King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)
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But Jesus clearly taught there is no marriage in heaven .
Having said that we will know each other ,for even Peter knew or recognised Moses and Elijah on the mount of transfiguration.
And did not the disciples eventually come to recognise the Lord?
Mary who thought He was the gardener in the garden tomb did not recognise Him for who He was because in her mind she saw Him die and in a manner that so impressed upon her imagination that it blinded her to who He was .It was the word and calling of her name " Mary" that opened her eyes and she recognised Him.
We will not only see and recognise the Lord but all who are His and have gone before us .
That love of God does not fade away but is indeed of such depth hight and breadth we shall live and move and have our being in it . In truth every child of God already knows in part of it .
God heals the broken hearted with that same love and tender care if we let Him .
But given the fall of man and the devils dominion he does have access to be able to accuse the brethren .
But we ,if redeemed have a witness .The blood that speaks of better things than the blood of Abels.
For " IF we sin we have an advocate with the Father .. "1 John .
Might I suggest that advocates are found in court as too witnesses .
It is in the UK a Crown court and tried by the Crown .
It is not the Palace . Nor indeed in the very presence of the Crown .
A poor if not beggarly example .
But which none the less may help.
But in all truth somethings can't be understood before other things are understood and while it is good to enquire to search and to study . It is always good to be patient for the answers .
For in my experience if you ask a good question on the foundation of belief and trust in God you will always sooner or later get a good answer .
Ask however on the foundation of unbelief and you going down a bottomless pit which not even a good answer will satisfy .
My attempt might not be acceptable for some nor indeed for you . But still when you ask questions you should be patient and wait on God for the answer .put the ' book ' so to speak up on the shelf and get it down every so often and chew on it some more .
It took 10 years once for one answer to come . It did not trouble me but I did " hide it in my heart" and let God lead me into all truth . A jig saw puzzle needs must have the side pieces and corners done first . They are the milk of the Word .
Easily identifiable and put together .
The earthly parts are the next in my book and much easier than the heavenly parts which are left till last ,I'm speaking of myself .
The heavenly things are usually the most difficult for we are most unlike them to start with .
Notwithstanding this what's on the table is ours to eat if we can or " able to bear it" .
The use of the term " sons of God" therefore cannot be taken as angels who are not sons of God nor then begotten of God .
Jesus being "the ONLY begotten Son of God " is thus equal with God and is God the Son .
If we are truly born again then we are also begotten of God through Jesus Christ . Which is in itself consistent with the fact that we are a new creation but also begotten of God in and through Jesus Christ .
For by him and through Him all things consist .
We are therefore sons of God begotten of the Father through Jesus Christ .
For while "only the Father has life in himself "and is not dependent on anything else or who's life is from something else .
Jesus taught that The Father has also given this to the Son ( Jesus) who has life in Himself .
Thus it is written " Man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God"
He then that relieves me said Jesus receives Him that sent me " thus then " He who has the Son has life ,he who has not the Son has not even seen life yet"
For He is our life having given His life for Sin so that we might live .
My first born son bore my image because I was his father and he came forth from me . If I had not been his father ,he would not have born my image but the image of his true father and I would have rejected him as my son.
Man was created in the image of God but he is born in the image of his father Adam.
You therefore must be born again of that incorruptible seed which is the word of God. For if you are not you do not nor cannot bear the image of God nor can you therefore be a son of God.
For on the face of it it is but an assertion .
Thanks . GB
For one thing the unknown number of wise men were not there at His birth nor present at " the manger "
For they " came to the HOUSE where the CHILD was "
When Herod diligently sought of them when they first saw the star on that information he ordered the death of everyone two years old and younger . It took those unknown number of wise men up to two years traveling from the east to get to Jerusalem.
It is also reasonable to assume they did not follow the star from whence they first saw it to Jerusalem ,nor indeed needed to . For the Silk Road was well known as also the capital of the Jews ,Jerusalem . Where else do you find the King?
The star would not have led them to Jerusalem . Their own thinking did that .
Yet when told they would , by the scriptures find Him in Bethlehem then they saw the star " and were exceedingly glad".
Which led them to the house where the child was .
The truth is far more interesting than any man made scenario.
For as Jesus clearly taught angels are not as men nor given in marriage . They are sexless .
When Adam and Eve disobeyed God and did that which was right or good in their own eyes .
They had a sold Cain then another called Abel.
Cain proved to be unrighteous in that he did that which was good in his own eyes and offered up the works of his own hands and by the sweat of his brow .
Abel followed the pattern laid down in the garden by God and offered up a sacrificed lamb. Which was good in the sight of God and accepted .
You thus have two lines man . The righteous and unrighteous line .
They were not to mix . Ballam who prophesied for money held the truth in unrighteousness and taught the enemy of Isreal to get their daughters to marry to children of Isreal and thus by degree lead them away into idolatry and in consequence. Gods judgement and their defeat .
So it was also in the beginning .
So it is now .
Be not unequally yoked ,so says the scripture .
I would hazard the thought that most if not all will say 40 years .I too once thought so.
It only took them a little over two years .Three months of which was spent at mount Sinai.
But we the church has inclined to believe it took 40 years emphasising the wandering in the wilderness rather than the truth .
We have made Jordan death and the promised land heaven . Even some of the great old hymns do so . While Jordan is a type of death it is not that death and heaven is not the promised land for there are no giants to overcome or land to be conquered .
