All Discussion PAGE 709

  • Kenneth Morris - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me and especially for my twin brother, Derek Stanley Morris.

    That he would come to a saving faith in our blessed hope Jesus Christ the Lord.

    God bless you brothers and sisters.
  • Martha - 2 years ago
    My husband, Terry, salvation.
  • James - 2 years ago
    My wife and I are early 70s we don't have family near. We will need help as we get older. Not sure what to do.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Gigi. you are welcome.

    God bless you.
  • Bonnie - 2 years ago
    My family is under vierce attack by the evil one.My daughter just found out she has bowel cancer......moveing in with my C.o.p.d. Husband ....... this causes problems beacuse my Husband must watch his health. We are married of 40yrs. My Granddaughter of 5 is gonna live with us and she is always sick so this causes stress with my Husband.......please pray all will work out and all can live in calmness and good Health for the Christmas season. Bonnie
  • Davita - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me to stay healthy. Please pray for my depression and anxiety to go away.please pray for me for God to forgive me for all of my sins I did when I was a young child.please pray for me for God to forgive me for all of my sins I did when I was a young adult.please pray for me for God to forgive me for all if my sins I did now.please pray for me to believe in miracles .please pray for me to be able to find love again in Jesus name amen
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Well done, S. spencer. Thank you for this wonderful teaching from Surgeon.
  • Beth - 2 years ago
    Husbands deliverance from alcohol and restoration of my marriage. Also need a job and place to live.
  • Derrick - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my mother who has been diagnosed with cancer and will be getting treatment soon. That should a miracle healing not take place prior to treatment, it is removed safely, it hasn't spread, it all is removed with no issue, etc. Yet I know where the healing comes from, so clearly a request for much love from above. Thank You, Blessings, and Love
  • Olivia Dotson - 2 years ago
    Please....Pray for my fad.He has melanoma cancer.They remove it and it returns.
  • Charlene Ann Vargason - 2 years ago
    I need prayer for my legs, I can't walk, I have Familial Spastic Paraparesis...the doctor explained it to me 25 years ago as, the nerves in my legs don't send the message to my brain that I want to walk, it's as if they are like an electrical cord where the wires are broken and the cord won't work!
  • Maurice - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my daughter that her results come back negative and that she finds housing. Thank you in Jesus name amen.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Revelation 3:14-21.


    Here I'm skipping alone to C H Spurgeons closing statements.

    "This is my closing word, there is something for us to do in this matter. We must examine ourselves, and we must confess the fault if we have declined in grace. And then we must not talk about setting the church right, we must pray for grace each one for himself, for the text does not say, "If the church will open the door," but "If any man hear my voice and open the door." It must be done by individuals: the church will only get right by each man getting right. Oh, that we might get back into an earnest zeal for our Lord's love and service, and we shall only do so by listening to his rebukes, and then falling into his arms, clasping him once again, and saying, "My Lord and my God." That healed Thomas, did it not? Putting his fingers into the print of the nails, putting his hand into the side, that cured him. Poor, unbelieving, staggering Thomas only had to do that, and he became one of the strongest of believers, and said, "My Lord and my God." You will love your Lord till your soul is as coals of juniper if you will daily commune with him. Come close to him, and once getting close to him, never go away from him anymore. The Lord bless you, dear brethren, the Lord bless you in this thing."

    I believe as brothers in Christ and to be likeminded and of one accord when we come together, and one is teaching or preaching amongst an audience, The person speaking is representing all of us in the eyes of the audience.

    We shouldn't be stuck in the middle or silent if this person is in line with scripture or not.

    Offer them help! They should want it and if not it's not their place to hold back truth.

    In this you can't be partially picking and choosing what should be addressed or who needs to be addressed.

    This is an area where we are fundamentalist in doctrine, but liberal in our walk and this is where lukewarmness is displayed without wealth playing a role.

    Pergamos next-
  • Giannis - 2 years ago
    Hello Towerserource111

    My opinion about your dream and what it means.

    It looks like it is a message from God to you (it also applies to all of us).

    The dragon is obviously the devil.

    The sword in your hands is the Word of God (see God's armour in Ephesians 6:13-17).

