to be able to differentiate between the flesh and the Spirit of Christ who lives in me. My flesh will never submit to the things of the Lord. My flesh wants nothing to do with Lord and is in a constant battle with the Spirit of Christ in me.
With that in mind, I have to ask myself, will my flesh ever submit to Gods humbling process. I have to say no. If I am to be humbled before the Lord, I have submit myself to Him and allow Him to humble me, therefore He receives all glory and honor.
I am to be humbled, not humble myself. And the only way I can be humbled is by submitting myself to His humbling process.
Some info about the word "agape". From your post I think you are reffering to a commercial on AmericanTV, I've seen it myself on internet. Well, do not rely on that.
"Philia" means "friendship", "storge" means "affection", "eros" means "in love", "agape" means "love" in grk. The first three terms are not used instead of love(or as love), but they are conditions/feelings DUE to love. In modern grk only the last one is used for "love". It doesn't matter where this love comes from (from God or man), the word is always the same, it is agape. There isn't another word used for God and another for man, it is the same, nomatter where this love comes from. So man has agape, God also has agape. The difference between man's love and God's love is not a difference in the nature of love(it is love, not something else), but in the "quantity" of it. If we use a scale for love starting from zero to infinity, God is in the upper end, His love is infinite, that's why we say that God is Love. God is indentified as love. Men are in the lower part of that scale and if we want to get higher on that scale we need God's Spirit (to have the fruit of love and increase in it) and grace to grow in love. How far one rises in that scale is due to one's decision to go for it, using God's grace which is available to all believers.
In ancient grk. the verb "philo" (which derives from "philia") is also used for one's love for their friends (this is not used in modern grk). In the incident described in John 21:15-19 Jesus asks Peter if he loves him. The first two times He uses the verb "philo" whereas the third time He uses the verb "agapo". A lot has been written about that, some try to see a difference and some just ignore it since it is the same, the same love, but for a friend. That is why I named it a "magic" word, since it seems English people find something extraordinary in the word agape, but it simply means love in grk, nothing more than that.
As you probably already know, since you know Greek, the word humbled used in Philippians 2:8 is the word TAPEINOO which means to make (become) low, or to humble.
With the believer, it shows humility and complete loneliness. This happens by being fully dependent on the Lord - dismissing reliance upon self (self-government) and emptying our carnal ego. This exalts the Lord as our all-in-all and prompts the gift of His fullness in us.
God emptied Himself. He came in the fullness of who God is, but He approached this earthly life like a slave.
If I can share this, if you're interested, notice at Verse 6. It begins with the word who. And there are three main verbs in this context. All the rest are participles.
While being in the form of God, He thought it not robbery to be equal with God. That's point one.
But He made Himself of no reputation, or more literally emptied Himself. That's point two.
Having taken on the form of a servant, having been made in the likeness of men, explains what it means by Him emptying Himself.
Again a participle. And being found in fashion as a man, number three, He humbled Himself.
What does that mean?
Having become obedient unto death, and not just death, but the most shameful death that you could think of at that time, the death of the cross.
You see, he's illustrating in Christ. Look what God did to have fellowship with us. That's what the believer must do. And we can only do that through Christ.
The same Jesus that humbled Himself to come 2,000 years ago, actively lives in the lives of every believer, and He Himself lives out that same emptying and humbleness.
He doesn't give me the ability. He does it!
I agree all scripture is inspired by God, and I respect your understanding of this subject many accept that view. The line of Seth and the line of Cain or as you put it the righteous and unrighteous line.
Where my understanding comes from, is in all the verses the words sons of God in the Old Testament refer to angelic beings, Job 1:6; 2:1 context shows the sons of God are angels, also Job 38:7, says the sons of God shouted for joy when God created the earth, a man had not been created.
There are angels that God locked in the darkness for what they did that Peter and Jude witnessed that only Genesis 6 matches what Peter and Jude wrote.
I understand Matt.22:30 Mark 12:25 is taken angels do not procreate, Jesus said angels in heaven because of their spiritual being there is no need. Peter and Jude both said they kept not their first estate and left their own habitation, and they could not return and are now locked in the bottomless pit the same place Satan will be locked in for 1000 years.
So, my understanding of the term sons of God has two basic meanings. It refers to the angels, both good and bad, in the Old Testament. But in the New Testament, the phrase refers to believers in Jesus and through Him have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. By this adoption by Jesus, we become sons and daughters of God
Thanks for your reply,
God bless,
It looks like we are in agreement, in part. I also do not believe Jesus meant a specific number of years when He said "this generation."
In fact, the word used (GENEA) has nothing to do with years at all. It has to do with a race, or kind of people.
When Jesus said this generation shall not pass, He was referring specifically about the Jewish race.
I am a little confused (not hard to do) by you saying you do not believe Jesus was speaking about a certain number of years, but in your explanation, you seem to be implying years, or a time frame.
Am I just misunderstanding you?