We have made the wandering in the wilderness as te Christian norm. Despite miracles every day twice on Saturday . Despite shoes and cloths never wearing out . The fire by night to lead and keep them warm . The cloud by day to lead and to shade them. Despite water flowing from a rock etc etc . They were still all but two maybe three outside of the will of God .
Did not Paul warn the church not to be like them " who entered not in because of unbelief"? Unbelief is not just not believing God it is actually also believing another message .
Did not the same Paul warn and was concerned that the church be not deceived as Eve was? Who also believed the truth changed into a lie?
We have been robbed!
Getting out of Egypt was but being born again . By the Word of God ,by the blood of a lamb and by the power of God .
The wilderness was a proving ground ,boot camp if you will here they were to learn that " man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that Proceeds from the mouth of God" exodus .
It was not meant to last all our lives . For 40 years .
It only took the just over two years and God said to them " go in and posses the land for I have given it to you " Did not then God expect them to be ready and obey?
He was justified in his expectation for He had two witnesses ,Joshua and Caleb who were ready.
..... Titus 3:5 Not by works of righteousness that we have done but by his mercy he saved us...By the washing and REGENERATION of the H.G.
.....That last generation is his (Jesus) GENERATION...Thats when the woman becomes pregnant for his Children, The Children of Promise,The H.G. are the Children of PROMISE....Our New Heart n New Spirit...As that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit ...
....Which is the H.G. The Israel of God...That Heavenly Jacob..Read Romans 9:8 KJV
But I see no where in the scriptures that we continue to be so after we are truly born again .
For are we not now IN Christ and Christ IN us? If we are His?
Are we not now made acceptable in Him ? Ephesians .
Did not the prodigal son given a change if raiment, new shoes and a ring on his finger?
Are we not commanded to " put off the old man " filthy and vile .and "put on Christ"?
Indeed are we not crucified WITH Christ ? The old man " Buried with Christ"?
The living are not buried only the dead .
Jesus DIED and was buried .and all that was laid on Him with him .
"For He who knew no sin became sin ."
Not only must and should believe in his death and resurrection but we need to understand that we in and through Him died with Him .That filthy and vile sinner you speak of that " body of this death " by our faith in Him died also and was buried .
Indeed by the scriptures it was while we were DEAD in our sins ,Christ died and raised us up together WITH Him .
Ephesians .
Into newness of LIFE not only raised us up together WITH Him but also made us sit together with Him in heavenly places" Ephesians.
How then should we consider ourselves filthy and vile?
How can we call unclean what God has called clean?
How are we so vile on the inside if we are clothed with Christ? Impossible .
For that would make us at best hypocrites far worse it would make God false who is only satisfied with the outward appearance.
But if any man be IN Christ they are a new creation ,behold old things have passed away and behold ALL things have become new "
God does a complete job or a perfect job .Are we saying then we are now sinless and perfect ? No.
For this body is still subject to sin and death and corrupt . But what says the scriptures? "Let not sin REIGN in your mortal body "
Why? Because if sin reigns you will obey .
Christ must reign and if He does you will obey Him
That He would help you to retain information.
And most importantly that He would bless you with the gift of spiritual discernment, so that you will not only be smart, but wise as well.
One can of course humble oneself into hell as many a false religion east or west promotes .
But real humility is a frank and honest appraisal and recognition that we ,you and I are but men and God is God .
The burning bush of Moses was not God ,Nor God the burning bush but God spoke nonetheless from its midst .
Is it not written " Because I do not change oh Jacob you are not consumed"?
And in another place that God " is a consuming fire"?
And was it not one like unto the Son of God who stood with those three in the fiery furnace? Who were not consumed by it ?
Jesus truly is the only way .
Your right though it is a subject littered with mines laid by many a foolish man.
Suffice to say that while we are are using the same word ,' WORKS' a careful and prayerful reading of both James and Paul shows they are speaking about two different sort of works.
I'm not sure then what you mean .GB
Your right though it is a subject littered with mines laid by many a foolish man.
Suffice to say that while we are are using the same word ,' WORKS' a careful and prayerful reading of both James and Paul shows they are speaking about two different sort of works.
In another it is written ,He was "DRIVEN" . Both are right .
In another place " He must needs go to Samaria "
They that are led by the Spirit they are the sons of God" Sometimes also we must needs go or do this .
For the same Holy Spirit that was in Him and led or drove Him dwells also in every true believer .
"For He shall not only be with you but shall be in you and shall abide with you forever "
A true born child of God of the Word and the Spirit have righteous works that will be rewarded . " For He will not forget our labour of love" nor is God any man's debtor .
Thus a child of Gods works will be tested or tried by fire be they wood or stubble or something more lasting ( spiritual ) .
The unconverted will be judged unto condemnation and damnation before God.
The saved will also be judged not unto condemnation but of their deeds done in the body .
Crowns of "righteousness " and of " life" etc are rewards the crown of a martyr can only be won by a true martyr.
All the glory is Gods whatever we do for "He doeth the work " and it is God that workers both to will and to do of His good pleasure " nevertheless is it not written " we are co workers with God"?
The " works" of James and the works of Paul though both using the same word with careful and prayerful reading wil show they are talking about two different sorts of works .
I would say he did, he opened his house for the LORD, he made the LORD the master of his house, so to say he stepped aside.
He drank the suffering laid on him as the will of the LORD, and finally he had empty space within him so the spirit of the LORD's call upon found room to settle and move him forward and up from the tomb.
God bless!
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Please pray with me so despairing souls can find their faith now the world falls apart.