    We fight devil not by using human arms, but with God's arms given to us. The fight is strong. Satan doesn't go away/fall down with the first blow. Jesus faced satan in the dessert in the begining of His ministry. That can be seen as a fight of Jesus against the devil. Jesus always faced his attacks only by using the Word of God, nothing else. Satan didn't quit after Jesus answered him the first time, he kept attacking Him even by using himself the Word of God and misinterpreting it. But Jesus was always fighting back using the Word of God. Finally satan left, he lost that fight. But he will come back sometime later on. And again, and again ..., such fights will keep going on until we finally reach the end of our christian course. Notice that satan came to Jesus when He felt hungry. He always comes to us when he sees that we are somehow volnurable, in some sort of need. He always tries to discourage us and make us go back to our old sinful lifes. So keep your faith (which is your shield against his attacks) and fight using the written Word of God. This means that in every challenge/trial/difficulty/temptation in your life do what God advices us to do in His Word, this is the only way to withstand satan's attacks and win.

    What you should do then? Keep reading the Word of God (the Bible) to know how to act in every situation in your life and be always in prayers so that God gives you strength to withstand and fight back. ( Matthew 26:41 "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak"). Also in every matter in your life, do what David was always doing. He was asking God to guide him and tell him what to do. Nothing has changed since that time.

  • Mrs. B.R. - 2 years ago
    Lord heal my (B) right sided rib tenderness and left eye strain headaches, Lord Jehovah Rapha heal my husband (M) left front tooth pain, high blood pressure, and search and heal his body, mind, soul, Jehovah Rapha, heal the "angry" birthmark on Ashley's back, freeze and dry it off, Jehovah Rapha heal Ashley's eczema, Jehovah Rapha, heal the left side of Sarah's head and neck, Jehovah Rapha search our minds, bodies and souls and touch and heal every area that needs healing in all of us, by Your Blood, Mercy, Grace, HOLY Spirit also heal our loved ones, extended and future family members, wherever they may be, Lord protect us all, let nothing be serious, deliver us from every evil, and lead us not into temptation, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Tho I haven't had tv for over 18 yrs. & rarly get on phone cept for this site & Christian movies (if there is such a thing anymore, have you seen one lately? So sad) My kids keep me in the loop & wow...It brings me to tears all the evil going on these days. God created one race, the human race. Depending on the amount of melanin in your skin is what gives us our color. We are equal in every way. Yes some more baggage & hardships & suffering then others but God loves us all, forgave us all & we are to do the same if we want to see His kingdom. Period. Yes, I live under a Rock.! His name is Jesus & I wouldn't have it any other way. Pray for this world & those corrupting it more & more daily. Help others as much as possible not seeking a return favor. Do it in Jesus name for Gods glory. Love, Forgive & pay it forward when you can. I've never been happier even being homeless over a year now. God's blessings to all you wonderful ppl.
  • Texsis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    No. Not even close. The world has 7.837 billion ppl so that was nothing in comparison to what is coming according to bible. 3.5 yrs into the 7 year Tribulation the Antichrist will demand ALL get the mark of the beast to be able to buy & sell for servival. Yet, this is AFTER the dead in Christ are raised & then Christ followers are taken from earth. So if your not already a believer, I'd repent, which is: changing ones mind. God will change your heart.! Your sins have already been forgiven when Jesus died for All people & All their sins, past present & future. The ONLY unforgivable sin is to deny Christ.!
  • Texsis - 2 years ago
    Please everyone, our corrupt world is in dire need of deep earnest prayer DAILY. Try & make it a point to take a few mins, at least, everytime you pray. Pray for Killing of every form, misconstuding & twisting of Gods word, satan's corrupting schools, unbelievers & government. Thank you & blessings to each & everyone.!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello again Richard.

    Thank you for a helpful group of postings today. Much appreciated.
  • Elma Orines - 2 years ago
    Peayer request.pray formy bussiness
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Marimay,

    I have appt. tomorrow with doctor to follow up on the surgery and biopsy. Thank you for praying for a good outcome.