Difficult questions, please can you explain.
I have been wearing glasses since my 40s I understand, thank the Lord tomorrow will be a great day with your new glasses. Satan the Hebrew word ha--n meaning adversary that in the OT this same word was translated as the adversary. So if that would be using the name metaphorically may someone better than me answer that.
My understanding I do not know if his name has ever been given, he is called Satan, the devil, the red dragon, the serpent, and Lucifer but Lucifer comes from a Latin word for the morning star the planet Venus, so I am not sure what his name really is, devil is good enough for me.
Why God would permit Satan access to heaven I cannot say it may have been in the stipulations when Satan and the other angels that rebelled had to still present themselves until all were fulfilled, it is not written.
I agree, God sees all, and we can talk, pray, and thank Him and He knows before we even do what we do when Daniel started praying God sent Gabriel with the answer before Daniel finished. But when it is all finished, we will not just talk to God from a distance He will be with us and we will see Him face to face on the new earth that he will create for us, Rev. 21:3 Rev:22:4.
God bless,
..... Romans 9:8 That is They which are the Children of the flesh, These are not the Children of God...But the Children of Promise are counted for that good seed...Who are the Children of Promise ?...The H.G. Spirits as Jesus said that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit...Our new innerman is our fruit unto God the H.G...Behold mine elect in whom my soul is well pleased I have put my spirit on him he shall shew judgement unto the Gentiles...Its only the H.G. the gift of God that is Gods elect...These things are hid from the wise and prudent but revealed unto Babes and sucklings Jesus offspring...The contents of the book his words of LIFE...An Israel of God...The regeneration of the H.G....Is Jesus generation..Behold me and the Children the lord has given me...ok lemme go
The 10 commandments say, "Thou shall not kill". So this means even ourselves. Do you have other concerns or questions about suicide ?
I think it is a good thing to read the O,T. for understanding as well as the N.T. but it seems that you think differently. That is fine. You do not need to read what I write from the O.T. chapters I read and comment on. Yet, some may find it helpful. Have a blessed day, Texsis.
Your last comment that a man is both man and woman needs clarification on your part given the prevailing foolishness around the world .
GENESIS 1 - 27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
God created man in his own image and He does not have a counterpart, there is One God, in this context that means that when man is a woman, he bears the man inside, he is both, Man is made of spirit like God is spirit. We unveil a sacred mystery of our nature in our marriage between man and woman
Please nuance your question if anything still is unclear Gerald.
I would like to see the meaning of the word "humble" using the text in Philippians 2:5-11. Verses 7-8 "But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, HE HUMBLED HIMSELF, AND BECAME OBEDIENT UNTO DEATH, even the death of the cross." How did Jesus humbled Himself? By becoming obedient to Father God(v 8). So, often(but not always) when the Bible talks about humbling, it actually means obeying God. When we obey God we humble ourselves, because we accept God as superior who is always right and who knows the best for us, so we put away our beliefs, our ambitions in life, our ways of living and behaving and we follow His commandments and wishes and plans for us. GBU
My belief about that is (but I wouldn't bet my head on it).
I don't think that Jesus meant a specific number of years (40, 60, whatever) when He said about a generation. I believe a generation is a literal generation, I will explain. The signs described by Jesus start when a nation starts fighting another nation, a general war, a world war ( Matthew 24:7). Assuming that that is WW2 that started in 1939, then people who were born in that date are now 83 years old. A lot of people from that generation are still alive, and people can get even older than 100 or more (even more than 110) years old. So there is still time, but not that much. In that generation's time the 7 year period of antichrist is included as well, so actually we are running short of time fast. But as I said I wouldn't bet my life on that theory. GBU
I'm doing alright and improving slowly every day. I will see my dental doctor again on January 5, 2023. Keep me in your prayers. Thank you for asking and praying for me & with me. Have a blessed day
Peter would certainly know the humbling work of God.
If we tried to humble ourselves we'd probably would brag about it.
God bless.
Often we read or hear the word of God and we say "I'm going to do that". For instance We shall love one another as I have loved you. How are we carrying that out as a whole?
This is not anything our flesh wants us to do.
I believe the inerrant word of God CAUSES us to do something our natural man couldn't do.
This is Agape!
This is what Jesus asked Peter in John 21:15-17.
Peter understood. Peter responded "You know I love you Lord".
Peter didn't use the word Agape, he used phile. Perhaps that's the highest degree of Love the flesh is capable of.
He knew he wasn't capable.
Neither was the disciples ready for ministry until the were filled with the Holyspirit.
We're talking about fruit barring that Israel "being a degenerate vine" couldn't do. " Matthew 21:43.
You can't command someone to Love the way God loves.
I believe in Matthew 21:43 that nation mentioned here is the Church Peter mentions in 1 Peter 2:9.
Here's another reference of where our righteous deeds if counted worthy must come from within the heart. Matthew 23:25-28. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
Thanks Brother Jesse.
God bless you.