    Thank you for praying for my sons. I, too, pray for you and others and their children who have strayed (on this site). We can stand in the gap for our beloved children until they come to a full measure of faith in Jesus once again.

    As my sons go through their thirties, they are spending more and more time with my hubby and I than they did in their twenties. So I am thankful for that and that God is repairing our relationships.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Part 5 Cross references and interpretations

    The New Testament lists miracles of Christ which can be close enough to likely be the same event which may have varying details revealed in one version; or a different event based on supporting evidence. That would relate to the turning of the moneychangers tables. It appears in John 2:14 and Matthew 21:12-13. The time frame clearly show that it straddled pretty much the whole ministry of Christ (was several years apart). The case in Mark would likely be right before the crucifixion as the text indicates; although for some reason some seem to think He did this 3 times.

    Another time frame issue comes from the verses on the signs given to the early church on healing and tongues that apparently were widespread events at that time. No one can doubt that the scriptures prophesied such things as for instance Isaiah 53 makes clear. The controversy is what is applicable today. It is important to understand that since no one since the time of the Resurrection has escaped physical death than there is a specific application to the dispensation (or time frame) that we are in prophetically. What we can claim as promises need to be looked at with the light of scripture; for even with the case of Paul; Satan gave him a thorn in the flesh and Phillippians 2:27 where Ephaphroditus nearly died and was "sick to death". We can certainly apply a total healing to eventually involve the mind; body and soul or spirit of an individual and also say that He can expidite certain miraculous events when He chooses. We can look to verses on material blessings as well and legitimately claim certain promises; but of course as James warns us if we do it to consume upon our own lusts or are doubleminded we shouldn't expect results.

    Finally; it is important to make sure we are correctly interpreting a a verse as well as connecting it with an appropriate cross reference; and good teaching stills help along with growing in wisdom/truth.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Good Afternoon Richard. I agree with what you said concerning the Dominionist and preterist viewpoints.

    Although I think that Jesus was speaking of the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 specifically, I do think that He was also speaking of what will come in the end of times. So, He was giving a double prophecy, as far as I can tell.

    As far as dominionistic views, I don't think we can ever "prepare the world for Christ's return by taking back dominion of the earth from Satan" (as some hold to). But I do think that we should be on guard against Satan and his works, using offense and defensive measures to sand against Him and the wickedness he brings to mankind and individuals.

    That being said, I agree that we should interpret and apply Scriptures in context and according to the genre of writing that a statement is contained within, not just for prophecy, but for all matters of doctrine and faith.

    Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on this. They are helpful and appreciated.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Part 4 Cross references and applications.

    The application of scripture is also in regard to say various ordinances in the O.T. case specific for the nation of Israel at that time; and that in regard to the ceremonial cleanness and rules and regulations for animal sacrifices which were only a temporary fix for the sin issue which ultimately pointed to the cross at Calvary. The 10 commandments on the other hand have universal applications with the exception of the day of worship which I feel Matthew 12:8 covers. The concept of marriage; for instance is fairly universal and hence as we see with the case of John the Baptist confronting Herod ( Luke 3:19) or God causing plagues on the ruler of Egypt ( Genesis 12:17) we see that even pagans were held to a certain standard of the law. We may see this also in the case of Judges 1:7 where even a pagan realized that what was done to others now was being done to him. This takes some wisdom as well; as we are supposed to if at all possible to remain peaceable upon all men and to respect authority. (see Romans 12:18).

    We should certainly take things literally that are repeated in scripture such as verses in Deuteronomy on the giants; since other scriptures elaborate on the subject (such as 1 Samuel 17). Same concept for the demons mentioned in Revelation; for example. This has an eschatological ramification as well; for scripture makes it clear that there is nothing new under the sun. ( Ecclesiastes 1:9). We can make all sorts of inferences when we see the descriptions in scripture of those who are said to be affected by demons (i.e. psychological analysis) but we shouldn't do violence to clear meanings because of a myopic viewpoint (as I stated before).

    Another possible error is if a more recent archaeological site makes a previous interpretation archaic as to the time frame when or where a certain event or place with the same or similar name occurred.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Part 3: Context in cross references

    The danger of Dominionists is that they think that they can rule and reign on the earth; making the world "ready" for Christ's appearance by somehow taking over a world that God Himself has allowed Satan to usurp to ultimately accomplish His purposes.

    They enjoy taking verses such as Joel 2:30-31 and verses in Revelation on a countless multitude chapter 7 verse 9 and think that despite verses to the contrary on many falling away from the faith in the last days that any "revival" must be from God. Satan Himself according to the book of Jude must be properly addressed; even Michael had to show deference to the Lord when he rebuked him ( Jude 1:9). The obvious conclusion to this situation is that we should never apply a meaning to a specific passage that clearly contradicts the rest of scripture as a whole. The same problem exists for Preterists who use verses that seem to clearly indicate the Transfiguration ( Matthew 17) and somehow seem to think it can be proven that Christ physically returned in AD 70. Doctrinally speaking as I have alluded to in my earlier statements; if we for instance dogmatically state that God is finished with the nation of Israel as a whole and attribute all passages as symbolic or a description of the church today we get ourselves into trouble.

    There is also the proper application of cross references. Jesus; for example laid out two concepts (loving God and your neighbor) as the SUM of the law (see Matthew 22:36-40). However; the law itself was superceded as it were with grace. That meant more STRINGENT applications as were brought up with the subject of thoughts related to adultery and hatred also brought up by Christ. (see Matthew 5:17-30). The concept of covenants in scripture is equally valid; as I see it with dispensations as there are multiple covenants (some for Israel; and the only one for the church being the New Covenant). Even that won't be totally fulfilled until the Millennium.
  • Mr Ferreira - 2 years ago
    Good day,

    Please pray for me to have the interpretation of tongues

    Thank you so much
  • Towerserource111 - 2 years ago
    I had a dream that i was fighting a dragon . All along as the lord was behind me guiding me as fought this dragon. The lord instructed me to kill the dragon. As i spoke the word of God to this dragon it angered. I kept my faith and spoke the scripture. The dragon finally fell down and died. As i turned to the lord to celebrate the victory. He spoke to me and said " Be not Deceived ,he is aliar"..... i turned around to look back at the dragon and it started to rise up . This time i felt what it represented , Death and drugs . As the dragon rose up it grew bigger and meaner . As i saw my self standing there this time .i had the long beautiful bright shining sword in my hands . and it had power you see the power of it glowing of it was beautiful long and sharp it took both of my hands just to hold it . The Lord looked at me and said Son cut of his head.. i did just that and it sliced thru it its neck like nothing before i had seen cut so sharp clean cut. To my surprise the dragon head did not fall off i turn around and the Lord spoke to me again and said now speak my word to the beast .and as i did and the more i spoke scripture it it started to slide down where the clean sharp sword had sliced threw it. Fire started to sphew out the dragons mouth as it angered more and more . Faith believing not given any doubt i contuied to speak the scripture until itts head finally fell off and the dragon was slayed......

    My question is what does this mean and what am i supossed to do and what am i supposed to pray . any one know please pray for me and my walk with God!
  • Sammy Perez - 2 years ago
    I ask that you pray for Amber Taylor of Giddings Texas for healing and deliverance. in the name of Jesus . She has suffered a hearth attack last night 11/25/2022. She is currently at the Heart Hospital of Austin! Pray that the lord delivers her and has his way with her. That she repents and he fills her with the holy ghost full of fire for him. thank you all Sammy Perez.
  • Marimay - In Reply on Exodus 20 - 2 years ago
    Amen! God is great! The Alpha and The Omega

    God is omnipotent and omnipresent

    He loves us so much! ( John 3:16)
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen Adam.

    I'm surprised this got passed the moderators.

    However, it's ironic, I was going to be dealing with this type of heresy suffered and allowed to be presented without rebuke has caused division but when you see this you know that person is being spirit led. Weve seen this on several occasions, "Whos has Gods favor" Brown eyes, blue eyes, they argue genealogy. ect.ect. Weve had one of these "self-claimed" scholars present these racial teachings in their discussions a while back.

    There fighting over the inheritance of Adam and have no knowledge of the new birth. Galatians 3:28.


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